6 research outputs found

    Economic effects of establishment and exploitation of the carp fishponds in Serbia

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    Са порастом становништва на планети земљи питање производње довољних количина хране постаје све актуелнији проблем. Производи аквакултуре из године у годину све више учествују у билансу хране, при чему значајан допринос овом учешћу даје производња ципринидних врста риба. Од укупно произведене количине ципринидних риба у свету, производња шарана се креће на релативном нивоу од око 18% и у последњих десет година се кретала између 2,4 и 3 милиона тона. У Европи, поред лососа и калифорнијске пастрмке, шаран представља једну од најзначајнијих гајених врста риба. У Србији шаран је највише гајена врста риба. На сразмерно великом броју и површини шаранских рибњака у Србији врши се производња на полуинтензиван и интензиван начин са све већом применом комплетних крмних смеша. Већа производња као и све већа заинтeресованост инвеститора за улагања у шаранско рибарство намећу потребу за адекватнијим утврђивањем економских ефеката ове производње. У циљу утврђивања економске исплативости инвестиционих улагања у рибњаке за производњу топловодних врста риба, у раду је анализирано пет организационо- економских модела производње шарана, од којих је у три модела извршена анализа на две варијанте исхране. Модели су формирани у складу са специфичностима шаранског рибарства Србије, које је анализирано како на основу званичних статистичких података, тако и на основу података добијених из научно-стручне литературе, али и из производне праксе. У раду су коришћене динамичке методе за оцену економске ефективности инвестиција. Резултати анализе су показали да са повећањем површине под рибњацима, као и са повећањем интензитета производње у оквиру полуинтензивног система гајења, расте и финансијски резултат који се остварује на шаранским рибњацима.With an increase in population on earth the production of sufficient quantities of food becomes very actual problem. The aquaculture products from year to year have been increasingly involved in the balance of food, where a significant contribution to this production gives the participation of cyprinid kinds of fish. Of the total produced cyprinid fish quantity in the world, the carp production amounted to the relative level of about 18%, and in the last ten years it amounted to 2.4 and 3 million tons. In Europe, in addition to the salmon and rainbow trout, the carp is one of the most important cultivated species of fish. In addition to the preceding facts, an importance of the carp ponds products in the total quantity of caught and produced fish in Serbia is the highest one. In Serbia, the carp is the most cultivated species of fish. On the relatively large number and area of carp ponds in Serbia it has been carried out the production in semi-intensive and intensive way with increasing application of complete feed mixtures. Increased production and a growing interest of investors for the carp fisheries have imposed a need for adequate determination of economic effects in this production. In order to be determined the economic profitability of investments in the fisheries for warmwater types of fish, there have been analyzed in dissertation five organization and economic models of carp production, of which the three models include analysis of the two feed types. The models have been established in accordance with the specific features of the carp fisheries of Serbia, which was analyzed on the basis of data obtained both from the official statistics and scientific literature, but also from the production practices. In the analysis there have been used dynamic methods for evaluation the economic effectiveness of investments. The results showed that with an increase of the pond area, as well as with an increase of the production intensity in the semi-intensive fish breeding system, the financial results achieved in the carp fishponds are growing as well

    Proizvodni i ekonomski rezultati intenzivne proizvodnje šarana (Cyprinus Carpio) u Srbiji

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    Carp production in Serbia is traditionally conducted in large area fish farms under a semi-intensive farming system. Total area under fish farms in Serbia amounts to approximately 11 thousand hectares, with 8.5 thousand hectares being under exploitation each year. In 2004, a significant intensification of production began at fish farms in Serbia which have traditionally organized their production under a classic semi-intensive farming system. Intensification of production was undertaken with partial or complete feeding with pelleted complete feeds. That way carp production per area unit (kg/ha) was increased by over 50%. Apart from intensification by means of using the complete extruded feeds, construction of specialized fish farms for intensive carp production started in 2003. At this moment (2016) their area amounts to several hundred hectares. Data from intensive carp fish farms indicate that production of one- and two-year fish has been approximately 3t/ha in the period from 2003 until today, with a mild increase during the last couple of years. With the purpose of determining the cost effectiveness of investments in fish ponds for intensive carp production two organization-economic models have been analyzed in the study. The models have been formed based on in line with the specific features of the Serbian carp farming, which has been analyzed both on the basis of data obtained from the scientific and specialist literature but also from the production practice. Models of intensive carp production in technical and production sense have been defined in the study and production plans have been prepared. Therefore, based on such defined models, dynamic methods have been prepared for assessment of economic effects of the investments. The results of the analysis have demonstrated that investment in intensive carp production on 10ha fish farm is not, and on 50ha fish farm is barely economically justifiable, as well as methods for improvement of economic effectiveness.Proizvodnja šarana se u Srbiji tradicionalno sprovodi na ribnjacima velikih površina u poluintenzivnom sistemu uzgoja. Ukupne površine pod šaranskim ribnjacima u Srbiji iznose oko 11 hiljada hektara, pri čemu je oko 8.5 hiljada hektara godišnje u eksploataciji. U toku 2004 godine počinje intenzifikacija proizvodnje na šaranskim ribnjacima u Srbiji koji su tradicionalno obavljali proizvodnju u poluintenzivnom sistemu. Intenzifikacija je sprovedena uz delimičnu ili potpunu ishranu kompletnim peletiranim hranama. Na taj način proizvodnja po jedinici površine je povećana preko 50%. Sa druge strane, nevezano od intenzifikacije proizvodnje korišćenjem kompletnih hraniva, od 2003 godine počinje izgradnja specijalizovanih ribnjaka za intenzivnu proizvodnju šarana. U ovom momentu (2016) površine intenzivnih šaranskih ribnjaka iznose nekoliko stotina hektara. Proizvodnja na intenzivnim šaranskim ribnjacima u Srbiji iznosi oko 3t/ha, posmatrano u periodu od 2003 godine do danas, sa manjim povećanjem u poslednjih nekoliko godina. U svrhu utvrđivanja ekonomskih efekata investiranja u ribnjake za intenzivnu proizvodnju šarana, analizirana su dva organizaciono-ekonomska modela u ovom istraživanju. Modeli su definisani u skladu sa specifičnostima uzgoja šarana u Srbiji, koji su analizirani na osnovu podataka iz naučne i stručne literature, kao i prakse. Modeli intenzivne proizvodnje šarana su definisani u tehničkom i tehnološkom smislu, nakon čega su sastavljeni planovi proizvodnje. Nakon toga, na osnovu definisanih modela sastavljene su investicione kalkulacije pomoću kojih su obračunati dinamički pokazatelji efektivnosti investicija. Rezultati analize su pokazali da investicija u intenzivnu proizvodnju šarana na 10ha nije opravdana, dok je investicija u intenzivnu proizvodnju na 50ha opravdana. Takođe su dodatno ispitane mogućnosti za poboljšanje ekonomske efektivnosti obe investicije

    Uređaji za obogaćivanje vode kiseonikom na toplovodnim ribnjacima

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    Successful and high yield warm water fish production (mostly carp) is mainly limited by the content of dissolved oxygen in the water. Oxygen content in fish pond water varies according to daily and seasonal fluctuations depending on different factors. Less of oxygen influences the fish health status and yield. From those reasons is very important to monitor the oxygen content continuously and to apply appropriate methods of oxygen content increment when necessary. One of those methods for maintaining the optimal oxygen content is applying of modern devices - aerators. Water aeration is process of forced, mechanical mixing of water and air, which increasing the oxygen content in the water. Aeration can be applied by different methods but originally this means application of specially designed devices for water aeration.U proizvodnji toplovodnih vrsta riba (pre svega šarana), sadržaj rastvorenog kiseonika u vodi je jedan od glavnih ograničavajućih faktora uspešnog gajenja i povećanja prinosa. Sadržaj rastvorenog kiseonika u ribnjačkoj vodi je podložan kako dnevnim tako i sezonalnim fluktuacijama, i zavisi od više raznovrsnih faktora. Nedostatak kiseonika utiče preko hemizma vode na zdravlje gajene ribe i mogućnost prirasta. Iz ovih razloga je u savremenom ribarstvu neophodno redovno pratiti sadržaj rastvorenog kiseonika u vodi, te u slučaju pada vrednosti ispod optimalnih, tj. minimalnih vrednosti reagovati nekim od metoda za povećanje sadržaja O2 u vodi. Jedan od načina održavanja poželjnih vrednosti rastvorenog kiseonika (RK) je primena savremenih uređaja - Aeratora. Aeracija vode u širem smislu označava postupak prinudnog, mehanizovanog pospešivanja mešanja vode sa atmosferskim vazduhom, sa primarnim ciljem obogaćenja vode kiseonikom. Aeracija se može vršiti uz pomoć različitih metoda, ali se pod aeracijom u užem smislu smatra upotreba specijalnih za ovu svrhu, i primenu na toplovodnim ribnjacima konstruisanih uređaja

    Troškovi korišćenja uređaja za aeraciju vode na toplovodnim ribnjacima

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    Modern fish production requires utilization of new technologies, which assumes application of appropriate mechanization and devices. In the process of the fish production in the warm-water fish-ponds it frequently appears a problem of lacking the oxygen dissolved in water. This problem may be solved by utilization of water aeration device. Selection of the water aeration device is usually carried out in our practice on the basis of its technological and exploitation characteristics, without knowledge of economic effects both of its provision and utilization of concrete technical solution. Economic effects of aeration device utilization suppose complete knowledge of methodological procedure for calculation of costs, as well as disposal of reliable initial data necessary for calculation of the costs for such devices.Savremena proizvodnja ribe podrazumeva primenu novih tehnologija, koje za sobom povlače i upotrebu odgovarajućih sredstava mehanizacije i uređaja. U uzgoju ribe na toplovodnim ribnjacima se kao čest problem javlja nedostatak kiseonika rastvorenog u vodi, što se može rešiti primenom uređaja za aeraciju vode. Odabir uređaja za aeraciju vode se u našoj praksi najčešće vrši na osnovu njegovih tehnološko-eksploatacionih karakteristika, bez poznavanja ekonomskih efekata nabavke i primene konkretnog tehničkog rešenja. Ekonomski efekti upotrebe uređaja za aeraciju podrazumevaju potpuno poznavanje metodološkog postupka za određivanje troškova, kao i raspolaganje pouzdanim polaznim podacima koji su neophodni za izračunavanje troškova eksploatacije ovakvih uređaja


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    Importance of garlic is enormous for both human health and cookery. Garlic is a crop whose production does not endanger the agro-system and the eco-system, which is of special significance for organic food production. Considering that growing garlic is based on the application of agro-ecological and agro-economic principles, this paper describes the soil preparation process for planting, planting technology, application of agro-technological measures. It also gives an account of the basic characteristics of the planting material, its extraction and storage. The subject of research of this paper is to determine yield of different garlic types on two different locations in Serbia. It also aims to determine costs and calculations based on variable costs, as well as to compare economic results of production of different garlic types on family-own small-scale farms

    Current State of Fish Production on Carp Farms in Serbia

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    In the Serbian fishing industry, carp breeding in pond is the most important activity. Analysis has shown that breeding may be organized in a two-level semi-intensive system, or in a fully intensive breeding system. Carp farms in Serbia cover any area of around 10,000 ha, with an annual restocking of young fish at around 8,600 ha. Species usually bred include carp, bighead carp, silver carp, grass carp, catfish, pike, and perch. By the level of production of edible fish in carp ponds, with an average production level of 5,000-7,000 tons of fish annually, Serbia takes an important place in Europe. In the chapter, the authors calculate several performance indicators of production for all carp farms, and the results show that by the production intensity Serbia is highly positioned in Europe