13 research outputs found

    Язык, речь, личность в зеркале психолингвистики

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    В издании раскрываются вопросы психологии языка, речи и личности. Исследуются проблемы переводческих универсалий. Особое внимание уделяется сравнительно новым научным понятиям и категориям: языковая личность, языковая картина мира, чувство языка, речевой опыт. Для научных работников, аспирантов, студентов и всех, кто интересуется вопросами психологических особенностей речевой деятельности.СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Предисловие 4; Часть 1. Язык и мир. Речь и личность 6; Засекина Л. В. Интеллект личности в зеркале психолингвистики 6; Засекин С. В. Язык в зеркале перевода: психолингвистическое исследование переводческих универсалий 25; Лавриненко А. Л. Когнитивно-мотивационные особенности языковой личности 53; Орап М. О. Психология речевого опыта личности 73; Савченко Е. В. Нарративный подход в исследовании индивидуального опыта на личностном уровне 94; Фомина Н. А. Соотношение различных свойств языковой личности и особенностей ее речевой деятельности 126; Часть 2. Психология языка, речи и речевой деятельности личности 148; Белык Т. Н. Психологические особености речевого имиджа личности 148; Дячук Н. В. Творческий потенциал будущего переводчика художественных текстов в его профессиональной деятельности 162; Крупыч С. О. Психологические проявления личности в речевой деятельности 176; Тарасюк И. В. Психологические основы речевой адаптации детей мигрантов 198; Шишкина К. Ю. Информационная безопасность личности в контексте психолингвистики 216; Часть 3. Психолингвистические исследования речи личности: норма-аномалия-патология 223; Василюк О. П. Психолингвистические средства реорганизации травматической памяти личности 223; Соловей О. А. Речевая деятельность детей с синдромом дефицита внимания и гиперактивности 244; Тригуб Г. В. Психологические основы овладения иностранным языком младшими школьниками с ведущей левой рукой 268; Об авторах 288

    Avian W and mammalian Y chromosomes convergently retained dosage-sensitive regulators

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    After birds diverged from mammals, different ancestral autosomes evolved into sex chromosomes in each lineage. In birds, females are ZW and males are ZZ, but in mammals females are XX and males are XY. We sequenced the chicken W chromosome, compared its gene content with our reconstruction of the ancestral autosomes, and followed the evolutionary trajectory of ancestral W-linked genes across birds. Avian W chromosomes evolved in parallel with mammalian Y chromosomes, preserving ancestral genes through selection to maintain the dosage of broadly expressed regulators of key cellular processes. We propose that, like the human Y chromosome, the chicken W chromosome is essential for embryonic viability of the heterogametic sex. Unlike other sequenced sex chromosomes, the chicken W chromosome did not acquire and amplify genes specifically expressed in reproductive tissues. We speculate that the pressures that drive the acquisition of reproduction-related genes on sex chromosomes may be specific to the male germ line

    Selected Exotic Options as Innovative Tools That Protect Against Currency Risk

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    Przedmiotem rozważań artykułu są innowacyjne narzędzia finansowe, do których zalicza się niestandardowe opcje walutowe. Wychodząc z założenia, że innowacja jest szczególnym rodzajem współczesnej działalności międzynarodowej, podmioty gospodarcze są zmuszone do poszukiwania innowacyjnych rozwiązań w zarządzaniu ryzykiem. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie skuteczności opcji niestandardowych jako narzędzi do budowania strategii osłaniających przed ryzykiem walutowym. Praktyczne zastosowanie rekomendowanych strategii pokazano na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa BASMAC. Podmiot ten, z uwagi na kontrakty handlowe rozliczane w euro, narażony jest na wahania kursu walutowego, dlatego poszukuje innowacyjnych rozwiązań zabezpieczających własne interesy przed stratą finansową na skutek działania ryzyka kursowego.Innovative financial instruments (which include exotic currency options) are under consideration in this article. Assuming that innovation is a special kind of contemporary international activities, economic operators are forced to seek innovative solutions in the risk management. In this article attention has been focused on custom options as the basis for building a strategy protecting against currency risk. Practical application of the recommended strategy is shown on the example of the company Basmac. This entity is exposed to exchange rate fluctuations because its commercial contracts are settled in euro. So it is looking for innovative solutions to safeguard its own interests against financial loss due to the action of the exchange rate risk

    Study of the Impact of Changes in the Acid-Base Buffering Capacity of Surface Sod-Podzolic Soils

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    The results of scientific research aimed at studying the impact of land use on the acid–base buffering capacity of gleyed sod–podzolic soils in the Carpathian region were analyzed. The transformation of these indicators was investigated using a comprehensive approach that encompasses the influence of various factors, such as agrotechnological methods and atmospheric precipitation, on the acidity and alkalinity parameters of soil solution. The research results confirm a significant influence of these factors on the acid–base characteristics, emphasizing the need for the development of a scientifically grounded approach to managing fertility and stability of the soil environment in agricultural ecosystems of the Carpathians. The study opens perspectives for optimizing agrotechnologies and developing effective measures for the rational use of soil resources in this region

    Heterochromatin drives compartmentalization of inverted and conventional nuclei

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    The nucleus of mammalian cells displays a distinct spatial segregation of active euchromatic and inactive heterochromatic regions of the genome(1,2). In conventional nuclei, microscopy shows that euchromatin is localized in the nuclear interior and heterochromatin at the nuclear periphery(1,2). Genome-wide chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) analyses show this segregation as a plaid pattern of contact enrichment within euchromatin and heterochromatin compartments(3), and depletion between them. Many mechanisms for the formation of compartments have been proposed, such as attraction of heterochromatin to the nuclear lamina(2,4), preferential attraction of similar chromatin to each other(1,4-12), higher levels of chromatin mobility in active chromatin(13-15) and transcription-related clustering of euchromatin(16,17). However, these hypotheses have remained inconclusive, owing to the difficulty of disentangling intra-chromatin and chromatin-lamina interactions in conventional nuclei(18). The marked reorganization of interphase chromosomes in the inverted nuclei of rods in nocturnal mammals(19,20) provides an opportunity to elucidate the mechanisms that underlie spatial compartmentalization. Here we combine Hi-C analysis of inverted rod nuclei with microscopy and polymer simulations. We find that attractions between heterochromatic regions are crucial for establishing both compartmentalization and the concentric shells of pericentromeric heterochromatin, facultative heterochromatin and euchromatin in the inverted nucleus. When interactions between heterochromatin and the lamina are added, the same model recreates the conventional nuclear organization. In addition, our models allow us to rule out mechanisms of compartmentalization that involve strong euchromatin interactions. Together, our experiments and modelling suggest that attractions between heterochromatic regions are essential for the phase separation of the active and inactive genome in inverted and conventional nuclei, whereas interactions of the chromatin with the lamina are necessary to build the conventional architecture from these segregated phases

    Training primary health care providers in Colombia, Mexico and Peru to increase alcohol screening:: Mixed-methods process evaluation of implementation strategy

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    Initial results from the SCALA study demonstrated that training primary health care providers is an effective implementation strategy to increase alcohol screening in Colombia, Mexico and Peru, but did not show evidence of superior performance for the standard compared to the shorter training arm. This paper elaborates on those outcomes by examining the relationship of training-related process evaluation indicators with the alcohol screening practice

    Représentations du sens linguistique 5

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    National audienceCe volume propose une sélection des contributions présentées à la cinquième édition de la conférence internationale Représentations du sens linguistique, qui s'est tenue à Chambéry du 25 au 27 mai 2011.L'objectif de ces rencontres est de réunir, à la lumière des études existantes, des propositions testables sur la nature du sens linguistique, qui avancent des explications d'une question empirique bien définie, à partir d'outils notionnels pouvant être utilisés dans différents cadres théoriques. On contribue ainsi à répondre aux questions de la nature des représentations sémantiques, des régularités dont elles rendent compte. Ces réponses éclairent la question de la nature des contraintes et représentations que doit intérioriser un locuteur pour maîtriser les différents aspects relevant de la sémantique d'une langue et du langage