14 research outputs found


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    Seiring dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di era yang semakin mengglobal ini, tak dapat dipungkiri kemampuan berbahasa asing, terutama Bahasa Inggris begitu sangat penting. Namun, tidak semua siswa mampu menguasai Bahasa yang memang bukan bahasa sehari-hari mereka ini. Rendahnya penguasaan kosa kata secara umum dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain: kurangnya penguasaan kosakata dan belum adanya penerapan metode dan model pengajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sesuai dan yang mampu memotiovasi siswa untuk belajar.. Berdasarkan analisa kebutuhan yang diperlukan oleh siswa SMK YPUI Parung, tim dosen memutuskan untuk melakukan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) dengan menerapkan Words Search Game yang bertujuan untuk memberikan variasi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang berfokus pada peningkatan penguasaan kosa kata siswa. Selain mampu meningkatkan kosakata dan bentuk kata kata lainnya, words search game ini juga dapat melatih siswa berpikir kritis untuk mencari solusi dari setiap masalah. Oleh karena itu, PkM ini menerapkan metode permainan Words Search Game sebagai salah satu metode yang paling mudah dicerna oleh siswa dan tentunya menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan saat proses pembelajaran. Metode permainan ini juga diarahkan agar siswa lebih aktif dalam meningkatkan kosa kata Bahasa Inggris. Siswa juga bukan hanya mengetahui arti dan bentuk dari sebuah kata, melainkan juga mengasah artikulasi dan pelafalan kosa kata. Dengan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, tujuan pembelajaran pun akan tercapai karena siswa terlibat di dalamnya


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    Kurangnya penguasaan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris masih sering ditemui dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Permasalahan ini bertolak belakang dengan tuntutan zaman dimana penguasaan berbicara bahasa inggris merupakan sebuah keharusan di era globalisasi. Selain itu, metode pempelajaran yang digunakan kerap kali tidak sesuai kebutuhan dan karakter siswa sehingga tidak tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran secara optimal. Maka dari itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan memberikan pelatihan speaking skill dengan menggunakan metode cooperative learning yang dapat melibatkan siswa untuk lebih aktif di dalam pembelajaran tersebut. Metode cooperative learning banyak macamnya dan digunakan sesuai dengan tujuan dan sasarannya. Pada pelatihan ini metode cooperative learning yang digunakan adalah Think-Pair-Share (TPS). Khalayak dan Sasaran dalam pengabdian ini adalah siswa-siswi kelas X SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Tangerang Selatan. Pelatihan diadakan secara daring sesuai dengan izin yang diberikan oleh tempat pengabdian karena adanya pandemi covid-19 yang mengharuskan siswa-siswi belajar di rumah. Pelatihan diberikan secara daring dengan menggunakan aplikasi zoom dan WhatsApp agar lebih intensif dan terpantau peningkatannya


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    SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Tangerang Selatan menuntut guru- guru untuk selalu dapat mengikuti pelatihanpengajaran agar para guru senantiasa dapat mengembangkan kemampuan masing-masing individu dalammenyampikan mata pelajaran. Keterbatasan waktu dan jarangnya ada pelatihan guru yang dapat merekajangkau dengan mudah membuat mereka jarang mengikuti pelatihan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahantersebut maka kami tim dosen Universitas Pamulang dalam rangka melakukan tri dharma perguruantinggi yaitu salah satunya adalah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, menawarkan diri untuk hadirmemberikan wawasan yang berbeda tentang Cooperative Learning. Kegiatan pengabdian kepadamasyarakat berupa Pelatihan Cooperative Learning untuk Guru – Guru SMK Muhammadiyah 2Tangerang Selatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam pengembanganpembelajaran guru. Kemampuan mengembangkan pembelajaran diharapkan dapat meningkatkan motivasisiswa untuk belajar terutama dalam bekerja kelompok dan saling bertukar pikiran untuk memecahkanmasalah bersama. Khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah guru-guruSMK Muhammadiyah 2 Tangerang Selatan yang berjumlah 31 orang. Pelatihan Cooperative Learninguntuk Guru-Guru SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Tangerang Selatan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah,demonstrasi dan latihan yang disertai tanya jawab. Metode ceramah digunakan untuk menjelaskan konseppengantar dan teori media pembelajaran. Metode demonstrasi digunakan untuk menunujukkan tahapanpembelajaran menggunakan model Cooperative Learning. Sedangkan metode latihan digunakan untukmempraktikkan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model Cooperative Learning. Dan tanya jawabdilakukan untuk memberi kesempatan peserta pelatihan berkonsultasi dalam mengatasi kendala yangdihadapi dalam menerapkan model pembelajaran tersebut


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    English for Vocational School is a key to bridging non-English major students’ needs including Informatics Engineering students of a private university in South Tangerang, Indonesia. Accordingly, it is important to conduct a needs-analysis study as a way to find the source of information to designing proper English materials. To actualize it, a set of questionnaire was distributed to 35 students of Informatics Engineering Study Program to investigate their necessities, lacks, and desire in learning English for vocational purpose. The data were analysed quantitatively to figure out majority choices to each item questioned. Semi-structured interview to both the lecturers and the students were also conducted to explore reasons for each finding. The result showed that the students were expected to be proficient at using English for daily communication which will be useful for their future working-community because most of the students thought that they were not fluent yet and found difficulties especially in grammar mastery. Accordingly, they expected that instructional process be directed to learning English related to Informatics Engineering without ignoring daily communication topics. These overall findings are a milestone to designing a set of English learning materials for the third semester students of Informatics Engineering Students of the university


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    The popularity of virtual-learning platforms as an alternative for instructional practices during the pandemic is rocketing yet students’ perceptions to the implementation are not optimally gauged especially to young learners. This study explores the students’ perception towards learning English using two popular virtual platforms during Covid-19 pandemic. This is a case study involving 30 students in their third-year study at a private primary-school primary school in Tangerang City, Banten. Interviewing and observing all students respectively were conducted to obtain the data needed. Using descriptive analysis, it was found that the students showed negative perceptions towards the online-based learning process. Not only the media but also the whole learning process was negatively impacted. This is a voice that highlights the issue of recent education is facing. Further studies are therefore suggested to delve into effective and feasible solutions to eradicate the negative perception because the best time to return to classroom-situated instructions remains arguable for no-exact tim

    Using critical discourse analysis to explore an authentic teaching material: A focus on language and power

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    Many EFL students show anxiety when speaking English in Indonesia. Therefore, when it comes to pedagogical context, critical discourse analysis (CDA) has a significant role to explore linguistics unit, socio-cultural context, and ideology of the text learners need to understand. This study aims at analysing the relation of language and power behind a text entitled ‘Driving Age, Increasing’ and making use of it to pedagogical context. The chosen text is an authentic material adopted from ‘Debatabase’, a book on building argumentative skills. By using Fairclough’s model (1989), the text was examined through three steps of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), namely description, interpretation, and explanation. Then, the analysis is interrelated with the nature of discussion text taught to the learners. The result of the analysis shows that the text is dominated by material, verbal, and relational processes, formal, complex, repetitive, evidence-based, multi-perspective, and over-wording dictions underpinned in an institutionalized social activity and unspecialized semantic domain. Further, the relationship between the author and the readers indicates there is equality in power shown by the provided equal analytical perspectives and evidence-based arguments to both conflicting parties toward the issue. As it fits the nature of discussion text, the paper ends with recommendations for EFL teachers to make use of CDA in raising learners’ language awareness

    Reflective Feedbacks and Project-Based Activities to Improve the Students’ Writing Skill: An Exploratory Action Research

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    Teaching writing to Informatics Engineering students has its uniqueness when it comes to what specific issue(s) the students are facing and how to cope with them. This study aims at finding out some feedback for the author’s previous teaching practices in writing a descriptive text which becomes the basis to give an exact intervention as well as to find out whether the intervention is able to improve the students’ skills in writing a descriptive text. This is exploratory action research to the 30 students of the third semester in the Informatics Engineering study program of a private university in Indonesia. To gain feedback on the previous instructional practices, a senior colleague is invited as a consultant and an open-ended questionnaire was distributed to the students. Some issues were found. After a deep discussion with the senior colleague, it is concluded that project-based activities could cope with the issues. To prove it, a writing test and open-ended interview were conducted. During the instructional practices, a collaborator was invited to observe using an observation sheet. The result revealed that project-based activities engaged the students and directed them in accomplishing the task. The test also showed improvement in students’ average scores. These findings proved that implementing project-based activities can improve the students’ skills in writing a descriptive text.  Keywords: Exploratory Action Research, Reflective Feedbacks, Project-Based Activitie


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    The objective of study is to identify and describe the types of talks practiced by a teacher and her students in an English class. This is a descriptive qualitative study that observed a classroom instructional practices involving a teacher and 30 students at a private Elementary school in Indonesia. The data were obtained through instructional practices recorded and posted in a Youtube Channel with introducing animals as the topic of the meeting. The obtained data were then analyzed by using Flender’s Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC) that focuses on types of talks between a teacher and students. The steps like transcribing, coding, and analyzing the findings were interpreted in descriptive form. The finding shows that every type of talks was practiced by the teacher and the students. On the types of the talks, it was revealed that asking question, giving direction, and praises or encourages are the most frequently-used types by the teacher and on the types of students’ talks, giving response, silence or confuse were dominant. These types of talks conclude good interactions between the teacher and students particularly on the types of talks that are they used. Through this study, the writer wish that can useful in giving a contribution in English classroom interaction

    ARGUMENTATIVE POWER: A Critical Discourse Analysis to Selected Texts for Academic Purpose

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    A text deserves comprehensive analyses on its textual structure as well as socio-cultural context to meet readers’ comprehension. This paper aims at (1) finding out linguistic styles of the texts and (2) identifying power struggle behind an argumentative text entitled Computer for Children: Advantages or Drawbacks? used to the third students of Informatics Engineering Department at a private university in South Tangerang, Indonesia as a material in learning argumentative text. This is a critical discourse analysis by using Fairclough’s model which consists of description, interpretation, and explanation. In analyzing the text, systemic functional linguistics is used to find out the texts’ power as well as to determine whether the texts are adoptable for the students to learn argumentative texts. The analysis concludes that (1) formal, complex, verbal, repetitive, multi-perspective, evident-based, metaphorical, and over-wording dictions underpinned in an institutionalized social activity and unspecialized semantic domain dominate the texts which conclude that (2) its power to the readers is all equal that the author provoked rather than provided, evident-based and analytical arguments of the issue