84 research outputs found


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    The article gives overview and analyses the changes and development of scientific research on educational sciences in Lithuanian universities in the period of 1990–2004. The prepared and successfully defended dissertations show positioning of the research field of educational sciences: the leadership of education researchers is reflected by the diplomas of habilitated doctors and certificates of pedagogical title of professor. The statistical overview and evaluation of doctoral dissertations in the research field of educational sciences (social sciences) in the period of 1990–2004 reveal that training of education researchers occurred both in separate universities and in the networks of universities. The distribution of researchers in Lithuanian higher education is also discussed. The statistical data on habilitated doctors in social sciences and doctoral dissertations in education defended in the period of 1990–2004 illustrate the need to develop researchers of highest qualification in Lithuanian universities. The case study of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences allows revealing the leadership of education researchers in training of doctoral students.

    M. Lukšienės įžvalgos vertinant ugdymo tendencijų sklaidą

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    The history of pedagogy accumulates descriptions of educational practice, education ideas are analysed, compared and evaluated. The retrospective analysis of the Lithuanian and foreign research on the history of pedagogy results in discovery of various approaches to analysis of education ideas. The article focuses on the experience of Lithuanian researchers in education to divide education ideas into theories, directions, trends, paradigms and conceptions. The role of Dr. Habil. M.  Lukšienė performed while establishing and developing the modern system of education and nurturing the democratic community of the country is exceptional. M. Lukšienė links the development of pedagogical thought in Lithuania with the issues of national culture. The culturological aspect is a distinguishing feature of her research in the general context of educational research papers written in Lithuania. While evaluating the points of intersections of education culture and human development, the following education directions identified by the researcher are analysed: pragmatic-technological and humanistic-cultural. The article also focuses on the homo humanus education highlighted by Dr. M. Lukšienė. The researcher employs educational trends not for definition of the finished system but for highlighting of their fragmentary expression. The variety of education expression observed in the reality creates conditions for free movement of education fragments and situations as well as for their adjoinment to one or another education stream.Pedagogikos istorijoje kaupiami ugdymo praktikos aprašai, analizuojamos, lyginamos ir vertinamos ugdymo idėjos. Retrospektyviai nagrinėjant Lietuvos ir tarptautinius pedagogikos istorijos tyrimus atrandamos įvairios ugdymo idėjų nagrinėjimo prieigos. Straipsnyje analizuojama Lietuvos edukologų patirtis skirstyti ugdymo idėjas į teorijas, kryptis, sroves, paradigmas, koncepcijas. Išskirtinis habilituotos daktarės M. Lukšienės vaidmuo kuriant ir plėtojant modernią švietimo sistemą, ugdant demokratišką krašto bendruomenę. Lietuvos pedagoginės minties raidą M. Lukšienė sieja su nacionalinės kultūros klausimais. Bendrame Lietuvos ugdymo mokslo darbų kontekste jos tyrinėjimai išsiskiria kultūrologiniu aspektu. Vertinant ugdymo kultūros ir žmogaus raidos sankirtas analizuojami mokslininkės įvardyti ugdymo srautai: pragmatinis-technologinis ir humanistinis-kultūrinis. Visapusiškas ir integralus edukacinės erdvės pažinimas, stebėjimas ir vertinimas įpareigoja tiksliai nustatyti esamą ugdymo būklę ir prognozuoti perspektyvą. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos daktarės M. Lukšienės įžvalgos ugdant „Homo humanus“. Mokslininkė ugdymo tendencijas nustato ne išbaigtai sistemai apibūdinti, o jų fragmentiškai raiškai išryškinti. Ugdymo raiškos įvairovė sudaro sąlygas ugdymo fragmentams ir situacijoms laisvai judėti ir šlietis tai prie vieno, tai prie kito ugdymo srauto


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    With the development of societies in the ever-changing material conditions of existence, education is becoming increasingly complex. Based upon the history of pedagogy, we analyze and assess pedagogical phenomena and processes along their horizontal shift (from the emergence of humankind up to the current day), analyzing in detail pedagogical ideas, principles, and laws along the vertical shift (educational concepts, contents, planning, organization, evaluation). With the rapid expansion of school networks and the steadily increasing duration of compulsory schooling, a multitude of diverse pedagogical ideas came into being in Europe and the USA as early as late in the 19th c. Proponents of certain ideas supported each other creating a theory, i.e. a corresponding body of statements, concerning education. A serious discussion and assessment of educational theories and pedagogical experience (conceptions) took place already in the 20th c. Model (paradigm) forms were worked out for the solution of urgent repeated problems. Interest in the newly-arising philosophical conceptions accounted for the emergence of different movements in the area of pedagogy and school practice in the 20th c.Several tendencies can be distinguished in the development of the Lithuanian pedagogical thought. Educologists tried to describe a number of educational ideas by introducing different descrip­tions. Efforts were made to sort out and assess the educational ideas. Some authors tried to evaluate the educational ideas against the firmly consoli­dated philosophical conceptions. For the purpose of building a system, definite trend or direction pa­rameters were introduced (Esmaitis, Bukauskienė, Valatkienė, Bitinas). Guided by dualism, some edu­cologists created bi-polar classifications of the rep­resentation of educational ideas, such as east–west (Šalkauskis), or idealistic–realistic (Liaugminas), or reproductive–interpretative (Šalkauskis), or classic–unrestricted education (Bitinas), or classic–modern (Ušeckienė), or informational–creative (Lukšienė), or classic–humanistic (Bruzgelevičienė) ones. Among international research communities, a ten­dency towards the convergence of educational ideas has existed for several decades. A systematised ho­listic approach to the representation and change of diverse educational ideas and their interrelation is emerging (Vaitkevičius, Burrel, Morgan, Paulston). In this way the authors seek to offer practitioners a wide spectre of educational success stories, giving them a chance to construct individual success.Currently, eclectic adaptations of educational ideas in heterogeneous educational conditions are taking place. This fact contributes to the emergence of new conceptions out of the existing theories and contemporary paradigmatic dimensions. Thus, the quality of education demands not only the identifica­tion of educational ideas, but also the discovery of their meaning.Docentė socialinių mokslų (edukologija) daktarė Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas Studentų g. 39-327, LT-08106 Vilnius El. paštas:  [email protected] Mob. tel. 8 686 63339Pedagogikos istorijoje kaupiami įvairūs ugdymo praktikos aprašai, analizuojamos, lyginamos ir vertinamos ugdymo idėjos. Dėl to randasi įvairios ugdymo patirties ženklinimo prieigos. Retros­pektyviai nagrinėjant Lietuvos ir tarptautinius pedagogikos istorijos tyrimus atrandama įvairi ug­dymo teorijų, koncepcijų skirstymo praktika. Straipsnyje aprašoma Lietuvos edukologų patirtis kla­sifikuoti ugdymo idėjas į teorijas, kryptis, sroves, paradigmas, koncepcijas. Heterogeninio ugdymo sąlygomis randasi naujos koncepcijos iš jau gyvuojančių teorijų ir mūsų laikų paradigminių dimen­sijų derinių. Čia įvardijamos dominuojančios ugdymo idėjos, aprašoma ir tarptautinė tyrėjų ben­druomenėse gyvuojanti ugdymo teorijų konvergencijos tendencija. Vertinant pedagogikos istoriją kaip turinčią sinchroninę-taksonominę struktūrą, daroma prielaida, kad esamos ir atsirandančios ugdymo idėjos gali būti išreikštos grafiškai vaizduojant santykius tiek mikro-, tiek makrolygmeniu. Lyginamosios analizės bei modeliavimo dėka mėginama schemiškai vaizduoti ugdymo idėjų įvai­rovę šiuolaikinėje edukacijoje

    Lietuvos švietimo stebėsenos transformacija: linkmės ir prielaidos

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    Following the good world practice, the National School for School Evaluation initiated the creation of a specific model for external school evaluation. Over the last decade, the (self-)assessment of school activity has become a usual element in the work of education institutions. The Lithuanian system of ed­ucation focuses not only on the efficient implementa­tion of the government policy on education, but also on orienting the latest education reforms towards im­proving the quality of educational services. Under the fast transformations from the authori­tarian regime to a democratic system in Lithuania, the education system positions itself at the junction of educational paradigms. The created modern in­strument for education quality management – ex­ternal assessment of school activities – meets the concept of the free education paradigm or, accord­ing to M. Lukšienė, complies with the concept of creative education, whereas the construct of educa­ tion process evaluation, which is applied to teachers, targets more at the identification of the features of normative education activities. The results of teach­ers’ opinion survey clearly show that teachers fear unified and standardised requirements as regards educational activity and a wide range of assessment spheres. External assessment of the quality of school activities, which has been created and improved fol­lowing the most modern systems of Western Europe, is particularly important and optimal while reform­ing the Lithuanian system of education.The article analyses the model of the external as­sessment of schools, which is being created by the National Agency for School Evaluation. A number of conclusions drawn on the basis of the teachers’ opinion survey are also presented.Docentė, daktarėLietuvos edukologijos universitetasStudentų g. 39-327, LT-08106 VilniusEl. paštas: [email protected]. tel. 8 686 63339Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje siekiama ne tik veiksmingai įgyvendinti vyriausybės švietimo politiką, bet ir kreipti reformas švietimo paslaugų kokybės tobulinimo link. Per pastarąjį dešimtmetį mokyklų veiklos (įsi-)vertinimas tapo įprastine visų švietimo įstaigų darbo dalimi. Vadovaujantis gerąja pasaulio patirtimi Nacionalinės mokyklų vertinimo agentūros pastangomis sukurtas savitas išorinio mokyklos veiklos vertinimo modelis.Straipsnyje apibūdinamos Lietuvoje diegiamos mokyklų veiklos kokybės vertinimo sistemos ypatybės, pateikiamos kai kurios kokybinio tyrimo (2010 m.) išvados remiantis pedagogų nuomone apie mokyklų veiklos išorinį vertinimą, aptariamos mokyklų veiklos kokybės išorinio vertinimo sistemos kaitos ir atsinaujinimo galimybės

    Mokyklos įsivertinimo reikšmė ugdymo kokybei gerinti

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    In Lithuania and in every developed country in the world, it is important to ensure the effectiveness, continuity and competitiveness of educational institutions in new markets. Educational process quality is defined as student’s edification and comprehensive development of student’s innate powers in compliance with the standards of education and school goals. In educational institutions quality must be ensured by school leaders and teachers as well as the whole school community. That is why it is important to establish an ongoing quality integrity system – self-assessment in schools. The e quality of educational process is assured by a continuous aspiration of perfection requiring to establish a regular and consistent evaluation system which can balance the state education policy, educational institution‘s goals and community needs. To ascertain self-assessment’s influence of educational process quality in Lithuanian comprehensive schools the following research tasks were raised: 1) to describe the practice of self-assessment quality in Lithuanian comprehensive schools in 2008-2010; 2) to distinguish the advantages of self-assessment that help to raise the quality of the educational process in schools. A survey was carried out in 2010–2011, to analyze how education quality in Lithuanian comprehensive schools is assessed and managed. Analysis of the survey data revealed that the quality of self-assessment and the usage of its results in comprehensive schools is far from perfect and does not completely meet the needs of students. The e survey confirms the necessity of closer cooperation among school leaders and community, for interaction helps to organize and manage expedient educational practice.Bendrojo ugdymo mokykla – didžiausią įtaką mokinio gyvenimui daranti švietimo sistemos grandies dalis. Todėl daug dėmesio skiriama ugdymo proceso kokybei gerinti būtent bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje. Straipsnyje tyrinėjama Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose vykdomas įsivertinimas, atskleidžiama jo reikšmė ugdymo proceso kokybei gerinti. Tyrimo duomenų pagrindas – tai Lietuvos nacionalinės mokyklų vertinimo agentūros 2008–2010  m. vykdytų mokyklų išorės vertinimų ataskaitos. Analizės duomenys patvirtina, kad įsivertinimo kokybė mokyklose gerėja, o įsivertinimo ir išorės vertinimo metu gautos išvados panaudojamos mokyklos veiklos kokybei tobulinti

    About relations between the society and primary school in Lithuania 1918-1940

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    The change of 1918-1940 in Lithuania had similar development trend as in any other state. On one hand, the state was analyzing and shaping its education policy, strategy and tactics. On the other hand, the aims, trends of reforms and principles of the educational system had their influence on the understanding of the purpose of primary school as the major and basic component part of the secondary school of general educationVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Profesorė nuolatinėje veikloje

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Papildomojo ugdymo stebėsena Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje

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    In the article, the problem of qualitative organization of complementary education of comprehensive schools is analyzed. With the help of the study material the author tries to provide information for the participants of the education process, to encourage their initiative and desire to analyze, evaluate, improve, and incite constructive changes in complementary education. Supervision of complementary education should be implemented at comprehensive schools; it would allow systematical evaluation of results of complementary education activity; supervise changes in the external environment and analyze the influence on the internal activity of school (on changes); evaluate the expediency of material and intellectual resources concentration; assure the mechanism of playback and systematic activity, i.e. regular evaluation of the results of complementary education