4 research outputs found

    Genome-wide association study of placental weight identifies distinct and shared genetic influences between placental and fetal growth

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this record. Data availability: Individual cohorts contributing to the meta-analysis should be contacted directly as each cohort has different data access policies. GWAS summary statistics from this study are available via the EGG website (https://egg-consortium.org/placental-weight-2023.html, https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/), as well as the GWAS catalog (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/, accession numbers GCST90275189, GCST90275190, GCST90275191, GCST90275192, GCST90275193, GCST90275194, GCST90275195, GCST90275196, GCST90275197, GCST90275198, GCST90275199). Access to personal-level information from Gen3G (including methylation array data) is subject to controlled access according to participants’ consent concerning sharing of personal data. Request for conditions of access and for data access should be addressed to Center Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke institutional ethics committee: [email protected] availability: Analysis code is available from https://github.com/EarlyGrowthGenetics/placental_weight_codeA well-functioning placenta is essential for fetal and maternal health throughout pregnancy. Using placental weight as a proxy for placental growth, we report genome-wide association analyses in the fetal (n = 65,405), maternal (n = 61,228) and paternal (n = 52,392) genomes, yielding 40 independent association signals. Twenty-six signals are classified as fetal, four maternal and three fetal and maternal. A maternal parent-of-origin effect is seen near KCNQ1. Genetic correlation and colocalization analyses reveal overlap with birth weight genetics, but 12 loci are classified as predominantly or only affecting placental weight, with connections to placental development and morphology, and transport of antibodies and amino acids. Mendelian randomization analyses indicate that fetal genetically mediated higher placental weight is causally associated with preeclampsia risk and shorter gestational duration. Moreover, these analyses support the role of fetal insulin in regulating placental weight, providing a key link between fetal and placental growth.Wellcome Trus

    Genetic effects on the timing of parturition and links to fetal birth weight.

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    This is the final version. Available from Nature Research via the DOI in this record. Data availability: Cohorts should be contacted individually for access to raw genotype and phenotype data, as each cohort has different data access policies. Summary statistics from the meta-analysis, excluding 23andMe, are available at the EGG website (https://egg-consortium.org/), and access to the weights for constructing the polygenic score of gestational duration excluding 23andMe are available at the PGS Catalog (https://www.pgscatalog.org/, score ID: PGS002806). Access to the full set, including 23andMe results, can be obtained after approval from 23andMe is presented to the corresponding author or by completion of a Data Transfer Agreement (https://research.23andme.com/dataset-access/), which exists to protect the privacy of 23andMe participants. Access to the Danish National Birth Cohort (phs000103.v1.p1), Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (phs000096.v4.p1) and Genomic and Proteomic Network (phs000714.v1.p1) individual-level phenotype and genetic data can be obtained through dbGaP Authorized Access portal (https://dbgap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/dbgap/aa/wga.cgi?page=login). The informed consent under which the data or samples were collected is the basis for determining the appropriateness of sharing data through unrestricted-access databases or NIH-designated controlled-access data repositories. The summary statistics used in this publication other than the one generated are available at the following links: fetal GWAS of gestational duration (http://egg-consortium.org/gestational-duration-2019.html), fetal and maternal GWAS of birth weight (http://egg-consortium.org/birth-weight-2019.html), miscarriage (http://www.geenivaramu.ee/tools/misc_sumstats.zip), age at first birth, estradiol (women), endometriosis, number of live births and age at menarche (http://www.nealelab.is), age at menopause (https://www.reprogen.org), testosterone (women)58, SHBG, testosterone and CBAT (https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5304500.v1), pelvic organ prolapse and leiomyoma of the uterus (https://www.finngen.fi/fi), polycystic ovary syndrome (https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/283491 and https://www.finngen.fi/fi) and pre-eclampsia (European Genome-phenome Archive, https://ega-archive.org, EGAD00010001984). Pan-UK Biobank data are available at https://pan.ukbb.broadinstitute.org/. Precomputed LD scores for European populations (https://data.broadinstitute.org/alkesgroup/LDSCORE/eur_w_ld_chr.tar.bz2) and multi-tissue gene expression precomputed stratified LD scores (https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/LDSC_SEG_ldscores/Multi_tissue_gene_expr_1000Gv3_ldscores.tgz) are available. eQTL data from GTEx are available at https://gtexportal.org/home/ and from endometrium at http://reproductivegenomics.com.au/shiny/endo_eqtl_rna/. Protein QTL data were obtained from https://www.omicscience.org/apps/pgwas/. Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 37 (hg19) available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/data-hub/genome/GCF_000001405.13/.Code availability: Code for this project has been structured using a Snakemake workflow65 and is available at https://github.com/PerinatalLab/metaGWAS. A public release of it has been deposited in Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7311977).The timing of parturition is crucial for neonatal survival and infant health. Yet, its genetic basis remains largely unresolved. We present a maternal genome-wide meta-analysis of gestational duration (n = 195,555), identifying 22 associated loci (24 independent variants) and an enrichment in genes differentially expressed during labor. A meta-analysis of preterm delivery (18,797 cases, 260,246 controls) revealed six associated loci and large genetic similarities with gestational duration. Analysis of the parental transmitted and nontransmitted alleles (n = 136,833) shows that 15 of the gestational duration genetic variants act through the maternal genome, whereas 7 act both through the maternal and fetal genomes and 2 act only via the fetal genome. Finally, the maternal effects on gestational duration show signs of antagonistic pleiotropy with the fetal effects on birth weight: maternal alleles that increase gestational duration have negative fetal effects on birth weight. The present study provides insights into the genetic effects on the timing of parturition and the complex maternal-fetal relationship between gestational duration and birth weight.Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Research CouncilResearch Council of NorwayResearch Council of NorwayMarch of Dimesunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Of Child Health & Human Development of the National Institutes of HealthNorwegian Diabetes AssociationNils Normans minnegaveNorwegian Research CouncilMedical Research CouncilBritish Heart FoundationResearch Council of NorwayBritish Heart FoundationDaniel B. Burke Chair for Diabetes Research and NIHCHOPEuropean Regional Development Fund and the programme Mobilitas PlussWellcome Trust and Royal Society Sir Henry Dale FellowshipWellcome TrustOak FoundationFonds de la recherche du Québec en santéUS National Institutes of HealthNovo Nordisk FoundationNovo Nordisk FoundationNovo Nordisk Foundatio

    Genetic effects on the timing of parturition and links to fetal birth weight

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    The timing of parturition is crucial for neonatal survival and infant health. Yet, its genetic basis remains largely unresolved. We present a maternal genome-wide meta-analysis of gestational duration (n = 195,555), identifying 22 associated loci (24 independent variants) and an enrichment in genes differentially expressed during labor. A meta-analysis of preterm delivery (18,797 cases, 260,246 controls) revealed six associated loci and large genetic similarities with gestational duration. Analysis of the parental transmitted and nontransmitted alleles (n = 136,833) shows that 15 of the gestational duration genetic variants act through the maternal genome, whereas 7 act both through the maternal and fetal genomes and 2 act only via the fetal genome. Finally, the maternal effects on gestational duration show signs of antagonistic pleiotropy with the fetal effects on birth weight: maternal alleles that increase gestational duration have negative fetal effects on birth weight. The present study provides insights into the genetic effects on the timing of parturition and the complex maternal-fetal relationship between gestational duration and birth weight.Maternal genome-wide analyses identify variants associated with gestational duration and preterm delivery. Maternal alleles positively associated with gestational duration exhibit negative fetal effects on birth weight, likely reflecting antagonistic pleiotropy.Peer reviewe