215 research outputs found

    Image preference estimation with a data-driven approach: A comparative study between gaze and image features

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    Understanding how humans subjectively look at and evaluate images is an important task for various applications in the field of multimedia interaction. While it has been repeatedly pointed out that eye movements can be used to infer the internal states of humans, not many successes have been reported concerning image understanding. We investigate the possibility of image preference estimation based on a person’s eye movements in a supervised manner in this paper. A dataset of eye movements is collected while the participants are viewing pairs of natural images, and it is used to train image preference label classifiers. The input feature is defined as a combination of various fixation and saccade event statistics, and the use of the random forest algorithm allows us to quantitatively assess how each of the statistics contributes to the classification task. We show that the gaze-based classifier had a higher level of accuracy than metadata-based baseline methods and a simple rule-based classifier throughout the experiments. We also present a quantitative comparison with image-based preference classifiers and discuss the potential and limitations of the gaze-based preference estimator

    Gene Therapy for Retinitis Pigmentosa

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    Investigation of the Coefficient of Earth Pressure for Improved Ground by Compaction Grouting in the Full-Scale Field Liquefaction Experiment

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    This paper describes the effect of countermeasures for liquefaction by compaction grouting, which was investigated by the experiment of full-scale field liquefaction by controlled blast technique. The experiment was conducted to assess the performance of airport facilities subjected to liquefaction, to investigate damage mechanism, and to estimate the effect of countermeasures for liquefaction by compaction grouting applied to liquefiable sand layer under runway pavement. In this study, before and after grouting and after artificial liquefaction caused by in-situ blasting, self boring pressure-meter tests at the center and the edge of a grouted area were carried out to investigate the coefficient of earth pressure, K, for evaluation of the improved ground because it is generally known that compaction grouting makes K-value increase in and around the grouted area. Additionally, to estimate the continuation of improving effect after liquefaction, K-values after blast were also investigated at same points. As the results of investigation, it was found that post-liquefaction K-value was higher than that of untreated ground before improvement and compaction grouting with cost-reduction design examined in this study, that is, the cost-reduction design is effective

    Essential Role of Thioredoxin 2 in Mitigating Oxidative Stress in Retinal Epithelial Cells

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    The retina is constantly subjected to oxidative stress, which is countered by potent antioxidative systems present in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Disruption of these systems leads to the development of age-related macular degeneration. Thioredoxin 2 (Trx2) is a potent antioxidant, which acts directly on mitochondria. In the present study, oxidative stress was induced in the human RPE cell line (ARPE-19) using 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) or C2-ceramide. The protective effect of Trx2 against oxidative stress was investigated by assessing cell viability, the kinetics of cell death, mitochondrial metabolic activity, and expression of heat shock proteins (Hsps) in Trx2-overexpressing cell lines generated by transfecting ARPE cells with an adeno-associated virus vector encoding Trx2. We show that overexpression of Trx2 reduced cell death induced by both agents when they were present in low concentrations. Moreover, early after the induction of oxidative stress Trx2 played a key role in the maintenance of the cell viability through upregulation of mitochondrial metabolic activity and inhibition of Hsp70 expression

    Realtime Motion Generation with Active Perception Using Attention Mechanism for Cooking Robot

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    To support humans in their daily lives, robots are required to autonomously learn, adapt to objects and environments, and perform the appropriate actions. We tackled on the task of cooking scrambled eggs using real ingredients, in which the robot needs to perceive the states of the egg and adjust stirring movement in real time, while the egg is heated and the state changes continuously. In previous works, handling changing objects was found to be challenging because sensory information includes dynamical, both important or noisy information, and the modality which should be focused on changes every time, making it difficult to realize both perception and motion generation in real time. We propose a predictive recurrent neural network with an attention mechanism that can weigh the sensor input, distinguishing how important and reliable each modality is, that realize quick and efficient perception and motion generation. The model is trained with learning from the demonstration, and allows the robot to acquire human-like skills. We validated the proposed technique using the robot, Dry-AIREC, and with our learning model, it could perform cooking eggs with unknown ingredients. The robot could change the method of stirring and direction depending on the status of the egg, as in the beginning it stirs in the whole pot, then subsequently, after the egg started being heated, it starts flipping and splitting motion targeting specific areas, although we did not explicitly indicate them

    Changes in Knowledge Levels through Lectures on Radiotherapy to Nursing Students in Japan

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    Background:Recently, the number of patients choosing radiotherapy is increasing in Japan. It is necessary for even nurses to have knowledge of radiotherapy. We measured the degree of awareness with a lecture on how a nursing student can obtain knowledge of radiotherapy.Materials and methods: Forty nursing students who were in their third year and preparing for their national nursing certification in two months were recruited. The 90-min lecture covered a range of topics from general theories to specific concepts. The students were not informed that they would be required to fill a survey at the end of the lecture. This was to avoid bias that could occur from knowing in advance that a survey would be conducted.Results: The following items below were particularly remarkable. The distinction between the radiologist and the radiation oncologist. The radiotherapy is a local therapy. The pain from bone metastasis could be relieved.Conclusion: Students had very little knowledge on radiotherapy before the lecture. the results of this study indicated the need to increase the number of lectures on radiotherapy for nursing as well medical students. As the number of radiotherapy patients increases

    An improved method for the highly specific detection of transcription start sites

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    遺伝子の転写開始点の検出法TSS-seq2を開発 --メッセンジャーRNAの5’末端を高い特異性で検出--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-11-28.Precise detection of the transcriptional start site (TSS) is a key for characterizing transcriptional regulation of genes and for annotation of newly sequenced genomes. Here, we describe the development of an improved method, designated ‘TSS-seq2.’ This method is an iterative improvement of TSS-seq, a previously published enzymatic cap-structure conversion method to detect TSSs in base sequences. By modifying the original procedure, including by introducing split ligation at the key cap-selection step, the yield and the accuracy of the reaction has been substantially improved. For example, TSS-seq2 can be conducted using as little as 5 ng of total RNA with an overall accuracy of 96%; this yield a less-biased and more precise detection of TSS. We then applied TSS-seq2 for TSS analysis of four plant species that had not yet been analyzed by any previous TSS method

    Full-Length Sequence of Mouse Acupuncture-Induced 1-L (Aig1l) Gene Including Its Transcriptional Start Site

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    We have been investigating the molecular efficacy of electroacupuncture (EA), which is one type of acupuncture therapy. In our previous molecular biological study of acupuncture, we found an EA-induced gene, named acupuncture-induced 1-L (Aig1l), in mouse skeletal muscle. The aims of this study consisted of identification of the full-length cDNA sequence of Aig1l including the transcriptional start site, determination of the tissue distribution of Aig1l and analysis of the effect of EA on Aig1l gene expression. We determined the complete cDNA sequence including the transcriptional start site via cDNA cloning with the cap site hunting method. We then analyzed the tissue distribution of Aig1l by means of northern blot analysis and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. We used the semiquantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction to examine the effect of EA on Aig1l gene expression. Our results showed that the complete cDNA sequence of Aig1l was 6073 bp long, and the putative protein consisted of 962 amino acids. All seven tissues that we analyzed expressed the Aig1l gene. In skeletal muscle, EA induced expression of the Aig1l gene, with high expression observed after 3 hours of EA. Our findings thus suggest that the Aig1l gene may play a key role in the molecular mechanisms of EA efficacy

    Rapid breeding of parthenocarpic tomato plants using CRISPR/Cas9

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    Parthenocarpy in horticultural crop plants is an important trait with agricultural value for various industrial purposes as well as direct eating quality. Here, we demonstrate a breeding strategy to generate parthenocarpic tomato plants using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. We optimized the CRISPR/Cas9 system to introduce somatic mutations effectively into SlIAA9—a key gene controlling parthenocarpy— with mutation rates of up to 100% in the T0 generation. Furthermore, analysis of off-target mutations using deep sequencing indicated that our customized gRNAs induced no additional mutations in the host genome. Regenerated mutants exhibited morphological changes in leaf shape and seedless fruit—a characteristic of parthenocarpic tomato. And the segregated next generation (T1) also showed a severe phenotype associated with the homozygous mutated genome. The system developed here could be applied to produce parthenocarpic tomato in a wide variety of cultivars, as well as other major horticultural crops, using this precise and rapid breeding technique

    Screening for resistance against Pseudomonas syringae in rice-FOX Arabidopsis lines identified a putative receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase gene that confers resistance to major bacterial and fungal pathogens in Arabidopsis and rice

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    Approximately 20 000 of the rice-FOX Arabidopsis transgenic lines, which overexpress 13 000 rice full-length cDNAs at random in Arabidopsis, were screened for bacterial disease resistance by dip inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst DC3000). The identities of the overexpressed genes were determined in 72 lines that showed consistent resistance after three independent screens. Pst DC3000 resistance was verified for 19 genes by characterizing other independent Arabidopsis lines for the same genes in the original rice-FOX hunting population or obtained by reintroducing the genes into ecotype Columbia by floral dip transformation. Thirteen lines of these 72 selections were also resistant to the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum higginsianum. Eight genes that conferred resistance to Pst DC3000 in Arabidopsis have been introduced into rice for overexpression, and transformants were evaluated for resistance to the rice bacterial pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. One of the transgenic rice lines was highly resistant to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Interestingly, this line also showed remarkably high resistance to Magnaporthe grisea, the fungal pathogen causing rice blast, which is the most devastating rice disease in many countries. The causal rice gene, encoding a putative receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase, was therefore designated as BROAD-SPECTRUM RESISTANCE 1. Our results demonstrate the utility of the rice-FOX Arabidopsis lines as a tool for the identification of genes involved in plant defence and suggest the presence of a defence mechanism common between monocots and dicots