1,954 research outputs found

    Individual differences in aesthetic preferences for multi-sensorial stimulation

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    The aim of the current project was to investigate aesthetics in multi-sensorial stimulation and to explore individual differences in the process. We measured the aesthetics of Interactive Objects (IOs) which are three-dimensional objects with electronic components that exhibit an autonomous behaviour when handled: e.g., vibrating, playing a sound, or lighting-up. The Q-sorting procedure of Q-methodology was applied. Data were analysed by following the Qmulti protocol. The results suggested that overall participants preferred IOs that (i) vibrate, (ii) have rough surface texture, and (iii) are round. No particular preference emerged about the size of the IOs. When making aesthetic judgment, participants paid more attention to the behaviour variable of the IOs than the size, contour or surface texture. In addition, three clusters of participants were identified, suggesting that individual differences existed in the aesthetics of IOs. Without proper consideration of potential individual differences, aesthetic scholars may face the risk of having significant effects masked by individual differences. Only by paying attention to this issue can more meaningful findings be generated to contribute to the field of aesthetics

    Photometric, geometric and perceptual factors in illumination-independent lightness constancy

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    It has been shown that lightness constancy depends on the articulation of the visual field (Agostini & Galmonte, 1999). However, among researchers there is little agreement about the meaning of “articulation.” Beyond the terminological heterogeneity, an important issue remains: What factors are relevant for the stability of surface color perception? Using stimuli with two fields of illumination, we explore this issue in three experiments. In Experiment 1, we manipulated the number of luminances, the number of reflectances, and the number of surfaces and their spatial relationships; in Experiment 2, we manipulated the luminance range; finally, in Experiment 3 we varied the number of surfaces crossed by the illumination edge. We found that there are two relevant factors in optimizing lightness constancy: (1) the lowest luminance in shadow and (2) the co-presence of patches of equal reflectance in both fields of illumination. The latter effect is larger if these patches strongly belong to each other. We interpret these findings within the albedo hypothesis

    The effects of belongingness on the Simultaneous Lightness Contrast: A virtual reality study

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    Simultaneous Lightness Contrast (SLC) is the phenomenon whereby a grey patch on a dark background appears lighter than an equal patch on a light background. Interestingly, the lightness difference between these patches undergoes substantial augmentation when the two backgrounds are patterned, thereby forming the articulated-SLC display. There are two main interpretations of these phenomena: The midlevel interpretation maintains that the visual system groups the luminance within a set of contiguous frameworks, whilst the high-level one claims that the visual system splits the luminance into separate overlapping layers corresponding to separate physical contributions. This research aimed to test these two interpretations by systematically manipulating the viewing distance and the horizontal distance between the backgrounds of both the articulated and plain SLC displays. An immersive 3D Virtual Reality system was employed to reproduce identical alignment and distances, as well as isolating participants from interfering luminance. Results showed that reducing the viewing distance resulted in increased contrast in both the plain- and articulated-SLC displays and that, increasing the horizontal distance between the backgrounds resulted in decreased contrast in the articulated condition but increased contrast in the plain condition. These results suggest that a comprehensive lightness theory should combine the two interpretations

    Lightness constancy: ratio invariance and luminance profile

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    The term simultaneous lightness constancy describes the capacity of the visual system to perceive equal reflecting surfaces as having the same lightness despite lying in different illumination fields. In some cases, however, a lightness constancy failure occurs; that is, equal reflecting surfaces appear different in lightness when differently illuminated. An open question is whether the luminance profile of the illumination edges affects simultaneous lightness constancy even when the ratio invariance property of the illumination edges is preserved. To explore this issue, we ran two experiments by using bipartite illumination displays. Both the luminance profile of an illumination edge and the luminance ratio amplitude between the illumination fields were manipulated. Results revealed that the simultaneous lightness constancy increases when the luminance profile of the illumination edge is gradual (rather than sharp) and homogeneous (rather than inhomogeneous), whereas it decreases when the luminance ratio between the illumination fields is enlarged. The results are interpreted according to the layer decomposition schema, stating that the visual system splits the luminance into perceived lightness and apparent illumination components. We suggest that illumination edges having gradual and homogeneous luminance profiles facilitate the luminance decomposition process, whereas wide luminance ratios impede it

    ERNEST: a toolbox for chemical reaction network theory

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    Abstract Summary: ERNEST Reaction Network Equilibria Study Toolbox is a MATLAB package which, by checking various different criteria on the structure of a chemical reaction network, can exclude the multistationarity of the corresponding reaction system. The results obtained are independent of the rate constants of the reactions, and can be used for model discrimination. Availability and Implementation: The software, implemented in MATLAB, is available under the GNU GPL free software license from http://people.sissa.it/∼altafini/papers/SoAl09/. It requires the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox. Contact: [email protected]

    Systems biology approaches to the dynamics of gene expression and chemical reactions

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    Systems biology is an emergent interdisciplinary field of study whose main goal is to understand the global properties and functions of a biological system by investigating its structure and dynamics [74]. This high-level knowledge can be reached only with a coordinated approach involving researchers with different backgrounds in molecular biology, the various omics (like genomics, proteomics, metabolomics), computer science and dynamical systems theory. The history of systems biology as a distinct discipline began in the 1960s, and saw an impressive growth since year 2000, originated by the increased accumulation of biological information, the development of high-throughput experimental techniques, the use of powerful computer systems for calculations and database hosting, and the spread of Internet as the standard medium for information diffusion [77]. In the last few years, our research group tried to tackle a set of systems biology problems which look quite diverse, but share some topics like biological networks and system dynamics, which are of our interest and clearly fundamental for this field. In fact, the first issue we studied (covered in Part I) was the reverse engineering of large-scale gene regulatory networks. Inferring a gene network is the process of identifying interactions among genes from experimental data (tipically microarray expression profiles) using computational methods [6]. Our aim was to compare some of the most popular association network algorithms (the only ones applicable at a genome-wide level) in different conditions. In particular we verified the predictive power of similarity measures both of direct type (like correlations and mutual information) and of conditional type (partial correlations and conditional mutual information) applied on different kinds of experiments (like data taken at equilibrium or time courses) and on both synthetic and real microarray data (for E. coli and S. cerevisiae). In our simulations we saw that all network inference algorithms obtain better performances from data produced with \u201cstructural\u201d perturbations (like gene knockouts at steady state) than with just dynamical perturbations (like time course measurements or changes of the initial expression levels). Moreover, our analysis showed differences in the performances of the algorithms: direct methods are more robust in detecting stable relationships (like belonging to the same protein complex), while conditional methods are better at causal interactions (e.g. transcription factor\u2013binding site interactions), especially in presence of combinatorial transcriptional regulation. Even if time course microarray experiments are not particularly useful for inferring gene networks, they can instead give a great amount of information about the dynamical evolution of a biological process, provided that the measurements have a good time resolution. Recently, such a dataset has been published [119] for the yeast metabolic cycle, a well-known process where yeast cells synchronize with respect to oxidative and reductive functions. In that paper, the long-period respiratory oscillations were shown to be reflected in genome-wide periodic patterns in gene expression. As explained in Part II, we analyzed these time series in order to elucidate the dynamical role of post-transcriptional regulation (in particular mRNA stability) in the coordination of the cycle. We found that for periodic genes, arranged in classes according either to expression profile or to function, the pulses of mRNA abundance have phase and width which are directly proportional to the corresponding turnover rates. Moreover, the cascade of events which occurs during the yeast metabolic cycle (and their correlation with mRNA turnover) reflects to a large extent the gene expression program observable in other dynamical contexts such as the response to stresses or stimuli. The concepts of network and of systems dynamics return also as major arguments of Part III. In fact, there we present a study of some dynamical properties of the so-called chemical reaction networks, which are sets of chemical species among which a certain number of reactions can occur. These networks can be modeled as systems of ordinary differential equations for the species concentrations, and the dynamical evolution of these systems has been theoretically studied since the 1970s [47, 65]. Over time, several independent conditions have been proved concerning the capacity of a reaction network, regardless of the (often poorly known) reaction parameters, to exhibit multiple equilibria. This is a particularly interesting characteristic for biological systems, since it is required for the switch-like behavior observed during processes like intracellular signaling and cell differentiation. Inspired by those works, we developed a new open source software package for MATLAB, called ERNEST, which, by checking these various criteria on the structure of a chemical reaction network, can exclude the multistationarity of the corresponding reaction system. The results of this analysis can be used, for example, for model discrimination: if for a multistable biological process there are multiple candidate reaction models, it is possible to eliminate some of them by proving that they are always monostationary. Finally, we considered the related property of monotonicity for a reaction network. Monotone dynamical systems have the tendency to converge to an equilibrium and do not present chaotic behaviors. Most biological systems have the same features, and are therefore considered to be monotone or near-monotone [85, 116]. Using the notion of fundamental cycles from graph theory, we proved some theoretical results in order to determine how distant is a given biological network from being monotone. In particular, we showed that the distance to monotonicity of a network is equal to the minimal number of negative fundamental cycles of the corresponding J-graph, a signed multigraph which can be univocally associated to a dynamical system