10 research outputs found

    Determinanty płodności kobiet w Stanach Zjednoczonych: przegląd wyników badań

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    The Determinants of Fertility of Women in the USAIn the last 20 years the United States, in contrast to European Union countries, has not experienced a reduction in fertility. The socio-economic determinants of fertility of women are widely discussed in the literature. Fertility of women in the United States is determined by many factors, including religion, education, income, place of birth, ethnicity, immigration status, marital status and age. The presented paper reviews results of selected studies published in the last 40 years in demographic journals and focuses on the relationship between religion, income, education and immigration status and fertility of women in the United States

    Fertility of immigrants and non-immigrants in the United States

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    The paper deals with fertility determinants in the populations of immigrants and nonimmigrants in the United States. We consider determinants as follows: age, marital status, education, religion, and race and Hispanic origin. The analyses show that a relation between fertility and place of birth was statistically significant in both populations, women and men. We prove that migration is a major source of variation in fertility between immigrants and non-immigrants, which may lead to the postponement of maternity or marriage. Finally, we find that a duration of residence is positively correlated with fertility among US immigrants

    Multiple classification analysis. Theory and application to Demography

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    Model analizy klasyfikacji wielokrotnej (MCA) jest addytywnym modelem mającym szersze możliwości zastosowania niż, np. modele regresji liniowej. Przede wszystkim ze względu na to, gdyż zmienne w modelu MCA mogą pochodzić ze skal np. przedziałowej czy nominalnej. Poza tym, możliwe jest określenie stopnia wpływu zmiennych niezależnych zarówno przed jak i po uwzględnieniu zmiennych kontrolnych. Wreszcie, nie jest wymagane spełnienie założenia liniowej zależności pomiędzy rozważanymi zmiennymi. Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie modelu MCA w analizie wpływu poziomu dochodu na planowaną płodność Amerykanek

    Multiple classification analysis. Theory and application to Demography

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    Model analizy klasyfikacji wielokrotnej (MCA) jest addytywnym modelem mającym szersze możliwości zastosowania niż, np. modele regresji liniowej. Przede wszystkim ze względu na to, gdyż zmienne w modelu MCA mogą pochodzić ze skal np. przedziałowej czy nominalnej. Poza tym, możliwe jest określenie stopnia wpływu zmiennych niezależnych zarówno przed jak i po uwzględnieniu zmiennych kontrolnych. Wreszcie, nie jest wymagane spełnienie założenia liniowej zależności pomiędzy rozważanymi zmiennymi. Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie modelu MCA w analizie wpływu poziomu dochodu na planowaną płodność Amerykanek

    Podatki dochodowe a funkcje polityki finansowej

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    Paper presents theoretical issues of fiscal policy created by income taxes. Fulfilment of goverment fiscal policy gives base for distinguishing three function of financial policy: stabilization, allocation and redistributive functions. These functions are analyzed from the point of view of their specificity and ways of interactions income taxes on social and economic phenomena

    Inncome taxes and managers’ decision

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    The article presents theoretical issues of legal form of tax optimization on the firm level. Paper present also ways of using proper tax constructions, tax planning and legal regulations as a form of creating a competitive adventage in a field of taxation, costs and a planning of reduction a tax burden. Article discusses models of theoretical forms of reduction of tax burden in conditions of domestic markets equal, as well as international

    The determinants of fertility of women in the USA

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    In the last 20 years the United States, in contrast to European Union countries, has not experienced a reduction in fertility. The socio-economic determinants of fertility of women are widely discussed in the literature. Fertility of women in the United States is determined by many factors, including religion, education, income, place of birth, ethnicity, immigration status, marital status and age. The presented paper reviews results of selected studies published in the last 40 years in demographic journals and focuses on the relationship between religion, income, education and immigration status and fertility of women in the United States

    The operational priorities in the management of production : a difficult compromise or the situation of being complementary to one another

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    Competitive priorities of low cost, quality, delivery, and flexibility, are a key strategic choice in the process of designing an effective operations strategy. They guide operations managers in developing manufacturing capabilities that enhance the firm's competitive position in the marketplace. In this study, we review both theoretical and empirical literature on competitive priorities. In particular, we discuss the available models of choice for competitive priorities: the trade-off model, the cumulative model, and the integrative approach. We identify critical questions that can guide the future research on operations strategies followed by Polish manufacturing firms