49 research outputs found

    Nilai Pembelajaran dari Pemanfaatan Tinggalan Jepang dalam Konsep Open Air-Museum di Situs Kendari II Airfield (Lanud HLO), Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara

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    This article aims to examine the value of learning from the utilization of the Kendari II Airfield site which is a relic of the Japanese Occupation era through the open air-museum concept. This research is a qualitative research with literature review, data collection through literature study and secondary data search in the form of archive data, maps, and documents related to Japanese remains found on the Kendari II Airfield site. Through the concept of learning that can be classified based on knowledge and understanding, skills, attitudes and values, fun and creativity, activity and behavior, it can be concluded that historical remains at the Kendari II Airfield site which is used as an open-air museum have potential value as one of the alternative in history learning

    Intramolecular Arene C−H to C−P Functionalization Mediated by Nickel(II) and Palladium(II)

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    A tris(phosphine) ligand with a triarylbenzene backbone was employed to support mono-nickel(II) and -palladium(II) complexes. Two phosphine arms coordinated to the metal center, while the third phosphine was found to form a C–P bond with dearomatization of the central arene. Deprotonation effected the rearomatization of the central ring and metal reduction from M(II) to M(0). The overall conversion corresponds to a functionalization of an unactivated arene C–H bond to a C–P bond. This transformation represents a rare type of mechanism of C–H functionalization, facilitated by the interactions of the group 10 metal with the arene π system. This conversion is reminiscent of and expands the scope of recently reported intramolecular rearrangements of biaryl phosphine ligands common in group 10 catalysis

    PERTIMBANGAN EKOLOGIS DALAM PENEMPATAN TINGGALAN MEGALITIK (Studi Kasus terhadap Sebaran Tinggalan Megalitik di Kawasan Jarai, Kabupaten Lahat, Sumatera Selatan)

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    Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang kaitan antara persebaran tinggalanbudaya megalitik di Kawasan Jarai, Kabupaten Lahat , Sumatera Selatan dan hubungan keberadaan situs tersebut dengan lingkungan fisikdisekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengungkapkan pertimbangan ekologis yang mempengaruhipemilihan lokasi penempatan tinggalan megalitik di Kawasan Jarai. Dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui kaitanantara sebaran yang terbentuk dengan keadaan lingkungan sekitar yang mendukungnya. Model pendekatanyang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu keruangan skala makro dengan menggunakan sistem informasigeografis sebagai analisis pendukung. Berdasarkan penelitian ini didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa polapersebaran situs tinggalan budaya megalitik yang terbentuk berkaitan erat dengan sumber daya lingkunganyang ada di sekitarnya.This research explained about spread of megalithic site and its environment context at Jarai, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra. The objective of this research toexplore the reason of megalithic placing in Jarairegion. This research well focused at archaeological-spatial with macro-scale and the geographic informationsystem as analysis method.Based on this research, it is found of spread of megalithic sites be related to naturalresources around that

    Identifikasi Gambar Cadas di Situs Gua Liang Kobori Kabupaten Muna

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    Muna merupakan wilayah yang banyak tersebar peninggalan arkeologi berupa gua. Gua Liang Kabori merupakan salah satu situs gambar cadas yang terdapat di kabupaten tersebut. Gua Liang Kabori terletak di Desa Liang Kabori, Kecamatan Lohia, Kabupaten Muna. Gua Liang Kobori memiliki variasi gambar cadas yang berbeda dengan situs lain di wilayah Sulawesi Tenggara. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian disitus tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk dan variasi gambar cadas pada Situs Gua Liang Kabori. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah pengumpulan data lapangan berupa perekaman gambar dengan cara reproduksi gambar dengan skala 1:1. Selain itu, pengelompokkan gambar menggunakan klasifikasi dan deskriptif untuk  mengetahui keragaman bentuk gambar cadas pada situs Gua Liang Kabori. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan penulis, diketahui bahwa terdapat 186 motif gambar yang tersebar pada 46 panil. Gambar-gambar tersebut memiliki bentuk yang bervariasi baik dari segi motif maupun cara penggambarannya. Adapun variasi gambar tersebut terdiri dari motif figuratif; manusia, binatang dan tumbuhan. Sedangkan motif non figuratif terbagi dua yaitu geometris dan abstrak


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    The Wita Teresa cave site is one of caves that have a lot of rock art images. The site is on the Padalere village the main district of Wiwirano District of North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The research was to identify images and typology of images on the Wita Teresa cave. Then, the methods in thesse study are used collection of data, recording of data, and data processing that use image software to enhance image by image and to use of CorrelDraw X7 software to reproduce the picture. Studies have shown that the Wita Teresa cave site has 15 panels with the number of images found in it as 125. The rock image in the Wita Terea Cave consists of 7 basic motifs. Of the 7 basic motifs, there are 21 types of the image.     Situs Gua Wita Teresa merupakan salah satu gua yang memiliki gambar cadas. Situs tersebut berada di Desa Padalere Utama Kecamatan Wiwirano Kabupaten Konawe Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dan mengidentifiasi motif gambar dan tipologi gambar cadas yang ada di Situs Gua Wita Teresa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengumpulan data, perekaman data serta pengolahan data yang menggunaan Software ImagJ untuk mengangkat gambar lebih jelas dan menggunakan Software CorelDraw X7 untuk mereprodusi gambar. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa Situs Gua Wita Teresa memiliki 15 panel dengan jumlah gambar yang telah ditemukan yaitu 125 gambar. Gambar Cadas di Gua Wita Teresa terdiri dari tujuh motif dasar. Dari tujuh motif dasar tersebut didapatkan gambar sebanyak 21 tipologi.The Wita Teresa cave site is one of caves that have a lot of rock art images. The site is on the Padalere village the main district of Wiwirano District of North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The research was to identify images and typology of images on the Wita Teresa cave. Then, the methods in thesse study are used collection of data, recording of data, and data processing that use image software to enhance image by image and to use of CorrelDraw X7 software to reproduce the picture. Studies have shown that the Wita Teresa cave site has 15 panels with the number of images found in it as 125. The rock image in the Wita Terea Cave consists of 7 basic motifs. Of the 7 basic motifs, there are 21 types of the image.     Situs Gua Wita Teresa merupakan salah satu gua yang memiliki gambar cadas. Situs tersebut berada di Desa Padalere Utama Kecamatan Wiwirano Kabupaten Konawe Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dan mengidentifiasi motif gambar dan tipologi gambar cadas yang ada di Situs Gua Wita Teresa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengumpulan data, perekaman data serta pengolahan data yang menggunaan Software ImagJ untuk mengangkat gambar lebih jelas dan menggunakan Software CorelDraw X7 untuk mereprodusi gambar. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa Situs Gua Wita Teresa memiliki 15 panel dengan jumlah gambar yang telah ditemukan yaitu 125 gambar. Gambar Cadas di Gua Wita Teresa terdiri dari tujuh motif dasar. Dari tujuh motif dasar tersebut didapatkan gambar sebanyak 21 tipologi


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    Based on preliminary observations at Ilete Cave located in Ululere Village, Bungku Timur District, Morowali Regency. In Ilet Cave there are quite a lot of archeological findings such as bones, earthenware fragments, and conch shells. The following environment around the Ilete Cave is composed of the surrounding community plantation land. Based on the issues raised in this study are: (1) What is included in the Ilete Cave of East Bungku District. (2) How is the function of the Cave based on the findings in the Cave Ilete, East Bungku District, Morowali Regency. This study uses the archeological theory of cultural history. This type of research used in this study is qualitative inductive criminal model. Data collection in this research was carried out through literature study, observation or field survey, observation and interview. Analysis of the data applied by the historical method then begins with contextual analysis. The research site shows that the Ilete Cave Site has several artifacts such as pottery fragments, ceramic fragments, bone fragments, teeth and mollusk fragments the authors draw conclusions of the Cave site with the community and reading results. &nbsp


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    Benteng Tomoahi merupakan peninggalan warisan leluhur yang menjadi saksi sejarah dan cerminan kehidupan masa lampau karena memiliki riwayat yang bersejarah dalam melawan serangan pasukan Tobelo. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan apa saja tinggalan yang terdapat pada situs Benteng Tomoahi (2) untuk mengetahui fungsi Benteng Tomoahi berdasarkan tinggalannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep arkeologi keruangan dan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka, observasi lapangan, serta tahap pengolahan data analisis kontekstual dan morfologi dalam menjawab permasalah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tinggalan arkeologi yang terdapat pada situs Benteng yaitu Benteng Tomoahi mempunyai 3 gerbang, 2 bastion dan temuan lepas berupa pecahan keramik, gerabah dan berbagai macam kulit kerang. Sedangkan untuk fungsi Benteng Tomoahi yakni Sebagai tempat pemukiman, dan sebagai tempat pertahanan dan keamanan

    The Impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on Employment in Indonesia

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    This research was conducted to find out the impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on employment in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with data in the form of literature review and analyzed with content analysis. The results of this study indicate that the 4.0 industrial revolution has hit the world, including Indonesia. The basis of the 4.0 Indonesian Revolution lies in the progress in communication and connectivity compared to technology. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 was marked by the emergence of technological breakthroughs in a number of fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, nano technology, quantum computing, biotechnology, the Internet of Thing (IoT), 3D printing, and autonomous vehicles. This revolution creates opportunities and of course saves the various challenges that must be faced. The industrial revolution has significantly affected labor aspects. The policies that can be taken by the government to improve labor capabilities are: First, harmonization of standardization and competency certification through cross-sectoral, cross-regional, and cross-country business partner cooperation, within the framework of market openness. Second, the development of partnership programs between the government and business / industry and between the central government and regional governments to improve the quality of the workforce. Third, improving governance in organizing training programs to accelerate worker certification. Fourth, expanding economies of scale towards sectors / sub-sectors with high productivity. The conclusions of this research: increasing the workforce and decreasing unemployment, as well as the increasing number of young people who succeed in digital business, shows that Indonesia has successfully exploited the opportunities of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Keywords: Industrial Revolution 4.0, Technology, Labo


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    This research aims to describes the descriptives (1).The characteristics of the architectures of ancient Bungku mosque,(2) The function of ancientBungku Mosque (3) The factors that influenced the Architecturecharacteristics ancient Bungku mosqueThis research uses the archaeological theory (the cultural history theory)with architectural approaches. The methods which have been used in this research is descriptive and qualitativealong with the reasoning of analytical descriptives by applying the three forms of analytical approaches which ismorphological, technological and stylistic analysis.The result of this research showed that ancient of BungkuMosque has the characteristics of the architect which can be seen from its dome at the top of the roof with thefive limasan roof styles wich is gets smaller to the top and have the five Islamic pillars and five time daily prayers.At the top of the dome there is Alif pole and inside the mosque there are four main pillars wich was designed withthe rectangles, has one main door, have the mihrab and pulpit, the space of the main room was used for the menas well as having the porch, the function of the mosque is the Jami mosque and the place to pray/recite. As forthe dome of the ancient of bungku mosque was influenced by the Islamic in Ternate, the stages of roof and thelotus flower decoration on the pulpit of the ancient of Bungku mosque was influencedby the styles of the mosquein the Ternate’s sultanate.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara deskriptif mengenai (1) karakteristik arsitektur MasjidTua Bungku (2) fungsi yang terdapat pada Masjid Tua Bungku (3) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi karakteristikaksitektur Masjid Tua Bungku. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori arkeologi (teori sejarah budaya) denganpendekatanarsitektur. Metode penetian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan penalaran deskriptif-analitis daninterpretatif dengan menerapkan tiga bentuk analisis yaitu analisis morfologi, teknologi dan stilistik. Hasilpenelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Masjid Tua Bungku secara kesulurahan karakteristik arsitektur atapnyaberbentuk pelana dengan rangka atap limasan bersusun lima semakin atas semakin kecil memiliki filosofi rukunislam dan shalat lima waktu, diatas kubah terdapat tiang alif didalam masjid terdapat empat tiang utama,berdenah empat persegi panjang, memiliki satu pintu, memiliki mihrab dan mimbar, ruang utama hanyadigunakan untuk pria sertamemiliki serambi, fungsi masjid sebagai masjid jami dan tempat berhalwat/berdzikir.kubah pada Masjid Tua Bungku dipengaruhi oleh islam yang dibawah oleh Ternate, tingkatan pada atap danragam hias bunga teratai pada mimbar Masjid Tua Bungku dipengaruhi oleh Masjid kesultanan Ternate

    Trinuclear Nickel Complexes with Metal–Arene Interactions Supported by Tris- and Bis(phosphinoaryl)benzene Frameworks

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    Triphosphine and diphosphine ligands with backbones designed to facilitate metal–arene interactions were employed to support multinuclear Ni complexes. Di- and trinuclear metal complexes supported by a triphosphine containing a triarylbenzene linker display diverse metal–arene binding modes. Multinuclear Ni halide complexes were isolated with strongly interacting metal centers bound to opposite faces of the coordinated arene. Upon reaction of the trinickel diiodide complex 2 with disodium tetracarbonylferrate, a cofacial triangulo nickel(0) complex, 4, was isolated. The Ni^(0)_(3) cluster motif can also be supported by a para-terphenyl diphosphine, where a terminal carbon monoxide ligand replaces the third phosphine donor. All multinuclear complexes feature strong metal–arene interactions, demonstrating the use of an arene as a versatile ligand design element for small clusters