273 research outputs found

    Sex dimorphism and sepsis: a novel approach

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    A new high performance micro wave plasma source

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    Bias in Returns to Tenure When Firm Wages and Employment Comove: A Quantitative Assessment and Solution

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    It is well known that unless worker-firm match quality is controlled for, reduced-form estimates of returns to firm tenure will be biased. In this paper, we show that there is a further pervasive source of bias, namely, the comovement of firm employment and firm wages. We argue that firm-year fixed effects must be used to eliminate this bias. Estimates from two large-panel data sets from Germany and Portugal show that the bias is empirically important. Finally, we show that the results extend to tenure correlates used in macroeconomics, such as the minimum unemployment rate since joining the firm

    Heterogeneous microstructures tuned in a high throughput architecture

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    A new method applied to the sensor proposed by Zhang et al. in 2018 is demonstrated in this paper that combines the benefits of this design with the fast heating possible with nanocalorimetry. By applying a PID regulated pulse instead of a constant wattage, we unlock an accessible method to sense morphological changes occurring over short time periods that would be invisible to methods based only on heat capacity. In this study, multilayer Ni/Al thin films were linearly heated at 25, 50, 100, and 200 K/s to over 700°C, showing two distinct peaks in resistance change with activation energies of 554 and 747 kJ/mol, respectively. Through Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) analysis on cross sections taken ex situ from samples quenched before and after the peaks of interest, we find strong evidence that peak 1 corresponds to Ni diffusing through Al grain boundaries forming intermetallic phases that essentially block the highly conductive Al pathway. This presents the potential to design and calibrate novel heterogeneous structures in a high throughput manner

    Das quantifizierte EEG im elektroenzephalogrammbasierten Monitoring während Allgemeinanästhesie

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    The electroencephalogram (EEG) is increasingly being used in the clinical routine of anesthesia in German-speaking countries. In over 90% of patients the frontal EEG changes somewhat predictably in response to administration of the normally used anesthetic agents (propofol and volatile gasses). An adequate depth of anesthesia and appropriate concentrations of anesthetics in the brain generate mostly frontal oscillations between 8 and 12 Hz as well as slow delta waves between 0.5 and 4 Hz. The frontal EEG channel is well-suited for avoidance of insufficient depth of anesthesia and excessive administration of anesthetics. This article explains the clinical interpretation of the most important EEG patterns and the biophysical background. Also discussed are important limitations and pitfalls for the clinical routine, which the anesthetist should know in order to utilize the EEG as an admittedly incomplete but clinically extremely important parameter for the level of consciousness.Das Elektroenzephalogramm (EEG) findet im klinischen Alltag der Anästhesie des deutschsprachigen Raumes zunehmend Anwendung. Bei über 90 % der Patienten ändert sich das frontale EEG als Reaktion auf die Gabe der gebräuchlichen Narkotika (Propofol und volatile Narkosegase) in typischer Weise. Eine adäquate Narkosetiefe und angemessene Konzentrationen der Anästhetika im Gehirn erzeugen meist frontale Oszillationen zwischen 8 und 12 Hz (α-Oszillationen) sowie langsame δ‑Wellen zwischen 0,5 und 4 Hz. Die frontale EEG-Ableitung eignet sich gut zur Vermeidung einer unzureichenden Narkosetiefe bzw. einer Überdosierung von Anästhetika. Im Folgenden werden die klinische Interpretation der wichtigsten EEG-Muster und ihr biophysikalischer Hintergrund erläutert. Ebenso werden wichtige Limitationen und „Fallstricke“ für den klinischen Alltag diskutiert, die der Anästhesist kennen sollte, um das EEG als zwar unvollständigen, aber klinisch äußerst wichtigen Parameter des Bewusstseinslevels zu nutzen

    Cost and mortality prediction using polymerase chain reaction pathogen detection in sepsis: evidence from three observational trials

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    Delays in adequate antimicrobial treatment contribute to high cost and mortality in sepsis. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays are used alongside conventional cultures to accelerate the identification of microorganisms. We analyze the impact on medical outcomes and healthcare costs if improved adequacy of antimicrobial therapy is achieved by providing immediate coverage after positive PCR reports

    Robust transmission design for multicell D2D underlaid cellular networks

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    This paper investigates the robust transmission design (RTD) of a multicell device-to-device (D2D) underlaid cellular network with imperfect channel state information (CSI). The bounded model is adopted to characterize the CSI impairment and the aim is to maximize the worst-case sum rate of the system. To protect cellular communications, it is assumed that the interference from all D2D transmitters to each base station (BS) is power-limited. It is first shown that the worst-case signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) of each D2D link can be obtained directly, while that of cellular links cannot be similarly found since the channel estimation error vectors of cellular links are coupled in the SINR expressions. To solve the nonconvex problem, the objective function of the original problem is replaced with its lower bound, and the resulted problem is decomposed into multiple semidefinite programming (SDP) subproblems, which are convex and have computationally efficient solutions. An iterative RTD algorithm is then proposed to obtain a suboptimal solution. Simulation results show that D2D communication can significantly increase the performance of the conventional cellular systems while causing tolerable interference to cellular users. In addition, the proposed RTD algorithm outperforms the conventional nonrobust transmission design greatly in terms of network spectral efficiency