37 research outputs found

    Low-Dose Near-Infrared Light-Activated Mitochondria-Targeting Photosensitizers for PDT Cancer Therapy

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    Phthalocyanines (Pcs) are promising candidates for photodynamic therapy (PDT) due to their absorption in the phototherapeutic window. However, the highly aromatic Pc core leads to undesired aggregation and decreased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Therefore, short PEG chain functionalized A3B type asymmetric Pc photosensitizers (PSs) were designed in order to decrease aggregation and increase the aqueous solubility. Here we report the synthesis, characterization, optical properties, cellular localization, and cytotoxicity of three novel Pc-based agents (LC31, MLC31, and DMLC31Pt). The stepwise functionalization of the peripheral moieties has a strong effect on the distribution coefficient (logP), cellular uptake, and localization, as well as photocytotoxicity. Additional experiments have revealed that the presence of the malonic ester moiety in the reported agent series is indispensable in order to induce photocytotoxicity. The best-performing agent, MLC31, showed mitochondrial targeting and an impressive phototoxic index (p.i.) of 748 in the cisplatin-resistant A2780/CP70 cell line, after a low-dose irradiation of 6.95 J/cm2. This is the result of a high photocytotoxicity (IC50 = 157 nM) upon irradiation with near-infrared (NIR) light, and virtually no toxicity in the dark (IC50 = 117 μM). Photocytotoxicity was subsequently determined under hypoxic conditions. Additionally, a preliminarily pathway investigation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) disruption and induction of apoptosis by MLC31 was carried out. Our results underline how agent design involving both hydrophilic and lipophilic peripheral groups may serve as an effective way to improve the PDT efficiency of highly aromatic PSs for NIR light-mediated cancer therapy

    Oral squamous cell carcinoma detection by salivary biomarkers in a Serbian population

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    Early detection of oral squamous cell cancer (OSCC) is the key to improve the low 5-year survival rate. Using proteomic and genomic technologies we have previously discovered and validated salivary OSCC markers in American patients. The question arises whether these biomarkers are discriminatory in cohorts of different ethnic background. Six transcriptome (DUSP1, IL8, IL1B, OAZ1, SAT1, and S100P) and three proteome (IL1B, IL8, and M2BP) biomarkers were tested on 18 early and 17 late stage OSCC patients and 51 healthy controls with quantitative PCR and ELISA. Four transcriptome (IL8, IL1B, SAT1, and S100P) and all proteome biomarkers were significantly elevated (p lt 0.05) in OSCC patients. The combination of markers yielded an AUC of 0.86, 0.85 and 0.88 for OSCC total, T1-T2, and T3-T4, respectively. The sensitivity/specificity for OSCC total was 0.89/0.78, for T1-T2 0.67/0.96, and for T3-T4 0.82/0.84. In conclusion, seven of the nine salivary biomarkers (three proteins and four mRNAs) were validated and performed strongest in late stage cancer. Patient-based salivary diagnostics is a highly promising approach for OSCC detection. This study shows that previously discovered and validated salivary OSCC biomarkers are discriminatory and reproducible in a different ethnic cohort. These findings support the feasibility to implement multi-center, multi-ethnicity clinical trials towards the pivotal validation of salivary biomarkers for OSCC detection

    Knockout of the Complex III subunit Uqcrh causes bioenergetic impairment and cardiac contractile dysfunction

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    Ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase hinge protein (UQCRH) is required for the electron transfer between cytochrome c1 and c of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 Complex (CIII). A two-exon deletion in the human UQCRH gene has recently been identified as the cause for a rare familial mitochondrial disorder. Deletion of the corresponding gene in the mouse (Uqcrh-KO) resulted in striking biochemical and clinical similarities including impairment of CIII, failure to thrive, elevated blood glucose levels, and early death. Here, we set out to test how global ablation of the murine Uqcrh affects cardiac morphology and contractility, and bioenergetics. Hearts from Uqcrh-KO mutant mice appeared macroscopically considerably smaller compared to wildtype littermate controls despite similar geometries as confirmed by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). Relating TTE-assessed heart to body mass revealed the development of subtle cardiac enlargement, but histopathological analysis showed no excess collagen deposition. Nonetheless, Uqcrh-KO hearts developed pronounced contractile dysfunction. To assess mitochondrial functions, we used the high-resolution respirometer NextGen-O2k allowing measurement of mitochondrial respiratory capacity through the electron transfer system (ETS) simultaneously with the redox state of ETS-reactive coenzyme Q (Q), or production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Compared to wildtype littermate controls, we found decreased mitochondrial respiratory capacity and more reduced Q in Uqcrh-KO, indicative for an impaired ETS. Yet, mitochondrial ROS production was not generally increased. Taken together, our data suggest that Uqcrh-KO leads to cardiac contractile dysfunction at 9 weeks of age, which is associated with impaired bioenergetics but not with mitochondrial ROS production. Graphical abstract: Global ablation of the Uqcrh gene results in functional impairment of CIII associated with metabolic dysfunction and postnatal developmental arrest immediately after weaning from the mother. Uqcrh-KO mice show dramatically elevated blood glucose levels and decreased ability of isolated cardiac mitochondria to consume oxygen (O2). Impaired development (failure to thrive) after weaning manifests as a deficiency in the gain of body mass and growth of internal organ including the heart. The relative heart mass seemingly increases when organ mass calculated from transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is normalized to body mass. Notably, the heart shows no signs of collagen deposition, yet does develop a contractile dysfunction reflected by a decrease in ejection fraction and fractional shortening. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    LINE1-mediated epigenetic repression of androgen receptor transcription causes androgen insensitivity syndrome

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    Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a difference of sex development (DSD) characterized by different degrees of undervirilization in individuals with a 46,XY karyotype despite normal to high gonadal testosterone production. Classically, AIS is explained by hemizygous mutations in the X-chromosomal androgen receptor (AR) gene. Nevertheless, the majority of individuals with clinically diagnosed AIS do not carry an AR gene mutation. Here, we present a patient with a 46,XY karyotype, born with undervirilized genitalia, age-appropriate testosterone levels and no uterus, characteristic for AIS. Diagnostic whole exome sequencing (WES) showed a maternally inherited LINE1 (L1) retrotransposon insertion in the 5′ untranslated region (5′UTR) of the AR gene. Long-read nanopore sequencing confirmed this as an insertion of a truncated L1 element of ≈ 2.7 kb and showed an increased DNA methylation at the L1 insertion site in patient-derived genital skin fibroblasts (GSFs) compared to healthy controls. The insertion coincided with reduced AR transcript and protein levels in patient-derived GSFs confirming the clinical diagnosis AIS. Our results underline the relevance of retrotransposons in human disease, and expand the growing list of human diseases associated with them

    Claudin-12 is not required for blood-brain barrier tight junction function

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    Background The blood-brain barrier (BBB) ensures central nervous system (CNS) homeostasis by strictly controlling the passage of molecules and solutes from the bloodstream into the CNS. Complex and continuous tight junctions (TJs) between brain endothelial cells block uncontrolled paracellular diffusion of molecules across the BBB, with claudin-5 being its dominant TJs protein. However, claudin-5 deficient mice still display ultrastructurally normal TJs, suggesting the contribution of other claudins or tight-junction associated proteins in establishing BBB junctional complexes. Expression of claudin-12 at the BBB has been reported, however the exact function and subcellular localization of this atypical claudin remains unknown. Methods We created claudin-12-lacZ-knock-in C57BL/6J mice to explore expression of claudin-12 and its role in establishing BBB TJs function during health and neuroinflammation. We furthermore performed a broad standardized phenotypic check-up of the mouse mutant. Results Making use of the lacZ reporter allele, we found claudin-12 to be broadly expressed in numerous organs. In the CNS, expression of claudin-12 was detected in many cell types with very low expression in brain endothelium. Claudin-12(lacZ/lacZ) C57BL/6J mice lacking claudin-12 expression displayed an intact BBB and did not show any signs of BBB dysfunction or aggravated neuroinflammation in an animal model for multiple sclerosis. Determining the precise localization of claudin-12 at the BBB was prohibited by the fact that available anti-claudin-12 antibodies showed comparable detection and staining patterns in tissues from wild-type and claudin-12(lacZ/lacZ) C57BL/6J mice. Conclusions Our present study thus shows that claudin-12 is not essential in establishing or maintaining BBB TJs integrity. Claudin-12 is rather expressed in cells that typically lack TJs suggesting that claudin-12 plays a role other than forming classical TJs. At the same time, in depth phenotypic screening of clinically relevant organ functions of claudin-12(lacZ/lacZ) C57BL/6J mice suggested the involvement of claudin-12 in some neurological but, more prominently, in cardiovascular functions

    A comprehensive and comparative phenotypic analysis of the collaborative founder strains identifies new and known phenotypes

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    The collaborative cross (CC) is a large panel of mouse-inbred lines derived from eight founder strains (NOD/ShiLtJ, NZO/HILtJ, A/J, C57BL/6J, 129S1/SvImJ, CAST/EiJ, PWK/PhJ, and WSB/EiJ). Here, we performed a comprehensive and comparative phenotyping screening to identify phenotypic differences and similarities between the eight founder strains. In total, more than 300 parameters including allergy, behavior, cardiovascular, clinical blood chemistry, dysmorphology, bone and cartilage, energy metabolism, eye and vision, immunology, lung function, neurology, nociception, and pathology were analyzed;in most traits from sixteen females and sixteen males. We identified over 270 parameters that were significantly different between strains. This study highlights the value of the founder and CC strains for phenotype-genotype associations of many genetic traits that are highly relevant to human diseases. All data described here are publicly available from the mouse phenome database for analyses and downloads

    A comprehensive and comparative phenotypic analysis of the collaborative founder strains identifies new and known phenotypes.

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    The collaborative cross (CC) is a large panel of mouse-inbred lines derived from eight founder strains (NOD/ShiLtJ, NZO/HILtJ, A/J, C57BL/6J, 129S1/SvImJ, CAST/EiJ, PWK/PhJ, and WSB/EiJ). Here, we performed a comprehensive and comparative phenotyping screening to identify phenotypic differences and similarities between the eight founder strains. In total, more than 300 parameters including allergy, behavior, cardiovascular, clinical blood chemistry, dysmorphology, bone and cartilage, energy metabolism, eye and vision, immunology, lung function, neurology, nociception, and pathology were analyzed; in most traits from sixteen females and sixteen males. We identified over 270 parameters that were significantly different between strains. This study highlights the value of the founder and CC strains for phenotype-genotype associations of many genetic traits that are highly relevant to human diseases. All data described here are publicly available from the mouse phenome database for analyses and downloads

    Mutation in the mouse histone gene Hist2h3c1 leads to degeneration of the lens vesicle and severe microphthalmia

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    During an ENU (N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea) mutagenesis screen, we observed a dominant small-eye mutant mouse with viable homozygotes. A corresponding mutant line was established and referred to as Aey69 (abnormality of the eye #69). Comprehensive phenotyping of the homozygous Aey69 mutants in the German Mouse Clinic revealed only a subset of statistically significant alterations between wild types and homozygous mutants. The mutation causes microphthalmia without a lens but with retinal hyperproliferation. Linkage was demonstrated to mouse chromosome 3 between the markers D3Mit188 and D3Mit11. Sequencing revealed a 358 A- > C mutation (I1e120Leu) in the Hist2h3c1 gene and a 71 T- > C (Val24Ala) mutation in the Gja8 gene. Detailed analysis of eye development in the homozygous mutant mice documented a perturbed lens development starting -from the lens vesicle stage including decreasing expression of crystallins as well as of lens-specific transcription - factors like PITX3 and FOXE3. In contrast, we observed an early expression of retinal progenitor cells characterized by several markers including BRN3 (retinal ganglion cells) and OTX2 (cone photoreceptors). The changes in the retina at the early embryonic stages of E11.5-E15.5 happen in parallel with apoptotic processes in the lens at the respective stages. The excessive retinal hyperproliferation is characterized by an increased level of Ki67. The hyperproliferation, however, does not disrupt the differentiation and appearance of the principal retinal cell types at postnatal stages, even if the overgrowing retina covers finally the entire bulbus of the eye. Morpholino-mediated knock-down of the hist2h3ca1 gene in zebrafish leads to a specific perturbation of lens development. When injected into zebrafish zygotes, only the mutant mouse mRNA leads to severe malformations, ranging from cyclopia to severe microphthalmia. The wild-type Hist2h3c1 mRNA can rescue the morpholino-induced defects corroborating its specific function in lens development. Based upon these data, it is concluded that the ocular function of the Hist2h3c1 gene (encoding a canonical H3.2 variant) is conserved throughout evolution. Moreover, the data highlight also the importance of Hist2h3c1 in the coordinated formation of lens and retina during eye development

    Comprehensive ECG reference intervals in C57BL/6N substrains provide a generalizable guide for cardiac electrophysiology studies in mice.

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    Reference ranges provide a powerful tool for diagnostic decision-making in clinical medicine and are enormously valuable for understanding normality in pre-clinical scientific research that uses in vivo models. As yet, there are no published reference ranges for electrocardiography (ECG) in the laboratory mouse. The first mouse-specific reference ranges for the assessment of electrical conduction are reported herein generated from an ECG dataset of unprecedented scale. International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium data from over 26,000 conscious or anesthetized C57BL/6N wildtype control mice were stratified by sex and age to develop robust ECG reference ranges. Interesting findings include that heart rate and key elements from the ECG waveform (RR-, PR-, ST-, QT-interval, QT corrected, and QRS complex) demonstrate minimal sexual dimorphism. As expected, anesthesia induces a decrease in heart rate and was shown for both inhalation (isoflurane) and injectable (tribromoethanol) anesthesia. In the absence of pharmacological, environmental, or genetic challenges, we did not observe major age-related ECG changes in C57BL/6N-inbred mice as the differences in the reference ranges of 12-week-old compared to 62-week-old mice were negligible. The generalizability of the C57BL/6N substrain reference ranges was demonstrated by comparison with ECG data from a wide range of non-IMPC studies. The close overlap in data from a wide range of mouse strains suggests that the C57BL/6N-based reference ranges can be used as a robust and comprehensive indicator of normality. We report a unique ECG reference resource of fundamental importance for any experimental study of cardiac function in mice

    Soft windowing application to improve analysis of high-throughput phenotyping data.

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    MOTIVATION: High-throughput phenomic projects generate complex data from small treatment and large control groups that increase the power of the analyses but introduce variation over time. A method is needed to utlize a set of temporally local controls that maximizes analytic power while minimizing noise from unspecified environmental factors. RESULTS: Here we introduce \u27soft windowing\u27, a methodological approach that selects a window of time that includes the most appropriate controls for analysis. Using phenotype data from the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC), adaptive windows were applied such that control data collected proximally to mutants were assigned the maximal weight, while data collected earlier or later had less weight. We applied this method to IMPC data and compared the results with those obtained from a standard non-windowed approach. Validation was performed using a resampling approach in which we demonstrate a 10% reduction of false positives from 2.5 million analyses. We applied the method to our production analysis pipeline that establishes genotype-phenotype associations by comparing mutant versus control data. We report an increase of 30% in significant P-values, as well as linkage to 106 versus 99 disease models via phenotype overlap with the soft-windowed and non-windowed approaches, respectively, from a set of 2082 mutant mouse lines. Our method is generalizable and can benefit large-scale human phenomic projects such as the UK Biobank and the All of Us resources. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The method is freely available in the R package SmoothWin, available on CRAN http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=SmoothWin. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online