18 research outputs found

    Migration und Ungleichheit: Objektkonstruktionen im sozialwissenschaftlichen Feld

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    'Mit Blick auf die gegenwĂ€rtige Debatte zu Fragen der Integration oder Desintegration von Migrantinnen und Migranten existiert eine auffallende ZurĂŒckhaltung bei der Problematisierung der kulturellen Einbettung wissenschaftlicher Praxis. Diese ist jedoch notwendig, um die Rolle der Wissenschaft bei der Konstruktion von Über- bzw. Unterordnungsrelationen kultureller Kapitalien abschĂ€tzen zu können. Unter Bezug auf Pierre Bourdieus Theorie symbolischer Gewalt und seiner Konzeption des wissenschaftlichen Feldes wird vermutet, dass im Bereich der Migrationsforschung die soziale Konstruktion der Geltungsordnung von kulturellen Kapitalien eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Mit Hilfe einer systematischen Inhaltsanalyse von vier ausgewĂ€hlten sozialwissenschaftlichen Journalen wird untersucht, ob und in welchem Ausmaß symbolisches und (herkunfts)spezifisches kulturelles Kapital im Datenmaterial problematisiert und in welches spezifische VerhĂ€ltnis beide Kapitalformen zueinander gebracht werden.' (Autorenreferat)'When it comes to question the cultural anchorage of scientific practice a noticeable reservation can be observed with refer to the ongoing debate about the integration or disintegration of immigrants. But this is essential to assess the role that social science plays in constructing the relation between domination and subordination of cultural capital. According to Pierre Bourdieu's theory of symbolic violence and his conception of the scientific field it is supposed that in migration research the social construction of those relations are particularly relevant. By means of a systematic content analysis of four selected socio-scientific journals it is scrutinised if and to what extent do the scientific studies expound the problem of symbolic and (origin)specific cultural capital and how the relation between both types of cultural capital is designed.' (author's abstract)

    «Skolen har jo som mandat Ă„ utjevne sosial ulikhet» – lĂŠrerpraksis i en utjevningspolitisk kontekst

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    Hensikten med denne artikkelen er Ă„ bidra til mer kunnskap om forholdet mellom utjevningspolitikk og lĂŠrerpraksis, gjennom Ă„ undersĂžke praksisbeskrivelser fra lĂŠrere som er tilknyttet en skoleorientert omrĂ„desatsing. Analysefunnene framhever hvordan lĂŠrerne stĂ„r i et spenningsforhold mellom utjevningspolitiske intensjoner, deres tilgjengelige ressurser og opplevde praksisutfordringer, under de krevende omstendighetene som informantene beskriver. I diskusjonsdelen drĂžftes lĂŠrernes utfordringer i lys av den utjevningspolitiske konteksten som de befinner seg i, og hvordan informantene gjennom den politiske innramningen av lĂŠrerrollen gir uttrykk for en pedagogisk stigmatisering av elever i omrĂ„det. English abstract “Schools Have a Mandate to Equalize Social Inequality” – Teacher Practice in an Equity Policy Context The purpose of this article is to contribute more knowledge on the relationship between equity policy and teacher practice in Norwegian schools, by studying practice descriptions from teachers who are embedded in an area-based initiative. The analysis shows how the teachers find themselves in a professional predicament between equity policy intentions, their available resources, and challenges, under the difficult circumstances that the informants describe. In the following chapter, we discuss the teachers challenges against the equity policy context in which they find themselves in. We also discuss how the informants through the political framing of the teacher’s role, express a pedagogical stigmatization of pupils in the area

    Lehrer im Spannungsfeld zwischen nationalen und supranationalen Werten – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung in Leipzig, Katowice und Liberec

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    The article proposes an analysis of the role of Polish, German and Czech teachers in the process of European cultural integration, whereby the question of the relationship between national and supranational values is of decisive importance. To what extent do the teachers follow a common European pattern in their Teaching for Europe\u27, and to what extent are individual and national influential factors of any relevance? The answer to this question is based upon a comparative study which focussed on guided conversations with a total of ninety teachers from Liberec (Czech Republic), Leipzig (Germany) and Katowice (Poland). Results showed that the significance of Europe as well as the actual existence of a Europe-oriented education are both highly influenced by national factors and that a Nation-related teaching seems to be a prerequisite for the development of a Europe-related education. (DIPF/Orig.

    Researching ‘liquid integration’: breaking new ground for processual and contingent methodology

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    Although there has been a broad and controversial debate on the concept of integration in social science over the last couple of decades the methodological debate of how to measure the processual, contingent side of integration is still in its infancy. This especially has become relevant against the background of newly introduced more dynamic and more contingent theoretical perspectives on integration. Against this backdrop, the paper sets out to critically reflect on methodological implications of the liquid integration perspective. We argue for a practice research perspective regarding emic and etic idiosyncratic perceptions and understandings of integration for better researching the processing and contingent side of temporal embedded integration processes and experiences and for invigorating critical reflections about methodological issues in researching integration.publishedVersio

    The Principle of Hope: Bloch’s contribution to the praxiological understanding of education

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    The ongoing capitalization of education provokes an alternative way of thinking about education – one that draws attention to social practice and recognizes its autonomy and complexity. Bloch's theory has great potential for formulating such a new, alternative educational concept. It contributes to a pluripotent, praxiological, and optimistic way of thinking about education. The thesis will be propounded that the praxiological educational concept and the Principle of Hope are mutually referential, whereby the Principle of Hope makes clear the potential of education to change society and thus underlines the political character of the praxiological educational concept. The following article first presents the essential characteristics of a basic praxiological understanding of education. These are then linked with Bloch's Principle of Hope that with its element of “anticipatory consciousness”, “not-yet being”, “Heimat” and “alienation” radically supports the society-changing potential of education

    The Impact Of Covid-19 On Immigration: The Transformation Of Norwegian Migration Policy On Asylum Seekers

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    Until just a year ago, hardly anyone believed that the increasingly unrestrained growth in mobility could be so abruptly interrupted by a radical immobilisation of large population groups. Neither mobility studies nor other research fields had foreseen this kind of scenario in their mobility and migration models. In the past decades, the belief in unconstrained mobility, as well as the practice of mobility and its scientific modelling, relied on the idea of unbounded growth at the sub-national, national and supra-national level. The article focuses on immigration to Norway, showing how institutional constraints were used to deal with the spread of COVID-19 and how they affected immigration to the country. Due to complexity reasons, we focus exclusively on the situation of asylum seekers, giving additional attention to unaccompanied minors. These groups’ migration status is assumed to make them especially susceptible to the newly established immigration measures. Drawing upon a combined focus of data on migration regulations and asylum application statistics, we examine what impact mobility-related COVID-19 measures implemented in Norway since January 2020 had on asylum procedures, asylum mobility and asylum applications in Norway

    The Social Capital Theory in the Light of a Centre-Periphery Comparison

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    The article examines the relationship between the social capital concept and school dropout rates from a global and multi-level perspective. Are there universal aspects of social capital that can predict dropout probability for at-risk young adults? If not, how do the correlations vary and to what extend can the differences be associated with variations in macro level state mechanisms in the context of the contemporary world’s social system? These questions are discussed empirically using a data set of 138 at-risk young adults in Cameroon and Germany. The results of the study show relatively higher correlations for Germany compared to Cameroon. The article concludes that context matters and aspects of macro-level state mechanisms and political institutions have important influences on the levels and patterns of micro- level social interactions in societies. This implies that areas with standardized macro-level democratic institutions will find it easier to develop generalized trust as well as to have higher levels of social capital formation. The need for the creation of a more equitable social and economic development policy which counteracts the inequality that is inherent in centre–peripheral relations is therefore highly recommended

    The Impact Of Covid-19 On Immigration: The Transformation Of Norwegian Migration Policy On Asylum Seekers

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    Until just a year ago, hardly anyone believed that the increasingly unrestrained growth in mobility could be so abruptly interrupted by a radical immobilisation of large population groups. Neither mobility studies nor other research fields had foreseen this kind of scenario in their mobility and migration models. In the past decades, the belief in unconstrained mobility, as well as the practice of mobility and its scientific modelling, relied on the idea of unbounded growth at the sub-national, national and supra-national level. The article focuses on immigration to Norway, showing how institutional constraints were used to deal with the spread of COVID-19 and how they affected immigration to the country. Due to complexity reasons, we focus exclusively on the situation of asylum seekers, giving additional attention to unaccompanied minors. These groups’ migration status is assumed to make them especially susceptible to the newly established immigration measures. Drawing upon a combined focus of data on migration regulations and asylum application statistics, we examine what impact mobility-related COVID-19 measures implemented in Norway since January 2020 had on asylum procedures, asylum mobility and asylum applications in Norway

    Book Reviews / Đ Đ”Ń†Đ”ĐœĐ·ĐžĐž ĐșĐœĐžĐł / Buchbesprechungen

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    Olaf Beuchling & Tuan Van Cong (2013): Vom Mekong an die Elbe. Buddhistisches Klosterleben in der vietnamesischen Diaspora / XuĂŽi dĂČng Cá»­u Long đáș­u báșżn Elbe. Náșżp ChĂča Việt trĂȘn đáș„t khĂĄch. Charl Wolhuter, Nikolay Popov, Bruno Leutwyler & Klara Skubic Ermenc (Eds.) (2013): Comparative Education at Universities World Wide.