39 research outputs found

    Analisis Peningkatan Kesempatan Kerja Di Indonesia

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    The problems of labor have influenced of many factors as such global market,regulation and goverment policy. Indicators of labor that a number used up till now were considered have some weakness. The result of this analysis was indicated the presents of sector performance variation and labor change viewed according to economic sectors. The demographic pressure to labor supply can be describe that population grow 1,7 percent per year at 2000-2005 period. Estimated the number higher that population grow of the time 2000-2005 is 1,3 percent per year and 2005-2009 is 1,1 percent per year. Many labor policy can be implemented to development and improve the skill and knowledge. A lot of the labor problems is multidimention properties can be solve by multidimention approaches. A number of external and internal factors of labor were also showed the various effect based on the many sectors. Therefore, to improve capacity of each sector will be needed policy intervention which to take care of the such as variation

    Analisis Ekonomi Dan Sektor Unggulan Untuk Pengembangan Halmahera Tengah

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    This study is conducted in 2008, is one part of the Spatial Planning of CentralHalmahera years 2009-2019. The analytical method used is the shift share and the location quotient. The data analyzed is the Gross Regional Domestic Product from Central Halmahera regency and North Maluku province. Shift share analysis results show that the economy of Central Halmahera grows faster that of the province of North Maluku. However economic growth was shifted from mining and quarrying sector to the agricultural sector. While the leading sector in Central Halmahera regency as still in the mining and quarrying sector, agricultural sector, and commerce and services sector


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    ABSTRAK FIKA SUNARTONO, Faktor-Faktor Fisik Yang Mempengaruhi Produktivitas Padi Sawah Di Kecamatan Kertajati Kabupaten Majalengka. Skripsi. Jakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial. Universitas Negeri Jakarta. 2021. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi produktivitas tanaman padi sawah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif menggunakan data sekunder. Berdasarkan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Balai Besar Sumber Daya Lahan Pertanian (BBSDLP) diketahui bahwa kondisi fisik tanah di lokasi penelitian yaitu kedalaman tanah dalam >50 cm, drainase terhambat dan tekstur tanah halus. Faktor kimia tanah (pH tanah) 4,5 – 6,5. Kemiringan lereng yang mendominasi yaitu kemiringan lereng <15 % (datar) dan kondisi topografi 40 – 50 mdpl. Data faktor unsur iklim didapatkan dari Stasiun Meteorologi Jatiwangi yaitu diantaranya kondisi rata-rata curah hujan pada tahun 2016-2019 yaitu 3077-1950 mm/tahun, panjang musim hujan 180 harian per tahun, suhu udara minimum 26°C – suhu udara maksimum 37°C dengan rata-rata kelembaban 60% - 88%. Serta fator teknis dari jaringan irigasi menurut Indeks Kinerja Sistem Irigasi Cicabe dengan nilai 52% yang berarti dalam kondisi jelek. Untuk mengetahui faktor fisik dominan dalam penelitian ini dengan penguatan berdasarkan penelitian relevan. Maka faktor fisik dominan yang mempengaruhi produktivitas sawah tadah hujan adalah kesuburan tanah (fisik dan kimia tanah) dengan faktor pembatas (tekstur tanah halus dan pH tanah asam – hingga asam). Faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi produktivitas sawah irigasi yaitu dari faktor teknis dari jaringan irigasi yang mana kondisi jaringan irigasi jelek (tidak terawat dengan baik dan kurang lengkap) dan perlu perhatian dengan dilakukan pemeliharaan berkala yang bersifat perbaikan berat dan penggantian. Kata kunci: Analisis Spasial, Pertanian, Kecamatan Kertajati ABSTRACT FIKA SUNARTONO, Physical Factors that Affect the Productivity of Rice Agriculture in Kertajati, Majalengka. Essay. Jakarta: Geography Education Study Program. Faculty of Social and Science. State University of Jakarta. 2021. This research aims to identify physical and non-physical factors that affect productivity of rice. This research used descriptive method using secondary data. Based on secondary data obtained from Balai Besar Sumber Daya Lahan Pertanian (BBSDLP), it is known that the physical condition of the soil in the research location is a deep soil depth> 50 cm, obstructed drainage and fine soil texture. Soil chemical factor (soil pH) 4.5 - 6.5. The dominant slopes are <15% (flat) and the topographic conditions are 40 - 50 masl. Data on climatic factors were obtained from the Jatiwangi Meteorological Station, including the average rainfall conditions in 2016-2019, namely 3077-1950 mm / year, the length of the rainy season 180 days per year, minimum air temperature 26 ° C - maximum air temperature 37 ° C with an average humidity of 60% - 88%. As well as the technical facilitator of the irrigation network according to the Cicabe Irrigation System Performance Index with a value of 52% which means it is in bad condition. To find out the dominant physical factors in this study with reinforcement based on relevant research. So the dominant physical factors affecting the productivity of rainfed rice are soil fertility (soil physical and chemical) with limiting factors (fine soil texture and acidic - to acidic soil pH). The dominant factor affecting the productivity of irrigated rice fields is the technical factor of the irrigation network in which the condition of the irrigation network is poor (not well maintained and incomplete) and needs attention by carrying out periodic maintenance which is heavy repair and replacement. Keywords: Spasial Analysis, Agriculture, Kertajat

    The Effect of Stop Stunting Video on Increasing Knowledge Pregnant Women about Stunting Prevention

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    The prevalence of stunting under five in Indonesia reaches 24.4% and Central Java Province reaches 20.8%, where Wonosobo Regency contributes 27.17%. One of the influencing factors is the mother's knowledge about stunting which is still low. The purpose of this research is to make a stop stunting video that can help increase mother's knowledge about stunting. This type of research is a quasi-experimental with a sample of 137 pregnant women. The results showed that there was a significant difference in maternal knowledge about stunting prevention in the posttest between the experimental group (education using video media) and the control group (education using leaflet media) because the significance value of the independent sample t test was 0.000 or less than 0.05. . The score gain in the experimental group is 77.14%, the value is included in the effective category or has a high level of effectiveness, while in the control group, 23.37% the value is included in the ineffective category. So that the stop stunting video media has a high level of effectiveness to increase mother's knowledge about stunting prevention compared to leaflet media. As for the effect size of the video media, the d value is 1.42, which means it has a large effect


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    ABSTRACT Background: To increase health service local government of Gunungkidul issued a local regulation No.14/2000, this was formally implemented on July 1st 2000. But there is a gap between the implementation and the procedure so that is causes a problem among the policy makers in the field. Thus there is a risk of policy deviation which one of them is a drug procurement that doesn\u27t fit to the regulation. Procure¬ment of drug retribution in health center to estimate some decrease on the demand of drug from the district, and then there is make over stock. ⢠Objectives: Gunungkidul district was selected as the subject of this research be¬cause the case happened in its district. The regulation says that the money of retribu¬tion of accommodation can be used to procure the drug, and cope the unavailability of drug in heath center. Method: This research applies a non-experimental case study method for which it takes 12-health center that have the highest visit rate. The observation is done toward the data of drug procurement in health center in 2000 until the end of 2001. Results: Based on the observation, it found that procurement of drug retribution doesn\u27t . correspond to essential, non-generic name, and its price is too expensive, more that the price standard fised by government. Conclusions: Consequently, this has caused the quality of drug available in health center less optimal. In addition to the effect on the availability in health center, it also influences the availability in district that is over stock 2,4% and decreases the de¬mand of drug from district 36,73%. Keywords: health center, local regulation, drug retribution, drug proCurement, drug availabilit

    Kandungan Unsur Tanah Jarang di Perairan Kampar, Riau

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    Makalah ini membahas tentang sebaran dan kandungan unsur tanah jarang, di Perairan dan pantai Kuala Kampar baik dalam sedimen permukaan maupun di bawah permukaan. Untuk mengetahui dan memahami sebaran unsur tanah jarang di daerah selidikan, empat puluh lima contoh sedimen telah dilakukan analisis unsur tanah jarang. Berdasarkan analisis REE, maka unsur tanah jarang di Perairan Kuala Kampar dan sekitarnya terdiri dari Thantalum (Ta), Neobium (Nb), Zirkonium (Zr) Ytrium (Y) Zirkonium ditemukan dalam seluruh contoh yang dilakukan analisa kimia.. Dalam percontoh sedimen permukaan dasar laut sebaran zirkonium mempunyai kandungan antara 2,8 ppm -130 ppm. Sedangkan dibawah permukaan sedimen dasar laut berdasarkan data bor zirkonium ditemukan dengan kandungan antara 20,1 ppm - 75 ppm. Ytrium ditemukan pada seluruh contoh yang dianalisis kimia. Pada sedimen permukaan dasar laut sebaran ytrium mempunyai kandungan antara 4,1 ppm -39,3 ppm. Sedangkan dibawah permukaan sedimen dasar laut dari data bor ytrium ditemukan dengan kandungan antara 8,6 ppm - 17 ppm. Neobium ditemukan pada 33 percontoh yang dianalisa kimia dengan kandungan antara 0,06 ppm - 15,3 ppm dalam sedimen permukaan dasar laut perairan Kuala Kampar.dengan kandungan tertinggi pada MKP-69 (15,3) ppm. Dari contoh bor neobium ditemukan dalam BH-2 kedalaman bor (11-12m) 5,5 ppm dan BH-3 kandungan kisaran antara 2,6 ppm - 6,9 ppm Thantalum ditemukan dalam 23 percontoh yang dianalisa kimia dengan kandungan antara 1,43 ppm dan 19,3 ppm dengan kandungan tertinggi pada MKP-69. Dari contoh bor (BH-1, BH-2 and BH-3) thantalum tidak ditemukan. Unsur tanah jarang kebanyakan terdapat pada sedimen dasar laut pasir, pasir lanauan dan lanau pasiran. The paper describes distribution and rare earth element contents in surface and sub surface sediments of Kuala Kampar waters area. To find out the distribution of rare earth element in the study area, forty-five samples have been analysed. According to REE analysis the sediments in Kuala Kampar area consist of Thantalum (Ta), Neobium (Nb), Zirconium (Zr) and Ytrium (Y). Zirconium found in all samples of surficial sea bottom sediment. Zirconium content ranged between 2,8 ppm and130 ppm. On the other hand subsurface seabottom sediment from core data shows zirconium content between 20,1 ppm and 75 ppm. Ytrium found in all samples analysed and the content range between 4,1 ppm and 39,3 ppm, while from core data ytrium content between 8,6 ppm and 17 ppm. Neobium found in thirtythree samples chemically analysed, the content range between 0,06 ppm and 15,3 ppm, where the highest content occur in MKP-69. From the core neobium found.in BH-2 core data (11 m - 12m) 5,5 ppm and BH-3 the content range between 2,6 ppm and 6,9 ppm. Thantalum found in 23 samples and the content range between 1,43 ppm and 19,30 ppm, where the highest content occur in MKP-69. From the core (BH-1, BH-2 and BH-3) thantalum is not found Most of Rare earth element generally found in sea bottom sediment: sand, silty sand and sandy silt

    Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja Putri Tentang Keputihan Melalui Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Media Komik Elektronik dan Leaflet di SMA N 3 dan SMA N 9 Bengkulu Selatan

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    Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), keputihan dialami oleh hampir seluruh wanita di dunia, 60% pada usia 15-22 tahun dan 40% pada usia 23-45 tahun. Sebanyak 75% wanita Indonesia pernah mengalami keputihan dengan kejadian keputihan 50% pada remaja dan 25% pada wanita usia subur. Menganalisis pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan melalui komik elektronik dan leaflet untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja putri tentang keputihan di SMAN 3 dan SMAN 9 Bengkulu Selatan. Penelitian quasi experiment dengan desain pre test-post test with control group. Populasi siswi kelas XI sebanyak 65 orang di SMAN 3 dan 90 orang di SMAN 9 Bengkulu Selatan, menggunakan metode purposive sampling, diperoleh 41 responden pada kelompok eksperimen dan 41 responden pada kelompok kontrol. Hasil uji independent samples t-test menunjukkan nilai p sebesar 0,008 artinya ada perbedaan rata-rata pengetahuan kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol artinya ada peningkatan pengetahuan remaja putri tentang keputihan setelah dilakukan intervensi. Pada variabel sikap nilai p sebesar 0,000. maka ada perbedaan rata-rata sikap kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol artinya ada peningkatan sikap remaja putri tentang keputihan setelah dilakukan intervensi. Media komik elektronik dan leaflet berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja putri tentang keputihan di SMAN 3 dan SMAN 9 Bengkulu Selatan

    Has decentralisation affected child immunisation status in Indonesia?

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    Background: The past two decades have seen many countries, including a number in Southeast Asia, decentralising their health system with the expectation that this reform will improve their citizens’ health. However, the consequences of this reform remain largely unknown. Objective: This study analyses the effects of fiscal decentralisation on child immunisation status in Indonesia. Design: We used multilevel logistic regression analysis to estimate these effects, and multilevel multiple imputation to manage missing data. The 2011 publication of Indonesia's national socio-economic survey (Susenas) is the source of household data, while the Podes village census survey from the same year provides village-level data. We supplement these with local government fiscal data from the Ministry of Finance. Results: The findings show that decentralising the fiscal allocation of responsibilities to local governments has a lack of association with child immunisation status and the results are robust. The results also suggest that increasing the number of village health centres (posyandu) per 1,000 population improves probability of children to receive full immunisation significantly, while increasing that of hospitals and health centres (puskesmas) has no significant effect. Conclusion: These findings suggest that merely decentralising the health system does not guarantee improvement in a country's immunisation coverage. Any successful decentralisation demands good capacity and capability of local governments

    Multimedia Quality About Risk Dating as A Youth Health Promotion Media

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    Background: feeling of liking or being attracted to the opposite sex is often expressed by the term dating. The impact of dating leads to deviant activities such as risky dating. It is important for teenagers to know about risky dating through health promotion activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of multimedia about risky courtship as a medium for adolescent health promotion. Methods: This type of research uses experimental research using an approach R &amp; D. This research method is the assessment of material experts, media experts and small group sample trials with a total of 15 respondents. The research instrument was an open questionnaire which was filled out by the respondents. The analysis used in this study used univariate analysis. Results: Multimedia about risky dating as a health promotion media is said to be feasible by material experts with an average score of 54.33; said to be feasible by media experts with an average score of 50.33 and said to be feasible by users with an average score of 31.13. Conclusion: Multimedia about risky courtship is said to be suitable for use as a media for adolescent health promotion


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