264 research outputs found

    Delayed neonatal visual evoked potentials are associated to asymmetric growth pattern in twins

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    Objectives: To study the association between intrauterine growth and visual pathways maturation by neonatal visual evoked potentials (VEPs) in twins, in view of a possible prognostic role. Methods: Seventy-four twin neonates from 37 pregnancies were selected based on gestational age of more than 30 weeks and uneventful perinatal clinical course. Flash VEPs were recorded at the same postmenstrual age in each twin pair. The association between P2 latency and anthropometric variables at birth was analyzed by comparison within each twin pair and regarding each variable as ordered difference between the two twins. Results: Analysis of differences within each twin pair highlighted that inter-twin difference in P2 latency was significantly related to difference in ponderal index (PI) (p = 0.048). Expressing the difference in latency as a categorical binary variable, the correlation was significant for both difference in PI, (median difference = −0.36, 95% CI −0.54 to −0.14, p = 0.001) and difference in body mass index (BMI), (median difference = −1.06, 95% CI −1.74 to −0.29, p = 0.006). Conclusions: Lower values of PI and BMI differences are associated to delayed VEP latency in twin pairs. Significance: VEP latency suggests reduced myelination of visual pathways when difference in growth pattern occurs in twins

    Electroencephalographic functional connectivity in extreme prematurity: a pilot study based on graph theory

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    Background: Connectivity studies based on functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provided new insights in neonatal brain development but cannot be performed at bedside in the clinical setting. The electroencephalogram (EEG) connectivity has been less studied, particularly using the new approach based on graph theory. This study aimed to explore the functional EEG connectivity using graph theory analysis at an early post-conception age in extremely premature and late-preterm babies free of medical complications and overt brain damage. Methods: Sixteen neonates (8 extremely low gestational age (ELGA) and 8 late-preterm infants), both groups having performed multichannel EEG recordings at 35 weeks’ post-conception, were recruited in a single tertiary-level neonatal intensive care unit and well-baby nursery, respectively. Global (i.e., small-worldness) and local (i.e., clustering and strength) connectivity measures were calculated on a single-subject connectivity matrix of EEG data. Results: Both ELGA and late-preterm infants showed small-worldness organization at 35 weeks’ post-conception. The ELGA group had the strength parameter of the theta frequency band lower in the right than in the left hemisphere. This asymmetry did not emerge in the late-preterm group. Moreover, the mean strength parameter was significantly greater in the right hemisphere in the late preterms than in the ELGA group. Conclusion: EEG connectivity measures could represent an index of left-to-right maturation and developmental disadvantage in extremely preterm infants

    Early onset retinal dystrophies: Clinical clues to diagnosis for pediatricians

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    Introduction: Inherited retinal dystrophies are major cause of severe progressive vision loss in children. Early recognition and diagnosis are essential for timely visual rehabilitation during the appropriate stages of the visual development, as well as for genetic diagnosis and possible gene therapy. The aim of this study is to characterize a pattern of the initial visual symptoms, which could help the pediatricians and the primary care providers to suspect an inherited retinal disorder in its early stage. Methods: We analyzed the initial clinical symptoms, based on parental report during the first visit to specialist, in 50 children diagnosed with retinal dystrophy confirmed by full-field electroretinography. The analysis included the age of symptoms onset and the type of visual symptoms, both in the total population and in the following diagnostic subgroups: rod-cone dystrophy (n.17), cone-rod dystrophy (n.12), achromatopsia (n.13), congenital stationary night blindness (n.6) and Leber's congenital amaurosis (n.2). Results: The majority of children (80%) had the onset of clinical symptoms before one year of age. The most frequent visual complaints reported by parents were nystagmus (76%), visual loss (28%) and photophobia (8%). Nystagmus was the first symptom reported by parents if the disease onset was before the age of six months, while the onset after the six months of age was more likely associated with the complain of vision loss. Conclusions: Low vision and nystagmus observed by parents, particularly in the first year of life, may represent a red flag, prompting an appropriate ophthalmological workup for inherited retinal dystrophy

    Covid-19 management in the pediatric age: Consensus document of the covid-19 working group in paediatrics of the Emilia-Romagna Region (re-co-ped), Italy

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    Since December 2019, coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has rapidly spread, becoming the first pandemic of the 21st century by number of deaths (over 2,000,000 worldwide). Many aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents remain unclear, and optimal treatment has not yet been defined. Therefore, our goal was to develop a consensus document, practically synthesizing the accumulated data and clinical experience of our expert group. Literature research was carried out using the keywords “COVID-19” or “SARS-CoV-2” and “children” or “pediatrics” and “prevention” or “diagnosis” or “MIS-C” or “treatment” in electronic databases (MEDLINE, PUBMED), existing guidelines and gray literature. The fact that the majority of the problems posed by SARS-CoV-2 infection in pediatric age do not need hospital care and that, therefore, infected children and adolescents can be managed at home highlights the need for a strengthening of territorial pediatric structures. The sharing of hospitalization and therapeutic management criteria for severe cases between professionals is essential to ensure a fair approach based on the best available knowledge. Moreover, the activity of social and health professionals must also include the description, management and limitation of psychophysical-relational damage resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the health of children and adolescents, whether or not affected by COVID-19. Due to the characteristics of COVID-19 pathology in pediatric age, the importance of strengthening the network between hospital and territorial pediatrics, school, educational, social and family personnel both for strictly clinical management and for the reduction in discomfort, with priority in children of more frail families, represents a priority

    Pre-surgery urine metabolomics may predict late neurodevelopmental outcome in children with congenital heart disease

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    Background: From fetal life until cardiac surgery, complex congenital heart diseases (CHD) exhibit different hemodynamic and oxygenation patterns that can lead to alteration of the metabolic profile. We used a metabolomic approach to identify urine metabolic markers before cardiac surgery, aiming to define the physiology of patients with complex CHD and to contribute to predict their neurodevelopmental outcome. Methods: In a prospective, observational, single-center study we enrolled 28 patients with complex biventricular and univentricular CHD aged less than 5 years, on stable hemodynamic conditions, and with no genetic anomalies. We analyzed urine samples, collected at the induction of anesthesia, by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Profiles of 1H NMR spectra were submitted to unsupervised (principal component) and supervised (partial least squares-discriminant) multivariate analysis. Neurodevelopment was assessed by neuropsychological and adaptive functioning testing. Results: Principal components analysis divided CHD patients metabolic profiles in two distinct clusters (RED and BLACK). Metabolic profiles belonging to the RED cluster showed higher levels of accumulation of citric acid cycle intermediates and glucose compared to the profiles in the BLACK cluster, indicating a possible switching to anaerobic metabolism. Patients belonging to the RED cluster were significantly more prone to show an adverse neurodevelopment pattern (p = 0.01). Conclusions: The application of metabolomic analysis to CHD children permitted a deeper insight on their metabolic status that could help to obtain a better understanding of the physiological implications and to predict long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. © 201

    Relapse risk factors in anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis

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    Aim: To identify factors that may predict and affect the risk of relapse in anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis. Method: This was a retrospective study of an Italian cohort of patients with paediatric (≀18y) onset anti-NMDAR encephalitis. Results: Of the 62 children included (39 females; median age at onset 9y 10mo, range 1y 2mo–18y; onset between 2005 and 2018), 21 per cent relapsed (median two total events per relapsing patient, range 2–4). Time to first relapse was median 31.5 months (range 7–89mo). Severity at first relapse was lower than onset (median modified Rankin Scale [mRS] 3, range 2–4, vs median mRS 5, range 3–5; admission to intensive care unit: 0/10 vs 3/10). At the survival analysis, the risk of relapsing was significantly lower in patients who received three or more different immune therapies at first disease event (hazard ratio 0.208, 95% confidence interval 0.046–0.941; p=0.042). Neurological outcome at follow-up did not differ significantly between patients with relapsing and monophasic disease (mRS 0–1 in 39/49 vs 12/13; p=0.431), although follow-up duration was significantly longer in relapsing (median 84mo, range 14–137mo) than in monophasic patients (median 32mo, range 4–108mo; p=0.002). Interpretation: Relapses may occur in about one-fifth of children with anti-NMDAR encephalitis, are generally milder than at onset, and may span over a long period, although they do not seem to be associated with severity in the acute phase or with outcome at follow-up. Aggressive immune therapy at onset may reduce risk of relapse. What this paper adds: Relapses of anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis may span over a long period. Relapses were not associated with severity in the acute phase or outcome at follow-up. Aggressive immune therapy at onset appears to decrease risk of relapse

    Etiological research in pediatric multiple sclerosis: A tool to assess environmental exposures (PEDiatric Italian Genetic and enviRonment ExposurE Questionnaire)

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    Background: The etiology of pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis is unknown although putative genetic and environmental factors appear to be involved. Among children multiple sclerosis onset occurs closer to the susceptibility window thank in adults and the exposure to etiological environmental factors is more informative. An Italian multicentre case-control study (the PEDiatric Italian Genetic and enviRonment ExposurE, PEDIGREE study) was designed to investigate environmental exposures in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis and their interaction with genetics. Objectives: To collect evidence on exposures to environmental risk factors in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis, a questionnaire was developed for the Italian population (PEDIGREE Questionnaire) and is presented. Methods: PEDIGREE Questionnaire develops from an existing tool used in case-control studies on pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis in US Americans, and was translated, adapted and tested for the contents perceived relevance, acceptability, feasibility and reliability in a population of Italian pediatric subjects and their parents recruited from clinics and general population. Results: PEDIGREE Questionnaire contents were overall deemed relevant by the study population, acceptable for 100% participants and feasible for at least 98%. PEDIGREE Questionnaire degree of reliability ranged 56% to 72%. Conclusion: PEDIGREE Questionnaire proves to be an efficient tool to assess environmental exposures in the Italian pediatric population. We encourage the dissemination of population-specific questionnaires and shared methodology to optimize efforts in MS etiological research

    Use of Telemedicine Healthcare Systems in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Disease or in Transition Stages of Life: Consensus Document of the Italian Society of Telemedicine (SIT), of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics (SIPPS), of the Italian Society of Pediatric Primary Care (SICuPP), of the Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors (FIMP) and of the Syndicate of Family Pediatrician Doctors (SIMPeF)

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    Telemedicine is considered an excellent tool to support the daily and traditional practice of the health profession, especially when referring to the care and management of chronic patients. In a panorama in which chronic pathologies with childhood onset are constantly increasing and the improvement of treatments has allowed survival for them into adulthood, telemedicine and remote assistance are today considered effective and convenient solutions both for the chronic patient, who thus receives personalized and timely assistance, and for the doctors, who reduce the need for direct intervention, hospitalizations and consequent management costs. This Consensus document, written by the main Italian Scientific Societies involved in the use of telemedicine in pediatrics, has the objectives to propose an organizational model based on the relationships between the actors who participate in the provision of a telemedicine service aimed at minors with chronic pathologies, identifying specific project links between the areas of telemedicine in the developmental age from the first 1000 days of life to the age adult. The future scenario will have to be able to integrate digital innovation in order to offer the best care to patients and citizens. It will have to be able to provide the involvement of patients from the very beginning of the design of any care pathway, increasing where possible the proximity of the health service to citizens

    Pediatric Moyamoya Disease and Syndrome in Italy: A Multicenter Cohort

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    Background: Moyamoya is a rare progressive cerebral arteriopathy, occurring as an isolated phenomenon (moyamoya disease, MMD) or associated with other conditions (moyamoya syndrome, MMS), responsible for 6–10% of all childhood strokes and transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). Methods: We conducted a retrospective multicenter study on pediatric-onset MMD/MMS in Italy in order to characterize disease presentation, course, management, neuroradiology, and outcome in a European country. Results: A total of 65 patients (34/65 women) with MMD (27/65) or MMS (38/65) were included. About 18% (12/65) of patients were asymptomatic and diagnosed incidentally during investigations performed for an underlying condition (incMMS), whereas 82% (53/65) of patients with MMD or MMS were diagnosed due to the presence of neurological symptoms (symptMMD/MMS). Of these latter, before diagnosis, 66% (43/65) of patients suffered from cerebrovascular events with or without other manifestations (ischemic stroke 42%, 27/65; TIA 32%, 21/65; and no hemorrhagic strokes), 18% (12/65) of them reported headache (in 4/12 headache was not associated with any other manifestation), and 26% (17/65) of them experienced multiple phenotypes (≄2 among: stroke/TIA/seizures/headache/others). Neuroradiology disclosed ≄1 ischemic lesion in 67% (39/58) of patients and posterior circulation involvement in 51% (30/58) of them. About 73% (47/64) of patients underwent surgery, and 69% (45/65) of them received aspirin, but after diagnosis, further stroke events occurred in 20% (12/61) of them, including operated patients (11%, 5/47). Between symptom onset and last follow-up, the overall patient/year incidence of stroke was 10.26% (IC 95% 7.58–13.88%). At last follow-up (median 4 years after diagnosis, range 0.5–15), 43% (26/61) of patients had motor deficits, 31% (19/61) of them had intellectual disability, 13% (8/61) of them had epilepsy, 11% (7/61) of them had behavioral problems, and 25% (13/52) of them had mRS > 2. The proportion of final mRS > 2 was significantly higher in patients with symptMMD/MMS than in patients with incMMS (p = 0.021). Onset age <4 years and stroke before diagnosis were significantly associated with increased risk of intellectual disability (p = 0.0010 and p = 0.0071, respectively) and mRS > 2 at follow-up (p = 0.0106 and p = 0.0009, respectively). Conclusions: Moyamoya is a severe condition that may affect young children and frequently cause cerebrovascular events throughout the disease course, but may also manifest with multiple and non-cerebrovascular clinical phenotypes including headache (isolated or associated with other manifestations), seizures, and movement disorder. Younger onset age and stroke before diagnosis may associate with increased risk of worse outcome (final mRS > 2)

    Cyclic vomiting syndrome in children: a nationwide survey of current practice on behalf of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) and Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP)

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    Background: Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is a rare functional gastrointestinal disorder, which has a considerable burden on quality of life of both children and their family. Aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic modalities and therapeutic approach to CVS among Italian tertiary care centers and the differences according to subspecialties, as well as to explore whether potential predictive factors associated with either a poor outcome or a response to a specific treatment. Methods: Cross-sectional multicenter web-based survey involving members of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) and Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP). Results: A total of 67 responses were received and analyzed. Most of the respondent units cared for less than 20 patients. More than half of the patients were referred after 3 to 5 episodes, and a quarter after 5 attacks. We report different diagnostic approaches among Italian clinicians, which was particularly evident when comparing gastroenterologists and neurologists. Moreover, our survey demonstrated a predilection of certain drugs during emetic phase according to specific clinic, which reflects the cultural background of physicians. Conclusion: In conclusion, our survey highlights poor consensus amongst clinicians in our country in the diagnosis and the management of children with CVS, raising the need for a national consensus guideline in order to standardize the practice
