154 research outputs found

    Formalisme Kehidupan Beragama (Studi Kasus Gereja Katolik Keuskupan Purwokerto)

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    Indonesia is a nation that seems religious. Place of worship was flooded with a lot ofpeople. Events and holy days of religius became a national event. In the other hand,some times the religious comprehention was halted at the places of worship that wasit. In the national and society life easily we can find people to do things that arecontrary to religious values. Human rights violations and corruption becomes difficultto eradicate. Moral degradation occurs from the level of family, community, societyand state officials. Within communities also repeatedly occurred certain group usereligion as an instrument of legitimacy to the acts of violence driven by a belief in theirown truth as the only truth, and the loss of a sense of respect for those who areconsidered different. Hence people are not so concerned with the behavior that iscontrary to what religion had been teaches, even assume it was not related to faith. Onthe other hand there are people who are aware of the true situation but are powerless,or do not have enough courage to reject it. This is the situation called formalism ofReligious Life. The cause of religious formalism that may arise from the internalreligious teachings, not only from the social structure of society but also of a culturethat is built in this community. The impact of these religious formalism can happen ona personal level, both the social structure and the culture of the society. Therefore, tocounter religious formalism is not enough left to religious leaders, but also thereshould be a joint motion to change the structure and culture of Indonesian society


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    The purpose of this activity is that Business Ethics Education participants understand the importance of applying ethical principles in doing business, Business Ethics Education participants are willing to participate in the socialization of understanding the application of ethical principles in business and Business Ethics Education participants understand the application of ethical principles in business. The implementation method used is by way of lectures, discussions and tutorials on practical questions via Teleconference with the Online Meeting Application. The material provided includes a discussion of (1) the role of ethics in business for MSME actors, (2) Benefits in doing business for MSME actors and (3) Application of ethical principles in business for MSME actors.   Keywords: Business Ethics Education, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah Para peserta Edukasi Etika Bisnis memahami pentingnya menerapkan prinsip-prinsip etika dalam berbisnis, Para peserta Edukasi Etika Bisnis bersedia mengikuti sosialisasi pemahaman penerapan prinsip-prinsip etika dalam berbisnis dan Para peserta Edukasi Etika Bisnis memahami penerapan prinsip-prinsip etika dalam berbisnis. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah dengan cara ceramah, diskusi dan tutorial soal praktis melalui Teleconference dengan Aplikasi Meeting Online. Materi yang diberikan meliputi pembahasan tentang (1) Peranan Etika dalam berbisnis untuk pelaku UMKM, (2) Manfaat dalam berbisnis untuk pelaku UMKM dan (3) Penerapan prinsip-prinsip etika dalam berbisnis untuk pelaku UMKM   Kata Kunci: Edukasi Etika Bisnis, Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM


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    The largest source of waste is from settlements, the composition is 75% consisting of organic waste and only 25% inorganic waste. Organic waste has been widely used as material for making compost, briquettes and biogas, but inorganic waste is still very poorly managed. Inorganic waste is very difficult to be degraded and even cannot be degraded at all by nature, therefore a very large area is needed to compensate for the production of this type of waste. The most common inorganic waste found in the community is plastic waste. In 2018 the production of plastic waste for packaging reached 925,000 tons and about 80% of it has the potential to become waste that is harmful to the environment. Exposure to additives in plastics (plasticizers) has a wide impact on health, especially for the fetus and child. Plastics are widely used as food and beverage packaging. Knowing how to choose and use the right type of plastic that will come into contact with food is important to avoid the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals in plastic. This service program aims to educate about the impact of plasticizers on health through public education programs targeted at community leaders around the Bhayangkara University, Jakarta Raya Bekasi. Education is delivered in the local language and is followed by free discussion with participants via virtual. Response analysis showed that most of the participants did not know how to use plastic properly as food and beverage packaging and did not know the classification of plastics. However, most agree that the use of plastics should be limited in food processing and that children are susceptible to the dangers of plasticizers. Educational results show a change in participant responses. It was concluded that this educational program effectively modified participants' attitudes and knowledge about the risks of using plastic in the processing and packaging of food and beverage products.   Keywords: education, health, food, beverage, plasticSumber sampah terbanyak adalah berasal dari pemukiman, komposisinya berupa 75% terdiri dari sampah organik dan hanya 25% sampah anorganik. Sampah organik telah banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pembuatan kompos, briket serta biogas, tetapi sampah anorganik masih sangat minim pengelolaannya. Sampah anorganik sangat sulit didegradasi bahkan tidak dapat didegradasi sama sekali oleh alam, oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu lahan yang sangat luas untuk mengimbangi produksi sampah jenis ini. Sampah anorganik yang paling banyak dijumpai di masyarakat adalah sampah plastik. Pada tahun 2018 produksi sampah plastik untuk kemasan mencapai 925.000 ton dan sekitar 80%nya berpotensi menjadi sampah yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Paparan terhadap zat tambahan pada plastik (plasticizers) berdampak luas terhadap kesehatan, khususnya pada janin dan anak. Plastik digunakan secara luas sebagai kemasan makanan dan minuman. Mengetahui bagaimana memilih dan menggunakan jenis plastic yang tepat yang akan berkontak dengan makanan penting untuk menghindari risiko paparan bahan kimia berbahaya pada plastik. Program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan edukasi mengenai dampak plasticizers terhadap kesehatan melalui program edukasi masyarakat yang ditargetkan pada pemuka masyarakat di sekitar lingkungan Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Bekasi. Edukasi disampaikan dalam bahasa lokal dan diikuti dengan diskusi bebas dengan peserta melalui virtual. Analisis respon menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar peserta tidak mengetahui cara menggunakan plastik yang benar sebagai kemasan makanan dan minuman dan tidak mengetahui klasifikasi plastik. Namun, sebagian besar setuju bahwa penggunaan plastik harus dibatasi dalam pemrosesan makanan dan usia anak rentan terhadap bahaya plasticizers. Hasil Edukasi menunjukkan terjadinya perubahan respon peserta. Disimpulkan bahwa program edukasi ini secara efektif memodifikasi sikap dan pengetahuan peserta mengenai risiko penggunaan plastik dalam pemrosesan dan kemasan produk makanan dan minuman.   Kata Kunci: edukasi, kesehatan, makanan, minuman, plasti


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    This study takes a sample of independent auditors who work at the Public Accountant Firm in DKI Jakarta. The type of data used is primary data with data collection methods, namely indirect interviews by submitting a questionnaire. The analytical tool used is multiple regression This study aims to analyze the effect of the implementation of professional ethics and emotional intelligence on auditors in decision making. The results of this study are expected to show that professional ethics as measured by indentensi, integrity and objectivity; general standards and accounting principles; responsibility to clients responsibility to colleagues, responsibilities and practices have a significant effect on the auditor in decision making. Emotional intelligence as measured by self-recognition, self-control, motivation, empathy and social skills significantly influence auditors in decision making. Keywords:  professional ethics, emotional intelligence, decision making.Penelitian ini mengambil sampel auditor independen yang berkerja pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di DKI Jakarta. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara tidak langsung dengan mengajukan kuesioner. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelaksanaan etika profesi dan kecerdasan emosional terhadap auditor dalam pengambilan keputusan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menunjukkan bahwa etika profesi yang diukur dari indenpensi, integritas dan objektivitas; standar umum dan prinsip akuntansi; tanggung jawab kepada klien tanggung jawab kepada rekan seprofesi, tanggung jawab dan praktik berpengaruh, signifikan terhadap auditor dalam pengambilan keputusan. Kecerdasan emosional yang diukur dari pengenalan diri, pengendalian diri, motivasi, empati dan keterampilan sosial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap auditor dalam pengambilan keputusan. Kata Kunci : etika profesi, kecerdasan emosional, pengambilan keputusan

    FORMALISME KEHIDUPAN BERAGAMA (Studi Kasus Gereja Katolik Keuskupan Purwokerto)

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    Indonesia is a nation that seems religious. Place of worship was flooded with a lot ofpeople. Events and holy days of religius became a national event. In the other hand,some times the religious comprehention was halted at the places of worship that wasit. In the national and society life easily we can find people to do things that arecontrary to religious values. Human rights violations and corruption becomes difficultto eradicate. Moral degradation occurs from the level of family, community, societyand state officials. Within communities also repeatedly occurred certain group usereligion as an instrument of legitimacy to the acts of violence driven by a belief in theirown truth as the only truth, and the loss of a sense of respect for those who areconsidered different. Hence people are not so concerned with the behavior that iscontrary to what religion had been teaches, even assume it was not related to faith. Onthe other hand there are people who are aware of the true situation but are powerless,or do not have enough courage to reject it. This is the situation called formalism ofReligious Life. The cause of religious formalism that may arise from the internalreligious teachings, not only from the social structure of society but also of a culturethat is built in this community. The impact of these religious formalism can happen ona personal level, both the social structure and the culture of the society. Therefore, tocounter religious formalism is not enough left to religious leaders, but also thereshould be a joint motion to change the structure and culture of Indonesian society

    Membangun Teologi Tubuh Dari Bawah Belajar Dari Pengalaman Olah Tubuh Tari Lengger

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    The word theology comes from the Greek word theos which means God, and logos which means words. Thus theology means words or knowledge about God. The body can say or show or remind something about God as the ruler of human body and life. Reflection on body can bring people to the knowledge of God. The experience of lengger dancers working on the body makes them believe in the existence of God as the origin of his body, even though they did not dare to expressly mention the name of Allah behind all of these experiences. Body work experience gives them confidence that there is something behind this visible physical body. However, the human body is not only owned by a person, but has become a sign system of community culture. The body no longer only has the meaning of itself, but also must obey the general norms that apply in the society where a person lives. The meaning of the lengger dancer's body is very dependent on the interpretation of the surrounding community, the majority of whom are Muslim. While Islam teaches that the body, especially the female body, must be protected because it has the potential to bring sin. However, the community's interpretation of the body is not monolithic. The situation and culture in which they live determines the interpretation of how to treat the female body. This is where there is often a value tension between Islamic teachings and traditional values

    Buku Ajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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