143 research outputs found

    Chirped seeded free-electron lasers: self-standing light sources for two-colour pump-probe experiments

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    We demonstrate the possibility to run a single-pass free-electron laser in a new dynamical regime, which can be exploited to perform two-colour pump-probe experiments in the VUV/X-ray domain, using the free-electron laser emission both as a pump and as a probe. The studied regime is induced by triggering the free-electron laser process with a powerful laser pulse, carrying a significant and adjustable frequency chirp. As a result, the emitted light is eventually split in two sub-pulses, whose spectral and temporal separations can be independently controlled. We provide a theoretical description of this phenomenon, which is found in good agreement with experiments performed on the FERMI@Elettra free-electron laser

    Bridging the gap of storage ring light sources and linac-driven free-electron lasers

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    High-gain free-electron lasers (FELs) are driven by short, high-charge density electron beams as only produced at dedicated single pass or recirculating linear accelerators. We describe new conceptual, technical, and modeling solutions to produce subpicosecond, up to 100 \u3bcJ energy extreme ultra-violet and soft x-ray FEL pulses at high- and tunable repetition rates, from diffraction-limited storage ring light source. In contrast to previously proposed schemes, we show that lasing can be simultaneous to the standard multibunch radiation emission from short insertion devices, and that it can be obtained with limited impact on the storage ring infrastructure. By virtue of the high-average power but moderate pulse energy, the storage ring-driven high-gain FEL would open the door to unprecedented accuracy in time-resolved spectroscopic analysis of matter in the linear response regime, in addition to inelastic scattering experiments

    impact of non gaussian electron energy heating upon the performance of a seeded free electron laser

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    E. Ferrari, E. Allaria, W. Fawley, L. Giannessi, Z. Huang, G. Penco, and S. Spampinati Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. di interesse nazionale, Strada Statale 14-km 163,5 in AREA Science Park, 34149 Basovizza, Trieste, Italy Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Fisica, Piazzale Europa 1, 34127 Trieste, Italy SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA Enea, via Enrico Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati, Roma, Italy Laboratory of Quantum Optics, University of Nova Gorica, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, Oxford Street L69 7ZE, Liverpool, United Kingdom Cockcroft Institute, Sci-Tech Daresbury, Keckwick Lane WA4 4AD, Daresbury, Warrington, United Kingdom (Received 11 October 2013; published 21 March 2014

    Two-colour generation in a chirped seeded Free-Electron Laser

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    We present the experimental demonstration of a method for generating two spectrally and temporally separated pulses by an externally seeded, single-pass free-electron laser operating in the extreme-ultraviolet spectral range. Our results, collected on the FERMI@Elettra facility and confirmed by numerical simulations, demonstrate the possibility of controlling both the spectral and temporal features of the generated pulses. A free-electron laser operated in this mode becomes a suitable light source for jitter-free, two-colour pump-probe experiments

    Developments in CLARA accelerator design and simulations

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    We present recent developments in the accelerator design of CLARA (Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications), the proposed UK FEL test facility at Daresbury Laboratory. Updates on the electron beam simulations and code comparisons including wakefields are described. Simulations of the effects of geometric wakefields in the small-aperture FEL undulator are shown, as well as further simulations on potential FEL experiments using chirped beams. We also present the results of simulations on post-FEL diagnostics

    The FEL SASE operation, bunch compression and the beam heater

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    We discuss the conditions required for an optimal SASE FEL operation when bunch compression techniques are exploited to enhance the bunch peak current. We discuss the case of velocity bunching and magnetic bunch compression. With the reference to the latter technique we provide a quantitative estimate of the amount of laser heater power necessary to suppress the micro-bunching instability without creating any problem to the SASE dynamic

    Experimental evidence of intrabeam scattering in a free-electron laser driver

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    Abstract The effect of multiple small-angle Coulomb scattering, or intrabeam scattering (IBS) is routinely observed in electron storage rings over the typical damping time scale of milliseconds. So far, IBS has not been observed in single pass electron accelerators because charge density orders of magnitude higher than in storage rings would be needed. We show that such density is now available at high brightness electron linacs for free-electron lasers (FELs). We report measurements of the beam energy spread in the FERMI linac in the presence of the microbunching instability, which are consistent with a revisited IBS model for single pass systems. We also show that neglecting the hereby demonstrated effect of IBS in the parameter range typical of seeded VUV and soft x-ray FELs, results in too conservative a facility design, or failure to realise the accessible potential performance. As an example, an optimization of the FERMI parameters driven by an experimentally benchmarked model, opens the door to the extension of stable single spectral line emission to the water window (2.3–4.4 nm), with far-reaching implications for experiments in a variety of disciplines, ranging from physics and chemistry to biology and material sciences, and including nonlinear x-ray optics based on the four-wave-mixing approach.</jats:p