47 research outputs found

    Uticaj dugotrajnog zvučnog stresa na histološku građu nadbubrežne žlezde brojlera

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of different sound stress duration on adrenal gland of broiler chickens of different age. The experiments were conducted on 90 HYBRO broiler chickens, divided into nine groups (each group consisting of 10 birds) by different age and lenght of sound stress duration. The chickens were exposed to sound stress in sound attenuated building using a fire alarm bell (95 dB) for stress sessions lasted 120 min every day. The histological structure of adrenal gland was analyzed by light microscopy. The results indicate that adrenal gland is sensitive on this kind of stress and sound as stressor could introduce organism in stress reaction. Adrenal glands of broilers exposed to sound stress characterized by marked hyperemia, hypertrophy of interrenal cells, smaller affinity for staining of chromaffin cells compared with control groups. According to our results, degree of histological changes of adrenal gland under the influence of sound stress depends on the length of exposure and age of chickens.Cilj ovog rada je da ispita uticaj različite dužine trajanja zvučnog stresa na histološku građu nadbubrežnih žlezda brojlerskih pilića u različitim uzrastima. Ogled je izveden na 90 HYBRO brojlerskih pilića, podeljenih u 9 grupa u skladu sa uzrastom i dužinom izlaganja stresu. Pilići su zvučnom stresu bili izlagani u zvučno izolovanim objektima uz korišćenje požarnog alarmnog zvona (95dB) u trajanju od 120 min svakog dana. Histološka građa nadbubrežnih žlezda je analizirana svetlosnim mikroskopom. Rezultati ukazuju da je nadbubrežna žlezda osetljiva na ovu vrstu stresa i da zvuk, kao stresor, može da uvede organizam u stresnu reakciju. Nadbubrežne žlezde pilića izlaganih zvučnom stresu karakteriše značajna hiperemija, hipertrofija interrenalnih ćelija, manji afinitet prema bojenju hromafinih ćelija u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. U skladu sa ovim rezultatima, stepen histoloških promena nadbubrežne žlezde pod uticajem zvučnog stresa zavisi i od dužine izlaganja i uzrasta pilića

    Chemical composition and screening of the antimicrobial and antioxidative activity of extracts of Stachys species

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    GC and GC/MS analyses of the diethyl ether and ethyl acetate extracts obtained from the aerial parts of Stachys germanica subsp. heldreichii (Boiss) Hayek, Stachys iva Griseb., Stachys plumosa Griseb. and Stachys scardica Griseb., Balkan peninsula endemics, were performed. One hundred and seventy-nine constituents, accounting for 88.8–98.1% of the total composition of the extracts, were identified. The common feature of the diethyl ether extracts was the high content of terpenoids and fatty acid-derived compounds, while the common feature of the ethyl acetate extracts was the prevalence of fatty acid-derived compounds. A disk diffusion method was used for the evaluation of the antimicrobial activities of the extracts against a panel of microorganisms (bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella enteritidis; fungi: Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans). The total antioxidant capacity of the extracts was evaluated by the phosphomolybdenum method. The preliminary bioassay results indicated that the diethyl ether extract of S. plumosa could be a possible source of antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds


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    The aim of this study was to mutually compare the chemical compositions of epicuticular waxes of two different Sedum rupestre ssp. rupestre plant material samples. These were collected during the post fructification vegetative stage from the wild-growing (NH) and cultivated populations (HH). Epicuticular waxes (isolated in the form of hexane washings of leaves and stems) were analyzed using GC-MS, GC-FID and 1D- (1H, 13C) and 2D-NMR analyses. The epicuticular wax of both samples consisted of only two alkanes and one triterpene: hentriacontane (2.9 and 4.7% in NH and HH samples, respectively), tritriacontane (31.8 and 41.3% in NH and HH samples, respectively) and germanicyl formate (61.1 and 50.5% in NH and HH samples, respectively). Based on the obtained results, it seems that the type of habitat (natural or horticultural) does not affect the qualitative but only the quantitative composition of S. rupestre ssp. rupestre epicuticular waxes. HEMIJSKI SASTAV EPIKUTIKULARNOG VOSKA BILJNE VRSTE SEDUM RUPESTRE L. SSP. RUPESTRE: HORTIKULTURNO I PRIRODNO STANIŠTECilj istraživanja je bio određivanje i upoređivanje hemijskog sastava epikutikularnih voskova dva uzorka vrste S.rupestre ssp. rupestre u vegetativnoj fazi nakon plodonošenja sa različitih lokaliteta i različitih uslova staništa (prirodni, NH, i hortikulturni uslovi, HH). GC-MS, GC-FID i 1D- (1H i 13C) i 2D-NMR analize su korišćene radi identifikacije i kvantifikacije sastojaka epikutikularnih voskova izolovanih u obliku heksanskih ispiraka listova i stabla. Oba uzorka su sadržala hentriakontan (NH 2,9% i HH 3,4 %), tritriakontan (NH 31,8% i HH 41,3%) i triterpen germanicil-formijat (NH 61,1% i HH 50,5%). Upoređivanjem dobijenih rezultata opaža se da uslovi staništa ne utiču na kvalitativni sastav, ali da postoji razlika u kvantitativnom sastavu epikutikularnih voskova biljne vrste S.rupestre ssp. rupestre.HIGHLIGHTSA comparative analysis of cuticular waxes composition of two Sedum rupestre ssp. rupestre samples was achieved.The major components of both samples (natural habitat, NH and horticulture, HH) were: hentriacontane (C31), tritriacontane (C33) and germanicyl formate (GM).The germanicyl formate structure was determined from the analysis of MS, 1H and 13C NMR spectra.Both samples were quite similar in qualitative composition, NH and HH: C31 (2.9% and 4.72%), C33 (31.76% and 41.32%) and GM (61.09% and 50.54%).There was a discrepancy in the percentage representation of the main components


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    Differences in the headspace volatile profiles (HS) of fresh and air-dried fruits, stems and aerial parts of Chaerophyllum aureum L. (Apiaceae) were studied here for the first time using HS-GC-MS (head space – gas chromatography – mass spectrometry). This was done in order to probe to which level HS volatiles of different plant organs were susceptible to air drying. The most dominant headspace volatiles of all samples were monoterpene hydrocarbons. Sabinene was the major volatile of the fresh aerial parts, air-dried fruits, fresh and air-dried stems, representing 47.8%, 31.4%, 67.7% and 73.0% of the total volatiles, respectively. The most abundant headspace volatiles of the fresh fruits were terpinolene (45.3%), γ-terpinene (13.1%) and β-pinene (10.2%). The air-dried aerial parts were characterized by a high amount of limonene (69.0%). The results of HS-GC-MS were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis in order to get a better insight into the similarities/dissimilarities existing between the investigated samples. According to the results of multivariate analysis, the drying process significantly influenced HS volatiles. ISPARLJIVI SASTOJCI BILJNE VRSTE CHAEROPHYLLUM AUREUM L.U ovom radu su, po prvi put, ispitane razlike u headspace profilima (HS) svežih i na vazduhu sušenih plodova, stabljika i nadzemnih delova biljne vrste Chaerophyllum aureum L (Apiaceae) pomoću metode HS-GC-MS (headspace – gasna hromatografija – masena spektrometrija). Na osnovu ovih rezultata moglo bi se utvrditi do koliko intenzivnih promena u HS profilima različitih delova biljke može doći usled sušenja biljnog materijala. U svim uzorcima su dominantni headspace isparljivi sastojci bili monoterpeni. Utvrđeno je da je sabinen bio glavni isparljivi sastojak svežeg nadzemnog dela (47,8%), suvog ploda (31,4%), svežeg (67,7%) i suvog stabla (73,0%). Kao glavni isparljivi sastojci svežeg ploda nađeni su terpinolen (45,3%), γ-terpinen (13,1%) i β-pinen (10,2%), dok je suvi nadzemni deo bio okarakterisan značajno većom zastupljenošću limonena (69,0%). Rezultati HS-GC-MS analize su podvrgnuti multivarijantnoj statističkoj analizi kako bi se dobio bolji uvid u sličnosti/razlike među razmatranim uzorcima. Na osnovu rezultata multivarijantne analize sledi da sušenje u velikoj meri utiče na HS profil. HIGHLIGHTSHeadspace (HS) profiles (percentage compositions) of different parts of Chaerophyllum aureum L. were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis.In all samples, fresh and dry, the most dominant headspace volatiles were monoterpene hydrocarbons.Sabinene was the most abundant volatile of the fresh aerial parts, air-dried fruits, fresh and air-dried stems.The main headspace volatile compound of the fresh fruits was terpinolene while limonene was the major volatile of the air-dried aerial parts

    Primena savremene tehnologije ishrane kod visokomlečnih krava u periodu zasušenja i rane laktacije

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    The paper presents review of authors’ own results as well as results of other researchers on the effects of nutritional factors in overcoming of problems in transition period, 30 days prior and 70 days post calving, and to ensure satisfactory productive and reproductive performances. The significance of proper diet balance for total and non degradable protein, sufficient amount of energy, addition of some minerals and vitamins as well as additives in order to achieve good health, high milk production and satisfactory reproductive performances are pointed out. In general, all mentioned factors have great influence in increasing economical effects in cattle breeding.U radu su na revijalan način predstavljeni rezultati sopstvenih kao i istraživanja drugih autora koja ukazuju na značaj pojedinih ishrambenih faktora koji doprinose da se problemi krava u tkz. tranzicionom periodu koji obuhvata 30 dana pre i 70 dana posle telenja prevaziđu i obezbede dobre proizvodne i reproduktivne performanse.Ukazano je na značaj pravilnog normiranja obroka u pogledu nerazgradivog i ukupnog proteina, obezbeđenje sa dovoljnom količinom energije, dodavanje pojedinih minerala i vitamina kao i aditiva. Konačno svi pomenuti faktori doprinose poboljšanju ekonomskih efekata u gov4darskoj proizvodnji

    Primena savremene tehnologije ishrane kod visokomlečnih krava u periodu zasušenja i rane laktacije

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    The paper presents review of authors’ own results as well as results of other researchers on the effects of nutritional factors in overcoming of problems in transition period, 30 days prior and 70 days post calving, and to ensure satisfactory productive and reproductive performances. The significance of proper diet balance for total and non degradable protein, sufficient amount of energy, addition of some minerals and vitamins as well as additives in order to achieve good health, high milk production and satisfactory reproductive performances are pointed out. In general, all mentioned factors have great influence in increasing economical effects in cattle breeding.U radu su na revijalan način predstavljeni rezultati sopstvenih kao i istraživanja drugih autora koja ukazuju na značaj pojedinih ishrambenih faktora koji doprinose da se problemi krava u tkz. tranzicionom periodu koji obuhvata 30 dana pre i 70 dana posle telenja prevaziđu i obezbede dobre proizvodne i reproduktivne performanse.Ukazano je na značaj pravilnog normiranja obroka u pogledu nerazgradivog i ukupnog proteina, obezbeđenje sa dovoljnom količinom energije, dodavanje pojedinih minerala i vitamina kao i aditiva. Konačno svi pomenuti faktori doprinose poboljšanju ekonomskih efekata u gov4darskoj proizvodnji


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    We report the total phenolic (TPC; expressed as gallic acid equivalents, GAE, per milligram of dry extract weight) and the total flavonoid contents (TFC; expressed as quercetin equivalents, QE, per milligram of dry extract weight) and antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil and hexane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Mentha pulegium L. (Lamiaceae) collected in Serbia. The total phenolic content was in the range of 129.43-388.29 μg GAE/mg, while TFC ranged from 57.81 to 160.94 QE/mg; the highest TPC and TFC were found in the methanol extract. The antimicrobial activity (against five bacteria and two fungi species) of the essential oil and solvent extracts was assessed using disc-diffusion method. However, the studied samples demonstrated a poor antimicrobial potential. The antioxidant activity was screened using five different tests: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging assay (DPPH), 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid radical cation decolorization assay (ABTS), total reducing power (TRP), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and cupric reducing antioxidant capacity assay (CUPRAC); the methanol extract showed the strongest antioxidant potential. The results of the different antioxidant assays were correlated mutually and with the total flavonoid and total phenolic contents (regression analysis and agglomerative hierarchical clustering). ANTIOKSIDANTNA I ANTIMIKROBNA AKTIVNOST ETARSKOG ULJA I EKSTRAKATA BILJNE VRSTE MENTHA PULEGIUM L.U ovom radu je određen sadržaj ukupnih fenola (TPC; izražen u ekvivalentima galne kiseline, GAE, po miligramu suvog biljnog ekstrakta) i ukupnih flavonoida (TPC; izražen u ekvivalentima kvarcetina, QE, po miligramu suvog biljnog ekstrakta), kao i antimikrobna i antioksidantna aktivnost etarskog ulja i heksanskog, dietil-etarskog, etil-acetatnog i metanolnog ekstrakta biljne vrste Mentha pulegium L. (Lamiaceae; populacija iz Srbije). Sadržaj ukupnih fenola analiziranih uzoraka se kretao u opsegu od 129,43 do 388,29 μg GAE/mg, dok je TFC bio u interval od 57,81 do 160,94 QE/mg; najviše vrednosti za TPC i TFC nađene su za metanolni ekstrakt. Antimikrobna aktivnost (prema pet bakterijskih i dva soja gljivica) etarskog ulja i ekstrakata je određena disk-difuzionom metodom. Proučavani uzorci su imali slabu antimikrobnu aktivnost. Antioksidantna aktivnost je ispitivana pomoću DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil radikal), ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-etilbenzotijazolin-6-sulfonska kiselina radikal katjon), TRP (ukupna redukciona sposobnost), FRAP (sposobnost redukcije feri-jona) i CUPRAC (sposobnost redukcije Cu(II)-jona) metodama; najviši antioksidantni potencijal je imao metanolni ekstrakt. Rezultati različitih metoda za određivanje antioksidantnog potencijala su korelisani međusobno, kao i sa sadržajem ukupnih fenola i flavonoida (regresiona analiza i aglomerativna hijerarhijska klaster analiza). HIGHLIGHTSThe essential oil and hexane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Mentha pulegium L. collected in Serbia were studied.Their total phenolic content was in the range of 129.43-388.29 μg GAE/mg, while total flavonoid content ranged from 57.81 to 160.94 QE/mg.Solvent extracts (SE) and essential oil of the studied M. pulegium population were poor antimicrobials.Antioxidant activities of SE were studied using five different methods.Differences between the previous and the present results suggest M. pulegium metabolic profile might be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors

    Određivanje antioksidativnog kapaciteta uzoraka kakao praha, crne i mliječne čokolade pomoću cikličke voltametrije: korelacija s rezultatima spektrofotometrijskog ispitivanja i udjelima pojedinačnih fenolnih spojeva

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    Phenolic antioxidants in cocoa powder, dark chocolate and milk chocolate samples are quantified electrochemically using cyclic voltammetry with a glassy carbon electrode. Cyclic voltammograms were recorded from 0 to 800 mV at a scan rate of 100 mV/s. Phenolics with an ortho-diphenol group show the first oxidation peak in the potential range between 370 and 460 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl) in 0.1 mol/L of the acetate buffer, pH=4. The first and third anodic current peaks, close to 670 mV, can be ascribed to the first and second oxidation of the catechin-type flavonoids that are present at a high concentration in samples. The second peak at around 560 mV can be ascribed to phenolic acids. Procyanidins B1, B2, B3 and B4 did not have any visible waves. Strong positive correlation was established between antioxidant activities deduced from cyclic voltammograms with those determined using spectrophotometric assays. HPLC method was used for the quantification of individual phenolic compounds.Fenolni su antioksidansi u uzorcima kakao praha, tamne i mliječne čokolade elektrokemijski određeni pomoću cikličke voltametrije, primjenom elektrode od staklastog ugljika. Ciklički su voltamogrami snimljeni u rasponu od 0 do 800 mV, pri brzini skeniranja od 100 mV/s. Fenolni su spojevi s orto-difenilnom grupom dali prvi oksidacijski pik pri potencijalu između 370 i 460 mV (u usporedbi s referentnom elektrodom Ag/AgCl) u acetatnom puferu koncentracije od 0,1 mol/L, pH=4. Prvi i treći anodni pikovi, dobiveni pri otprilike 670 mV, potječu od prve i druge oksidacije katehina, prisutnih u većim udjelima u ispitivanim uzorcima. Drugi pik, dobiven pri otprilike 560 mV, potječe od fenolnih kiselina. Procijanidini B1, B2, B3 i B4 nisu dali vidljive pikove. Utvrđena je jaka pozitivna korelacija između antioksidativne aktivnosti određene cikličkom voltametrijom i one određene spektrofotometrijom. Za određivanje udjela pojedinačnih fenolnih spojeva upotrijebljena je metoda HPLC


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    Početak XXI veka nesumnjivo je obeležen interdisciplinarnim i multidisciplinarnim naporima istraživača u različitim oblastima nauke. Jedna od najizrazitijih tendencija ovog tipa uočava se u biomedicinskim istraživanjima, gde se združuju napori lekara, biologa, genetičara i biohemičara, s jedne strane, i biofizičara i inženjera, s druge strane – sa ciljem dubljeg razumevanja zdravlja i bolesti, i primene ovih saznanja u biomedicinskoj praksi, tako važnoj u svakodnevnom životu ljudi.Kao rezultat ovih svetskih trendova, u Srbiji već više godina na nekoliko fakulteta postoji nastava iz oblasti biomedicinskog inženjerstva, sa ciljem da osposobi inženjere ovih usmerenja za multidisciplinarno povezivanje znanja iz oblasti tehnike sa biomedicinskim znanjima. Jedan od bazičnih predmeta ovih usmerenja jesu Biomaterijali, kojima je i posvećen naš udžbenik, čiji je cilj da predstavi pregled teorije i prakse biomaterijala u biomedicinskoj nauci.Nauka o biomaterijalima je nesumnjivo najmultidisciplinarnija od svih nauka, jer zahteva ovladavanje znanjima iz mnogih oblasti nauke i tehnologije, inženjerstva i medicine, kako bi naučnici iz oblasti biomaterijala mogli da se uhvate u koštac sa ovom profesijom. Zato posle uvodnog dela, udžbenik iz Biomaterijala sadrži četiri celine: (I) Osnovni biomedicinski koncepti i reakcije organizma na biomaterijale, (II) Struktura, fizičko-mehanička karakterizacija i modeliranje biomaterijala i tkiva, (III) Savremeni biomaterijali i tehnologije, (IV) Perspektive biomaterijala i tehnologija, iza kojih slede Zadaci sa rešenjima, Ispitna test pitanja i Ispitna teorijska pitanja, koji pomažu studentima da lakše savladaju veoma obimno i kompleksno gradivo. Na kraju svakog poglavlja data su pitanja za rekapitulaciju, kao i spisak dopunske literature za opcionu detaljniju obradu pojedinih oblasti.Grupa od dvadeset četiri profesionalca sa univerziteta i naučnih instituta, pod okriljem Instituta tehničkih nauka Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, Beograd, i Društva za istraživanje materijala Srbije (MRS Srbija) doprinela je pisanju ovog kapitalnog udžbenika o biomaterijalima, prvog do sada na srpskom jeziku. Mada uključivanje veće grupe autora nužno dovodi do stilske neujednačenosti, ipak je oblast biomaterijala toliko multidisciplinarna da je ovakav pristup bio neophodan, kako uostalom pokazuju slična svetska iskustva sa uključivanjem i preko pedeset autora. Ipak urednici su se potrudili da koliko je to moguće stilski i pedagoški ujednače udžbenik, kako bi bio korisna literatura za sve studente diplomskih, master i doktorskih studija iz biomedicinskog inženjerstva u Srbiji i okruženju