478 research outputs found

    Genetic data on 15 STR loci in the Caucasian population of the Russian Federation

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    Представлены популяционно-генетические данные для 15 STR локусов, входящих в систему AmpFlSTR Identifiler (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, VWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 и FGA). Локусы получены на основании анализа 1118 неродственных лиц европеоидной расы, проживающих на территории Российской Федерации. На основании этих данных рассчитаны важные генетические параметры, которые используются при криминалистическом анализе ДНК.Наведено популяційно-генетичні дані за 15 STR локусами, що входять в систему AmpFlSTR Identifiler (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, VWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 та FGA). Локуси отримано на основі аналізу 1118 неспоріднених осіб європеоїдної раси, що проживають на території Російської Федерації. На основі цих даних розраховано важливі генетичні параметри, які використовуються при криміналістичному аналізі ДНК.Population genetic data for the 15 STR loci included in the AmpFlSTR Identifiler kit (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, VWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 and FGA) obtained from 1118 unrelated Caucasian individuals from the Russian Federation are presented. In addition, a number of forensically useful genetic parameters are reported

    A critical discussion of calculated modulated structures, Fermi surface nesting and phonon softening in magnetic shape memory alloys Ni2_2Mn(Ga, Ge, Al) and Co2_2Mn(Ga, Ge)

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    A series of first principles calculations have been carried out in order to discuss electronic structure, phonon dynamics, structural instabilities and the nature of martensitic transformations of the Heusler alloys Ni2_2Mn(Ga, Ge, Al) and Co2_2Mn(Ga, Ge). The calculations show that besides electronic pecularities like Fermi--surface nesting, hybridizing optical and acoustic phonon modes are important for the stabilization of the modulated martensitic structures.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, JEMS-200

    Biotic Factors in the Phytosanitary Technology of Green Pea Cultivation in the Trans-Urals

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    This article presents the results of studying the phytosanitary situation in the cultivation of 10 varieties of green pea in the Trans-Urals. We noted that the economic threshold of harmfulness by the soilborne and leaf-and-stem disease agents was crossed in the majority of the varieties. All varieties of the peas were affected by root rot above the economic threshold of damage (15%). In 2018, the level of root rot development was 55.5% on average in the varieties, or an excess of EPR by 3.7 times; and in 2019, the development of rot was 44.6% or an excess of EPR by 3 times. High rates of Fusarium blight were evident in the Zauralskiy 4, Kulon, Krepysh, and Samarius varieties, and bacterial blight in the Krepysh and Tomas varieties. Rust development varied on average over the two years from 10.5% to 16.5%, and 12% of the standard cultivar Aksayskiy Usatii 55 was affected. 11% of Samarius 13% of Agrointel and 11.5% of Zauralskiy 3 were affected. For all varieties, the development of powdery mildew was below the economic threshold of harmfulness (EPV = 15%). A higher percentage of disease development was noted in the Zauralsky 4 variety (11.0%) and in the Yamalsky 305 variety (13.5%). The productivity of the seeds treated with chemical fungicide increased 1.2-1.9 times as compared to the reference sample. The productivity growth of the seeds treated with biofungicides amounted to 1.09-1.11 times the reference. The authors recommend a pre-sowing treatment of pea seeds with preparations of symbiotrophic nitrogen fixers (such as nitragin, rhizotorfin), combined with their treatment with microelements: ammonium molybdate with 50% content of the active ingredient (250 g / t of seeds) and boric acid (250-300 g / t of seeds). Keywords: green pea, varieties, diseases, fungicide, yield.This article presents the results of studying the phytosanitary situation in the cultivation of 10 varieties of green pea in the Trans-Urals. We noted that the economic threshold of harmfulness by the soilborne and leaf-and-stem disease agents was crossed in the majority of the varieties. All varieties of the peas were affected by root rot above the economic threshold of damage (15%). In 2018, the level of root rot development was 55.5% on average in the varieties, or an excess of EPR by 3.7 times; and in 2019, the development of rot was 44.6% or an excess of EPR by 3 times. High rates of Fusarium blight were evident in the Zauralskiy 4, Kulon, Krepysh, and Samarius varieties, and bacterial blight in the Krepysh and Tomas varieties. Rust development varied on average over the two years from 10.5% to 16.5%, and 12% of the standard cultivar Aksayskiy Usatii 55 was affected. 11% of Samarius 13% of Agrointel and 11.5% of Zauralskiy 3 were affected. For all varieties, the development of powdery mildew was below the economic threshold of harmfulness (EPV = 15%). A higher percentage of disease development was noted in the Zauralsky 4 variety (11.0%) and in the Yamalsky 305 variety (13.5%). The productivity of the seeds treated with chemical fungicide increased 1.2-1.9 times as compared to the reference sample. The productivity growth of the seeds treated with biofungicides amounted to 1.09-1.11 times the reference. The authors recommend a pre-sowing treatment of pea seeds with preparations of symbiotrophic nitrogen fixers (such as nitragin, rhizotorfin), combined with their treatment with microelements: ammonium molybdate with 50% content of the active ingredient (250 g / t of seeds) and boric acid (250-300 g / t of seeds). Keywords: green pea, varieties, diseases, fungicide, yiel


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    The article is devoted to the issues of changes in mass, national and professional sports and certain sports that take place in the post-industrial period of society development. Details of the leading trends that have al-ready emerged in the sports world, identified trends that will manifest themselves in the post-industrial era. It is noted that in Russia in profes-sional sport the backlog will be 5-10 years, in the sphere of mass sports cardinal changes will occur in 50 years. The ways of modification of the athletes' organisms are described. Considered some types of mass and na-tional sports, will undergo significant changes. The directions of mass and professional sports under positive and negative scenarios of historical de-velopment are describedСтатья посвящена вопросам изменений в массовом, национальном и профессиональном спорте и отдельных видах спорта, которые происходят в постиндустриальный период развития общества. Подробно представлены ведущие тенденции, которые уже обозначились в спортивном мире, выявлены тенденции, которые проявят себя в постиндустриальной эпохе. Отмечено, что в России в профессиональном спорте отставание будет составлять 5–10 лет, в сфере массового спорта кардинальные изменения произойдут через 50 лет. Излагаются пути модификации организмов спортсменов. Рассматриваются отдельные виды массового и национального спорта, претерпят значительные изменения. Описываются направления массового и профессионального спорта при позитивном и негативном сценарии исторического развити

    Variation at storage protein loci in winter common wheat cultivars of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

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    Genotypes at the gliadin loci Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 and the high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit loci Glu-A1, Glu-B1, Glu-D1 were identified in 77 winter common wheat cultivars developed in the Central Forest Steppe of Ukraine in different periods of time. The highest level of variation was observed at the Gli-A1 locus. Predominant alleles (one or two per locus) were revealed. The comparison of allele frequencies in groups of cultivars developed in different periods of time (before 1996 and in 1996–2007) has demonstrated appearance of new alleles and change of frequencies of existing alleles at the storage protein loci. The high frequency of cultivars with the wheat-rye 1BL/1RS translocation was detected (about 40 %). The wheat rye 1AL/1RS translocation was identified in six cultivars developed in the last decade. Four gliadin alleles, Gli-A1w (a marker for the 1AL/1RS translocation), Gli-A1x, Gli-A1y and Gli-B1x, were proposed for cataloging.Проанализированы генотипы по глиадиновым локусам Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 и локусам высокомолекулярных субъединиц глютенинов Glu-A1, Glu-B1, GluD1 77 сортов озимой мягкой пшеницы Центральной Лесостепи Украины, созданных в разные периоды времени. Наибольшая изменчивость наблюдалась по локусу Gli-A1. Были определены доминирующие аллели (один-два на локус). Сравнение частот аллелей групп сортов, созданных в разные периоды (до 1996 года и в 1996–2007 годах) позволило выявить появление новых алелей и изменения частот существующих аллелей локусов запасных белков. Наблюдается высокая частота сортов с пшенично-ржаной 1BL/1RS транслокацией (около 40 %). Ржаную 1AL/1RS транслокацию имеют шесть сортов, созданных в последнее десятилетие. Предложено внести в каталог четыре глиадиновых аллеля Gli-A1w (маркер 1AL/1RS транслокации), Gli-A1x, Gli-A1y и Gli-B1x.Проаналізовано генотипи за гліадиновими локусами Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 та локусами високомолекулярних субодиниць глютенінів Glu-A1, Glu-B1, GluD1 77 сортів озимої м`якої пшениці Центрального Лісостепу України, створених в різні періоди часу. Найбільша різноманітність спостерігалась за локусом GliA1. Було визначено домінуючі алелі (один-два на локус). Порівняння частот алелів у групах сортів, створених в різні періоди (до 1996 року і в 1996–2007 роках) дозволило виявити появу нових алелів та зміну частот існуючих алелів локусів запасних білків. Спостерігається висока частота сортів з пшенично-житньою 1BL/1RS транслокацією (біля 40 %). Житню 1AL/1RS транслокацію мають шість сортів, створених в останнє десятиліття. Запропоновано внести в каталог чотири гліадинових алелі Gli-A1w (маркер 1AL/1RS транслокації), Gli-A1x, Gli-A1y і Gli-B1x

    Formation of Highly Productive Agrophytocenoses of Peas and Spring Rapeseed in Trans-Urals

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    In modern conditions, an important reserve for increasing yields and crops is the selection of varieties adapted to the environment. At the same time, there is an increasing need for varieties capable of maximizing the potential for productivity and quality. The purpose of the study is to analyze the ecological plasticity of pea and spring rapeseed varieties to increase the productivity of agrophytocenoses in the Trans-Urals. The studies revealed that in order to increase the productivity of pea and spring rapeseed agrophytocenoses in the conditions of Trans-Urals, high-yield pea varieties Thomas, Aksaisky leafless 55, Zauralsky 3 and Sibur shall be cultivated with a yield of 20.8-24.7 c/ha; spring rapeseed – Avangard, Atlant, Ozorno, 55 Region with the yield of 19.3-22.8 c/ha. High-intensity pea varieties include Aksaisky leafless 55, Zauralsky 3, Ulyanovets and Flagman 12 with the plasticity index of 1.1-1.2, spring rapeseed – Novik, Ermak, Altair and Mirakel with the plasticity index of 1.1-1.5 and stability equal to 3.5-10.5. The varieties that are poorly responsive to changing external conditions, but with high stable yields include Vatan, Samarius and Sibur pea varieties, spring rapeseed – Ratnik, Pramen, Smilla, Avangard, Atlant and Ozorno varieties

    A two dimensional model for ferromagnetic martensites

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    We consider a recently introduced 2-D square-to-rectangle martensite model that explains several unusual features of martensites to study ferromagnetic martensites. The strain order parameter is coupled to the magnetic order parameter through a 4-state clock model. Studies are carried out for several combinations of the ordering of the Curie temperatures of the austenite and martensite phases and, the martensite transformation temperature. We find that the orientation of the magnetic order which generally points along the short axis of the rectangular variant, changes as one crosses the twin or the martensite-austenite interface. The model shows the possibility of a subtle interplay between the growth of strain and magnetic order parameters as the temperature is decreased. In some cases, this leads to qualitatively different magnetization curves from those predicted by earlier mean field models. Further, we find that strain morphology can be substantially altered by the magnetic order. We have also studied the dynamic hysteresis behavior. The corresponding dissipation during the forward and reverse cycles has features similar to the Barkhausen's noise.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    First-principles study of Co- and Cu-doped Ni2MnGa along the tetragonal deformation path

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    The influence of Co and Cu doping on Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloy is investigated using the first-principles exact muffin-tin orbital method in combination with the coherent-potential approximation. Single-element doping and simultaneous doping by both elements are investigated in Ni50−xCoxMn25−yGa25−zCuy+z alloys, with dopant concentrations x,y, and z up to 7.5 at. %. Doping with Co in the Ni sublattice decreases the (c/a)NM ratio of the nonmodulated (NM) martensite, but it simultaneously increases the cubic phase stability with respect to the NM phase. Doping with Cu in the Mn or in Ga sublattices does not change the (c/a)NM ratio significantly and it decreases the cubic phase stability. For simultaneous doping by Co in the Ni sublattice and Cu in the Mn or Ga sublattices, the effects of the individual dopants are independent and about the same as for the single-element doping. Thus, the (c/a)NM ratio can be adjusted by Co doping while the phase stability can be balanced by Cu doping, resulting in stable martensite with a reduced (c/a)NM. The local stability of the cubic phase with respect to the tetragonal deformation can be understood on the basis of a density-of-states analysis.Peer reviewe

    Magnetic domain structure of epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films

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    For the magnetic shape memory effect, knowledge about the interaction between martensitic and magnetic domain structure is essential. In the case of Ni-Mn-Ga bulk material and foils, a staircase-like magnetic domain structure with 90{\deg}- and 180{\deg}-domain walls is known for modulated martensite. In the present paper we show that the magnetic domain pattern of thin epitaxial films is fundamentally different. Here we analyze epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films by atomic and magnetic force microscopy to investigate the correlation between the twinned martensitic variants and the magnetic stripe domains. The observed band-like domains with partially perpendicular outof-plane magnetization run perpendicular to the microstructure domains defined by twinning variants. These features can be explained by the finite film thickness, resulting in an equilibrium twinning period much smaller than the domain period. This does not allow the formation of a staircase domain patter. Instead the energies of the magnetic and martensitic microstructures are minimized independently by aligning both patterns perpendicularly to each other. By analyzing a thickness series we can show that the observed magnetic domain pattern can be quantitatively described by an adapted band domain model of Kittel.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure