79 research outputs found


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    Background: Elderly with imbalance is one of the occurrence falls that lead to injury. Range of motion exercises is a cycle activity that improve the function of the limb and mobilization. This study aimed to the effect of range of motion exercise at lower limb to elderly postural balance in Posyandu Alamanda 99 Jember lor Village District Jember. Methodology: The design of this study was pre experimental, 16 elderly over 60 years as sample of this study by taking simple random sampling technique. Postural balance assessment done every sunday for three weeks. Analysis of the data using ANOVA test. Result: The results of data analysis showed p value of 0.002 means there was a significant increased in the value of body balance after active range of motion exercise at lower limb. The result of Post Hoc Test showed an increase in the average balance value of the most significant after 3 weeks of exercising. Conclusion: Advice of the results study are range of motion exercises at lower limb can be performed in the elderly among community and can be taught through elderly activities in integrated health service post. Keywords: Range of motion exercise, postural balance, elderl


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    Families have an important role in fulfilling enough nutrition in children. Hence, family quality life greatly affects in fulfilling nutritional status. The aimed of this study was to analyze the relationship of family quality of life and nutritional status among under five children. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 248 family using consecutive sampling. A self-administered questionnaire was used to measure sociodemographic of family and their children, while the Family Quality of Life Questionnaire was used to analyze the quality of family life and Anthropometric calculations based on BB/U, TB/U and BB/TB with the interpretation of z-score used to analyze nutritional status among under five children. The relationship between the quality of family life and the nutritional status among under five children was analyzed by Kruskal Wallis. This study showed children with nutrition based on BB/U 303 children, based on TB/U 226 children, and based on BB/TB 344 children. There were a significantly relationship between FQOL and nutritional status of children (p-value < 0,05). The study concludeed, FQOL relationship with the nutritional status of children. Therefore, the improve the quality of family life in order to improve the nutritional status of children who are more normal to prevent disruption in the growth and development of children

    Pengaruh Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) terhadap Resiko Terjadinya Ulkus Diabetik pada Pasien Rawat Jalan dengan Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Tipe 2 di RSD dr. Soebandi Jember (The Influence of Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) to The Risk

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    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a glucose metabolism disorders caused by insulin resistance and impaired of insulin secretion and it can cause any chronic complications, such as diabetic ulcers. Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) can facilitate patients’s knowledge, skills, and abilities for self-care to prevent diabetic ulcers. This research was intended to analyze the influence of DSME to the risk of diabetic ulcers on Type 2 DM outpatients. The research method was quasi experimental with pre-test and post-test with control group design and used consequtive sampling with 40 Type 2 DM respondents divided into 2 groups. Data were analyzed by using Paired T-test and Independent T-test with 95% of CI. The research results showed that P value of Paired T-test in experimental group is 0,000 and 0,015 in control group, while P value of Independent T-test was 0,001 (p < α ; α = 0,05). The conclusion of this research is there was an influence of DSME to reduce the risk of diabetic ulcers on Type 2 DM outpatients in dr. Soebandi Hospital Jember. It is suggested that nurses can provide DSME to prevent diabetic ulcers on Type 2 DM patients and using DSME as a health promotion program.   Keywords: diabetes mellitus, diabetic ulcers, DSME, self car

    Parenting Stress and Physical Abuse against Children with Disabilities

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    Children with disabilities often experience physical violence committed by caregivers. This study aims to identify the relationship between stress in caring for physical violence committed against children with disabilities. The study used a cross-sectional design to examine 76 parents with children with disabilities selected by convenience sampling techniques. Of the 76 participants, 35 (46.1%) parents physically abused children with disabilities. The most common type of violence is hitting (74.3%). Parenting stress may be felt by parents because there is a relationship between caregiving stress with physical violence (Z= -2.85; p-value= 0.004). Lack of access to information related to adaptive care makes parents in Indonesia still consider physical violence, such as hitting children, is a natural thing. The research concludes that there is a relationship between parental stress and physical violence against children with disabilities. Health workers are expected to be able to teach parents how to improve coping mechanisms to reduce parenting stress so that parenting behavior becomes adaptive.[Anak difabel sering mengalami kekerasan fisik yang dilakukan oleh pengasuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara stres dalam pengasuhan dengan kekerasan fisik yang dilakukan terhadap anakdifabel. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross-sectional untuk meneliti 76 orang tua dengan anak difabel yang dipilih dengan teknik convenience sampling. Dari 76 partisipan, 35 (46,1%) orang tua melakukan kekerasan fisik terhadap anak difabel. Jenis kekerasan yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah memukul (74,3%). Stres pengasuhan mungkin dirasakan oleh orang tua karena terdapat hubungan antara stres pengasuhan dengan kekerasan fisik (Z=-2,85; p-value = 0.004). Kurangnya akses informasi terkait pengasuhan yang adaptif menyebabkan orang tua di Indonesia masih menganggap kekerasan fisik seperti memukul anak merupakan hal yang wajar. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara stres pengasuhan dengan kekerasan fisik terhadap anak difabel. Tenaga kesehatan diharapkan dapat mengajarkan orang tua dalam meningkatkan mekanisme koping untuk menurunkan stres pengasuhan sehingga perilaku pengasuhan menjadi adaptif.

    Pengaruh Modifikasi Perilaku Dengan Perjanjian Kontrak Terhadap Kepatuhan Perawatan Mata, Tangan Dan Kaki Klien Kusta

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    Client with leprosy in community is one\u27s of at risk population who needed intervention and treatment for elimination this diseases for decreased dependently of lifes. One\u27s of intervention is modification behavior with contracting with the clients. These research want to identification that influences of modification behavior with contracting with self care client with their eyes, hands, and foots. The design that used was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. Samples are 18 client\u27s leprosy with simple random sampling method in Ajung Community Health Center of Jember. The results showed that have differences about self care that done client before and after intervention modification behavior therapy, so there was influences about modification behavior with contracting to self care client leprosy (p value 0,002). Client\u27s leprosy in their life with family and community needed motivation and supervision to caring self care their eyes, hand, and foots to prevent disability

    Hubungan Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri dengan Tingkat Kecacatan Klien Kusta di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jenggawah dan Tempurejo Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2014 (The Correlation of Application Universal Precaution for Prevent Degree of Disability Clients Lepro

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    Leprosy is chronic disease that caused by germs Mycobacterium leprae and could be caused problems relating to physical health that associated with a disability. Clients leprosy with disability can prevent with wearing universal precaution. The research done by observational analytic design. Design of collecting data was the level of disability and questionnare of users universal precaution. The respondent was only undergo treatment of MDT in the workplace of Jenggawah Health Centers and Tempurejo Health Centers who are 17 client leprosy. Based on research conducted that clients leprosy (35.3%) wear universal precaution and the clients leprosy (64.7%) not wear of universal precaution.Data analyzed with the technique of chi square correction. The result of a correction Fisher’s Exact test p value 0.010 show there was the relation of universal precaution with the level of disability clients leprosy. The results of research is expected to be the basis of promotion programs, prevention, and the aggrandizement of leprosy in Indonesia by integrating model intervention nursing of community and involving the related agencies. Keywords: Universal precaution, degree of disability, lepros

    Pengaruh Terapi Bermain SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders) terhadap Keterampilan Mencuci Tangan Siswa Kelas I dan II di SDN Pakusari II Kabupaten Jember (The Effect of SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders) Games Therapy to Hand Washing Skill of First and Second G

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    Hand washing behaviour in school-age children showed the lowest quality. Prevention effort to improve hand washing skill with SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders) games therapy. This study aimed to analyze the effect of SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders) games therapy to hand washing skill of first and second grade students in Elementary School of Pakusari II Jember District. The study used pre-experimental with pretest-posttest group design. Sampling technique used simple random sampling with 44 respondents. Data analysis used Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Hand washing skill of respondents after games therapy showed 70,4% had good hand washing skill and 29,6% had sufficient hand washing skill. The result showed point p value = 0.000. There was an effect of SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders) games therapy to hand washing skills of first and second grade students in Elementary School of Pakusari II Jember District. Recommendation for the school to supply hand washing facility like soap, tissue paper, and hand sanitizer to improve hand washing skill of students in Elementary School of Pakusari II Jember District.   Keywords: hand washing, school-aged children, skill, SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders), games therapy

    Pengaruh Latihan Rentang Gerak Ekstremitas Bawah terhadap Keseimbangan Tubuh Lansia di Posyandu Alamanda 99 Kelurahan Jember Lor Kabupaten Jember (The Effect of Range of Motion Exercise at Lower Limb to Elderly Postural Balance in Posyandu Alamanda 99 Jem

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    Elderly with imbalance is one of the occurrence falls that lead to injury. Range of motionexercises is a cycle activity that improve the function of the limb and mobilization. This studyaimed to the effect of range of motion exercise at lower limb to elderly postural balance inPosyandu Alamanda 99 Jember lor Village District Jember. The design of this study was preexperimental, 16 elderly over 60 years as sample of this study by taking simple randomsampling technique. Postural balance assessment done every sunday for three weeks. Analysisof the data using ANOVA test. The results of data analysis showed p value of 0.002 meansthere was a significant increased in the value of body balance after active range of motionexercise at lower limb. The result of Post Hoc Test showed an increase in the average balancevalue of the most significant after 3 weeks of exercising. Advice of the results study are range ofmotion exercises at lower limb can be performed in the elderly among community and can betaught through elderly activities in integrated health service post.Keywords: Range of motion exercise, postural balance, elderl
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