10 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Suplementasi Vitamin a Dosis Tinggi Terhadap Tingkat Penyembuhan Dan Status Imun Anak Balita Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru

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    Effectiveness of High Dose Vitamin A Supplementation on The Recovery Rate and Immune Status of Underfive Children Suffering From Tuberculosis.Tuberculosis (TB), the infectious disease, is still one of the health problems in Indonesia. TB does not just make the people sick physically, but also interfere the immunity. As we have known that vitamin A can improve the immunity. The aimed of this randomized double blind study was to know the effect of high dose vitamin A on the improvement, immune status and the relationship between vitamin A and immune status in TB. Sixtyfive underfive children were selected from the Pediatrics Wards for out patient in Salak and Clsarua Hospital. They were grouped into 11 treatment group who received standard regimen therapy for TB plus high dose vitamin A in each month for 6 months and 21 control group who received the same TB regimen plus placebo also in each month for 6 months. Data on physical examination, weight, height, hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Ht), blood sedimen rate (BSR), serum vitamin A, immunoglobulin G (IgG) to TB, chest X ray (CXR) and food consumption were collected before and after (6 months) intervention. Information on morbidity and socioeconomic also were recorded. To evaluate the degree of improvement, score on nutritional status, BSR and CXR were made. The results showed that after 6 month there were improvement in anthropometry status, morbidity rate, Hb, Ht, BSR, IgG and CXR for both groups. The treatment group was improved in 7.2% subjects meanwhile the control group was improved in 58% subjects. Analysis for scoring improvement showed that the treatment group had better improvement 2,4 times than the control group. The conclusions are that the high dose vitamin A has a positive effect on the recovery and immune status of underfive children suffering TB. This study suggests to give high dose vitamin A to the regimen therapy for TB in children to get better results

    Tingkat Kesembuhan Tb Paru Pada Anak Balita Yang Mendapat Suplementasi Vitamin a Dosis Tinggi

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    THE RECOVERY RATE OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OF THE UNDERFIVE CHILDREN SUPPLEMENTED BY HIGHDOSE VITAMIN A.Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common cause of death among other Infection disease. It Is recognized thattuberculosis affects various age groups, Including underfive children. The complete and fast treatments are needed to reduce the prevalence and Incidence of TB in the communities. Considering the role of vitamin A In reducing the severely of Infection, supplementation of hlghdose (200.000 IU) vitamin A in every two months for 6 months will be helpful to increase recovery rate of pulmonary tuberculosis.Design: This study was conducted at the hospital in Bogor region. Sample size was 66 children of underfive years old, whowere suffered pulmonary TB according to Mantoux test, clinical examination, and chest x-ray (CXR). Physical examination, morbidity, and anthropometric data were assessed every month. Food consumption recall, serum vitamin A concentration, hemoglobin content, hematocrit, blood sedimen rate (BSR), and CXR were assessed at 0 and 6 months. The children wererandomly assigned to either vitamin A-supplemented (AS, n=33) group or vitamin A-unsupplemented (AUS, n=37). All of the children were treated by isoniazide, ethambutol and rifampicin. The recovery rate was assessed according to the score of 3 variabels: nutrition status, BSR, and CXR.Results: Nutrition status and hemoglobin increased significantly in both groups (p<0,05). The clinical symptoms subsided and BSR decreased in both groups, but was not significant different between groups. The CXR data showed there were improvement in 84,5% of AS group and 67,7% of AUS group. There were scoring improvement of the recovery rate in bothgroups, but was not significant different between groups.Conclusions: There was significant relation between vitamin A status and the recovery rate of pulmonary tuberculosis, but was not significant different between groups


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    THE RECOVERY RATE OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS OF THE UNDERFIVE CHILDREN SUPPLEMENTED BY HIGHDOSE VITAMIN A.Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common cause of death among other Infection disease. It Is recognized thattuberculosis affects various age groups, Including underfive children. The complete and fast treatments are needed to reduce the prevalence and Incidence of TB in the communities. Considering the role of vitamin A In reducing the severely of Infection, supplementation of hlghdose (200.000 IU) vitamin A in every two months for 6 months will be helpful to increase recovery rate of pulmonary tuberculosis.Design: This study was conducted at the hospital in Bogor region. Sample size was 66 children of underfive years old, whowere suffered pulmonary TB according to Mantoux test, clinical examination, and chest x-ray (CXR). Physical examination, morbidity, and anthropometric data were assessed every month. Food consumption recall, serum vitamin A concentration, hemoglobin content, hematocrit, blood sedimen rate (BSR), and CXR were assessed at 0 and 6 months. The children wererandomly assigned to either vitamin A-supplemented (AS, n=33) group or vitamin A-unsupplemented (AUS, n=37). All of the children were treated by isoniazide, ethambutol and rifampicin. The recovery rate was assessed according to the score of 3 variabels: nutrition status, BSR, and CXR.Results: Nutrition status and hemoglobin increased significantly in both groups (p<0,05). The clinical symptoms subsided and BSR decreased in both groups, but was not significant different between groups. The CXR data showed there were improvement in 84,5% of AS group and 67,7% of AUS group. There were scoring improvement of the recovery rate in bothgroups, but was not significant different between groups.Conclusions: There was significant relation between vitamin A status and the recovery rate of pulmonary tuberculosis, but was not significant different between groups.Keywords: tuberculosis, vitamin A supplementation, recovery rat

    Uji Coba Pemulihan Gizi Buruk Cara Klinik Gizi Puslitbang Gizi Di Posyandu

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    Trial The Management of Severe Malnourished Children of Nutrition Clinic Method, The Nutrition Research and Development Centre at Village Level.Background: Managerrent of severe malnutrition recommended by WHO should be in hospital. For family with severe malnourished child, generally poor, hospitalization means spend a lot of money. The alternative method is the out patient management developed by Nutrition Clinic of the Nutrition Research ard Development Centre.Objectives: To study the effectiveneess of management for severe malnourished of Nutrition Clinic method in village level (posyandu) by village cadre.Methods: The study was carried out at 4 sub-districts in Bogor and Sukabumi, West Java. Sixty under-five children for group 1 and 60 for group 2 were selected. Three to five posyandu\u27s cadres were selected in each village. Visit schedule to posyandu for group 1 was similar to that Nutrition Clinic while group 2 was every 1 week. Nutrition package for group 1 and 2 was same. Data collection included body measurements, morbiddity and food consumption. Observation to the cadres performance include ownership and he use of guidance book.Results: Seven percent of children aged 6-11 months, 20% aged 12-17 months, 60% aged 18-35 months and 13% aged > 36 months. Around 30% of children had been grven fruit and porridge on the age 1-4 months old. Nutritional status improved variously depended on the nutritional indices. Energy consumption was low but protein consumption had reached the recommended allowance. Compliance to come to posyandu and nutrition package was high.Conclusions: Around 10% of cchildren had changed from under-weight to well-nourished, but most of severe malnourished children remained severe in 3 months. Stunted was over 75% and remained stunted in 3 months. Wasted was 50% and began to decline in 3 months. The average of weight increment in 3 months was 0,6 kg. Cadre could give simple education to mothers using the available guidance book.Recommendations: To use wasted as an indicator in the evaluation of management of severe malnutrition. Active role of health Centre is needed to have maximum effect of the implementation of Nutrition Clinic method at village level

    Prevalensi Anemia Dan Thalasemia Karier Pada Kelompok Wanita Usia Subur (Wus)

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    Status Gizi Mikro (Tembaga, Seng dan Kronium), Pengetahuan Gizi dan Keadaan Gizi Lebih pada Pria Pekerja

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    Sekarang ini ada kecenderungan bahwa penyakit degeneratif meningkat peranannya sebagai penyebab kematian. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya penyakit degeneratif adalah karena perolehan zat gizi makro dan zat gizi mikro tidak seimbang. Zat gizi mikro yang mendapat perhatian saat ini adalah tembaga, seng dan kromium. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran bagaimana keadaan ketiga zat gizi mikro tersebut pada laki-laki yang mempunyai gizi lebih, telah dilakukan penelitian status gizi mikro (tembaga, seng dan kromium), pengetahuan gizi dan keadaan gizi lebih pada laki-laki pekerja di beberapa instansi pemerintah. Sampel secara purposive dibagi menjadi kelompok tidak gemuk (gizi normal) dan kelompok gemuk (gizi lebih). Kedua kelompok diperiksa secara klinis; diambil darah untuk dilihat status tembaga, seng, kromium, kolesterol, LDL dan trigliserida, serta diwawancarai mengenai pengetahuan gizi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa median nilai tembaga, seng dan kromium pada kedua kelompok ada pada batas normal. Pada kelompok tidak gemuk, nilai median tembaga, seng dan kromium masing-masing yaitu 99 ug/dl, 77 ug/dl dan 2.7 ug/dl, sedangkan pada kelompok gemuk nilai median masing-masing yaitu 97 ug/dl, 79 ug/dl dan 6.2 ng/ml. Kadar rata-rata kolesterol, LDL dan trigliserida pada kelompok tidak gemuk masing-masing yaitu 210.75±29.7518, 136.73±32.5781 dan 168.48±56.0037; sedangkan pada kelompok gemuk nilainya masing-masing yaitu 237.00±43.7364, 148.10±47.1924 dan 209.93±60.2198. Nilai kolesterol dan LDL pada kedua kelompok ada pada batas normal, sedangkan nilai trigliserida kedua kelompok tersebut tidak normal. Nilai rata-rata kolesterol, trigliserida dan LDL lebih tinggi pada kelompok gemuk. Uji beda kolesterol, trigliserida dan LDL diantara kedua kelompok berbeda bermakna hanya pada kolesterol dan trigliserida (p<0.05). Tidak ada korelasi yang bermakna antara masing-masing unsur mikro dengan kadar lemak kolesterol, LDL ataupun trigliserida (p>0.05). Rasio seng terhadap tembaga lebih besar atau sama dengan satu yang dapat meningkatkan lemak aterogenik (kolesterol, trigliserida dan LDL) terdapat lebih banyak pada kelompok gemuk. Kurang dari 50% sampel pada masing-masing kelompok merasa dirinya gemuk, kurang tahu patokan gemuk dan tidak tahu cara menilai berat badan. Kebanyakan sampel takut gemuk karena takut sakit dan hanya sedikit yang beralasan karena menjaga penampilan. Memperbanyak makan sayur dan buah untuk menurunkan berat badan lebih banyak diketahui oleh kelompok gemuk (50%). Olahraga adalah USAha yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh kedua kelompok untuk menurunkan berat badan


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    Effectiveness of High Dose Vitamin A Supplementation on The Recovery Rate and Immune Status of Underfive Children Suffering From Tuberculosis.Tuberculosis (TB), the infectious disease, is still one of the health problems in Indonesia. TB does not just make the people sick physically, but also interfere the immunity. As we have known that vitamin A can improve the immunity. The aimed of this randomized double blind study was to know the effect of high dose vitamin A on the improvement, immune status and the relationship between vitamin A and immune status in TB. Sixtyfive underfive children were selected from the Pediatrics Wards for out patient in Salak and Clsarua Hospital. They were grouped into 11 treatment group who received standard regimen therapy for TB plus high dose vitamin A in each month for 6 months and 21 control group who received the same TB regimen plus placebo also in each month for 6 months. Data on physical examination, weight, height, hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Ht), blood sedimen rate (BSR), serum vitamin A, immunoglobulin G (IgG) to TB, chest X ray (CXR) and food consumption were collected before and after (6 months) intervention. Information on morbidity and socioeconomic also were recorded. To evaluate the degree of improvement, score on nutritional status, BSR and CXR were made. The results showed that after 6 month there were improvement in anthropometry status, morbidity rate, Hb, Ht, BSR, IgG and CXR for both groups. The treatment group was improved in 7.2% subjects meanwhile the control group was improved in 58% subjects. Analysis for scoring improvement showed that the treatment group had better improvement 2,4 times than the control group. The conclusions are that the high dose vitamin A has a positive effect on the recovery and immune status of underfive children suffering TB. This study suggests to give high dose vitamin A to the regimen therapy for TB in children to get better results.Keywords: tuberculosis, vitamin A supplementation, IgG, recovery rate.</p