3,602 research outputs found

    Recreating the green-eyed monster : Iago for modern audiences.

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    This thesis is an examination of my approach to the role of Iago in William Shakespeare\u27s Othello. The thesis explores my training as an actor and the struggles that have challenged me in the past. I then discuss my acting process for Iago in which specific imagery, sounds, and energies in Shakespeare\u27s text influence my employment of Michael Chekhov\u27s acting technique. By using this technique, I am able to make specific psychological and physical choices that authenticate my performance as a character who is not a racist villain, but a victim who suffers from multiple personality disorders. Through this approach, I hope to draw empathy for Iago and reflect modern society\u27s view of mental illness and its role in violence. This approach also challenges me to overcome my struggle with the Michael Chekhov technique to continue enhancing my classical training. My use of these techniques has helped me blend psychological and physical choices on stage in order to create an engaging performance

    The Day of Atonement and its Evaluation in the Epistle to the Hebrews

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    Thus the Day of Atonement stands before us in the Scripture as a monument of that wisdom of God which always finds means exactly fitted to supply the needs of men under the conditions and times in which they live, and still more as a monument to that loving kindness of the Lord which is ever stooping to the sinners to rescue their souls from death and to β€œrestore unto them the joy of His salvation.

    An Exploratory Investigation of the Relationship Between Personality and Intelligence with Community-Living and Institutionalized Elderly Females

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    The Hand Test and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale were administered to 25 institutionalized (Mage = 80.00) and 25 community-living (Mage = 72.92) elderly females to investigate personality differences between the two groups, and to explore the relationship between personality and intelligence in regard to the aged. It was discussed that the results of the present study should be interpreted with caution, since significant age and educational differences were found between the groups that may have contributed to the results. The hypothesis concerning greater personality deterioration in institutionalized subjects than in community-living subjects was given partial support inasmuch as depletion and constriction of personality appeared greater for the institutionalized subjects. It appeared that the institutionalized elderly female, more so than her counterpart, the community-living female, could be seen as an individual whose psychological energy is diminished, who is withdrawing from meaningful interaction with life, whose involvement with other people has weakened, whose deference for the rights of others has diminished and who is likely to show a greater proclivity towards organicity. It was also found that certain aspects of personality correlated significantly with certain aspects of intelligence. It appeared that the elderly female who has a keen and varied interest in, a sensitivity to, and a high degree of interaction with other people, also has a high level of intellectual functioning. On the other hand, it appeared that the elderly female who is desperately attempting to cling to reality and who is weak in interactions with others and their environment has a lower level of intellectual functioning than elderly female who is strong in interpersonal relations. Suggestions for future research in the area were made

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWater is the elementary component of life on Earth, and quantifying this resource is critical to understanding ecosystem viability on planetary, continental, and local scales. In a simplified partition of the Earth's freshwater resources, 75% is ice at the north and south poles, 25% is groundwater, and 0.01% exists in lakes and streams. Mean transit time is a robust description of groundwater volume within the discrete aquifers that together make up the 25% of Earth's freshwater. Mean transit time can be estimated using environmental tracer concentrations in springs and gaining streams. That is because springs and streams are locations where groundwater flow paths naturally converge. Converging flowpaths create discharge that is a flow‐weighted mixture of water from the contributing aquifer. The age of that flow-weighted mixture is a good measure of the mean transit time of water as it discharges from the contributing aquifer. Mean transit time can be directly used to estimate the volume of groundwater storage in the aquifer. Although simple in principle, there are several important topics that need to be considered when collecting and dating a broad mixture of flow paths. They include 1) the necessity for a basic conceptual perception of the investigated aquifer, 2) the nonconservative aspect of most age-dating environmental tracers once exposed to the atmosphere, and 3) the importance of estimating a transit-time distribution. These specific topics are discussed in this dissertation

    Wirkung auf Lernerfolg und Motivation durch Debriefing in Unternehmensplanspielen

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    AusgelΓΆst durch den Strukturwandel und die damit einhergehende Tertiarisierung im Dienstleistungssektor werden heutzutage hΓΆhere Anforderungen an Auszubildende gestellt. Es ergeben sich neue TΓ€tigkeits- und Kompetenzprofile im Bereich Wissen, Kommunikations- und ProblemlΓΆsefΓ€higkeit. An erster Stelle steht dabei die Kommunikation mit Personen und die FΓ€higkeit zum Umgang mit Wissen, d. h. der Umgang mit Symbolen und Abstraktionen, Denken und Handeln in komplexen ZusammenhΓ€ngen, stΓ€rkeres Engagement und SelbststeuerungsfΓ€higkeit und die FΓ€higkeit und Bereitschaft zu stΓ€ndigem Lernen. Die Berufsausbildungssysteme in Deutschland geraten vor dem Hintergrund dieser VerΓ€nderungen mehr und mehr in die BedrΓ€ngnis, auf der einen Seite keine grundlegend verΓ€nderten FΓ€higkeiten von SchulabgΓ€ngern aus dem allgemeinbildenden System vorzufinden, diese aber auf verΓ€nderte und zumeist deutlich hΓΆhere berufliche Anforderungen vorbereiten zu mΓΌssen. [...] Die Forschungsfrage der vorliegenden Arbeit lautet demnach: β€žBeeinflusst der Einsatz von Debriefing-Methoden im Unterricht mit dem komplexen Lehr-Lern-Arrangement Planspiel die HΓΆhe der Motivation und des Lernerfolges von Auszubildenden in der Berufsschule?” (DIPF/Orig.

    Mitochondrial Optic Atrophy (OPA) 1 Processing Is Altered in Response to Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury

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    Perturbation of mitochondrial function and subsequent induction of cell death pathways are key hallmarks in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic (HI) injury, both in animal models and in term infants. Mitoprotective therapies therefore offer a new avenue for intervention for the babies who suffer life-long disabilities as a result of birth asphyxia. Here we show that after oxygen-glucose deprivation in primary neurons or in a mouse model of HI, mitochondrial protein homeostasis is altered, manifesting as a change in mitochondrial morphology and functional impairment. Furthermore we find that the mitochondrial fusion and cristae regulatory protein, OPA1, is aberrantly cleaved to shorter forms. OPA1 cleavage is normally regulated by a balanced action of the proteases Yme1L and Oma1. However, in primary neurons or after HI in vivo, protein expression of YmelL is also reduced, whereas no change is observed in Oma1 expression. Our data strongly suggest that alterations in mitochondria-shaping proteins are an early event in the pathogenesis of neonatal HI injury

    How HIV Takes Advantage of the Cytoskeleton in Entry and Replication

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    The host cell cytoskeleton plays a key role in the life cycle of viral pathogens whose propagation depends on mandatory intracellular steps. Accordingly, also the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has evolved strategies to exploit and modulate in particular the actin cytoskeleton for its purposes. This review will recapitulate recent findings on how HIV-1 hijacks the cytoskeleton to facilitate entry into, transport within and egress from host cells as well as to commandeer communication of infected with uninfected bystander cells

    Perspectives on Iowa Coal

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