507 research outputs found

    The Godly Sheikh Khaleel Bin Muhammed Al-Fayadh: His Educational Efforts in Social Reform

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    Since its founding, Fallujah has been marked by virtue and generosity. It was possesses a brilliant history and is widely known for its great contribution to education, such as the Asfiya school. This school is a vital cornerstone in the construction and propagation of the nation’s religion. The School alumni can be found throughout much of the globe. They are admitted to Al-Azhar without need for curricular clearance. This school has adopted a scientific educational approach, unmatched among today's schools, which has made it a permanent and continued success. Despite the small size of the student body, Al-Asifiya students are of exceptional quality. This conference is organized to revive the glorious history of the land of Mesopotamia from the district of Fallujah. The intellectual wheel in Fallujah has remained a resilient one. Whenever a setback happens to the intellectual and civic life, it is followed by a stronger regenerative movement, and a scientific renaissance that dust itself off and renew its glory. One of the best examples of this is the reopening of the Al-Asifia School, led by an excellent staff of outstanding teachers. One of these is the pious Khaleel Bin Muhammed Bin Abdullah Al-Fayadh, well-known for his good morals, easygoing character, educational experience and wisdom in Islam advocacy and Guiding. He led a celebrated life in Al-Asifiyah with its leading guardian Sheikh Abdulazeez Al-Samarrai, the knowledge agent in Anbar Province. Sheikh Fayadh is the Sheikh of Al-Asifiyah, he learnt from Sheikh Abdulazeez a variety of religious, narrated, and mental studies. He was licensed and publicly authorized to take over the administration of the school following Al-Samarrai. Al-Fayadh obtained the respect and a lofty position among the Fallujan community. Keywords: Scientist, community reform, educational efforts, Sheikh Khalil, Mohammed Faya

    Improving Web Page Readability by Plain Language

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    In today's world anybody who wants to access any information the first choice is to use the web because it is the only source to provide easy and instant access to information. However web readers face many hurdles from web which includes load of web pages, text size, finding related information, spelling and grammar etc. However understanding of web pages written in English language creates great problems for non native readers who have basic knowledge of English. In this paper, we propose a plain language for a local language (Urdu) using English alphabets for web pages in Pakistan. For this purpose we developed two websites, one with a normal English fonts and other in a local language text scheme using English alphabets. We also conducted a questionnaire from 40 different users with a different level of English language fluency in Pakistan to gain the evidence of the practicality of our approach. The result shows that the proposed plain language text scheme using English alphabets improved the reading comprehension for non native English speakers in Pakistan

    Evidence that conflict regarding size of haemodynamic response to interventricular delay optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy may arise from differences in how atrioventricular delay is kept constant.

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    Aims: Whether adjusting interventricular (VV) delay changes haemodynamic efficacy of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is controversial, with conflicting results. This study addresses whether the convention for keeping atrioventricular (AV) delay constant during VV optimization might explain these conflicts. / Method and results: Twenty-two patients in sinus rhythm with existing CRT underwent VV optimization using non-invasive systolic blood pressure. Interventricular optimization was performed with four methods for keeping the AV delay constant: (i) atrium and left ventricle delay kept constant, (ii) atrium and right ventricle delay kept constant, (iii) time to the first-activated ventricle kept constant, and (iv) time to the second-activated ventricle kept constant. In 11 patients this was performed with AV delay of 120 ms, and in 11 at AV optimum. At AV 120 ms, time to the first ventricular lead (left or right) was the overwhelming determinant of haemodynamics (13.75 mmHg at ±80 ms, P < 0.001) with no significant effect of time to second lead (0.47 mmHg, P = 0.50), P < 0.001 for difference. At AV optimum, time to first ventricular lead again had a larger effect (5.03 mmHg, P < 0.001) than time to second (2.92 mmHg, P = 0.001), P = 0.02 for difference. / Conclusion: Time to first ventricular activation is the overwhelming determinant of circulatory function, regardless of whether this is the left or right ventricular lead. If this is kept constant, the effect of changing time to the second ventricle is small or nil, and is not beneficial. In practice, it may be advisable to leave VV delay at zero. Specifying how AV delay is kept fixed might make future VV delay research more enlightening

    Web readability factors affecting users of all ages

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    With the increase in the growth of internet since 1990 WorldWide Web have gained a worldwide popularity.Web has become an ultimate source of information throughout the world. The web has been a source of information, knowledge, entertainment and carrying out different tasks such as online shopping, reservation etc. Every one finds ways to the web due to easiness of access and the bulk of information that has been available so ways to make web more attractive and easy to interact with has been an issue under discussion since its inception. In this paper we have focused how to make a webpage more usable for different age group in terms of readability. We have focused on eight eternal readability factors i.e. color contrast, white space, line spacing, font style, font size, text width, headings, graphics and animation. These eight factors are compared that how different age group people behave with the web applications by varying these eight factors. Based on literature review we have proposed an idea that how to make web more readable for people of different age groups e.g. children, teenagers and old /senior users

    Demographics Factors and Perception of Brand Consciousness: A Cross-Sectional Study of Basic Clothing Brands in Karachi Pakistan

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the purchasing power of Pakistani consumers and to recognize the key elements of branding conditions that affect consumers' buying habits against the latest fashion items. The aim of the study is to identify the importance of clothing brands according to demographic factors, including gender, income, age, and education. We applieddescriptive analysis; chi-square and correlation test were used to analyze the collected sample size of 500 surveyed real-time shoppers selected through non-probability convenience sampling bases from 40 different malls and outlets which are selected through randomly. A research questionnaire was prepared to determine the demographic factors and branded clothes preferences that have an impact on Pakistani consumer’s choices.The study concluded that the demographic factor age hasa significant association with preferences of branded clothes. The demographic factors such as gender, income, and education have an insignificant association with preferences of branded clothes. The results revealed that more or less 50% respondent of all age groups agreed that brand is quite important while considering and purchasing clothes. Strong brand preferences of age group between 18-25(17%), followed by 36-45 (14%), 26-35 (13%), 46 years and above almost 10%. The correlation results concluded that the preferences of branded clothes significantly correlates with price and reference group whereas insignificantly relates with retailer efforts and promotional incentives.We further concluded that age is the vital demographic indicator for stitched garment marketers as well as reference group and price must be considered because both variables are positive and significant influences on branded clothes preferences according to our research findings. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/9-6-02 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Colour Image Reproduction for 3D Printing Facial Prostheses

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    In this chapter, using colour 3D printing technology, a 3D colour image reproduction system is detailed for the semi-automated and accurate additive manufacturing of facial soft tissue prostheses. A protocol for 3D colour image reproduction was designed based on the six steps of processing. For this specific application, protocols for each sub‐process required development and details of each technique applied are discussed. The quality of facial prostheses was evaluated through objective measurement and subjective assessment. The results demonstrated that the proposed colour reproduction system can be effectively used to produce accurate skin colour with fine textures over a 3D shape, with significant savings in both time and cost when compared to traditional techniques

    Islamic Law and Sustainable Development Goals

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    This study aims to analyze Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) prescribed by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) under Islamic Law. This paper is qualitative method of research analyzing SDGs under verses of Holy Qur'an and traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This study found that what SDGs ask member states to do has been prescribed in Holy Qur'an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ way back 1400 years ago and demanded by Almighty Allah and the last Prophet Muhammad ﷺ for eradication of poverty, hunger, malnutrition etc. Islamic law prohibits usury, gambling, uncertainty and other illegal activities to protect poor people of the society against rich landlords. Therefore, member states are required to follow SDGs to achieve peace, harmony and economic growth for betterment of humanity which is also a duty under verses of Holy Qur'an and traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to achieve success in this world and in the hereafter

    Consumer Demographics and Self-Medication: A Cross-Sectional Study of Karachi City in Pakistan

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    The purpose of this study is to find the statistical relationship between self-medication and demographic characteristics. A cross-sectional study was conducted in the local settings of Karachi. A total of 210 individuals participated in the study. The data was collected through self-administered questionnaire. SPSS.20 was used for data analysis. This software help in data management from above mentioned sources, and statistical analysis of the data. Chi-square and Phi and Cramer’s V test was used to measure attitude of consumer towards self medications. The study shows that 82% of the surveyed people practice self-medication, mostly for minor illnesses. The common reasons for self-medication as stated by the respondents are prior experience, convenience, and recommendation. The majority of the respondent regarded self-medication as an acceptable practice and a short-term cure to the illness. Finally, there is no statistical relationship between self-medication and demographic characteristics of the population. The sample size that has been taken is small. Thus it is possible that the results do not give the exact image of the population. Moreover, responses of the participants could be inaccurate, as participants may not have been able to correctly recall past events. Key    Words: Self-medication,        Over     the    Counter     medicines      (OTC),      Minor            illness, Prior  experience, Convenience. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-14-04 Publication date:May 31st 201

    An agent based architecture for cognitive spectrum management

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    In the recent years, wireless technologies and devices have progressed dramatically that has augmented the demand for electromagnetic spectrum. Some research work showed that spectrum access and provision to user is not possible due to shortage of spectrum but federal communication commission refused to accept this theory and indicated that the spectrum is available since most of the frequency bands are underutilized. In order to allow the use of these frequency bands without interference, cognitive radio was proposed that characterizes the growing intelligence of radio systems can adapt to the radio environment, allowing opportunistic usage and sharing with the existing uses of spectrum. To take this concept a step further, we propose to use intelligent agent for spectrum management in the context of cognitive radio in this paper. In our proposed architecture, agents are embedded in the radio devices that coordinate their operations to benefit from network and avoid interference with the primary user. Agents carry a set of modules to gather information about the terminal status and the radio environment and act accordingly to the constraints of the user application