487 research outputs found

    "In diesem Spiel gewinnt immer der Entschlossenste." : Bilder des Terrors im Hollywood-Kino

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    Die Bilder der Terroranschläge des 11. September in den Medien erinnerten viele Menschen an Katastrophenfilme aus Hollywood. Michael Staiger geht davon aus, dass die Bildsprache solcher Filme auch unsere Wahrnehmungsweise des realen Terrors beeinflusst. Er stellt eine zunehmende Verflechtung der Ästhetik des Hollywood-Kinos mit der Medienberichterstattung realer Ereignisse fest. "Die Inszenierung von Fernsehnachrichten verweist inzwischen ebenso auf fiktionale Bildwelten, wie sich die Spielfilmästhetik seit Jahren der Machart von Fernsehbildern bedient." Am Beispiel des Thrillers "Ausnahmezustand" (1998) analysiert Michael Staiger die Inszenierung des Terrors in Hollywood-Filmen und zeigt damit eine medienpädagogische Umsetzungsmöglichkeit des Themas auf

    Sectoral Shocks and Structural Unemployment

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    When current employers rave more information about worker quality than to potential employers, sectoral shocks cause structural unemployment. That is, some workers laid off from an injured sector remain unemployed despite the fact that trey are of sufficient quality to be productively employed in an expanding sector at toe prevailing wage, Moreover, sectoral unemployment rates are not monotonic in one severity of sectoral shocks due to one interaction of layoff activity and hiring activity. Finally, equilibrium employment decisions are not constrained Pareto efficient, and can be improved by a policy of adjustment assistance.

    Improving the retention rate for residential treatment of substance abuse by sequential intervention for social anxiety

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    BACKGROUND Residential drug rehabilitation is often seen as a treatment of last resort for people with severe substance abuse issues. These clients present with more severe symptoms, and frequent psychiatric comorbidities relative to outpatients. Given the complex nature of this client group, a high proportion of clients seeking treatment often do not enter treatment, and of those who do, many exit prematurely. Given the highly social nature of residential drug rehabilitation services, it has been argued that social anxieties might decrease the likelihood of an individual entering treatment, or increase the likelihood of them prematurely exiting treatment. The current paper reports on the protocol of a Randomised Control Trial which examined whether treatment of social anxiety prior to entry to treatment improves entry rates and retention in residential drug rehabilitation. METHOD/DESIGN A Randomised Control Trial comparing a social skills treatment with a treatment as usual control group was employed. The social skills training program was based on the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and was adapted from Ron Rapee's social skills training program. A permutated block randomisation procedure was utilised. Participants are followed up at the completion of the program (or baseline plus six weeks for controls) and at three months following entry into residential rehabilitation (or six months post-baseline for participants who do not enter treatment). DISCUSSION The current study could potentially have implications for addressing social anxiety within residential drug treatment services in order to improve entry and retention in treatment. The results might suggest that the use of additional screening tools in intake assessments, a focus on coping with social anxieties in support groups for clients waiting to enter treatment, and greater awareness of social anxiety issues is warranted. AUSTRALIAN NEW ZEALAND CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRY Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN) registration number: ACTRN12611000579998.This research was supported under Australian Research Council's Linkage Projects funding scheme (project number: LP0990162)

    Fachbibliographie Filmdidaktik

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    Bibliographie zur Filmwissenschaft und Filmdidaktik mit dem Schwerpunkt auf die Unterrichtsfächer Deutsch, Kunst und Musi

    [Rezension zu:] Giesa, Felix: Graphisches Erzählen von Adoleszenz. Deutschsprachige Autorencomics nach 2000. Frankfurt a. M.: Lang, 2015 (Kinder- und Jugendkultur, -literatur und -medien. Theorie – Geschichte – Didaktik; 97). 405 S.

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    Die öffentliche Wahrnehmung und der kulturelle Stellenwert von Comics haben sich im deutschsprachigen Raum im vergangenen Jahrzehnt grundlegend gewandelt. Das zeigt auch der Titel dieser Studie, in dem einerseits von "graphischem Erzählen" und andererseits von "Autorencomics" die Rede ist. Comics werden hier also selbstverständlich – und zu Recht – als eine mediale Erscheinungsform von Literatur betrachtet. Mit der Fokussierung auf das Thema Adoleszenz schließt die Arbeit an entsprechende Diskurse in der Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung und der Jugendsoziologie an, während die transmediale Narratologie als Analysewerkzeug eine Brücke zu literatur- und medienwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen baut. Damit ist das interdisziplinäre Feld umrissen, in welchem die Dissertation von Felix Giesa verortet ist. ..

    Improving the retention rate for residential treatment of substance abuse by sequential intervention for social anxiety

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    Background: Residential drug rehabilitation is often seen as a treatment of last resort for people with severe substance abuse issues. These clients present with more severe symptoms, and frequent psychiatric comorbidities relative to outpatients. Given the complex nature of this client group, a high proportion of clients seeking treatment often do not enter treatment, and of those who do, many exit prematurely. Given the highly social nature of residential drug rehabilitation services, it has been argued that social anxieties might decrease the likelihood of an individual entering treatment, or increase the likelihood of them prematurely exiting treatment. The current paper reports on the protocol of a Randomised Control Trial which examined whether treatment of social anxiety prior to entry to treatment improves entry rates and retention in residential drug rehabilitation. Method/design: A Randomised Control Trial comparing a social skills treatment with a treatment as usual control group was employed. The social skills training program was based on the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and was adapted from Ron Rapee's social skills training program. A permutated block randomisation procedure was utilised. Participants are followed up at the completion of the program (or baseline plus six weeks for controls) and at three months following entry into residential rehabilitation (or six months post-baseline for participants who do not enter treatment). Discussion: The current study could potentially have implications for addressing social anxiety within residential drug treatment services in order to improve entry and retention in treatment. The results might suggest that the use of additional screening tools in intake assessments, a focus on coping with social anxieties in support groups for clients waiting to enter treatment, and greater awareness of social anxiety issues is warranted
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