5 research outputs found

    Förändringsblindhet på webbsidor

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    Forskning kring förändringsblindhet har hittills undersökt hur fenomenet gör sig gällande i naturliga situationer och vanliga visuella scener. Denna undersökning syftar till att testa hur förändringsblindhet framträder vid användning av webbsidor samt att undersöka vilka typer av förändringar som är lättare respektive svårare att upptäcka på dessa. 20 studenter testades med datoriserade bildspel utformade i fyra kategorier av förändring. Rensinks flicker paradigm användes som förändringsmetod. Resultaten visade att; det var lättare att upptäcka en förändring som inte består av en bild av en person än en med en bild av en person och det är svårare att lokalisera en förändring på vänster sida än på höger. Webbsidornas komplexitet förefaller inte vara avgörande för detektionstiden, och stora förändringar är lättare att se än små. Att olika typer av förändringar är olika svåra att upptäcka kan tyda på att fokuserad uppmärksamhet är olika känslig för olika typer av förändringar. Resultaten påvisar att förändringsblindhet är ett generellt perceptionspsykologiskt fenomen som kan uppstå även på webbsidor

    Change blindness when viewing web pages

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    Change blindness on web pages was studied for 20 participants. The purpose was to find how change blindness appears for web pages, and which changes are easier to detect. The task was to detect if a change had occurred and to show this by the means of the cursor. Rensink´s flicker paradigm was used, where four categories of changes were presented. It was easier to detect a change not consisting of a person than one with a person. It was easier to detect a change to the left than to the right. The complexity of the web pages did not appear to have an effect, while large changes were easier to detect than small. The results may indicate that focused attention is differently sensitive for different kinds of changes. They also show that change blindness is a general phenomenon that can be applied to the perception of web pages

    Förändringsblindhet när man betraktar websidor

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    Change blindness on web pages was studied for 20 participants. The purpose was to find how change blindness appears for web pages, and which changes are easier to detect. The task was to detect if a change had occurred and to show this by the means of the cursor. Rensink´s flicker paradigm was used, where four categories of changes were presented. It was easier to detect a change not consisting of a person than one with a person. It was easier to detect a change to the left than to the right. The complexity of the web pages did not appear to have an effect, while large changes were easier to detect than small. The results may indicate that focused attention is differently sensitive for different kinds of changes. They also show that change blindness is a general phenomenon that can be applied to the perception of web pages.Published in a different form in: Steffner, D, and Schenkman, B.N. (2012). Change blindness when viewing web pages. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41, 6098-6102, DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2012-1067-609

    Förändringsblindhet när man betraktar websidor

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    Change blindness on web pages was studied for 20 participants. The purpose was to find how change blindness appears for web pages, and which changes are easier to detect. The task was to detect if a change had occurred and to show this by the means of the cursor. Rensink´s flicker paradigm was used, where four categories of changes were presented. It was easier to detect a change not consisting of a person than one with a person. It was easier to detect a change to the left than to the right. The complexity of the web pages did not appear to have an effect, while large changes were easier to detect than small. The results may indicate that focused attention is differently sensitive for different kinds of changes. They also show that change blindness is a general phenomenon that can be applied to the perception of web pages.Published in a different form in: Steffner, D, and Schenkman, B.N. (2012). Change blindness when viewing web pages. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41, 6098-6102, DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2012-1067-609