136 research outputs found

    Politik Identitas Dikaji Dari Perspektif Sosio-Historis Pembentukan Identitas Nasional Indonesia: -

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    This article examines the rise of identity politics in Indonesia from the socio-historical perspective of the formation of Indonesian National Identity. Although since the reform era, the fundamental practices of Democracy, such as direct presidential and regional head elections, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press, have been accommodated in the constitution. Decentralization of power is reduced by the Regional Autonomy Law, which divides political authority into central and regional levels. However, at the same time, ethnic and religious-based identity politics have also resurfaced. That is indicated by the occurrence of ethnic and religious conflicts in several regions in Indonesia, the efforts of some Islamic fundamentalist groups to replace the ideology of Pancasila with the ideology of the caliphate, and the use of ethnic and religious-based identity politics in political contestation of power. This research uses a qualitative approach using a literature study. The author argues that studied from the socio-historical perspective of the formation of Indonesia's national identity based on Pancasila, identity politics is contrary to the nature of Indonesian nationality, which was formed not because of the homogeneity of the people but from the plurality of people who agreed to form a common identity as the Indonesian nation based on Pancasila

    Beberapa permasalahan pelestarian kawasan cagar budaya dan strategi solusinya

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    Setiap kawasan cagar budaya pada dasarnya memiliki karakteristik tersendiri yang berpotensi menjadi keunggulan. Namun apabila tidak dikelola secara kreatif dan terintegrasi, dapat berubah menjadi sumber bencana. Upaya-upaya pelindungan, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan perlu dilakukan dengan menyiapkan konsep dasarnya dalam bentuk masterplan dan dokumen implementasi secara rinci. Kekurangcermatan dalam memahami permasalahan dan dalam menganalisis kondisi yang ada dapat mengakibatkan upaya pelestarian tidak memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Mengingat kawasan cagar budaya di Indonesia sangat bervariasi, maka pengelolaannya perlu strategi menyeluruh dengan memperhatikan keunggulan dan keunikan masing-masing

    International Convention Vs National Interest: Contestation among Indonesian Government Institutions on Underwater Cultural Heritage Conservation

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    Indonesia’s underwater cultural heritage has tremendous potential to enhance the understanding of Indonesia’s maritime culture history. But, this cultural heritage has a vulnerability due to various factors that can cause cultural heritage to be extinct. Indonesia’s vast waters have substantial underwater heritage, but the government has constraints to ensure its protection. In Indonesia, the authority for underwater cultural resources found in the sea involves two government agencies that have different views on the underwater cultural heritage. On one hand, the cultural heritage is treated as “cultural goods” and on the other hand it is treated as “economic goods”. The first purpose-protected perspective is supported by the law on cultural preservation and the principles agreed upon in the international convention on the protection of underwater cultural heritage. While the second perspective is supported by the presidential decree that is based on the national interest to improve the welfare of the community. This article explains how the two government institutions are trying to compete and negotiate to win their respective agendas

    Pengaruh Remunerasi dan Disiplin terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Pegawai melalui Komitmen Pegawai pada Badan Pengawas Pemilu Jawa Timur

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of remuneration and discipline on improving employee performance through employee commitment to the East Java election supervisory body. This research uses a quantitative approach with explanatory research. The data collection technique used in this study is the Google form. Data analysis was carried out through direct and indirect influence tests. This test was carried out using the bootstrapping method using smartPLS 3.0 and looking at the calculation of the total direct effect and indirect effect. The results of this study are in the form of a positive and significant influence of remuneration and discipline on improving employee performance through employee commitment to the East Java election supervisory body. This means that the higher the level of remuneration and discipline, the more employee commitment will increase so that it can improve the performance of East Java election supervisory body employees

    AH-04 Anatomical Characteristic of the Pelvic and Thigh Region Muscles of Javan Pangolin, Manis javanica

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    Anatomical Characteristic of the Pelvic and Thigh Region Muscles  of Javan Pangolin, Manis javanic


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    This paper is the result of research on the Samin Community Education Model in Ngawen Hamlet, Sukolilo, Pati. They do not send their children to formal schools. Their decision not to send their children to formal schools was motivated by the history of the Samin Suronsentiko movement against Dutch colonialism. In their collective memory, there is a memory that the Dutch are smart but their intelligence is used to fool others. Another reason why they do not send their children to formal schools is that there is an obligation for their children to attend lessons in other religions that are not their beliefs. How does the education of the Samin community compare to Romo Mangun's vision of true learning that is liberating and contextual, not limited by time and space and is carried out throughout life. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The main data collection techniques are carried out through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, secondary data collection is done through literature study. From the results of research and comparative studies, it is found that the education model of the life of the Samin community that is independent of time and space, although very simple, is in some way consistent with Romo Mangun Wijaya's educational vision. Keywords: Education Model, Freedom of learning, Space and time, Sami


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    The study aimed to analyze the dynamics of the development of cortical and medullary cells of adrenal gland in the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) during pre- and postnatal period. The samples of adrenal glands were taken from 5 fetuses aged 70, 85, 100, 120, and 150 days of gestation, a newborn aged 10, and an infant aged 105 days old. The samples of the adrenal glands were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome (Goldner’s modification). The results showed that the fetal adrenal cortex consisted of a definitive and fetal zones, but in the late gestation (fetus aged 150 days of gestation), the transitional zone appeared between both zones. At the postnatal period, the definitive zone changed to glomerulosa zone, while the outer cells of the transitional zone changed to fasciculata zone which radially arranged. The results indicated that the fetal zone was present until birth and it will disappear gradually after birth. The medullary cells were found at the fetal stages as an irregular structure of small islands of chromaffin cells in the fetal zone. This structure migrated slowly to the center of the adrenal glands. The characteristics of mature chromaffin cells were found in the adrenal glands at postnatal period. In conclusion, the cortex adrenal of the newborn of long-tailed macaque consisted of zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, zona transitional, and the remaining fetal zone that has dissapeared gradually after birth


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    Unemployed educated labor is an issue in an employment. Nowadays, a growing number of educated job seekers exceeds the absorprive capacity of the labor market. It causes the educated job seekers are scrambling to find a job, so that the probability of finding job are low. Consequently the longer job seekers find the job. Moreover, the higher education level of the job seekers are the higher the reservation wage, so that the longer they are looking for a job. This research analyzes the factors that affect the long search of educated job seeker in the District of Semarang by using multiple linear regression method. The data used in this research are primary data obtained from subjects by giving questionnaires and secondary data obtained from the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) of Semarang, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Semarang District and the Dinas Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi Semarang regency. Respondents in this research is the workforce completed high school, graduate Diploma (DI / DII / DIII) and graduate bachelordegree (S1) in Semarang District. The results of this research show that five independent variabeles show that of all the significantly influence the long search of employment for educated labor. When determinas coefficient reaches the number of 0,541, it is considered that variable income, education level, age and technical education are able to explain 54,1 percent of the variation of the term for seeking a job, while the 45,9 percent can be explained by another variable wich is excluded in this research. With a significance value of 0.000 where the value is much smaller than 0.005 then the regression model can be used to predict the long search of work or it can be said that income, education level, age and technical education are jointly affect the long search for employment. To overcome the problem of long sech of work for educated labor, it is advisable for job seekers to be seek any information about a job oportunities, the job seekers should have high enterpreneur skill to compete in labour market
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