508 research outputs found

    KWIC: A Widefield Mid-Infrared Array Camera/Spectrometer for the KAO

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    This grant covered a one year data analysis period for the data we obtained with the Kuiper Widefield Infrared Camera (KWIC) on the KAO during CY94 and CY95. A fairly complete list of scientific papers produced, or soon to be produced under this award is contained at the end of this report. Below we summarize some of the highlights of the work we did under this grant. KWIC Imaging of the Orion Nebula. KWIC was successfully developed under the KAO grants program (NASA grant NAG2-800). First funding arrived in November of 1992, and we flew our first two flights in February of 1994 -just 15 months later. These flights were very successful. We imaged the Orion Nebula in the 37.7 micron continuum and [SiII] 35 micron line and imaged M82 and Arp299 in the 37.7 micron continuum. Our Orion image demonstrates that the 37.7 micron continuum arises in the warm dust associated with the photodissociated surfaces (photodissociation regions, or PDRs) of molecular clouds. We use the brightness and color temperature distribution to ascertain the morphology of the Orion PDR. The [SiII] image of Orion encompassed the entire Orion A HII region and its enveloping PDR. Most of the emission in the PDR regions of the map appears to coincide very well with our 37.7 micron continuum map indicating a PDR origin for the [SiII] in agreement with theoretical predictions. The [SiII] line emission is very clumpy in the PDR directly imaging the clump spectrum indirectly ascertained by examining the distribution and flux ratios of [CII] and [0I] far-IR fine structure line, and high J CO emission. We also detected very strong [SiII] line emission from the embedded BN-KL star formation region tracing the morphology and physical conditions of the high velocity shock from these very young stars

    Strong C+ emission in galaxies at z~1-2: Evidence for cold flow accretion powered star formation in the early Universe

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    We have recently detected the [CII] 157.7 micron line in eight star forming galaxies at redshifts 1 to 2 using the redshift(z) Early Universe Spectrometer (ZEUS). Our sample targets star formation dominant sources detected in PAH emission. This represents a significant addition to [CII] observations during the epoch of peak star formation. We have augmented this survey with observations of the [OI] 63 micron line and far infrared photometry from the PACS and SPIRE Herschel instruments as well as Spitzer IRS spectra from the literature showing PAH features. Our sources exhibit above average gas heating efficiency, many with both [OI]/FIR and [CII]/FIR ~1% or more. The relatively strong [CII] emission is consistent with our sources being dominated by star formation powered PDRs, extending to kpc scales. We suggest that the star formation mode in these systems follows a Schmidt-Kennicutt law similar to local systems, but at a much higher rate due to molecular gas surface densities 10 to 100 times that of local star forming systems. The source of the high molecular gas surface densities may be the infall of neutral gas from the cosmic web. In addition to the high [CII]/FIR values, we also find high [CII]/PAH ratios and, in at least one source, a cool dust temperature. This source, SWIRE 4-5, bears a resemblance in these diagnostics to shocked regions of Stephan's Quintet, suggesting that another mode of [CII] excitation in addition to normal photoelectric heating may be contributing to the observed [CII] line.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. To appear in December 20, 2014, V797 - 2 issu

    Detection of [O III] at z~3: A Galaxy above the Main Sequence, Rapidly Assembling its Stellar Mass

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    We detect bright emission in the far infrared fine structure [O III] 88μ\mum line from a strong lensing candidate galaxy, H-ATLAS J113526.3-014605, hereafter G12v2.43, at z=3.127, using the 2nd\rm 2^{nd} generation Redshift (z) and Early Universe Spectrometer (ZEUS-2) at the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment Telescope (APEX). This is only the fifth detection of this far-IR line from a sub-millimeter galaxy at the epoch of galaxy assembly. The observed [O III] luminosity of 7.1×109(10μ)L7.1\times10^{9}\,\rm(\frac{10}{\mu})\,\rm{L_{\odot}}\, likely arises from HII regions around massive stars, and the amount of Lyman continuum photons required to support the ionization indicate the presence of (1.25.2)×106(10μ)(1.2-5.2)\times10^{6}\,\rm(\frac{10}{\mu}) equivalent O5.5 or higher stars; where μ\mu would be the lensing magnification factor. The observed line luminosity also requires a minimum mass of 2×108(10μ)M\sim 2\times 10^{8}\,\rm(\frac{10}{\mu})\,\rm{M_{\odot}}\, in ionized gas, that is 0.33%0.33\% of the estimated total molecular gas mass of 6×1010(10μ)M6\times10^{10}\,\rm(\frac{10}{\mu})\,\rm{M_{\odot}}\,. We compile multi-band photometry tracing rest-frame UV to millimeter continuum emission to further constrain the properties of this dusty high redshift star-forming galaxy. Via SED modeling we find G12v2.43 is forming stars at a rate of 916 (10μ)Myr1\rm(\frac{10}{\mu})\,\rm{M_{\odot}}\,\rm{yr^{-1}} and already has a stellar mass of 8×1010(10μ)M8\times 10^{10}\,\rm(\frac{10}{\mu})\,\rm{M_{\odot}}\,. We also constrain the age of the current starburst to be \leqslant 5 million years, making G12v2.43 a gas rich galaxy lying above the star-forming main sequence at z\sim3, undergoing a growth spurt and, could be on the main sequence within the derived gas depletion timescale of \sim66 million years.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Hidden in plain sight: a massive, dusty starburst in a galaxy protocluster at z=5.7 in the COSMOS field

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    We report the serendipitous discovery of a dusty, starbursting galaxy at z=5.667z=5.667 (hereafter called CRLE) in close physical association with the "normal" main-sequence galaxy HZ10 at z=5.654z=5.654. CRLE was identified by detection of [CII], [NII] and CO(2-1) line emission, making it the highest redshift, most luminous starburst in the COSMOS field. This massive, dusty galaxy appears to be forming stars at a rate of at least 1500M\,M_\odot yr1^{-1} in a compact region only 3\sim3 kpc in diameter. The dynamical and dust emission properties of CRLE suggest an ongoing merger driving the starburst, in a potentially intermediate stage relative to other known dusty galaxies at the same epoch. The ratio of [CII] to [NII] may suggest that an important (15%\sim15\%) contribution to the [CII] emission comes from a diffuse ionized gas component, which could be more extended than the dense, starbursting gas. CRLE appears to be located in a significant galaxy overdensity at the same redshift, potentially associated with a large-scale cosmic structure recently identified in a Lyman Alpha Emitter survey. This overdensity suggests that CRLE and HZ10 reside in a protocluster environment, offering the tantalizing opportunity to study the effect of a massive starburst on protocluster star formation. Our findings support the interpretation that a significant fraction of the earliest galaxy formation may occur from the inside out, within the central regions of the most massive halos, while rapidly evolving into the massive galaxy clusters observed in the local Universe.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, final version to appear on ApJ (accepted May 19, 2018

    Low star formation efficiency in typical galaxies at z=5-6

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    Using the VLA and ALMA, we have obtained CO(2-1), [C II], [N II] line emission and multiple dust continuum measurements in a sample of "normal" galaxies at z=56z=5-6. We report the highest redshift detection of low-JJ CO emission from a Lyman Break Galaxy, at z5.7z\sim5.7. The CO line luminosity implies a massive molecular gas reservoir of (1.3±0.3)(αCO/4.5M(1.3\pm0.3)(\alpha_{\rm CO}/4.5\,M_\odot (K km s1^{-1} pc2)1)×1011M^2)^{-1})\times10^{11}\,M_\odot, suggesting low star formation efficiency, with a gas depletion timescale of order \sim1 Gyr. This efficiency is much lower than traditionally observed in z5z\gtrsim5 starbursts, indicating that star forming conditions in Main Sequence galaxies at z6z\sim6 may be comparable to those of normal galaxies probed up to z3z\sim3 to-date, but with rising gas fractions across the entire redshift range. We also obtain a deep CO upper limit for a Main Sequence galaxy at z5.3z\sim5.3 with 3\sim3 times lower SFR, perhaps implying a high αCO\alpha_{\rm CO} conversion factor, as typically found in low metallicity galaxies. For a sample including both CO targets, we also find faint [N II] 205μ\,\mum emission relative to [C II] in all but the most IR-luminous "normal" galaxies at z=56z=5-6, implying more intense or harder radiation fields in the ionized gas relative to lower redshift. These radiation properties suggest that low metallicity may be common in typical \sim1010M^{10}\,M_\odot galaxies at z=56z=5-6. While a fraction of Main Sequence star formation in the first billion years may take place in conditions not dissimilar to lower redshift, lower metallicity may affect the remainder of the population.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    SPIFI: a Direct-Detection Imaging Spectrometer for Submillimeter Wavelengths

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    The South Pole Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (SPIFI) is the first instrument of its kind -a direct-detection imaging spectrometer for astronomy in the submillimeter band. SPIFI ’s focal plane is a square array of 25 silicon bolometers cooled to 60 mK; the spectrometer consists of two cryogenic scanning Fabry-Perot interferometers in series with a 60-mK bandpass filter. The instrument operates in the short submillimeter windows (350 and 450 μm) available from the ground, with spectral resolving power selectable between 500 and 10,000. At present, SPIFI’s sensitivity is within a factor of 1.5-3 of the photon background limit, comparable with the best heterodyne spectrometers. The instrument ’s large bandwidth and mapping capability provide substantial advantages for specific astrophysical projects, including deep extragalactic observations. We present the motivation for and design of SPIFI and its operational characteristics on the telescope

    ISO LWS Spectroscopy of M82: A Unified Evolutionary Model

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    We present the first complete far-infrared spectrum (43 to 197 um) of M82, the brightest infrared galaxy in the sky, taken with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). We detected seven fine structure emission lines, [OI] 63 and 145 um, [OIII] 52 and 88 um, [NII] 122 um, [NIII] 57 um and [CII] 158 um, and fit their ratios to a combination starburst and photo-dissociation region (PDR) model. The best fit is obtained with HII regions with n = 250 cm^{-3} and an ionization parameter of 10^{-3.5} and PDRs with n = 10^{3.3} cm^{-3} and a far-ultraviolet flux of G_o = 10^{2.8}. We applied both continuous and instantaneous starburst models, with our best fit being a 3-5 Myr old instantaneous burst model with a 100 M_o cut-off. We also detected the ground state rotational line of OH in absorption at 119.4 um. No excited level OH transitions are apparent, indicating that the OH is almost entirely in its ground state with a column density ~ 4x10^{14} cm^{-2}. The spectral energy distribution over the LWS wavelength range is well fit with a 48 K dust temperature and an optical depth, tau_{Dust} proportional to lambda^{-1}.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJ, Feb. 1, 199