743 research outputs found
Adhesion of Epiphany and AH Plus sealers to human root dentin treated with different solutions
This study evaluated comparatively the adhesion of Epiphany and AH Plus endodontic sealers to human root dentin treated with 1% NaOCl and 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA, using the push-out test. Sixty root cylinders obtained from maxillary canines had the canals prepared and were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=20), according to root dentin treatment: GI - distilled water (control), GII - 1% NaOCl and GIII - 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA. Each group was divided into 2 subgroups (n=10) filled with either Epiphany or AH Plus. Bond strength push-out test data (kN) were obtained and analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test. There was statistically significant difference between sealers (AH Plus: 0.78 ± 0.13; Epiphany: 0.61 ± 0.19; p<0.01) and among root dentin treatments (distilled water: 0.58 ± 0.19; 1% NaOCl: 0.71 ± 0.12; 1% NaOCl+17% EDTA: 0.80 ± 0.17; p<0.05). In conclusion, AH Plus sealer presented greater adhesion to dentin than Epiphany, regardless of the treatment of root canal walls.O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a adesividade do cimento Epiphany à dentina radicular previamente tratada com hipoclorito de sódio a 1% e EDTA a 17%, em comparação ao cimento AH Plus, pelo método do "push-out". Foram preparados sessenta cilindros de raÃzes de caninos superiores humanos que foram distribuÃdos em 3 grupos (n=20) de acordo com o tratamento da dentina: GI água destilada (controle), GII hipoclorito de sódio 1% e GIII EDTA 17 %. Esses grupos de corpos-de-prova foram distribuÃdos em 2 subgrupos para receber os cimentos obturadores a serem testados: Ephiphany e AH Plus. Foi realizado o teste do "push-out" e os resultados (em kN) foram analisados estatisticamente por ANOVA e o teste "post-hoc" de Tukey. A análise demonstrou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os cimentos (AH Plus: 0,78 ± 0,13; Epiphany: 0,61 ± 0,19; p < 0,01) e entre as soluções testadas (água destilada: 0,58 ± 0,19; NaOCl: 0,71 ± 0,12; EDTA: 0,80 ± 0,17; p<0,05). Conclui-se que o cimento AH Plus apresentou valores de adesividade superiores aos obtidos pelo cimento Epiphany, independente do tratamento realizado nas paredes dos canais radiculares
Análise de custo entre os sistemas construtivos alvenaria convencional em concreto armado e alvenaria estrutural –vantagens e desvantagens
A alvenaria estrutural e a alvenaria convencional em concreto armado são os sistemas construtivos mais utilizados na construção brasileira. A escolha entre esses dois sistemas construtivos tem sido uma questão recorrente para os profissionais da área da construção civil. Ambos apresentam vantagens e desvantagens únicas que devem ser cuidadosamente consideradas durante o processo de tomada de decisão. Desta forma este artigo buscou como objetivo principal compreender qual dos dois sistemas construtivos analisados podem mais vantajosos em termos de custo e desempenho estrutural. A metodologia deste estudo seguiu os procedimentos de uma revisão de literatura. Os resultados indicam que o sistema construtivo em alvenaria estrutural é o mais vantajoso tanto do ponto de vista estrutural, quanto econômico, com uma obra bem planejada, organizada e com bons profissionais os resultados são satisfatórios
Evaluation from an Environmental Perspective of Soybean Cultivation in the State of Maranhão
Agribusiness is a fundamental component in the economic growth of a country. In Brazil, for example, agricultural activity is considered a major part of the economy and is carried out on a large scale, requiring professional execution so that the expected results can be achieved. This study investigates the environmental impacts generated in the soybean crop production process, namely the planting, generation process and residue disposal in Maranhão State, specifically in Balsas city (MA). An online questionnaire (Google Forms) and face-to-face interviews were used, which were validated and tested to quantitatively and qualitatively measure the presence of environmental impacts resulting from the soybean production process. Results revealed the existence of a unanimous perception among the interviewees about sustainability in the soybean production process, especially regarding the resulting problems, including for example, deforestation, erosion and intoxication among other factors. The respondents also demonstrated knowledge about the sustainability concepts associated with the environmental aspects and the existence of the residue control issues generated in this production process. In view of the visible results, it can be concluded strongly that there are numerous environmental impacts from the residue generation and soybean cultivation processes
O uso de charges enquanto recurso didático para o ensino de Geografia
The text shows an analysis regarding the use of cartoons as a didactic-pedagogical resource in Geography classes at a private school in the municipality of Minaçu-GO. The justification of the work is mainly because it is a subject that is rarely addressed in research on teaching Geography and given the possible contributions of this didactic resource to the quality of classes in this discipline, in order to encourage a greater number of students in the teaching and learning process of Geography. This work is the result of research and bibliographic review done initially on the subject and soon afterwards field research that consisted of the application of a questionnaire for the teachers who teach this discipline in the field research school. It was found during the analysis of the data, that the cartoons can be considered instruments that contribute to the pedagogical didactic processes for the Geography classes, because they allow the classes to be more dynamic thus arousing the students' interest in the contents worked on.El texto presenta un análisis sobre el uso de caricaturas como un recurso didáctico-pedagógico en las clases de GeografÃa en una escuela privada en el municipio de Minaçu-GO. La justificación del trabajo se debe principalmente a que es un tema que rara vez se aborda en la investigación sobre la enseñanza de GeografÃa y se le dan las posibles contribuciones de este recurso didáctico a la calidad de las clases en esta disciplina, con el fin de alentar a un mayor número de estudiantes en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de GeografÃa. Este trabajo es el resultado de una investigación y revisión bibliográfica realizada a priori sobre el tema y posteriormente una investigación de campo que consistió en la aplicación de un cuestionario para los maestros que enseñan esta disciplina en la escuela selecionada. Durante el análisis de los datos se descubrió que las caricaturas pueden considerarse instrumentos que contribuyen a los procesos didácticos pedagógicos para las clases de GeografÃa, ya que permiten que las clases sean más dinámicas, lo que despierta el interés de los estudiantes en los contenidos trabajados.O texto apresenta uma análise a respeito da utilização de charges como recurso didático-pedagógico nas aulas de Geografia de uma escola privada no municÃpio de Minaçu-GO. A justificativa do trabalho se dá, principalmente, por ser um assunto pouco abordado nas pesquisas sobre ensino de Geografia e dadas as possÃveis contribuições desse recurso didático para a qualidade das aulas dessa disciplina, de modo a estimular um maior número de estudantes no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da Geografia. Esse trabalho é resultado de pesquisa e revisão bibliográfica feita a priori sobre o tema e, logo em seguida, pesquisa de campo que consistiu na aplicação de um questionário para os professores que ministram essa disciplina na escola campo de investigação. Foi constatado, durante a análise dos dados, que as charges podem ser consideradas instrumentos que contribuem para os processos didáticos pedagógicos para as aulas de Geografia, pois possibilitam que as aulas sejam mais dinâmicas, despertando, assim, o interesse dos alunos para os conteúdos trabalhados.
The use of cartoons as a didactic resource for teaching Geography
Abstract: The text shows an analysis regarding the use of cartoons as a didactic-pedagogical resource in Geography classes at a private school in the municipality of Minaçu-GO. The justification of the work is mainly because it is a subject that is rarely addressed in research on teaching Geography and given the possible contributions of this didactic resource to the quality of classes in this discipline, in order to encourage a greater number of students in the teaching and learning process of Geography. This work is the result of research and bibliographic review done initially on the subject and soon afterwards field research that consisted of the application of a questionnaire for the teachers who teach this discipline in the field research school. It was found during the analysis of the data, that the cartoons can be considered instruments that contribute to the pedagogical didactic processes for the Geography classes, because they allow the classes to be more dynamic thus arousing the students' interest in the contents worked on.
Keywords: Charges; Didactic resources; Geography teaching.
El uso de caricaturas como un recurso didáctico para la enseñanza de GeografÃa
Resumen: El texto presenta un análisis sobre el uso de caricaturas como un recurso didáctico-pedagógico en las clases de GeografÃa en una escuela privada en el municipio de Minaçu-GO. La justificación del trabajo se debe principalmente a que es un tema que rara vez se aborda en la investigación sobre la enseñanza de GeografÃa y se le dan las posibles contribuciones de este recurso didáctico a la calidad de las clases en esta disciplina, con el fin de alentar a un mayor número de estudiantes en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de GeografÃa. Este trabajo es el resultado de una investigación y revisión bibliográfica realizada a priori sobre el tema y posteriormente una investigación de campo que consistió en la aplicación de un cuestionario para los maestros que enseñan esta disciplina en la escuela selecionada. Durante el análisis de los datos se descubrió que las caricaturas pueden considerarse instrumentos que contribuyen a los procesos didácticos pedagógicos para las clases de GeografÃa, ya que permiten que las clases sean más dinámicas, lo que despierta el interés de los estudiantes en los contenidos trabajados.
Palabras chave: Caricaturas; Recursos Didácticos; Enseñanza de GeografÃa
Wavelet transform for medium-range streamflows projections in national interconnected system
This study aimed to analyze the variability of average annual streamflow time series of the National Interconnected System (NIS) (Brazil) and create a projection model of future streamflow scenarios from 3 to 10 years using wavelet transform (WT). The streamflow time series were used and divided into two periods, namely, 1931–2005 and 2006–2017, for calibration and verification, respectively. The annual series was standardized, and by the WT, it was decomposed into two bands plus the residue for each base posts (BP) for later reconstruction. Then, an autoregressive (AR) model per band and residue was made. The projection was obtained by adding the AR models. For performance evaluation, a qualitative analysis of the cumulative probability distribution of the projected years and an analysis of the likelihood were performed. The model identified the probability distribution function of the projected years and obtained a likelihood ratio of > 1 in most SIN regions, indicating that this methodology can capture the mediumrange variability.O presente trabalho objetiva analisar a variabilidade das séries temporais de vazão média anual do Sistema Nacional Interconectado (SIN) (Brasil) e criar um modelo de projeção de cenários de vazão de três até dez anos utilizando transformada em ondeleta. As séries temporais de vazão foram divididas em dois perÃodos — 1931 até 2005 e 2006 até 2017 — para calibração e validação, respectivamente. As séries anuais foram padronizadas e, por meio da transformada em ondeleta, foram decompostas em duas bandas e no resÃduo para cada Posto Base (BP) para uma futura reconstrução. Em seguida foi feito um modelo autorregressivo por banda e para o resÃduo. A projeção foi obtida pelo somatório das projeções desses modelos autorregressivos. Para avaliar a performance, uma análise qualitativa da distribuição de probabilidade acumulada dos anos projetados foi realizada e a verossimilhança foi calculada. O modelo identificou a distribuição de probabilidade dos anos projetados e obteve verossimilhança maior que 1 na maioria das regiões do SIN, o que indica que essa metodologia é capaz de capturar a variabilidade de médio prazo
iBoccia: a framework to monitor the Boccia gameplay in elderly
The increase of the elderly population has an enormous effect on the health
care system of a country, as the rise of this population sets the mood to an exponential
growth in assistance and care. Indeed, the inherent costs of this populational
class are higher when comparing to the younger classes. Today paradigm focuses
on the reduction of these costs by promoting a healthier lifestyle on all classes of
the populations. Thus, the concern of a more active lifestyle is present in the elderly
population, which has proven to reduce, for example, the risk of coronary problems.
The stimulus on physical activity is now higher and it is possible to get several
monitoring devices to keep track on the activity that was performed. Following this
trend, the present paper presents a hybrid approach that employs the use of wearable
devices, the Mio Fuse band and the pandlet, and a non-wearable device, the Kinect
camera, to monitor elderly people during a Boccia game scenario. Preliminary tests
were performed in laboratory. The results include data collected concerning a main
movement that is used during a Boccia gameplay.This article is a result of the project Deus ex machina: NORTE-01-0145-
FEDER-000026, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020),
under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
iBoccia: monitoring elderly while playing Boccia gameplay
The size of the aging population has been increasing over the last years, leading to a search for solutions that
can increase the quality of life of the elderlies. One of the main means of action is focused on their physical
activity. A non-sedentary life can help in disease prevention and disability reduction, leading to an independent
living with quality. Moreover, the practice of physical exercise can decrease fall risks and its consequences.
Furthermore, it is desirable that the solutions can be accessed by anyone, with a low inherent cost. The Boccia
game is a good way to promote physical activity to the elderly, due to its simplicity and easy adaptability to
the physical limitations of the elderly. Following this trend, this paper presents iBoccia, a novel framework
to monitor elderly while playing Boccia game, through wearable sensors, Mio Fuse band and pandlet (inertial
sensor), and a non-wearable device, Kinect camera. Several performance metrics are expected to be measured
during the gameplay. Using the pandlet we calculate wrist rotation angles and force applied during ball throw,
using the Kinect we recognize facial expressions and from the Mio Fuse band we retrieve heart rate.We would like to acknowledge the financial support
obtained from North Portugal Regional Operational
Programme (NORTE 2020), Portugal 2020 and the
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) from
European Union through the project Symbiotic technology
for societal efficiency gains: Deus ex Machina
(DEM), NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000026.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The complete genome sequence of Trueperella pyogenes UFV1 reveals a processing system involved in the quorumsensing signal response
We present here the complete genome sequence of Trueperella pyogenes UFV1. The 2.3-Mbp genome contains an extremely interesting AI-2 transporter and processing system related to the quorum-sensing signal response. This specific feature is described in this species for the first time and might be responsible for a new pathogenic behavior
A wearable and non-wearable approach for gesture recognition: initial results
A natural way of communication between humans
are gestures. Through this type of non-verbal communication, the
human interaction may change since it is possible to send a
particular message or capture the attention of the other peer. In
the human-computer interaction the capture of such gestures has
been a topic of interest where the goal is to classify human gestures
in different scenarios. Applying machine learning techniques, one
may be able to track and recognize human gestures and use the
gathered information to assess the medical condition of a person
regarding, for example, motor impairments. According to the type
of movement and to the target population one may use different
wearable or non-wearable sensors. In this work, we are using a
hybrid approach for automatically detecting the ball throwing
movement by applying a Microsoft Kinect (non-wearable) and the
Pandlet (set of wearable sensors such as accelerometer, gyroscope,
among others). After creating a dataset of 10 participants, a SVM
model with a DTW kernel is trained and used as a classification
tool. The system performance was quantified in terms of confusion
matrix, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, Area Under the
Curve, and Mathews Correlation Coefficient metrics. The
obtained results point out that the present system is able to
recognize the selected throwing gestures and that the overall
performance of the Kinect is better compared to the Pandlet.This article is a result of the project Deus Ex Machina: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000026, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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