52 research outputs found

    Politik sebagai Dakwah: Komunikasi Politik Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS)

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    This paper describes the dynamics of political communication run by the Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), which has been identified as a da’wa party. By using the phenomenological method, this paper describes the knowledge and experience of political communication which is framed as an Islamic da’wa movement which is the character of the PKS struggle which is focused on the concept of PKS da’wa and how political communication activities are carried out. This study shows that the PKS da’wa concept is inspired by Hasan Al-Banna’s universalist thought and da’wa movement because da’wa must be a practical answer to all social problems for all mankind, not only for Muslims. Therefore, politics is nothing but a medium of da’wa. Meanwhile, the pattern of political communication carried out by PKS is categorized into two categories, namely; communication to cadres, generally through Islamic and political studies; and communication in the context of succession or facing regional elections which are usually carried out through social service activities, public recitations and door to door socialization. Tulisan ini menguraikan tentang dinamika komunikasi politik yang dijalankan oleh Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) yang diidentifikasi sebagai partai yang berorientasi dakwah. Menggunakan metode fenomenologi, tulisan ini menguraikan tentang pengetahuan dan pengalaman komunikasi politik yang dikerangka sebagai gerakan dakwah Islam yang menjadi karakter perjuangan PKS yang difokuskan pada konsep dakwah PKS dan bagaimana aktivitas komunikasi politik yang dijalankan. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep dakwah PKS banyak mendapat inspirasi dari gerakan dan pemikiran dakwah Hasan Al-Banna yang bersifat universalis dalam arti bahwa dakwah harus mampu menjadi jawaban praktis atas semua persoalan sosial-kemanusiaan, tidak hanya bagi umat Islam. Oleh karena itu, politik tidak lain merupakan salah satu medium dakwah. Sementara itu, pola komunikasi politik yang dijalankan oleh PKS dikategorikan pada dua kategori besar yakni; komunikasi terhadap kader yang pada umumnya melalui kajian-kajian Islam dan politik; dan komunikasi dalam konteks suksesi atau menghadapi perhelatan pilkada yang biasanya dilakukan melalui kegiatan bakti sosial, pengajian umum dan sosialisasi secara door to door

    Kiprah Politik Dan Sejarah Organisasi Muhammadiyah Di Indonesia

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    The History of politics development in Indonesia, the really can't forget the role of muslim people groups in national politics stage, one of them named Muhammadiyah organization. This big organization found since 1912 by KH. Ahmad Dahlan with struggles main basic, bringing muslim people back to really confidence, which is that pure leaning to Qur' an and hadits and not to another one. Politic action form's manifested on three movement patterns: revivalism, secularism and modernism. In revivalism pattern, Muhammadiyah struggle's have given its contribution to BPUPKI about year 1945 as alternative solution divides state basics. secularism is not amends, meanwhile modernism declares that Islamic teaching can be fused by politics or state problem can be carried on concurrently so forms symbiotic relationship among religion with state or politics

    Komunikasi Kebijakan Pendidikan

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    Kiprah Politik Dan Sejarah Organisasi Muhammadiyah di Indonesia

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    The History of politics development in Indonesia, the really can't forget the role of  muslim people groups in national politics stage, one of them named Muhammadiyah organization. This big organization found since 1912 by KH. Ahmad Dahlan with struggles main basic, bringing muslim people back to really confidence, which is that pure leaning to Qur’ an and hadits and not to another one. Politic action form’s manifested on three movement patterns: revivalism, secularism and modernism. In revivalism pattern, Muhammadiyah struggle’s have given its contribution to BPUPKI about year 1945 as alternative solution divides state basics. secularism is not amends, meanwhile modernism declares that Islamic teaching can be fused by politics or state problem can be carried on concurrently so forms symbiotic relationship among religion with state or politics

    Clickbait Journalism: Media Logics in Journalism Practices on Online Media

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    This article will examine the practice of clickbait journalism, which is increasingly common in news titles in online media, through the lens of Altheide and Snow's media logic. Due to social distancing policies during the pandemic, this article employs the library research method by collecting materials and references online by observing several clickbait news titles on Tribunnews.com. Trends can be identified based on data analysis, such as exaggeration, graphics or titles containing obscene, disturbing/disgusting, or shady material, bait-and-switch, and ambiguous or confusing and tend to grab readers' interest. Nevertheless, although this practice has been criticized as a mere business, this article argues that this practice does not always represent the poor credibility of online media since this practice is not only caused by the technical logic of online media but also caused by the changing behavior of the readers which is more increasingly digitalized

    Capaian program pendidikan keaksaraan dan kesetaraan tahun 2015-2017

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    Buku Capaian Program Pendidikan Keaksaraan dan Kesetaraan tahun 2015-2017 memberikan gambaran tentang hasil kegiatan dan program yang telah dilakukan selama kurun waktu 3 tahun. Buku capaian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi keberhasilan program yang lebih memacu terhadap peningkatan pencapaian kinerja Ditbindiktara. Termasuk tantangan, hambatan, solusi dan upaya perbaikan untuk memenuhi target renstra pada tahun berikutny


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    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out how Journalism Communication Science students perceive the credibility of Detik.com Online Media, which includes three dimensions, namely trustworthiness, current, and unbiased. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, using in-depth interviews and field observations. The methodology with a qualitative approach is used in order to have a complete and in-depth picture of the problem under study. The results of this study concluded that the credibility of Detik.com Online Media in the view of Communication Studies Journalism students at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung was positive. Broadly speaking, Detik.com Online Media is credible media. However, there are a number of things that need to be reviewed in the news presentation system which are presented gradually under different titles but are still in one issue, but that does not affect students' opinions about the belief in reporting on Detik.com Online Media.    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Jurnalistik memandang kredibilitas Media Online Detik.com, yang meliputi tiga dimensi yakni kepercayaan, kekinian, dan tidak bias. Metode yang digunakadalam penelitian ini ialah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam dan observasi ke lapangan. Metodologi dengan pendekatan kualitatif digunakan agar memiliki gambaran yang lengkap dan mendalam mengenai permasalahan yang diteliti. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kredibilitas di Media Online Detik.com dalampandangan mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Jurnalistik UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung adalah positif. Secara garis besar Media Online Detik.com merupakan media sudah kredibel. Namun perlu ada beberapa hal yang ditinjau kembali dalam sistem penyajian  berita yang disajikan secara berangsur dalam judul yang berbeda tetapi masih dalam satu issu, namun hal itu tidak mempengaruhi pendapat mahasiswa mengenai kepercayaan terhadap pemberitaan  di Media Online Detik.com

    Preserving tradition, maintaining authority: Transmitting religious knowledge in Traditional Pesantren in Indonesia

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    The aim of this paper is to explain the attempts of traditional pesantren to maintain their religious authority facing the abundance of religious knowledge in the information age. Using three traditional pesantren(Islamic boarding school) in West Java as case, this study contends that, in the face of the emergence of new religious views, traditional pesantren uphold the traditionalism as part of maintaining their religious authority, whether from a manuscriptural, charismatic, or juridical standpoint. This study demonstrates how the patterns, objects, and methods of transmitting religious knowledge continue to adhere to traditionalism principles. The study of the kitab kuning (yellow books) and related sciences aims to enhance comprehension of the Quran, the most important Islamic religious text. This exemplifies the attempt to preserve religious authority in the manuscriptural aspect. The charismatic defense of religious authority is carried out by memorizing, learning, and analyzing hadith science, which is commonly used as the basis of religious opinions. Finally, the attempt to maintain religious authority in the juridical aspect is shown by bahtsul masa’il, which entails observing the findings of ijtihad by previous ulama. This initiative is important in dealing with various evolving times and the proliferation of various religious views circulating in contemporary societ
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