213 research outputs found

    Sind Frauenrechte Menschenrechte? Genderdiskriminierungsfälle in Russland und der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte

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    Unsere Studie versucht der Frage nachzugehen, warum es im Gerichtssystem Russlands und beim Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) praktisch keine Verfahren wegen Genderdiskriminierung gibt. Die These lautet, dass die Erklärung hierfür in der weit verbreiteten Wahrnehmung zu suchen ist, dass genderbasierte Diskriminierung ein im Vergleich mit anderen Rechtsverletzungen weniger grundsätzliches Menschenrechtsproblem darstellt. Unsere Feldforschung (die auch Interviews mit russischen Menschenrechtsaktivisten, feministischen Aktivisten und Rechtsanwälten einschloss, die Menschenrechtsverletzungen vor russische und internationale Gerichte bringen) hat ergeben, dass diese Wahrnehmung von Menschenrechten, die sowohl bei russischen Menschenrechtlern selbst als auch in der Bevölkerung anzutreffen ist, ein beträchtliches Hindernis bei der Bewusstseinsbildung über Diskriminierung darstellt. Das führt dazu, dass nur wenige Frauen vor Gericht ziehen und es an Anwälten mangelt, die dazu ausgebildet wären, bei Diskriminierungsfällen vor inländischen oder internationalen Gerichten das Mandat zu übernehmen

    Population analysis of Vibrio parahaemolyticus originating from different geographical regions demonstrates a high genetic diversity

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is frequently isolated from environmental and seafood samples and associated with gastroenteritis outbreakes in American, European, Asian and African countries. To distinguish between different lineages of V. parahaemolyticus various genotyping techniques have been used, incl. multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Even though some studies have already applied MLST analysis to characterize V. parahaemolyticus strain sets, these studies have been restricted to specific geographical areas (e.g. U.S. coast, Thailand and Peru), have focused exclusively on pandemic or non-pandemic pathogenic isolates or have been based on a limited strain number. To generate a global picture of V. parahaemolyticus genotype distribution, a collection of 130 environmental and seafood related V. parahaemolyticus isolates of different geographical origins (Sri Lanka, Ecuador, North Sea and Baltic Sea as well as German retail) was subjected to MLST analysis after modification of gyrB and recA PCRs. The V. parahaemolyticus population was composed of 82 unique Sequence Types (STs), of which 68 (82.9%) were new to the pubMLST database. After translating the in-frame nucleotide sequences into amino acid sequences, less diversity was detectable: a total of 31 different peptide Sequence Types (pSTs) with 19 (61.3%) new pSTs were generated from the analyzed isolates. Most STs did not show a global dissemination, but some were supra-regionally distributed and clusters of STs were dependent on geographical origin. On peptide level no general clustering of strains from specific geographical regions was observed, thereby the most common pSTs were found on all continents (Asia, South America and Europe) and rare pSTs were restricted to distinct countries or even geographical regions. One lineage of pSTs associated only with strains from North and Baltic Sea strains was identified. Our study reveals a high genetic diversity in the analyzed V. parahaemolyticus strain set as well as for geographical strain subsets, with a high proportion of newly discovered alleles and STs. Differences between the subsets were identified. Our data support the postulated population structure of V. parahaemolyticus which follows the 'epidemic' model of clonal expansion. Application of peptide based AA-MLST allowed the identification of reliable relationships between strains

    Certifying the topology of quantum networks: theory and experiment

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    Distributed quantum information in networks is paramount for global secure quantum communication. Moreover, it finds applications as a resource for relevant tasks, such as clock synchronization, magnetic field sensing, and blind quantum computation. For quantum network analysis and benchmarking of implementations, however, it is crucial to characterize the topology of networks in a way that reveals the nodes between which entanglement can be reliably distributed. Here, we demonstrate an efficient scheme for this topology certification. Our scheme allows for distinguishing, in a scalable manner, different networks consisting of bipartite and multipartite entanglement sources, for different levels of trust in the measurement devices and network nodes. We experimentally demonstrate our approach by certifying the topology of different six-qubit networks generated with polarized photons, employing active feed-forward and time multiplexing. Our methods can be used for general simultaneous tests of multiple hypotheses with few measurements, being useful for other certification scenarios in quantum technologies.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Oxygen, Ecology, and the Cambrian Radiation of Animals

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    The Proterozoic-Cambrian transition records the appearance of essentially all animal body plans (phyla), yet to date no single hypothesis adequately explains both the timing of the event and the evident increase in diversity and disparity. Ecological triggers focused on escalatory predator–prey “arms races” can explain the evolutionary pattern but not its timing, whereas environmental triggers, particularly ocean/atmosphere oxygenation, do the reverse. Using modern oxygen minimum zones as an analog for Proterozoic oceans, we explore the effect of low oxygen levels on the feeding ecology of polychaetes, the dominant macrofaunal animals in deep-sea sediments. Here we show that low oxygen is clearly linked to low proportions of carnivores in a community and low diversity of carnivorous taxa, whereas higher oxygen levels support more complex food webs. The recognition of a physiological control on carnivory therefore links environmental triggers and ecological drivers, providing an integrated explanation for both the pattern and timing of Cambrian animal radiation.Earth and Planetary SciencesOrganismic and Evolutionary Biolog

    Revolutionizing Alzheimer\u27s disease and clinical trials through biomarkers

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    AbstractThe Alzheimer's Association's Research Roundtable met in May 2014 to explore recent progress in developing biomarkers to improve understanding of disease pathogenesis and expedite drug development. Although existing biomarkers have proved extremely useful for enrichment of subjects in clinical trials, there is a clear need to develop novel biomarkers that are minimally invasive and that more broadly characterize underlying pathogenic mechanisms, including neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation, and synaptic dysfunction. These may include blood-based assays and new neuropsychological testing protocols, as well as novel ligands for positron emission tomography imaging, and advanced magnetic resonance imaging methodologies. In addition, there is a need for biomarkers that can serve as theragnostic markers of response to treatment. Standardization remains a challenge, although international consortia have made substantial progress in this area and provide lessons for future standardization efforts

    Russia in a changing climate

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    Climate change will shape the future of Russia, and vice versa, regardless of who rules in the Kremlin. The world\u27s largest country is warming faster than Earth as a whole, occupies more than half the Arctic Ocean coastline, and is waging a carbon-intensive war while increasingly isolated from the international community and its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Officially, the Russian government argues that, as a major exporter of hydrocarbons, Russia benefits from maintaining global reliance on fossil fuels and from climate change itself, because warming may increase the extent and quality of its arable land, open a new year-round Arctic sea route, and make its harsh climate more livable. Drawing on the collective expertise of a large group of Russia-focused social scientists and a comprehensive literature review, we challenge this narrative. We find that Russia suffers from a variety of impacts due to climate change and is poorly prepared to adapt to these impacts. The literature review reveals that the fates of Russia\u27s hydrocarbon-dependent economy, centralized political system, and climate-impacted population are intertwined and that research is needed on this evolving interrelationship, as global temperatures rise and the international economy decarbonizes in response. This article is categorized under: Policy and Governance \u3e National Climate Change Policy Trans-disciplinary Perspectives \u3e National Reviews Trans-disciplinary Perspectives \u3e Regional Reviews. © 2023 The Authors. WIREs Climate Change published by Wiley Periodicals LLC

    Immunogenicity of Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccination Received During Pregnancy or Postpartum

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    To estimate the effects of gestational age and other maternal factors on immunologic responses to influenza vaccination

    Partial Volume Correction in Quantitative Amyloid Imaging.

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    Amyloid imaging is a valuable tool for research and diagnosis in dementing disorders. As positron emission tomography (PET) scanners have limited spatial resolution, measured signals are distorted by partial volume effects. Various techniques have been proposed for correcting partial volume effects, but there is no consensus as to whether these techniques are necessary in amyloid imaging, and, if so, how they should be implemented. We evaluated a two-component partial volume correction technique and a regional spread function technique using both simulated and human Pittsburgh compound B (PiB) PET imaging data. Both correction techniques compensated for partial volume effects and yielded improved detection of subtle changes in PiB retention. However, the regional spread function technique was more accurate in application to simulated data. Because PiB retention estimates depend on the correction technique, standardization is necessary to compare results across groups. Partial volume correction has sometimes been avoided because it increases the sensitivity to inaccuracy in image registration and segmentation. However, our results indicate that appropriate PVC may enhance our ability to detect changes in amyloid deposition
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