278 research outputs found

    La acreditación como modelo de gestión de la calidad: un análisis de su incorporación como tecnología administrativa. El caso de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas

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    El Tratado Trilateral de Libre Comercio (TLC), así como los acuerdos establecidos con gran número de naciones, han generado en nuestro país fuertes repercusiones en el ámbito de la educación superior, lo que ha conducido a las instituciones a explorar nuevas estrategias para formar a sus estudiantes y académicos con bases de homologación en el contexto internacional. En este marco, el tema de la acreditación ha adquirido relevancia entre docentes, investigadores y responsables de las decisiones en el campo educativo. La acreditación como modelo de gestión de la calidad es un proceso de evaluación de la calidad de programas de estudio que parte de la premisa, de contribuir favorablemente a la mejora del ejercicio profesional, mediante el aumento de la calidad académica de las instituciones de educación superior y de sus planes y programas. En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de su incorporación como “tecnología administrativa” en la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (UNACH). El estudio se abordó desde la perspectiva de la tradición fenomenológica, con instrumentos cualitativos y cuantitativos, a partir del análisis del clima organizacional, mediante la exploración de las dimensiones internas del desempeño laboral de sus miembros e integrando al análisis las dimensiones del contexto de la organización: institución educativa, políticas públicas y modelo de gestión. Los resultados sugieren que la incorporación del modelo de gestión de la calidad (acreditación) como tecnología administrativa, se centra fundamentalmente en los rasgos socioculturales y de personalidad del sujeto y que su diseño y el contexto organizacional desempeñan un papel importante en su implementación.The North American Free Trade Agreement (TLC, Spanish initials; NAFTA, English initials) as well as many established agreements with other countries, have generated strong repercussions in the high superior academic education in Mexico, which makes institutions to explore new strategies in order to give students and academicians endorsements basis in the international context. With this frame, the accreditation subject has become relevant to teachers, researchers and people, who make decisions in the educational field, The accreditation as Quality Management Model is an evaluation process of the study of quality programs, trying to significantly contribute in a better professional exercise, through the increase of the high superior academic education quality, plans, and programs. This report proposes an analysis of incorporating the “administrative technology” in the UNACH Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny Faculty. The study was taken place from the perspective of the Phenomenological Tradition, with quantity-quality instruments, with respect of the analysis of the organizational environment, exploring internal dimensions of members’ working labor performance and integrating the organizational context dimensions to the analysis: educational institution, public politics, and negotiating model. Results suggest that the incorporation of the Quality Management Model (accreditation) as an administrative technology is fundamentally focused on socio-cultural and individual features of a person, and the design and the organizational context get a very significant role in implementation

    Effects of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) severity on durum wheat cultivars

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    Powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis, is an important disease of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) in Mediterranean conditions. In 1999, the environmental conditions were very favourable for the development of the disease in the South of Spain and the mycelium of the pathogen was evident from February to May in almost all the durum wheat cultivars sown by Agrovegetal S.A. in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) and Escacena del Campo (Huelva). The cultivars showed a large variation in disease severity in the field, ranging from 0 to 70%, with different values in each repetition of the same place due to the spatial irregularity of the inoculum. The yield data collected in each plot of the same cultivar in Escacena del Campo is highly correlated with his final disease severity. In Jerez de la Frontera the yield ranking of varieties is also correlated with their powdery mildew severity. We have not observed other pathogens nor environmental irregularities in the field trials, and we concluded that the reductions in grain yield are mainly caused by powdery mildew.“Effets de la sévérité de l’oïdium (Blumeria graminis) sur les cultivars de blé dur”. L’oïdium est une importante maladie du blé dur (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) en conditions méditerranéennes causée par Blumeria graminis. Pendant l’année 1999 les conditions environnementales ont été très favorables pour le développment de la maladie dans le sud de l’Espagne, et le mycélium du champignon a été évident de février jusqu’au mois de mai sur pratiquement la totalité des variétés essayées par Agrovegetal S.A. à Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) et Escacena del Campo (Huelva). On a trouvé dans le champ des grandes variations dans le niveau de sévérité de chaque variété, de 0% jusqu’à 70%, avec des différences entre les valeurs de chaque répétition dans le même lieu dû à l’irrégularité spatiale dans la quantité d’inoculum. Le rendement de chaque parcelle de la même variété récoltée à Escacena del Campo est hautement corrélé avec la sévérité de l’oïdium. A Jerez de la Frontera, le rendement moyen des variétés aussi est corrélé avec sa sévérité moyenne. On n’a pas observé d’autres pathogènes ni des irrégularités dans les essais, donc on peut conclure que les réductions de production de grain ont été dues principalement à l’oïdium

    DC-Voltage-Ratio Control Strategy for Multilevel Cascaded Converters Fed With a Single DC Source

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    Recently, a multilevel cascaded converter fed with a single DC source has been presented. An analysis of the steady-state working limits of this type of converter is presented in this paper. Limits of the maximum output voltage and the minimum and maximum loading conditions for stable operation of the converter are addressed. In this paper, a way to achieve any DC voltage ratio (inside the stable operation area of the converter) between the H-bridges of the single-DC-source cascaded H-bridge converter is presented. The proposed DC-voltage-ratio control is based on a time-domain modulation strategy that avoids the use of inappropriate states to achieve the DC-voltage-ratio control. The proposed technique is a feedforward-modulation technique which takes into account the actual DC voltage of each H-bridge of the converter, leading to output waveforms with low distortion. In this way, the dc voltage of the floating H-bridge can be controlled while the output voltage has low distortion independently of the desired DC voltage ratio. Experimental results from a two-cell cascaded converter are presented in order to validate the proposed DC-voltage-ratio control strategy and the introduced concepts.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TEC2006-03863Junta de Andalucía EXC/2005/TIC-117

    Adaptive Vectorial Filter for Grid Synchronization of Power Converters Under Unbalanced and/or Distorted Grid Conditions

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    This paper presents a new synchronization scheme for detecting multiple positive-/negative-sequence frequency harmonics in three-phase systems for grid-connected power converters. The proposed technique is called MAVF-FLL because it is based on the use of multiple adaptive vectorial filters (AVFs) working together inside a harmonic decoupling network, resting on a frequency-locked loop (FLL) which makes the system frequency adaptive. The method uses the vectorial properties of the three-phase input signal in the αβ reference frame in order to obtain the different harmonic components. The MAVF-FLL is fully designed and analyzed, addressing the tuning procedure in order to obtain the desired and predefined performance. The proposed algorithm is evaluated by both simulation and experimental results, demonstrating its ability to perform as required for detecting different harmonic components under a highly unbalanced and distorted input grid voltage

    Feed-forward Space Vector Modulation for Single-Phase Multilevel Cascade Converters with any DC voltage ratio

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    Modulation techniques for multilevel converters can create distorted output voltages and currents if the DC link voltages are unbalanced. This situation can be avoided if the instantaneous DC voltage error is not taken into account in the modulation process. This paper proposes a feed-forward space vector modulation method for a single-phase multilevel cascade converter. Using this modulation technique, the modulated output voltage of the power converter always generates the reference determined by the controller even in worst case voltage unbalance conditions. In addition the possibility of optimizing the DC voltage ratio between the H-bridges of the power converter is introduced. Experimental results from a 5kVA prototype are presented in order to validate the proposed modulation technique

    First report of Paelopatides (Synallactida, Synallactidae) for the SW Atlantic, with description of a new species from the deep-sea off Argentina

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    The present study describes a new species, Paelopatides shumel n. sp., from Argentinian deep-sea waters. This is the first report of the order Synallactida for Argentina, the fifth for southern hemisphere and the deepest report for the Argentinian holothuroid fauna (almost 3000 m). The species has up to 330 mm length, light brown color and around 19 pairs of dorsal appendages. The ventral side has one ventral ambulacra, with two rows of tube feet. Ossicles are present in dorsal appendages, tube feet, tentacles and body wall near the anus, and are mainly crosses, tables and rods-shaped. The depth at which P. shumel n. sp. has been found is occupied by the North Atlantic Deep Water current. This association with North Atlantic waters could be related with the occurrence of members of Paelopatides in the North Atlantic.Fil: Martinez, Mariano Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Solís Marín, Francisco A.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Penchaszadeh, Pablo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentin

    Benthodytes violeta, a new species of a deep-sea holothuroid (Elasipodida: Psychropotidae) from Mar del Plata Canyon (south-western Atlantic Ocean)

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    A new species of elasipodid holothuroid, Benthodytes violeta sp. nov., is described from the Mar del Plata Canyon off Buenos Aires Province (around 38ºS–54ºW). It was taken at four locations at depths ranging from 1500 to 1950 m. This new species has a violet gelatinous body of up to 200 mm in length, with eight pairs of dorsal appendages, lateral festooned edges and four rows of tube feet ventrally. Body wall ossicles comprise rods and crosses with three or four arms and a central bipartite apophysis borne on the primary cross; tentacles and gonad deposits comprise rods and crosses with three and four arms. This is the first report of a holothuroid from the Mar del Plata Canyon area.Fil: Martinez, Mariano Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Solís Marín, Francisco Alonso. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Penchaszadeh, Pablo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentin

    Wheat rust evolution in Spain: an historical review

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    Rusts are important wheat diseases worldwide. The three rust diseases of wheat are yellow rust, leaf rust and stem rust, and each has characteristic features. The Guadalquivir valley in the south–west and Girona in the north–east are the areas Spain most affected by these diseases. Key factors for understanding the history of wheat rust epidemics in Spain are historical weather records in the rust–prone areas and characterization of rust resistance in historical varieties currently preserved in seed banks. These diseases in Spain have been of moderate importance, with stem rust being the most significant disease. During the second half of the 20th century several major epidemics occurred. In 1958 and 1978 severe outbreaks of yellow rust occurred in the Guadalquivir valley. These were probably associated with crop intensification, especially a large number of host landraces replaced by just a few cultivars, as well as immigration of external pathogen inoculum. From the early 1970s, CIMMYT elite cultivars arrived in Spain. These possessed good resistance to leaf and stem rust (Sr2), and had early heading dates. Subsequently, stem rust severity rapidly decreased in Spanish fields, but leaf rust epidemics became frequent during 1998–2008 on durum wheat in south–west Spain. In 2013, races virulent on Lr14a gene were first reported in Spain, but they did not result in disease epidemics. In 2012–16 yellow rust epidemics were recorded at many locations due to incursion of the ‘Warrior’ race. Despite the availability of effective fungicides and resistant cultivars to manage the three rust diseases, these diseases continue to threaten wheat production in Spain. In 2016, stem rust caused epidemics on durum wheat in Sicily (Italy), which has similar climatic conditions to those found in the south and east of Spain. Alert systems and international co-operation are needed to characterize the resistance of cultivars, and to monitor the movement and virulence of the wheat rust fungi.Fundación de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla PRJ201702960Fundación de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla PRJ20160271

    A novel space-vector algorithm for multilevel converters based on geometrical considerations using a new sequence control technique

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    his paper presents a fast and simple space vector modulation algorithm for voltage source multilevel converters for calculating the switching times and the space vectors using simple geometrical considerations. This method provides the nearest switching vectors sequence to the reference vector and calculates the on-state durations of the respective switching state vectors without involving trigonometric functions, look-up tables or coordinate system transformations which increase the computational load corresponding to the modulation of a multilevel converter. The low computational cost of the proposed method is always the same and it is independent of the number of levels of the converter. In addition, a new switching sequence control technique is presented for reducing the ripple of the DC-link voltage approximately in 66%

    Wheat rust evolution in Spain: an historical review

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    Rusts are important wheat diseases worldwide. The three rust diseases of wheat are yellow rust, leaf rust and stem rust, and each has characteristic features. The Guadalquivir valley in the south–west and Girona in the north–east are the areas Spain most affected by these diseases. Key factors for understanding the history of wheat rust epidemics in Spain are historical weather records in the rust–prone areas and characterization of rust resistance in historical varieties currently preserved in seed banks. These diseases in Spain have been of moderate importance, with stem rust being the most significant disease. During the second half of the 20th century several major epidemics occurred. In 1958 and 1978 severe outbreaks of yellow rust occurred in the Guadalquivir valley. These were probably associated with crop intensification, especially a large number of host landraces replaced by just a few cultivars, as well as immigration of external pathogen inoculum. From the early 1970s, CIMMYT elite cultivars arrived in Spain. These possessed good resistance to leaf and stem rust (Sr2), and had early heading dates. Subsequently, stem rust severity rapidly decreased in Spanish fields, but leaf rust epidemics became frequent during 1998–2008 on durum wheat in south–west Spain. In 2013, races virulent on Lr14a gene were first reported in Spain, but they did not result in disease epidemics. In 2012–16 yellow rust epidemics were recorded at many locations due to incursion of the ‘Warrior’ race. Despite the availability of effective fungicides and resistant cultivars to manage the three rust diseases, these diseases continue to threaten wheat production in Spain. In 2016, stem rust caused epidemics on durum wheat in Sicily (Italy), which has similar climatic conditions to those found in the south and east of Spain. Alert systems and international co-operation are needed to characterize the resistance of cultivars, and to monitor the movement and virulence of the wheat rust fungi