245 research outputs found

    Feasibility Study of a Portable Coupled 3He Detector with LaBr3 Gamma Scintillator for Field Identification and Quantification of Nuclear Material

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    In recent years, there have been several research endeavors to increase the ability to identify and quantify special nuclear material in field measurements. These have included both gamma spectroscopy and neutron coincidence systems that are portable and work in a variety of environments. In this work, a Monte Carlo Neutral Practicle X (MCNPX) model was used to design an instrument that includes four gamma detection slabs placed within four neutron detection slabs. The combination of gamma spectroscopy and neutron coincidence counting in a single instrument allows for direct measurement of plutonium (Pu) mass without need for assumptions or operator declarations. A combined neutron-gamma instrument was designed for use in characterizing and quantifying Pu in field samples. This detector consists of a plastic scintillator containing LaBr3 nanoparticles and a polyethylene slab containing four 3He tube detectors. The system was tested via simulation with MCNPX for four Pu samples of known quality and quantity. These samples had masses ranging from 100-300 g of Pu. It was found that the designed detector system could be used to determine 240Pu-effective mass to within 3.5% accuracy and to characterize the isotopic content of the Pu to within 2% accuracy for all isotopes except for 238Pu and 242Pu. The system could determine 238Pu isotopic content to within 14% accuracy but is completely unable to determine 242Pu content. This system has the ability to Four Plutonium (Pu) samples of known quantity were modeled and tested to determine what data was available from each individual signature. Each model included a separate MCNPX deck for each individual isotope that contributes to the gamma signature in photon mode and a spontaneous fission and (alpha,n) deck for the neutron signature. The first three samples were used to create spectrums and efficiency curves for each odd isotope as well as for a Pu effective mass for the neutron signature. The data from these simulations were then used to identify the isotopics in the fourth sample to within acceptable accuracy. From this data, a total Pu mass was obtained as well as an ability to determine the ratio of (alpha,n) to spontaneous fission neutrons without additional simulations. This provides a new method to detect and identify the Pu content within a sample without producing requiring supplemental additional information since isotopics can be determined with the combined use of the gamma and neutron systems


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    Proper coordination is generally accepted as a very important process in skilful execution of many movement activities. It is also believed ballistic skills will exhibit a sequential intersegmental coordination pattern. Yet, what we know about how intersegmental coordination develops is relatively minimal. The purpose of this investigation was to examine a new skill (badminton smash) under two conditions (accuracy and velocity) to determine which condition would elicit the most theoretically correct intersegmental coordination pattern (Work in progress)

    EU-Rotate_N – a decision support system – to predict environmental and economic consequences of the management of nitrogen fertiliser in crop rotations

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    A model has been developed which assesses the economic and environmental performance of crop rotations, in both conventional and organic cropping, for over 70 arable and horticultural crops, and a wide range of growing conditions in Europe. The model, though originally based on the N_ABLE model, has been completely rewritten and contains new routines to simulate root development, the mineralisation and release of nitrogen (N) from soil organic matter and crop residues, and water dynamics in soil. New routines have been added to estimate the effects of sub-optimal rates of N and spacing on the marketable outputs and gross margins. The model provides a mechanism for generating scenarios to represent a range of differing crop and fertiliser management strategies which can be used to evaluate their effects on yield, gross margin and losses of nitrogen through leaching. Such testing has revealed that nitrogen management can be improved and that there is potential to increase gross margins whilst reducing nitrogen losses

    Proteome-based plasma biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease is a common and devastating disease for which there is no readily available biomarker to aid diagnosis or to monitor disease progression. Biomarkers have been sought in CSF but no previous study has used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry to seek biomarkers in peripheral tissue. We performed a case-control study of plasma using this proteomics approach to identify proteins that differ in the disease state relative to aged controls. For discovery-phase proteomics analysis, 50 people with Alzheimer's dementia were recruited through secondary services and 50 normal elderly controls through primary care. For validation purposes a total of 511 subjects with Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases and normal elderly controls were examined. Image analysis of the protein distribution of the gels alone identifies disease cases with 56% sensitivity and 80% specificity. Mass spectrometric analysis of the changes observed in two-dimensional electrophoresis identified a number of proteins previously implicated in the disease pathology, including complement factor H (CFH) precursor and α-2-macroglobulin (α- 2M). Using semi-quantitative immunoblotting, the elevation of CFH and α- 2M was shown to be specific for Alzheimer's disease and to correlate with disease severity although alternative assays would be necessary to improve sensitivity and specificity. These findings suggest that blood may be a rich source for biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease and that CFH, together with other proteins such as α- 2M may be a specific markers of this illness. © 2006 The Author(s).link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Relentless increase of resistance to fluoroquinolones and expanded-spectrum cephalosporins in Escherichia coli: 20 years of surveillance in resource-limited settings from Latin America.

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    AbstractPrevious studies on commensal Escherichia coli from healthy children in the Bolivian Chaco have shown remarkable resistance rates to the old antibiotics since the early 1990s, and the emergence of resistance to newer drugs (fluoroquinolones and expanded-spectrum cephalosporins) in the 2000s. Here we report the results of a new survey conducted in 2011 in the same setting. Rectal swabs were obtained from 482 healthy children (aged 6–72 months) from three urban areas of the Bolivian Chaco. Screening for antibiotic-resistant E. coli was performed by a direct plating method, as in the previous studies. The blaCTX-M genes were investigated by PCR/sequencing, and CTX-M-producing isolates were subjected to genotyping and detection of several plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance mechanisms. Results showed high rates of resistance to nalidixic acid (76%), ciprofloxacin (44%) and expanded-spectrum cephalosporins (12.4%), demonstrating a relentless increase of resistance to those drugs over the past two decades. CTX-M-type extended-spectrum beta-lactamases were found to be widespread (12%, 97% of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producers). Compared with the previous studies, CTX-M-producing E. coli underwent a dramatic dissemination (120-fold increase since early 2000s) and a radical change of dominant CTX-M groups (CTX-M-1 and CTX-M-9 groups versus CTX-M-2 group). Most CTX-M producers were not susceptible to quinolones (91%), and 55% carried plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes (different combinations of aac(6')-Ib-cr, qnrB and qepA). This study shows the rapid and remarkable increasing trend for resistance to fluoroquinolones and expanded-spectrum cephalosporins in one of the poorest regions of Latin America, and underscores the need for urgent control strategies aimed at preserving the efficacy of those drugs in similar settings

    Feasibility of a combined mobile-health electrocardiographic and rapid diagnostic test screening for chagas-related cardiac alterations

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    Background: Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CChC) is the most common cause of death related to Chagas disease (CD). The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of a combined rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and electrocardiographic (ECG) screening in a remote rural village of the Bolivian Chaco, with a high prevalence of CChC. Methods: Consecutive healthy volunteers > 15 years were enrolled in the community of Palmarito (municipality of Gutierrez, Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia) in February 2019. All patients performed an RDT with Chagas Stat-Pak(®) (CSP, Chembio Diagnostic System, Medford, NY, USA) and an ECG by D-Heart(®) technology, a low-cost, user-friendly smartphone-based 8-lead Bluetooth ECG. RDTs were read locally while ECGs were sent to a cardiology clinic which transmitted reports within 24 h from recording. Results: Among 140 people (54 men, median age 38(interquartile range 23–54) years), 98 (70%) were positive for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, with a linear, age-dependent, increasing trend (p < 0.001). Twenty-five (18%) individuals showed ECG abnormalities compatible with CD. Prevalence of ECG abnormalities was higher in infected individuals and was associated with higher systolic blood pressure and smoking. Following screening, 22 (16%) individuals underwent clinical evaluation and chest X-ray and two were referred for further evaluation. At multivariate analysis, positive CSP results (OR = 4.75, 95%CI 1.08–20.96, p = 0.039) and smoking (OR = 4.20, 95%CI 1.18–14.92, p = 0.027) were independent predictors of ECG abnormalities. Overall cost for screening implementation was <10 $. Conclusions: Combined mobile-Health and RDTs was a reliable and effective low-cost strategy to identify patients at high risk of disease needing cardiologic assessment suggesting potential future applications

    High prevalence of clustered tuberculosis cases in peruvian migrants in Florence, Italy.

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    Tuberculosis is a leading cause of morbidity for Peruvian migrants in Florence, Italy, where they account for about 20% of yearly diagnosed cases. A retrospective study on cases notified in Peruvian residents in Florence in the period 2001-2010 was carried out and available Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains were genotyped (MIRU-VNTR-24 and Spoligotyping). One hundred thirty eight cases were retrieved. Genotyping performed in 87 strains revealed that 39 (44.8%) belonged to 12 clusters. Assuming that in each cluster the transmission of tuberculosis from the index case took place in Florence, a large proportion of cases could be preventable by improving early diagnosis of contagious cases and contact tracing

    Unsharp Quantum Reality

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    The positive operator (valued) measures (POMs) allow one to generalize the notion of observable beyond the traditional one based on projection valued measures (PVMs). Here, we argue that this generalized conception of observable enables a consistent notion of unsharp reality and with it an adequate concept of joint properties. A sharp or unsharp property manifests itself as an element of sharp or unsharp reality by its tendency to become actual or to actualize a specific measurement outcome. This actualization tendency-or potentiality-of a property is quantified by the associated quantum probability. The resulting single-case interpretation of probability as a degree of reality will be explained in detail and its role in addressing the tensions between quantum and classical accounts of the physical world will be elucidated. It will be shown that potentiality can be viewed as a causal agency that evolves in a well-defined way

    Long-Standing International Cooperation in Parasitology Research: A Summary of 35 Years of Activities in the Bolivian Chaco

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    The Bolivian Chaco is a semiarid region with a low population density, situated in the southeast part of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Here, despite the improvements of the last 15 years, poverty remains high in rural areas, where social vulnerability is widespread. The Guaraní ethnic group often lives in isolated communities with a low standard of hygiene and sanitation. This epidemiological scenario favors the spread of transmissible diseases, including several parasitic infections belonging to the neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) group. In this area, a long-standing research activity, built upon the synergism between local and foreign institutions, has been established since the late 1980s and helps to fill in the knowledge gap about the epidemiology dynamics of soil-transmitted helminths, vector-borne parasites, and other parasitic diseases. A 35-year history of cooperation programs in parasitology research has contributed to informing local health authorities of the NTD burden in the Bolivian Chaco and, ultimately, supports local healthcare providers in the management of parasitic diseases

    Might some gamma ray bursts be an observable signature of natural wormholes?

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    The extragalactic microlensing scenario for natural wormholes is examined. It is shown that the main features of wormhole lensing events upon the light of distant Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are similar to some types of already observed Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). Using recent satellite data on GRBs, an upper limit to the negative mass density -- O(1036){\cal O} (10^{-36}) g cm3^{-3} -- under the form of wormhole-like objects is presented.Comment: extended version, additions on GRB physics, background sources and cosmological consequences. Two ps figures. Accpeted for publication in Phys. Rev.