240 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Data Base Multi-node Pemantauan Pergeseran Tanah Berbasis SMS Gateway Dan Berorientasi Visual Pada Komputer

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    Makalah ini membahas tentang sistem informasi data base multi-node pemantauan pergeseran tanah berbasis sms gateway dan berorientasi visual pada komputer. Pergeseran tanah merupakan salah satu faktor terjadinya tanah longsor. Terjadinya tanah longsor banyak menelan korban baik secara material maupun jiwa, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu sistem peringatan dini (early warning system) untuk dapat menekan dan meminimalisir jatuhnya korban bencana, diharapkan sistem ini dapat memberikan langkah-langkah untuk menghadapi bencana tanah longsor sebelum terjadi. Tujuan penelitian adalah merancang sistem informasi data base multi-node pemantauan pergeseran tanah berbasis sms gateway dan berorientasi visual pada komputer. Sistem pengukuran dari unit pantau ke data kolektor terintegrasi dengan perangkat lunak, data pengukuran yang tersimpan akan digunakan sebagai pengambil keputusan terhadap akumulasi besarnya pergeseran tanah yang terjadi sehingga ancaman bahaya tanah longsor dapat diketahui secara dini oleh masyarakat maupun pihak yang berwenang. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran dan pengujian sistem diperoleh hasil dari alat serta sensor menunjukkan unjuk kerja sistem yang baik, sistem ini menggunakan metode multi node dan dapat menampilkan Perubahan besar pergeseran tanah serta grafik Perubahannya pada durasi waktu tertentu, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi peringatan dini terjadinya tanah longsor. Hasil informasi tertampil di PC dalam format teks yang berupa nilai hasil pemantauan pergeseran tanah dan pada alat pantau terdapat tiga kondisi keadaan dalam mendeteksi adanya pergeseran tanah dengan batas ambang bawah yang berbeda, nilai ambang batas bawah untuk kondisi SIAGA=100mm, WASPADA=180mm, dan AWAS=250mm, waktu respon rata-rata SMS sekitar 5 detik tergantung kualitas sinyal dan trafic data dari suatu provider oleh pengguna

    Attributes of ethical employees in Malaysian public sector: conceptual content analysis and pattern matching analysis

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    This study aims to explore the attributes of ethical employees in public sector and to pattern match the attributes with human behavior, social and ethics theories. A qualitative research is used by focusing on first-order attributes (through interviews) and second-order concepts (using theories to explain the facts). This study revealed nine (9) attributes toward ethical employees which were honest, follow instruction, presence of duties, respect, Islamic value, virtue values, loyalty, attachment and financial planning. Among the related theories to these attributes are the virtue ethics theory, attachment theory, social bonding theory, social learning theory and AlGhazali Theory of Virtue. This study suggested nine (9) genuine attributes of ethical employees that may enhance the public trust as well as the community trust towards state government ruler.Keywords: ethical employees; Malaysian public sector; content analysis; pattern matching data analysi

    Vascular loop in the cerebellopontine angle causing pulsatile tinnitus and headache

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    Tinnitus is a common disorder, it can be classified as pulsatile and non-pulsatile or objective and subjective. Pulsatile tinnitus is less common than non-pulsatile and can be due to vascular tumour such as glomus or vascular abnormality. We presented an interesting case of a 30 year-old Malay lady with a two-year history of pulsatile tinnitus which was worsening in three months duration. It was associated with intermittent headache. Clinical examination and tuning fork test were unremarkable. Apart from mild hearing loss at high frequency on the left ear, the pure tone audiogram (PTA) was otherwise normal. In view of the patient’s young age with no risk factor for high frequency loss, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed to look for any abnormality in the cerebellopontine angle. It revealed a single vessel looping around the left vestibulocochlear and facial nerves at the cisternal portion, likely a branch of the anteroinferior cerebellar artery (AICA). Literature review on the pathophysiology and treatment option in this condition is discussed

    The efficiency removal of phosphorus by using recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as filter

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    Phosphorus (P) is a main nutrient element plants growth in natural water system. However, excessive P loads to water bodies from industrial, agricultural, household wastes may cause the overgrowth of aquatic plants or algae which accelerate the depletion of dissolved oxygen (DO) in waters, and leading to serious eutrophication problems. In developing countries, approximately 75% of domestic wastewater is released to the environment without treatment (Rozari et al. 2016). Ayaz et al. (2012) reported that eutrophication in receiving water bodies may occur when concentration of phosphorus was 6 mg/L. Therefore, proper treatment to remove phosphorus from domestic wastewater to achieve the admissible level for natural systems is needed. Besides, construction and demolition (C&D) activities shows a growing trend for several years

    Flexural behaviour of plain concrete prism strengthened by textile fine grained mortar

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    This paper presents a flexural strength study of concrete incorporated with textile fine grained mortar (TFGM) as a strengthening laminate. TFGM is a combination of fine grained mortar (FGM) with alkali resistant glass fabric (AR glass). Fine grained sand with 600 m maximum size was used in FGM and fly ash (FA) or rice husk ash (RHA) has been used as a partial substitute for ordinary Portland cement (OPC). The potential of TFGM as strengthening laminate was tested under monolithic load with three point flexure loading. The TFGM were laid in layers of two, four, six, and eight. Results shown a promising flexure enhancement of up to three times of unstrengthened concrete when eight layers of both RHA and FA were laid. Load bearing capacity and ductility of the samples increased about 200% and 61%, respectively, compared to control samples as well. The outcome shows a highly potential use of agro-waste as cement replacement to produce load bearing structural component

    A Conceptual Model Of Foreign Student Profiling

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    The proliferation of the foreign student’s enrolment is projected at 7.2 million in the year 2025 from 1.8 million in 2000. Malaysian institutions are driven by foreign student’s recruitment in line with Ministry of Higher Education vision of recruiting 200,000 foreign students by the year 2020. Although Malaysia emerging as one of top ten foreign students’ recruiter, the knowledge of the extent of foreign students’ intention to study in Malaysia is still modest. Yet, there is no precise profiling system that could infer whether these foreign students are genuinely coming into Malaysia for education purpose. To fill this study gap, we utilize the immense of information which available through the various types of social media, we adopt the user profiling method using social network analysis for the detection purpose of foreign students in Malaysian public universities

    The Effect of Using Picture Word Inductive Model on Teaching Descriptive Text Writing

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    The use of PWIM emphasized more on how students recognized the words by looking at the pictures teacher provided. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of using Picture Word Inductive Model on teaching descriptive text writing on the tenth- grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya. This research used quasi-experimental research pretest-posttest non-equivalent group design. The samples of this research were 20 students for experimental group and 20 students for control group. The use of Picture Word Inductive Model had an effect on teaching descriptive text writing. The effect size for the treatment was considered as strong, under the t-test the difference of the interval was significant. It is suggested that teacher uses PWIM as the alternative technique in teaching descriptive text

    Mechanical properties of concrete containing palm oil fuel ash and modified expanded polystyrene beads as replacement materials using finite element method

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    Nowadays, so much waste material was dumped and produced by the industrial sector. In this research, the Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) and Modified Expanded Polystyrene beads (EPS) were used as replacement material. The purpose of this research was to focus on replacement of the modified expanded polystyrene beads (EPS) as a fine aggregate and the palm oil fuel ash (POFA) as a cement in term of mechanical properties of concrete. For Modified EPS will replace with aggregate from 10.0 % and 20.0 % While, for POFA will replace with cement from 10.0 %, 20.0 % and 30.0 %. The data of the material replacement for POFA and Modified EPS will be taken from previous study. Furthermore, the concrete cubes will be analyzed using software called ABAQUS. ABAQUS software is used because this software can measure the concrete cubes in such detail. This test will be performed on a cube that has reached the age of 28 days by following the previous experimental results. In addition, the software can also validate the work for the stress and strain of the graph by analyzing the concrete cubes. Information on Modified EPS and POFA can be filled in this software. Furthermore, it can also analyze mechanical properties of concrete that containing. Modified EPS and POFA. Indirectly, this will help compare the strength of concrete cube that containing of Modified EPS and POFA

    Crisis Communication and Ghana's Financial Sector

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    This study explores the place of crisis communication in Ghana's financial sector. It identifies and analyzes the various approaches that practitioners adopted to save the country from the brink of disaster a few years ago. In-depth interviews with eight public relations consultants and evidence from literature show stakeholders’ dissatisfaction with the communication strategies implemented by some financial institutions. The combination of reactive/proactive and leadership communication/provocation approaches to managing the crises produced both positive and negative outcomes. Findings also show that if practitioners have the requisite knowledge and training as well as operate from a department wholly dedicated to public relations, crisis communication can produce the desired effect. The effectiveness can increase if the top management of the financial institutions gives the necessary support to the department. Ghana's crisis is proof that not recognizing public relations officers as central role players during a crisis can escalate the crisis rather than lessen it
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