1,860 research outputs found

    Nature conservation in urban conditions: A case study from Belgrade, Serbia

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    This paper analyses the Serbian nature protection system in Belgrade. Effective protection of natural features in urban landscapes have become increasingly complex due to conversion of natural habitats, high levels of pollution and other forms of deterioration caused by human impact. These anthropogenic pressures vary in type and intensity and depend on the location of protected assets. Through comparative analyses of selected legally protected natural assets in various areas in the city, different features of spatially-functional coexistence and development are noted. According to the results of this research it is evident that various natural protected assets in highly urbanised conditions can sustain theirs primary ecological function and can also develop additional adjusted functions during time

    Višestruko poravnavanje i HMM

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    Višestruko poravnavanje je važan objekt u bioinformatici jer daje puno informacija proteinskim familijama. U ovom radu smo vidjeli kako napraviti višestruko poravnanje pomoću skrivenog Markovljevog modela. Pokazuje se da su rezultati vrlo osjetljivi i ovisni o uzorku. Provedena je analiza kojom je iz početnog poravnanja procijenjen model, zatim je na nekoliko načina provedena simulacija i pokazalo se da distribucija “score”-ova jest Gumbelova kako smo i očekivali. Naposljetku je napravljeno novo poravnanje. Provedena parametrizacija modela je vrlo osjetljiva, pa dobiveni model ne omogućava daljnju analizu. Zbog toga pokušavamo postepeno graditi model od najboljih poravnanja, koja su i najmanje varijabilna, a kako smo vidjeli to je dobar način da izbjegnemo neke od problema na koje smo naišli.Multiple sequence alignment is an important object in bioinformatics for obtaining information about protein families. In this thesis we show how to build a multiple sequence alignment using hidden Markov models. We have observed that the results are very sensitive to the choice of various parameters and sample biased. Analysis carried out consists of model estimation from given alignment, simulation and realigning. Distribution of scores is approximately Gumbel, as expected. Since parametrisation of a family profile is a very sensitive procedure, we gradually build a model using less variable subsamples. This method provides a good solution to avoid some of the obstacles we encountered

    ADSL analogno sučelje

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    In this paper the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) analog front end (AFE) designs are described and compared. AFE is the part of ADSL modems most responsible for quality signal transmission over phone wires. It can be divided into the transmitting path (TX) circuitry, the receiving path (RX) circuitry and the hybrid network and transformer. The operations and realizations of each functional block are presented. There are the D/A converter, the filter and the line driver in the TX path and the voltage gain amplifier, the filter and the A/D converter in the RX path. The hybrid network and transformer process signals in both directions. Different fabrication technologies are used for the practical realizations of the AFE chip. The directions of the further developing are notified.U radu su opisane i uspoređene izvedbe ADSL analognog sučelja. Analogno sučelje kao dio ADSL modema najodgovornije je za kvalitetan prijenos signala preko telefonskih žica. Može se podijeliti u sklopove predajnog puta, prijamnog puta i hibridnu mrežu s transformatorom. Prikazan je rad i izvedbe svakog funkcijskog bloka. To su D/A pretvornik, filtar i izlazno pojačalo u predajnom putu te ulazno pojačalo, filtar i A/D pretvornik u prijamnom putu. Hibridna mreža i transformator prosljeđuju signale u oba smjera. Za praktičnu izvedbu AFE čipa koriste se razne tehnologije. Naznačene su smjernice daljnjeg razvoja

    ADSL analogno sučelje

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    In this paper the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) analog front end (AFE) designs are described and compared. AFE is the part of ADSL modems most responsible for quality signal transmission over phone wires. It can be divided into the transmitting path (TX) circuitry, the receiving path (RX) circuitry and the hybrid network and transformer. The operations and realizations of each functional block are presented. There are the D/A converter, the filter and the line driver in the TX path and the voltage gain amplifier, the filter and the A/D converter in the RX path. The hybrid network and transformer process signals in both directions. Different fabrication technologies are used for the practical realizations of the AFE chip. The directions of the further developing are notified.U radu su opisane i uspoređene izvedbe ADSL analognog sučelja. Analogno sučelje kao dio ADSL modema najodgovornije je za kvalitetan prijenos signala preko telefonskih žica. Može se podijeliti u sklopove predajnog puta, prijamnog puta i hibridnu mrežu s transformatorom. Prikazan je rad i izvedbe svakog funkcijskog bloka. To su D/A pretvornik, filtar i izlazno pojačalo u predajnom putu te ulazno pojačalo, filtar i A/D pretvornik u prijamnom putu. Hibridna mreža i transformator prosljeđuju signale u oba smjera. Za praktičnu izvedbu AFE čipa koriste se razne tehnologije. Naznačene su smjernice daljnjeg razvoja

    Evaluación objetiva de la influencia del canal inalámbrico en la calidad de la imagen

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    The main part of this project is the simulation of radio communication channel which includes: JPEG coder/decoder, BPSK modulator/demodulator, AWGN channel and additional matlab boxes. The purpose of this project was to see how the parameters and characteristics of radio communication channel make the influence on the image. An image assessment with objective and subjective metrics was made on random base of images. Validations of these results were shown on another base of images WIQ, where images had typical distortions for a radio communication channel. It was shown that objective metrics does not always correlate with subjective metrics. Human visual system is still an unexplored task. It is still not impossible to make the mathematical model of assessment that works and assess like human visual system. Objective methods cost less and it is easier to perform them while subjective methods take more time and results cannot be predicted. It is not possible to say which method has more effective results because both methods are very important for evaluation of image quality.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Biomass in Evolving World - Individual’s Point of View

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    The paper points out the importance of legal regulation of genetic discrimination as a challenge to modern law and the consequence of the development of medicine as a science. The end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century was marked by great technical and technological achievements including innovations in the field of medical science, enabling research “sensitive” areas of medicine - human genetics. Law is required to follow such changes and prevent the possible abuse of genetic information. We applicated comparative and normative methods in order to define genetic discrimination and genetic testing in the workplace. Also we try to identificate the basic legal issues of genetic testing in the field of employment and labor. Genetic testing in the workplace is allowed only in order to protect health and safety of the employees but only as an option not an obligation for employees. Employers have an obligation to offer and pay genetic testing and if this offer has been accepted from employee, employee will decide about the revealing results of genetic testing to employer. The results will be treated as confidential. It ensures the respect of the right to work, right to privacy and the protection of health and safety at work.У раду се указује на значај правног регулисања забране генетске дискриминације као изазова савременог права и последице развоја медицине као науке. Крај 20. и почетак 21. века обележила су велика техничка и технолошка достигнућа укључујући и иновације у области медицинских наука чиме је омогућено истраживање „најосетљивије“ области медицине – хумане генетике. Право је у обавези да такве промене прати и спречи могуће злоупотребе генетских информација човека. Применом упоредноправног и нормативног метода дефинише се генетска дискриминација, генетско тестирање и указује на основна правна питања генетског тестирања у области рада и запошљавања

    Rethinking the Binary Federal Theory: A Search for the EU’s and ASEAN’s Place in the Confederal-Federal Dichotomy

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    This paper argues that the traditional binary federal theory, which distinguishes between concepts of confederation and federation, is not adequate for explaining the legal nature of various unions of states. In reaching such a conclusion, the paper first defines the traditional federal theory. It presents how both the concepts of a federation and a confederation, with all their associated characteristics, derive from the old absolute understanding of sovereignty. The unitary constitutional theory, which is the only constitutional theory compatible with this notion of federalism, is also explained. Afterwards, the legal structures of two very different integrational projects, the EU and ASEAN, are examined in the light of the traditional federal theory with the aim of concluding whether these entities are confederations or federations. It is suggested how and why ASEAN easily fits into the confederal category, while the EU defies both the federal and confederal box. From the results of such an analysis, a conclusion is drawn on why the theory is inadequate to explain the legal nature of certain unions, such as the EU. It is claimed that the theory, which is based on the idea of absolute sovereignty, has failed to readapt itself to the existence of unions of states in which absolute sovereignty is wholly absent. The paper concludes with a brief discussion on how the theory should be reformed to better fit the legal reality. It is suggested that a more spectral view on federalism is needed, either some brand-new one or the one conceptualised by James Madison back in the 18th century