296 research outputs found

    Structure of a new dense amorphous ice

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    The detailed structure of a new dense amorphous ice, VHDA, is determined by isotope substitution neutron diffraction. Its structure is characterized by a doubled occupancy of the stabilizing interstitial location that was found in high density amorphous ice, HDA. As would be expected for a thermally activated unlocking of the stabilizing "interstitial," the transition from VHDA to LDA (low-density amorphous ice) is very sharp. Although its higher density makes VHDA a better candidate than HDA for a physical manifestation of the second putative liquid phase of water, as for the HDA case, the VHDA to LDA transition also appears to be kinetically controlled

    Highly compressed water structure observed in a perchlorate aqueous solution

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    The discovery by the Phoenix Lander of calcium and magnesium perchlorates in Martian soil samples has fueled much speculation that flows of perchlorate brines might be the cause of the observed channeling and weathering in the surface. Here, we study the structure of a mimetic of Martian water, magnesium perchlorate aqueous solution at its eutectic composition, using neutron diffraction in combination with hydrogen isotope labeling and empirical potential structure refinement. We find that the tetrahedral structure of water is heavily perturbed, the effect being equivalent to pressurizing pure water to pressures of order 2 GPa or more. The Mg2+ and ClO4− ions appear charge-ordered, confining the water on length scales of order 9 Å, preventing ice formation at low temperature. This may explain the low evaporation rates and high deliquescence of these salt solutions, which are essential for stability within the low relative humidity environment of the Martian atmosphere

    Ab-initio study of structure and dynamics properties of crystalline ice

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    We investigated the structural and dynamical properties of a tetrahedrally coordinated crystalline ice from first principles based on density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation with the projected augmented wave method. First, we report the structural behaviour of ice at finite temperatures based on the analysis of radial distribution functions obtained by molecular dynamics simulations. The results show how the ordering of the hydrogen bonding breaks down in the tetrahedral network of ice with entropy increase in agreement with the neutron diffraction data. We also calculated the phonon spectra of ice in a 3x1x1 supercell by using the direct method. So far, due to the direct method used in this calculation, the phonon spectra is obtained without taking into account the effect of polarization arising from dipole-dipole interactions of water molecules which is expected to yield the splitting of longitudinal and transverse optic modes at the Gamma-point. The calculated longitudinal acoustic velocities from the initial slopes of the acoustic mode is in a reasonable agreement with the neutron scatering data. The analysis of the vibrational density of states shows the existence of a boson peak at low energy of translational region a characteristic common to amorphous systems.Comment: International symposium on structure and dynamics of heterogeneous system SDHS'0

    Temperature-Dependent Segregation in Alcohol-Water Binary Mixtures Is Driven by Water Clustering

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    Previous neutron scattering work, combined with computer simulated structure analysis, has established that binary mixtures of methanol and water partially segregate into water-rich and alcohol-rich components. It has furthermore been noted that, between methanol mole fractions of 0.27 and 0.54, both components, water and methanol, simultaneously form percolating clusters. This partial segregation is enhanced with decreasing temperature. The mole fraction of 0.27 also corresponds to the point of maximum excess entropy for ethanol–water mixtures. Here, we study the degree of molecular segregation in aqueous ethanol solutions at a mole fraction of 0.27 and compare it with that in methanol–water solutions at the same concentration. Structural information is extracted for these solutions using neutron diffraction coupled with empirical potential structure refinement. We show that ethanol, like methanol, bi-percolates at this concentration and that, in a similar manner to methanol, alcohol segregation, as measured by the proximity of neighboring methyl sidechains, is increased upon cooling the solution. Water clustering is found to be significantly enhanced in both alcohol solutions compared to the water clustering that occurs for random, hard sphere-like, mixing with no hydrogen bonds between molecules. Alcohol clustering via the hydrophobic groups is, on the other hand, only slightly sensitive to the water hydrogen bond network. These results support the idea that it is the water clustering that drives the partial segregation of the two components, and hence the observed excess entropy of mixing

    Formation of Methane Hydrate in the Presence of Natural and Synthetic Nanoparticles

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    Natural gas hydrates occur widely on the ocean-bed and in permafrost regions, and have potential as an untapped energy resource. Their formation and growth, however, poses major problems for the energy sector due to their tendency to block oil and gas pipelines, whereas their melting is viewed as a potential contributor to climate change. Although recent advances have been made in understanding bulk methane hydrate formation, the effect of impurity particles, which are always present under conditions relevant to industry and the environment, remains an open question. Here we present results from neutron scattering experiments and molecular dynamics simulations that show that the formation of methane hydrate is insensitive to the addition of a wide range of impurity particles. Our analysis shows that this is due to the different chemical natures of methane and water, with methane generally excluded from the volume surrounding the nanoparticles. This has important consequences for our understanding of the mechanism of hydrate nucleation and the design of new inhibitor molecules

    Generic mechanism for generating a liquid-liquid phase transition

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    Recent experimental results indicate that phosphorus, a single-component system, can have two liquid phases: a high-density liquid (HDL) and a low-density liquid (LDL) phase. A first-order transition between two liquids of different densities is consistent with experimental data for a variety of materials, including single-component systems such as water, silica and carbon. Molecular dynamics simulations of very specific models for supercooled water, liquid carbon and supercooled silica, predict a LDL-HDL critical point, but a coherent and general interpretation of the LDL-HDL transition is lacking. Here we show that the presence of a LDL and a HDL can be directly related to an interaction potential with an attractive part and two characteristic short-range repulsive distances. This kind of interaction is common to other single-component materials in the liquid state (in particular liquid metals), and such potentials are often used to decribe systems that exhibit a density anomaly. However, our results show that the LDL and HDL phases can occur in systems with no density anomaly. Our results therefore present an experimental challenge to uncover a liquid-liquid transition in systems like liquid metals, regardless of the presence of the density anomaly.Comment: 5 pages, 3 ps Fig

    The Extinction of Dengue through Natural Vulnerability of Its Vectors

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    Dengue transmission has not always been confined to tropical areas. In some cases, this has been due to a reduced geographic range of the mosquitoes that are able to carry dengue viruses. In Australia, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes once occurred throughout temperate, drier parts of the country but are now restricted to the wet tropics. We used a computer modelling approach to determine whether these mosquitoes could inhabit their former range. This was done by simulating dengue mosquito populations in virtual environments that experienced 10 years of actual daily weather conditions (1998–2007) obtained for 13 locations inside and outside the current tropical range. We discovered that in areas outside the Australian wet tropics, Ae. aegypti often becomes extinct, particularly when conditions are too cool for year-round egg-laying activity, and/or too dry for eggs to hatch. Thus, despite being a global pest and disease vector, Ae. aegypti mosquitoes are naturally vulnerable to extinction in certain conditions. Such vulnerability should be exploited in vector control programs

    Ion association in concentrated NaCI brines from ambient to supercritical conditions: results from classical molecular dynamics simulations

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    Highly concentrated NaCl brines are important geothermal fluids; chloride complexation of metals in such brines increases the solubility of minerals and plays a fundamental role in the genesis of hydrothermal ore deposits. There is experimental evidence that the molecular nature of the NaCl–water system changes over the pressure–temperature range of the Earth's crust. A transition of concentrated NaCl–H(2)O brines to a "hydrous molten salt" at high P and T has been argued to stabilize an aqueous fluid phase in the deep crust. In this work, we have done molecular dynamic simulations using classical potentials to determine the nature of concentrated (0.5–16 m) NaCl–water mixtures under ambient (25°C, 1 bar), hydrothermal (325°C, 1 kbar) and deep crustal (625°C, 15 kbar) conditions. We used the well-established SPCE model for water together with the Smith and Dang Lennard-Jones potentials for the ions (J. Chem. Phys., 1994, 100, 3757). With increasing temperature at 1 kbar, the dielectric constant of water decreases to give extensive ion-association and the formation of polyatomic (Na(n)Cl(m))(n-m )clusters in addition to simple NaCl ion pairs. Large polyatomic (Na(n)Cl(m))(n-m )clusters resemble what would be expected in a hydrous NaCl melt in which water and NaCl were completely miscible. Although ion association decreases with pressure, temperatures of 625°C are not enough to overcome pressures of 15 kbar; consequently, there is still enhanced Na–Cl association in brines under deep crustal conditions
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