415 research outputs found

    Association between obstructive apnea syndrome during sleep and damages to anterior labyrinth: Our experience

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    The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a chronic condition characterized by frequent episodes of collapse of the upper airways during sleep. It can be considered a multisystem disease. Among the districts involved, even the auditory system was seen to be concerned. It was enrolled a population of 20 patients after polysomnographic diagnosis of OSAS (Apnea Hypopnea Index > 10) and a control group of 28 healthy persons (Apnea Hypopnea Index < 5). Each patient has been subjected to Pure Tone Audiometry, Tympanometry, study of Acoustic Reflex, Otoacoustic Emissions and Auditory Brainstem Response. Moreover they were submitted to endoscopy of upper airway with Muller Maneuver and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). The values of ESS was 13.5 in OSAS group and 5.4 in control group. The tone audiometry is worse in all frequencies analyzed in OSAS patients, but within the normal range for both groups analyzed by 250 to 1000 Hertz. Otoacoustic emissions show a reduced reproducibility and a lower signal/ noise ratio in OSAS group (P <0.01)

    Sexual Attitudes and Characteristics of OnlyFans Users

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    As new forms of sexually explicit material (SEM) platforms emerge, sex research and sexuality-based studies must also evolve. Although the subscription-based platform OnlyFans has become an increasingly popular way for content creators to share and access SEM, the demographic information and sexual attitudes of users across sex have not yet been reported. The present study contributes to the existing body of SEM literature by providing a demographic analysis of OnlyFans users and an assessment of sexual attitudes between users and nonusers across sex. In this study, participants from a US-based sample (n = 718, Mage = 29.46, male [n = 335, 46.7%], female [n = 383, 53.3%]) were solicited using the Mechanical Turk platform. Participants were predominately White (n = 475, 66.2%); additional representation of ethnic/racial groups included Black/African-American (n = 121; 16.9%), American Indian/Alaskan Native (n = 10; 1.4%), Asian-American/Asian (n = 32; 4.4%), Hispanic/Latinx (n = 53; 7.3%), Arab American/Arab (n = 10; 1.4%), and biracial or multiracial (n = 17; 2.4%). Based on our findings, OnlyFans users were predominantly married, white, males who identified as heterosexual or bisexual/pansexual. Our findings also revealed that OnlyFans users and nonusers endorsed similar sexual attitudes related to permissiveness, communion, instrumentality, and birth control across sex. Findings from this study may be helpful for future studies on OnlyFans and other forms of subscription-based platforms

    High performance VLSI telemetry data systems

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    NASA's deployment of major space complexes such as Space Station Freedom (SSF) and the Earth Observing System (EOS) will demand increased functionality and performance from ground based telemetry acquisition systems well above current system capabilities. Adaptation of space telemetry data transport and processing standards such as those specified by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) standards and those required for commercial ground distribution of telemetry data, will drive these functional and performance requirements. In addition, budget limitations will force the requirement for higher modularity, flexibility, and interchangeability at lower cost in new ground telemetry data system elements. At NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), the design and development of generic ground telemetry data system elements, over the last five years, has resulted in significant solutions to these problems. This solution, referred to as the functional components approach includes both hardware and software components ready for end user application. The hardware functional components consist of modern data flow architectures utilizing Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC's) developed specifically to support NASA's telemetry data systems needs and designed to meet a range of data rate requirements up to 300 Mbps. Real-time operating system software components support both embedded local software intelligence, and overall system control, status, processing, and interface requirements. These components, hardware and software, form the superstructure upon which project specific elements are added to complete a telemetry ground data system installation. This paper describes the functional components approach, some specific component examples, and a project example of the evolution from VLSI component, to basic board level functional component, to integrated telemetry data system

    Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS): effects on the vestibular system

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    Aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) on the peripheral and central vestibular system, by means of a case series prospective study at the University referral centre of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; 45 consecutive patients suffering from OSAS were compared with a control group of 30 volunteer subjects selected from among the department employees. Severity of the disease was evaluated by means of cardio-respiratory function monitoring during sleep; the apnoea-hypopnoea index was calculated. Both groups underwent: 1) head and neck examination; 2) fibre-optic examination; 3) pure tone audiometry; 4) evaluation of eye movement disorders using oculomotility tests recorded with the help of video-nystagmography; 5) caloric vestibular responses recorded with video-nystagmography; 6) auditory brainstem response. Results, when evaluating our data, showed that the peripheral vestibular system may become asymmetric due to hypoxic damage while the central vestibular system corrects this disequilibrium

    Il primo OBS/H italiano per il monitoraggio e lo studio di faglie e vulcani sottomarini

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    L’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) ha testato con successo, nel luglio 2006, il primo Ocean Bottom Seismometer with Hydrophone (OBS/H) italiano (Fig. 1). Lo strumento, interamente progettato e realizzato all’Osservatorio di Gibilmanna del Centro Nazionale Terremoti, dopo aver superato i test in laboratorio, in camera iperbarica a 600 bar ed in mare a 3412 m di profondità, è stato deposto per 9 giorni (12-21/07/’06) sulla spianata sommitale del vulcano sottomarino Marsili a 790 m di profondità (Fig. 2) ed ha registrato 835 eventi tra cui un telesisma, 8 eventi regionali e circa 800 eventi vulcanici.La realizzazione dell’OBS/H si colloca nell’ambito dei progetti finanziati dalla convenzione tra l’INGV e il Dipartimento Nazionale della Protezione Civile (DPC), che ha avuto come obiettivo la costituzione di un primo pool strumentale, costituito da 7 OBS/H, da impiegare come rete mobile sottomarina in occasione di forti eventi sismici che dovessero interessare le coste e i mari italiani. Tale progetto si inquadra in uno scenario di ben più ampio respiro che vedrà nei prossimi anni l’estensione a mare della rete sismica nazionale, obiettivo strategico inserito nel piano triennale dell’INGV che porterà entro il 2008 alla realizzazione della prima stazione italiana real-time collegata a terra via radio, che verrà posizionata a circa 30 miglia a sud-est di Ustica, luogo in cui è stato localizzato il terremoto di Palermo del 6 settembre 2002. Il prototipo di OBS/H utilizzato nel test sul Marsili è stato equipaggiato con un sensore sismico Trillium 40s della Nanometrics ed un idrofono OAS E-2PD con banda di risposta piatta tra 0 e 5 kHz. I segnali emessi da questi strumenti sono stati registrati da un digitalizzatore a 21 bit a basso consumo (Geolon MLS della SEND) che ha acquisito i dati ad una frequenza di campionamento di 200 campioni al secondo, per sfruttare il più possibile l’ampia banda di risposta dell’idrofono, al fine di mettere in evidenza l’attività idrotermale del vulcano. Il sensore sismico è posto all’interno di una bentosfera di 17 pollici (sfera di vetro certificata per operazioni sino a 6000 m di profondità), installato su una base autolivellante controllata elettronicamente. Il digitalizzatore e le batterie sono poste all’interno di un contenitore in ERGAL 7075. Per il recupero dello strumento a fine esperimento, è stato utilizzato uno sganciatore acustico IXSEA AR816S-MR opportunamente modificato dal personale dell’osservatorio di Gibilmanna per attivare, una volta ricevuto il segnale di “release”, un sistema di sgancio elettrolitico (burn-wire). Per deposizioni di lungo periodo, sino ad uno o due anni in relazione al tipo di sismometro a bordo, l’OBS/H sarà dotato della strumentazione indicata nella Tab. 1 Attualmente è in fase di progettazione un’evoluzione dello strumento che mira a dotarlo di un digitalizzatore a 24 bit, di un sistema di comunicazione basato su modem acustico e di un PC industriale con processore ARM grazie al quale, nell’eventualità di interventi della rete mobile sottomarina, sarà possibile estrarre tracce degli eventi verificatisi per una più accurata localizzazione dell’epicentro senza che si renda necessario il recupero dello strumento. Inoltre, mediante l’implementazione di algoritmi di trigger, sarà possibile l’utilizzo dell’OBS/H all’interno di un sistema di allerta tsunami in comunicazione con una boa di superficie collegata al centro di controllo via satellite

    Il primo OBS/H italiano per il monitoraggio e lo studio di faglie e vulcani sottomarini

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    L’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) ha testato con successo, nel luglio 2006, il primo Ocean Bottom Seismometer with Hydrophone (OBS/H) italiano (Fig. 1). Lo strumento, interamente progettato e realizzato all’Osservatorio di Gibilmanna del Centro Nazionale Terremoti, dopo aver superato i test in laboratorio, in camera iperbarica a 600 bar ed in mare a 3412 m di profondità, è stato deposto per 9 giorni (12-21/07/’06) sulla spianata sommitale del vulcano sottomarino Marsili a 790 m di profondità (Fig. 2) ed ha registrato 835 eventi tra cui un telesisma, 8 eventi regionali e circa 800 eventi vulcanici

    Management of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of lateral semicircular canal by Gufoni's manoeuvre

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    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) of lateral semicircular canal (LSC) is one of the rarer forms of BPPV as compared to posterior semicircular canal BPPV. Various particle repositioning manoeuvres have been described in the literature as a mode of treating this condition Purpose: Evaluation and discussion of the procedure of the Gufoni\u2019s manoeuvre and its advantages in the treatment of BPPV of LSC Material and methods: Prospective study of 58 patients affected by LSC BPPV who where office-treated with Gufoni\u2019s manoeuvre Results: Seventy-nine percent of the patients so treated had complete resolution of symptons, and 6,9% did not show any improvement in their symptoms. The remaining 13,8% had a conversion into posterior semicircular canal BPPV during treatment and were successfully treated with Epley\u2019s or Semont\u2019s manoeuvre. Conclusions: Gufoni\u2019s manoeuvre is effective in treating patients suffering from BPPV of LSC; it is simple to perform; there are not many movements to execute, it needs low timeof positioning, and positions are comfortable to the patien

    Historical suitability and sustainability of sicani mountains landscape (western Sicily): An integrated approach of phytosociology and archaeobotany

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    Since 2015, the ongoing project "Harvesting Memories" has been focused on long-term landscape dynamics in Sicani Mountains (Western Sicily). Archaeological excavations in the case study site of Contrada Castro (Corleone) have investigated a settlement which was mainly occupied during the Early Middle Ages (late 8th-11th century AD). This paper aims to understand the historical suitability and sustainability of this area analysing the correlation between the current dynamics of plant communities and the historical use of woods detected by the archaeobotanical record. An integrated approach between phytosociology and archaeobotany has been applied. The vegetation series of the study area has been used as a model to understand the ecological meaning and spatial distribution of archaeobotanical data on charcoals from the Medieval layers of the Contrada Castro site. The intersection between the frequency data of the archaeobotanical record and the phytosociological analysis have confirmed the maintenance of the same plant communities during the last millennium due to the sustainable exploitation of wood resources. An integrated comparison between the structure and composition of current phytocoenoses with archaeobotanical data allowed us to confirm that this landscape is High Nature Value (HNV) farmland and to interpret the historical vegetation dynamics linked to the activities and economy of a rural community

    First long time OBS campaign in the Ionian Sea

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    The INGV started its interest to extend the seismic monitoring network to the sea in 1995 with GEOSTAR (Geophysical and Oceanographic Station for Abyssal Research) project, coming out with the realization of the first multidisclipinary observatory for deep-sea monitoring [Favali et al. 2002]. At the end of 2004, the National Earthquake Center (CNT) of INGV decided to provide a pool of Ocean Bottom Seismometers to be employed as a submarine mobile network and to study submarine faults and volcanoes. This was possible thanks to an agreement between the INGV and the Italian National Civil Protection Department (DPC). On July 2006, the Gibilmanna OBS Lab, tested the first OBS prototype for nine days on the flat top of the Marsili submarine volcano [D’Anna et al. 2007] and in early 2007 other seven OBS’s were ready to be deployed on the seafloor. In May 2007, within the European project NERIES (activity NA6), the Gibilmanna OBS Lab of the INGV has deployed three Broad Band Ocean Bottom Seismometers (BBOBS) in the southern Ionian Sea at 3500-4000 meters of depth. This area has been chosen during the NERIES – “NA6-BBOBS net” meeting in Rome, on the 11th of September 2006 because at first, there are at the moment few seismological data [Scrocca et al., 2003] to construct a reliable model for the Ionian lithosphere and also the rate and features of the seismicity in the area between the Hyblean-Malta fault system and the accretionary prism of the Calabrian Arc are largely unknown [Catalano et al. 2002]. The Ionian Sea is indeed one of the most seismically active area in the Mediterranean region with several destructive earthquakes sometimes followed by tsunamis [Tinti et al. 2004]. The seismicity occurring in the Ionian basin is characterized by large location uncertainties due to the lack of seafloor seismic stations. In 2002, the quality of the seismic sensing and the location of earthquakes have been improved by the deployment of the real-time submarine observatory SN-1, about 25 km offshore Eastern Sicily [Sgroi et al, 2007]. However, the SN-1 location only allows to characterize the seismicity in the area offshore the eastern Sicily. Two of the three OBS’s were successfully recovered on the 2nd of February 2008; the last one was recovered on the 15th of March 2008 and another OBS was deployed on the same location to accomplish the continuous long-term seismic monitoring task (until May 2010) as planned in NERIES project

    Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction after Risk-Reducing Mastectomy in BRCA Mutation Carriers: A Single-Center Retrospective Study

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    Women with BRCA gene mutations have a higher lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. Furthermore, cancer is usually diagnosed at a younger age compared to the wild-type counterpart. Strategies for risk management include intensive surveillance or risk-reducing mastectomy. The latter provides a significant reduction of the risk of developing breast cancer, simultaneously ensuring a natural breast appearance due to the preservation of the skin envelope and the nipple-areola complex. Implant-based breast reconstruction is the most common technique after risk-reducing surgery and can be achieved with either a submuscular or a prepectoral approach, in one or multiple stages. This study analyzes the outcomes of the different reconstructive techniques through a retrospective review on 46 breasts of a consecutive, single-center case series. Data analysis was carried out with EpiInfo version 7.2. Results of this study show no significant differences in postoperative complications between two-stage tissue expander/implant reconstruction and direct-to-implant (DTI) reconstruction, with DTI having superior aesthetic outcomes, especially in the prepectoral subgroup. In our experience, the DTI prepectoral approach has proven to be a safe and less time-consuming alternative to the submuscular two-stage technique, providing a pleasant reconstructed breast and overcoming the drawbacks of subpectoral implant placement
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