996 research outputs found

    Forward model for quantitative pulse-echo speed-of-sound imaging

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    Computed ultrasound tomography in echo mode (CUTE) allows determining the spatial distribution of speed-of-sound (SoS) inside tissue using handheld pulse-echo ultrasound (US). This technique is based on measuring the changing phase of beamformed echoes obtained under varying transmit (Tx) and/or receive (Rx) steering angles. The SoS is reconstructed by inverting a forward model describing how the spatial distribution of SoS is related to the spatial distribution of the echo phase shift. CUTE holds promise as a novel diagnostic modality that complements conventional US in a single, real-time handheld system. Here we demonstrate that, in order to obtain robust quantitative results, the forward model must contain two features that were not taken into account so far: a) the phase shift must be detected between pairs of Tx and Rx angles that are centred around a set of common mid-angles, and b) it must account for an additional phase shift induced by the error of the reconstructed position of echoes. In a phantom study mimicking liver imaging, this new model leads to a substantially improved quantitative SoS reconstruction compared to the model that has been used so far. The importance of the new model as a prerequisite for an accurate diagnosis is corroborated in preliminary volunteer results

    Bildersturm privat: Das Bekenntnis eines wohlhabenden Zürcher Zunftherrn zur Toleranz in der Bilderfrage

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    Emotionale Verarbeitung in der Psychologischen Therapie: Drei wissenschaftliche Artikel zum Einfluss der Integration emotionsfokussierter Therapieelemente auf den Veränderungsprozess der emotionalen Transformation

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    In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden drei Artikel vorgestellt, welche im Rahmen des Improve-Projekts (Schweizerischer Nationalfonds, Grant 100019_159425; Hauptantragssteller: Prof. Dr. Franz Caspar; Mitantragsteller: Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger und Prof. Dr. Martin grosse Holtforth) verfasst wurden. Das übergeordnete Ziel des Improve-Projekts(1) war es, die Auswirkungen auf den Therapieprozess und das Therapieergebnis zu untersuchen, wenn emotionsfokussierte Therapieelemente in die Psychologische Therapie integriert und Konzepte der Selbstregulation vertieft ausgearbeitet werden. Darüber hinaus zielte das Improve-Projekt darauf ab, Veränderungsmechanismen und -prozesse, welche den im Projekt durchgeführten Therapien zugrunde liegen, zu untersuchen. Die zwei empirischen Studien der vorliegenden Dissertation beschäftigen sich mit dem angenommenen patientenbezogenen Veränderungsprozess der emotionalen Transformation und untersuchen, wie sich die Integration auf diesen Prozess auswirkt. Das Studienprotokoll zeigt einen forschungstheoretischen Rahmen zur Beantwortung dieser Fragestellungen auf. Bei der Studie 1 handelt es sich um eine Prozess-Outcome-Studie, in der untersucht wird, ob die emotionale Transformation in der Psychologischen Therapie mit den integrierten Elementen als patientenbezogener Veränderungsprozess wirkt und ob die Integration von emotionsfokussierten Konzepten und Techniken das Ausmass der emotionalen Transformation fördert. Studie 2 ist eine sequenzielle Prozess-Studie und untersucht auf Minutenebene, wie sich der Prozess der emotionalen Transformation vollzieht und ob sich die Integration der emotionsfokussierten Elemente auf die emotionalen Veränderungsschritte auswirkt. Im Rahmen des Improve-Projekts liefert die vorliegende Arbeit als Ganzes einen wichtigen Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis der Wirkungsweise der Psychologischen Therapie. Nach einer Einführung in das Themengebiet werden die einzelnen Artikel zusammengefasst dargestellt und kritisch reflektiert. Ausgehend von den Ergebnissen der empirischen Studien werden Schlussfolgerungen zur emotionalen Transformation als Veränderungsprozess in der Psychologischen Therapie mit den integrierten Elementen gezogen sowie Auswirkungen des integrativen Vorgehens diskutiert. Abschliessend werden Implikationen für die klinische Praxis der Psychologischen Therapie besprochen, Grenzen der vorliegenden Arbeit aufgezeigt und weiterführende Forschungsfragen skizziert. // (1) Improve-Projekt ist der Name des Projekts und meint nicht wörtlich Verbesserungsprojekt. Der Name wurde gewählt, da es im Sinne von Grawes Allgemeiner Psychotherapie das Ziel der Integration neuer Elemente ist, die Psychotherapie zu verbessern.This dissertation focuses on three articles written in the context of the Improve-Project (Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant 100019_159425; Main applicant: Prof. Dr. Franz Caspar; Co-applicants: Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger and Prof. Dr. Martin grosse Holtforth). The aim of the Improve-Project was to investigate the effects of the integration of emotion-focused therapy elements (EFT) and elaborated self-regulation concepts (SR) into psychological therapy on the therapy process and on outcome. In addition, the Improve-Project aimed to investigate mechanisms and processes of change underlying the therapies conducted in the project. The three scientific articles focus on the assumed patient-change process of emotional transformation and examine how the integration of emotion-focused elements affects this change process. The study protocol provides a theoretical framework to answer these research questions. Study 1 is a process-outcome study that examines whether emotional transformation can be assumed as a patient-change process in psychological therapy with integrated EFT- and SR-elements and whether the integration of emotion-focused elements promotes the transformation process. Study 2 is a sequential-process study that examines the step-by-step unfolding of the emotional transformation process on a minute level and whether the integration of emotion-focused elements affects the emotional transformation steps. Taken together, the results of the empirical studies contribute to a better understanding of the effectiveness of Psychological Therapy. After an introduction to the thematic field, the three articles are summarized and critically reflected. Based on the results of the empirical studies, conclusions on emotional transformation as a patient-change process in psychological therapy with integrated EFT- and SR-elements are drawn and the effects of the integrative approach are discussed. Finally, implications for the clinical practice of psychological therapy as well as limitation of the present work will be discussed and further research questions will be presented

    L'italiano in contatto con il dialetto e altre lingue. Nuovi mezzi di comunicazione e nuove diglossie

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    This paper is concerned with variational aspects of SMS (i.e. text message) communication as a communicative mode that not only has become very popular over the last few years but is also supposed to have certain (and continuing) impacts on some of the constitutive parameters of communication as a whole (e.g. by re-evaluating the dichotomy between typically/traditional oral and written language conceptions). Based on collected material from the sms4science corpus this contribution elucidates some general intra- and extralinguistic features of the Italian subcorpus before focusing on language contact phenomena (involving Italian and other languages or dialectal varieties). Special attention is given to the emergence of what we consider a kind of 'new dialectality' (in the Italian speaking Switzerland), which is considered to be a result of ongoing processes of a restructuring of the repertoire and of the relation between the linguistic codes that are involved

    sms4science: Korpusdaten, Literaturüberblick und Forschungsfragen

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    This paper discusses some methodological issues related to current research on SMS communication in Switzerland, an ambitious research project situated in the context of the international project sms4science. Thus far, the analyses of the Swiss data focus on numerous inner-linguistic features, variational aspects and language contact phenomena; each of which is of the utmost interest for multilingual Switzerland (cf. the five articles contained in this issue). In the following pages we first provide some background information about the project and the constitution of the Swiss SMS-corpus. We then present some methodological demands and problems, which are discussed on the basis of a dialogic sub-corpus. In the final paragraphs of this introductory article, we outline the state of affairs in the field of the linguistic study of SMS communication and highlight some research questions that would be of significant interest for the further analysis of the Swiss corpus

    Investigating the Relative Impact of Different Sources of Measurement Non-Equivalence in Comparative Surveys. An Illustration with Scale Format, Data Collection Mode and Cross-National Variations

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    Different factors are known to affect the comparability of multinational, multicultural and multiregional (‘3MC’) survey data. These include factors relevant to the design of the questionnaire in different contexts (such as cultural differences in how a concept is understood, inaccurate or approximate translations of concepts, and variant adaptations to question formats). Others include factors relating to the survey design in general and how it is implemented across contexts (such as sample design, choice of mode(s), and contact strategies). Together, they contribute item, method and construct biases that can affect the invariance of composite measures. While research to date has looked at the effects of these factors on measurement invariance individually, there have been few attempts to compare them directly and assess their relative impact. To illustrate how this can be done, the present paper tests for measurement invariance in a subjective wellbeing measure across question formats, modes, languages, and countries, combining European Social Survey data from designed and natural experiments (resulting from the use of variant question formulations and translations) from Germany, Switzerland and France. Overall, we find translation errors, language and culture to be bigger sources of non-equivalence than question format and mode. The findings have implications for both survey designers making decisions about optimal resource allocation in the design of 3MC studies, as well as for comparative analysts interested in comparing countries with shared languages and interpreting cross-group differences