120 research outputs found

    Variability of dry substance accumulation and utilization parameters of Winter wheat plant

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    Some dry substance accumulation and utilization parameters of wheat plant and their influence on grain yield have been studied through a field trial with 20 winter wheat cultivars. The studied parameters value (biological yield dry substance reutilization, number of grains per spike, 1000 grain mass plant height, etc) varried depending of genotypic specificity and environmental conditions. Grain yield was influenced not only by the total dry substance accumulation in plant (i.e. biological yield), but also by this accumulation amount before and after flowering. Yield forming was affected by many parameters, and cultivar range was different for various parameters. The best grain yield was observed in cultivars having elevated values of more than few parameters. The highest mean grain yield was observed in cultivar Tina, and also high grain yield values were found in cultivars Gruža Nevesinjka, and Toplica

    Octreotide in the therapy of recurrent medulloblastomas

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    BACKGROUND: Recurrence of medulloblastoma appears after 30% to 40% of the surgeries. Different from primary medulloblastoma, in which five-year survival rate is 50%, the survival time of relapses much shorter and only 20% of the patients manage to survive a year. There is a logical need for additional methods of treatment of recurrent medulloblastomas. The aim of the study is to determine the effects of intracavitary and long-term subcutaneous application of Sandostatin (octreotide) on the recurrent medulloblastomas. METHODS: Fourteen children aged 4 to 9 years, in which, despite of craniospinal irradiation and chemotherapy came to a recurrence of medulloblastoma during the first 6 months after the surgery, were treated subcutaneously with Sandostatin (octreotide) in a longer period of time. Cerebellar medulloblastomas with a diameter bigger than 20 mm and spinal over 10 mm were removed operatively and octreotide with Beriplast was applied intracavitary. RESULTS: Magnetic resonance of cranioaxis shows that the application of octreotide has caused the disappearance of spinal drop metastases in all 7 patients and the cerebellar metastases smaller than 5 mm in all 4 patients. Subcutaneous application of octreotide combined with intracavitary expresses an antitumoral effect in 2/3 of the relapses. The application of octreotide results with a transformation of Chang's stage M0 into M1 in 71.43% of the patients. CONCLUSION: In the case of in loco or metastatic recurrence of medulloblastomas, intracavitarily and subcutaneously applied octreotide results with a regression of the tumor in a 3 year time within 2/3 of the treated patients

    Removal of uranium (VI) from aqueous solution by acid modified zeolites

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikaz mogućnosti primene prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolitskog minerala kao adsorbenta i materijala za sanaciju voda kontaminiranih uranijum jonom. Modifikovani uzorci zeolita dobijeni su tretiranjem prirodnog zeolita - klinoptilolita sa kiselinama: hlorovodoničnom, oksalnom i limunskom. Polazni i modifikovani zeoliti su okarakterisani hemijskom analizom, skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM), rendgenskom analizom (XRPD), IC spektroskopijom, termičkom (TG/DTA) analizom i određivanjem kapaciteta katjonske izmene, a polazne i neadsorbovane količine uranijum jona su određene fluorimetrijski. Eksperimenti su sprovedeni da se ispita uticaj odnosa čvrsto/tečno, pH i vremena na adsorpciju uranijum jona na zeolitu. Utvrđeno je da tretman sa kiselinama zeolita povećava adsorpciju uranijum jona. NajviÅ”i indeks adsorpcije imao je uzorak zeolita modifikovan sa hlorovodoničnom kiselinom. Dobijeni rezultati adsorpcije na H-zeolitu su izračunati prema Langmirovom modelu. Projekat MPNTR, br. 142057 Razvoj stakala sa kontrolisanim otpuÅ”tanjem jona za primenu u poljoprivredi i medicini (MPNTR - 34001)The objective of this study was the review of natural zeolite, modified with acid, as a candidate material for the remediation of groundwater contaminated by uranium(VI). The modified zeolite samples were obtained by treatment of natural zeolite - clinoptilolite with acids: hydrochloric, oxalyc and citric. Starting and modified zeolites were characterized by chemical analysis, SEM, XRPD analysis, IR spectroscopy, thermal (TG/DT) analysis and by determination of cation exchange capacity, while starting and nonadsorbed amounts of uranium(VI) ion were determined by fluorometric method. Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of solid/liquid ratio, pH and time on the U(VI) uptake by zeolite. Modification of zeolitic tuff with acids significantly increased adsorption of uranium(VI). The highest adsorption of uranium(VI) ion was achieved on clinoptilolite modified with hydrochloric acid. Uranium(VI) adsorption data for zeolite modified with hydrochloric acid was fitted to the Langmuir model. Projekat MPNTR, br. 142057 The development of glasses with controlled ions release for application in agriculture and medicine (MESTD - 34001

    Assessment of the effectiveness of low level laser in the treatment of alveolar osteitis

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    Background/Aim. Alveolar osteitis (AO) is the extraction wound healing disorder with a presence of severe pain. Low level laser therapy stimulates cell metabolism and microcirculation, have has pronounced analgesic, antiedematous and anti-inflammatory effect and speeds up wound healing process. The aim of this study was to present results of clinical research that examined the effectiveness of low level laser in pain relief and healing of extraction wounds with alveolar osteitis in the lower jaw which was formed on the second day after tooth extraction. Methods. The study was conducted on 60 subjects divided into the study and the control group. In both groups extraction wounds were processed in similar way, except that in the study group was applied daily treatment of low level laser with a total of eight sessions of radiation, while in the control group extraction wounds were dressed with zinc oxide eugenol paste, which was changed every 48 hours up to the pain cessation. Measurement of pain intensity was done with a visual analogue scale (VAS) 10 min prior to processing of extraction wounds and daily for the next eight days. Assessment of the effectiveness of low level laser on healing of extraction wounds was performed on the day eight of the treatment. Results. On the day five after beginning of the treatment of extraction wounds with alveolar osteitis in the patients of the study group a lower average value of pain as compared to the control group was registered. This difference was increased within the following days. Extraction wounds healing in the study group was more successful and faster than in the control group. Conclusion. This study suggested that the reduction of pain was more pronounced in the patients with alveolar osteitis whose extraction wounds were subjected to low level laser radiation in comparison to those in which extraction wounds were treated with zinc oxide eugenol paste

    Expert System Models for Forecasting Forklifts Engagement in a Warehouse Loading Operation: A Case Study

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    The paper focuses on the problem of forklifts engagement in warehouse loading operations. Two expert system (ES) models are created using several machine learning (ML) models. Models try to mimic expert decisions while determining the forklifts engagement in the loading operation. Different ML models are evaluated and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and classification and regression trees (CART) are chosen as the ones which have shown best results for the research purpose. As a case study, a central warehouse of a beverage company was used. In a beverage distribution chain, the proper engagement of forklifts in a loading operation is crucial for maintaining the defined customer service level. The created ES models represent a new approach for the rationalization of the forklifts usage, particularly for solving the problem of the forklifts engagement incargo loading. They are simple, easy to understand, reliable, and practically applicable tool for deciding on the engagement of the forklifts in a loading operation.</p

    Varijabilnost proizvodnih osobina izdvojenih linija pčela u zapadnoj Srbiji

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    Condition for achieving high performance results in beekeeping is focused on the use of high-quality breeding queen bee. Because that a large amount of research are based on the examination of properties of selected lines of bees and choosing the best queen mothers in the aim of selection and improving the production characteristics of honey bees from the territory of Serbia. The amount of bees, brood, honey and pollen was investigated in two spring and one autumn survey and productivity controlled in the pasture of accacia. Line 1 had the greatest amount of brood (1.23, 4.04 and 5.39), while line 3 had the best spring development. The best quality of brood in all three exams had the lines 1 and 3 (3.00, 3.00 and 2.95) as well as the best productivity compared to the average yield of all other three lines. All tested lines were exhibited variability, which provides enough possibility for their further improvement and single out the mother queenbees with best results.U dvogodiÅ”njem istraživanju ispitivano je četiri odabrane linije medonosne pčele na području Zapadne Srbije. Proizvodne karakteristike praćene su prema standardnoj metodologiji. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja utvrđeno je da je najveću povrÅ”inu pčela imala linija 1 (u jesenjem i prvom prolećnom pregledu: 2,10 i 3,27 rama), dok je u drugom prolećnom pregledu najviÅ”e pčela imala linija 3 (6,19 rama). Utvrđene razlike u povrÅ”ini pčela nisu bile statistički značajne (P>0.01). Najbolji prolećni razvoj legla između prva dva prolećna pregleda utvrđen je u liniji 3 (povećanje za 1,4 rama) i liniji 1 (povećanje za 1,35 rama). Najveću povrÅ”inu meda i polena imala su druÅ”tva linije 1. Najbolji kvalitet legla, po pregledima utvrđen je u linijama 1 i 3. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, utvrđeno je da su linija 1 i 3 imale najbolje proizvodne karakteristike. Postojeća varijabilnost ispitivanih karakteristika pčela pruža mogućnost daljeg usavrÅ”avanja linija i Å”irenja genetskog napretka na području Srbije, pri čemu prednost treba dati umnožavanju matica na bazi bioloÅ”kog materijala pčela linija 1 i 3

    Intelligent systems in business function

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    The goal of this studious analysis is to determine the extent to which sophisticated technology can be used to improve business operations. Today's time brings daily new and rapid changes in the business environment to which small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia should adapt as soon as possible, often and on the fly. The defined objectives of the research refer to the assumption that business intelligence with its methods, techniques and tools can improve existing business processes in the company, make them more efficient while reducing overall business costs. Research shows that there are almost no companies that have not incorporated the principles of reengineering, introduction of total quality management (eng. Total Quality Management-TQM), "outsourcing" and the like into their strategies and plans. One of the most appropriate ways to create a competitive advantage for SMEs in Serbia, in the current conditions of the world economic crisis and recession, is the concept of business intelligence (eng. Business Intelligence - BI). The work is based on the original methodological approach to the development and construction of BIS and on the testing of the intelligent system and the critical assessment of its application in the process of managing the enterprise

    Utilizing metabolites from curcuma longa for the development of ph-responsive test strips

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    Introduction: Metabolites from Curcuma longa show pH-dependent color-changing properties. During this study, test strips were developed using Curcuma longa metabolites, which enable the rapid estima- tion of acidity/alkalinity in natural and artificial samples. Methods: Commercially available Curcuma longa powder (5.00 g) was mixed with ethanol (45 mL) and subjected to 30 minutes of ultrasonic extraction. After 60 minutes of settling, the resulting suspension was filtered and supplemented with ethanol to reach a final volume of 50 mL. Circular pieces of filter paper were immersed in 15 mL of the colored filtrate in Petri dishes for 10 minutes. The impregnated pieces of filter paper were then dried at 65Ā°C for 10 minutes and cut into desired rectangular shapes. Results: Analysis of the prepared test stripsā€™ behavior was conducted across a pH range from 0 to 14, en- compassing various solutions (HCl, NaOH, and buffered solutions) whose pH values were measured by a pH meter. The test strips exhibited a yellow-orange color at pH values below 8.5, while a brown color was observed at pH values of 8.5 and above. Conclusion: The experimental data obtained in this investigation demonstrate significant agreement with the literature value for the first pKa of curcumin (pKa1=8.4), a compound displaying the distinctive orange color found in dry Curcuma longa powder, and possessing pH-dependent color-changing char- acteristics. Therefore, test strips prepared from an ethanolic extract of Curcuma longa powder constitute a promising tool for the routine assessment of acidity/alkalinity across various samples in molecular bi- ology, (bio)chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, and related fields.The poster presentation of the abstract, including a 3-minute oral presentation, was conducted by the corresponding author on the first day of the conference in Belgrade, on October 6th 202

    Giant renal oncocytoma

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    Background. Renal onkocytoma is a distinctive benign tumor derived from epithelial cells of the distal renal tubules. These tumors are often clinically asymptomatic, diagnosed accidentally and difficult to distinguish from renal cell carcinoma. Case report. We presented a giant renal onkocytoma in a man aged 64, without any signs or symptoms of the urogenital system disorder. The preoperative diagnosis described the tumor mass of the right kidney, size 16 x 14 cm, and indicated a malignant tumor of kidney. The patient underwent radical nephrectomy. The tumor was encapsulated at the intersection with the characteristic central hyaline scar. Microscopically, it was built of uniform polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Immunohystochemiclly, tumor cells were immunoreactive to CK AE1/AE3 and CD 117, but showed negative immunoreactivity to CK 7, RCC marker and Vimentin. Conclusion. Giant renal oncocytomas are rare tumors with benign clinical course. As a rule, they are discovered by accident. Clinical differentiation from malignant tumors of the kidney is not possible. They are treated surgically, mainly by radical nephrectomy. A definitive diagnosis is made only by histopathological examination of tumors using immunohistochemical marker panels
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