17 research outputs found

    Efek Hepatoprotektor Ekstrak Daun Dandang Gendis (Clinacanthus nutans) terhadap Kadar SGPT Tikus Putih (Rattus novergicus) yang Diinduksi Parasetamol

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    Background: Paracetamol was a safe drug, but would cause oxidative stress if taken too much.. Dandang gendis leaves contained a flavonoid antioxidant. This research intended to prove the antioxidant effect of dandang gendis leaves that could prevent liver cell damage of white rat induced by paracetamol. Methods: This research was an experimental laboratoric with post test only control group design. This research had taken place at Parasitology and Micology Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. The sample was 32 Wistar white rats. The dependent variable was the SGPT level of white rats and the independent variable was the dandang gendis leaves extract. The white rats were divided into 4 groups: negative control group (KK0), positive control group (KK1), first threated group (KP1), and second threated group (KP2). KP1 had been given 30 mg/200 gr BB dose and KP2 had been given 60 mg/200 gr BB dose for 14 days. At 11 th – 13 th days, the white rats from KK1, KP1, and KP2 had been given 291.6 mg/200 gr BB dose of paracetamol. At 14 th day, rat’s blood had been taken from orbitalis sinus. The damage of the liver cell had been measured with SGPT laboratory test. The data had been analyzed with one way ANOVA test then with post hoc test (α = 0.05). Results: The highest rate of SGPT levels was KK1, following KP1, KP2, and the lowest was KK0. Oneway ANOVA test resuls showed a significant difference among the four groups with p = 0.000. Post hoc test results showed a significant difference between KK0 – KK1 (p = 0.003) and KK0 – KP2 (p = 0.019) whereas between KK0 – KP1 (p = 0.204), KK1 – KP1 (p = 0.885), KK1 – KP2 (p = 0.077), and KP1 – KP2 (p = 0.932) had no significant difference. Conclusion: Giving dandang gendis leaves extract was not significant to raise the SGPT level of white rat induced by paracetamol. Raising dandang gendis leaves extract doses was not significant to raise its hepatoprotector effec

    Efek Perlindungan Susu Kedelai (Glycine max) Ultra High Temperature (UHT) Terhadap Lambung Mencit

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    Background: White Soybean (Glycine max) Milk Ultra High Temperature (UHT) is potential to protect gaster because it contains flavonoid. This study aimed to investigate the protective effect of white soybean milk UHT on mice’s gaster due to aspirin. Higher dose of the milk reduces the damaged on gastric mucous induced by aspirin Methods: This was a labroratory experimental research with posttest only controlled group design conducted in in Histology Laboratory of Sebelas Maret University. The samples were thirty five mice divided into 5 groups. Negative control group (KN) was given normal food and aquadest, positive control group (KP) was given aspirin dose 2,275 mg/20g Body weight (W), dan first treatment group (P1) was given cimetidine dose 0,78 mg/20g W second treatment group (P2) and third treatment group (P3) was given soybean milk UHT dose 0,7ml/20 g W and 1,4 ml/20 g W. All treatments for KN, KP, P1 , P2, P3 was given in 10 days. Aspirin was given to KP, P1 , P2, P3 with dose 2,275 mg/20g weight of mice on day 8, 9 and 10. to evaluate the level of damage based on histologic appearance, gastric staining was performed using Haem eos. Results: Kruskal-Wallis test result showed significant result among four groups. Mann-Whitney showed significant result for KN compared to KP,P1,P2 , P3 and KP compared to P1, P2 and P3 ; while P1 compared to P2, P3 and P2 compared to P3 had no significant result. Conclusion: White Soybean (Glycine max) Milk Ultra High Temperature(UHT) protect mice’s gastric from gastritis. However, higher dose of White Soybean (Glycine max) Milk Ultra High Temperature(UHT) does not increase the protective effect of white soybean milk UHT on mice’s gaster due to aspirin

    Cloning of cDNA Encoding GRA1 Protein of Tachyzoite Toxoplasma Gondii Local Isolate

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    Gene encoding GRA1 protein is potent DNA-vaccine candidate against toxoplasmosis. The aim of the research was to clone the gene encoding GRA1 protein of tachyzoite Toxoplasma gondii local isolate by DNA recombinant technology. Tachyzoite was grown in Balb/c mice in vivo. Messenger RNA was isolated from total RNA and it was used to synthesis cDNA. Complementary DNA encoding GRA1 protein of tachyzoite Toxoplasma gondii local isolate was amplified and cloned in a prokaryote cloning vector. The recombinant GRA1-encoding gene was then digesting using EcoRI restriction endonuclease and sequencing. The result showed that the recombinant GRA1- encoding gene consisted of DNA sequences encoding all signal peptide and mature peptide of GRA1 protein. Alignment of recombinant GRA1 sequence to gene encoding GRA1 protein of Toxoplasma gondii RH isolate showed 100% homologous

    Kloning dan ekspresi cDNA penyandi protein solubel 28 kDa (GRA2) takizoit Toxoplasma gondii isolat lokal

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    ABSTRACT Jarot Subandono, Wayan T. Artama, Supargiyono - Cloning and expression of cDNA encoding 28 kDa soluble protein (GRA2) tachyzoite of Toxoplasma gondii local isolate Background: Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite that causes toxoplasmosis and found in tropical countries. Toxoplasmosis is dangerous if suffered by pregnant woman or immunodeficiency patients. T. gondii has 28 kDa soluble protein from dense granule (GRA2) and among GRA proteins, GRA2 is probably the most immunogenic. Disruption of the GRA2 locus in T. gondii has resulted in decreasing of the parasite virulence in mice. Invasion of tachyzoite T. gondii into macrophages was also significantly inhibited by anti GRA2 antibody, therefore the availability of GRA2 protein is essential for development of protective vaccine. Objective: The aim of this research was to produce 28 kDa soluble protein (GRA2) by cloning and expression of cDNA encoding soluble protein tachyzoite of T. gondii local isolate. Methods: Total ribonucleic acid (RNA) and messenger RNA was isolated from tachyzoite of local T. gondii grown up in Balb/c mice. Messenger RNA was isolated from total RNA using polyATtract mRNA Isolation Systems and synthesis of cDNA using Universal RiboClone cDNA Synthesis Systems. Recombinants of pUC18 were transformed into E. co/i XL1-Blue by heat shock technique. Expression of recombinant protein was analysed by immunoblotting using polyclonal antibodies against soluble protein of T. gondii. Results: Two recombinant clones were isolated which expressed 28 kDa recombinant protein. Conclusion: Two recombinant clones were isolated. The immunoblotting result indicates that the recombinant expressed 28 kDa recombinant protein which hybridized with the antibody polyclonal against soluble protein of T. gondii and the proteins are possibly GRA2 proteins. Key words : Toxoplasma gondii - tachyzoite - cDNA - 28 kDa soluble protein


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    Abstrak: Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Discharge Planning oleh petugas di ruang Sakinah RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap tiga informan kunci, yaitu kepala ruangan, bidan koordinator ruangan, dan pasien. Pengumpulan data dengan in-depth interviewing, content analysis, dan observation. Analisa hipotesis dengan metode triangulasi menunjukkan pelaksanaan discharge planning belum sempurna dan belum ada format terstandar khusus untuk pasien kebidanan. Hasil evaluasi pelaksanaan discharge planning menunjukan 81% untuk kemandirian memandikan bayi. Kendala pelaksanaan discharge planning adalah adanya keengganan pasien, sumber daya manusia belum memahami tujuan discharge planning dan bidan tidak dilibatkan dalam penyusunan rencana pemulangan pasie


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kualitas pelayanan kebidanan terhadap kepuasan pasien post sectio caesaria di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kombinasi kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus terpancang tunggal. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara terhadap responden kunci dari pasien, bidan dan supervisor. Dua puluh delapan responden diambil sebagai sampel yang mewakili tiap kelas pelayanan yang ada. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan pasien post sectio caesaria terhadap mutu pelayanan kebidanan termasuk dalam kategori sedang dan tinggi, dengan tingkat kepuasan sedang sebanyak 23 responden (82,2%) dan tingkat kepuasan tinggi sebanyak 5 responden (17,8%)

    EKSTRAK ETANOL PROPOLIS ISOLAT GUNUNG LAWU MENURUNKAN KADAR IgE SERUM TIKUS PUTIH (Rottas norvegicus I,) MODELASMAAKUT . (Ethanolic Extracts of Propalis Lawu mountain isolates reduce serum IgE levels in Rattus norvegicus L model of ucute asthma)

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    IgE plays a pivotal role in allergic asthma especially in the acute response to antigen and in the propagation of airw,ay inflammation. Propolis which has been used widely in folk medicine, has been shown to exhibit various biological activilies. Investigation of these activities ofpropolis using an ovalbumin-induced asthma animcl model has been conducted- Mousewere immunized and sensitized by exposure to ovalbumin (OVA) antigen and administered propolis ethanolic extrocts with dose I (6 mg/kg body weightlday) and dose II (7.5 mg/kg body weight/day) by tube feeding. The investigation demonstrated that propolis ethanalic extracts could suppressed the serum levels of IgE in OVA-sensitized mouse. This study showed serum ISE levels of control nxouse wos 12.72+2.74ng/mL, asthma group 42.04t12.23 ng/ml, asthmo*Propolis dose I l6-6014-45 ng/mL, Asthma* Propolis dose II 11.68L3.85 ng/mL and asthma*antihistamine 15.92*5.49 ng/mL- These results suggested that propolis extracts mqy be apotential novel therapeutic agentfor allergic osthma. Keywords: asthma, propolis, Ig

    Cloning of cDNA Encoding GRA1 Protein of Tachyzoite Toxoplasma Gondii Local Isolate

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    Gene encoding GRA1 protein is potent DNA-vaccine candidate against toxoplasmosis. The aim of the researchwas to clone the gene encoding GRA1 protein of tachyzoite Toxoplasma gondii local isolate by DNA recombinanttechnology. Tachyzoite was grown in Balb/c mice in vivo. Messenger RNA was isolated from total RNA and itwas used to synthesis cDNA. Complementary DNA encoding GRA1 protein of tachyzoite Toxoplasma gondii localisolate was amplified and cloned in a prokaryote cloning vector. The recombinant GRA1-encoding gene was thendigesting using EcoRI restriction endonuclease and sequencing. The result showed that the recombinant GRA1-encoding gene consisted of DNA sequences encoding all signal peptide and mature peptide of GRA1 protein.Alignment of recombinant GRA1 sequence to gene encoding GRA1 protein of Toxoplasma gondii RH isolate showed100% homologous.Keywords: GRA1 protein, Toxoplasma gondii, tachyzoite, cloning, cDN

    Cloning and Sequencing cDNA Encoding for Rhoptry-2 Toxoplasma Gondii Tachyzoite Local Isolate

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    Rhoptry protein belongs to an excretory and secretory antigens (ESAs) that play an important role during active penetration of parasite into the cell target. This protein an able Toxoplasma gondii to actively penetrate targeted cell, meanwhile ESAs protein stimulates intracellular vacuole modification. It is, therefore, after the parasite successfully enter the cell target then Granule (GRA) proteins are responsible for the formation of parasitophorus vacuole, which is protect the fusion with other intracellular compartments such as lysosomal vacuole. Consequently, this parasite is being able to survive and multiply at the cell target. The current study was aimed to clone and sequens cDNA encoding for ROP-2 of local isolated T. gondii tachizoite through DNA recombinant technique. Total ribonucleic acid (RNA) was isolated from tachyzoites of local isolated T. gondii that were grown up in Balb/ c mice. Messenger RNA was isolated from total RNA using PolyAtract mRNA Isolation System. Messenger RNA was used as a template for synthesis cDNA using Riboclone cDNA Synthesis System AMV-RT. EcoRI adaptor from Riboclone EcoRI Adaptor Ligation System was added to Complementary DNA and than ligated to pUC19. Recombinant plasmid was transformed into E. coli (XL1-Blue). The transformed E. coli XL-1 Blue were plated on LB agar containing X-Gal, IPTG and ampicillin. Recombinant clones (white colony) were picked up and grown up in the LB medium at 37oC overnight. Expression of recombinant protein was analysed by immunoblotting in order to identify cDNA recombinant wich is express ESA of T. gondii local isolate. Recombinant plasmid were isolated using alkalilysis method and were elektroforated in 1% agarose gel. The isolated DNA recombinant plasmid was cut using Eco RI and then sequenced through Big Dye Terminator Mix AB1 377A Sequencer using M13 Forward and M13 Reverse primers. The conclusion of this results showed that the recombinant clone was coding for excretory and secretory protein which has molecular weight of 54 kDa. The DNA alignments of sequence from the cloned gene showed 97% homology with gene encoding for ROP-2 of T. gondii RH isolate. Keywords: Toxoplasma gondii, tachizoite, ESA, complementary DNA, ROP

    Cloning and Sequencing cDNA Encoding for Rhoptry-2 Toxoplasma Gondii Tachyzoite Local Isolate

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    Rhoptry protein belongs to an excretory and secretory antigens (ESAs) that play an important role during activepenetration of parasite into the cell target. This protein an able Toxoplasma gondii to actively penetrate targetedcell, meanwhile ESAs protein stimulates intracellular vacuole modification. It is, therefore, after the parasitesuccessfully enter the cell target then Granule (GRA) proteins are responsible for the formation of parasitophorusvacuole, which is protect the fusion with other intracellular compartments such as lysosomal vacuole. Consequently,this parasite is being able to survive and multiply at the cell target. The current study was aimed to clone andsequens cDNA encoding for ROP-2 of local isolated T. gondii tachizoite through DNA recombinant technique.Total ribonucleic acid (RNA) was isolated from tachyzoites of local isolated T. gondii that were grown up in Balb/c mice. Messenger RNA was isolated from total RNA using PolyAtract mRNA Isolation System. Messenger RNA wasused as a template for synthesis cDNA using Riboclone cDNA Synthesis System AMV-RT. EcoRI adaptor fromRiboclone EcoRI Adaptor Ligation System was added to Complementary DNA and than ligated to pUC19. Recombinantplasmid was transformed into E. coli (XL1-Blue). The transformed E. coli XL-1 Blue were plated on LB agarcontaining X-Gal, IPTG and ampicillin. Recombinant clones (white colony) were picked up and grown up in theLB medium at 37oC overnight. Expression of recombinant protein was analysed by immunoblotting in order toidentify cDNA recombinant wich is express ESA of T. gondii local isolate. Recombinant plasmid were isolatedusing alkalilysis method and were elektroforated in 1% agarose gel. The isolated DNA recombinant plasmid wascut using Eco RI and then sequenced through Big Dye Terminator Mix AB1 377A Sequencer using M13 Forward andM13 Reverse primers. The conclusion of this results showed that the recombinant clone was coding for excretoryand secretory protein which has molecular weight of 54 kDa. The DNA alignments of sequence from the clonedgene showed 97% homology with gene encoding for ROP-2 of T. gondii RH isolate.Keywords: Toxoplasma gondii, tachizoite, ESA, complementary DNA, ROP