247 research outputs found

    Staged Mucosal Advancement Flap versus Staged Fibrin Sealant in the Treatment of Complex Perianal Fistulas

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    Background. In this prospective randomised study, the staged mucosal advancement flap is compared with staged fibrin sealant application in the treatment of perianal fistulas. Methods. All patients with high complex cryptoglandular fistulas were randomised to closure of the internal opening by a mucosal advancement flap (MF) or injection with fibrin sealant (FS) after treatment with setons. Recurrence rate and incontinence disorders were explored. Results. The MF group (5 females and 10 males) with a median age of 51 years and a median followup of 52 months. The FS group (4 females and 11 males) with a median age of 45 years and a median followup of 49 months. Three (20%) patients of the MF group had a recurrent fistula compared to 9 (60%) of the FS group (P = 0.03). No new continence disorders developed. Conclusion. Staged FS injection has a much lower success rate compared to MF

    The Duodenum harbors a Broad Untapped Therapeutic Potential

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    The gastroenterologist, when performing an esophagogastroduodenoscopy, is the only medical care provider with easy access to the duodenum (Figure 1A). This simple fact is pivotal in this article that discusses why the duodenum has become such an important anatomic region of interest. Recent insights have revealed the critical physiologic and pathophysiologic role of the small bowel in metabolic homeostasis and its potential role as a driver of obesity, insulin resistance, and subsequent type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Although the other parts of the small bowel cannot be ignored when describing the potential mechanisms involved in the development of metabolic diseases and T2DM, the excellent endoscopic accessibility of the duodenum makes it a prime target for disease-modifying intervention

    Plasma acylcarnitine concentrations reflect the acylcarnitine profile in cardiac tissues

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    Funding Information: This study was supported by the Latvian National Research Program BIOMEDICINE. E. Liepinsh was supported by the FP7 project InnovaBalt [grant Nr. 316149]. We would like to thank Dr. Reinis Vilskersts and Gita Dambrova for help with the isolated skeletal muscle experiments. Publisher Copyright: © 2017 The Author(s).Increased plasma concentrations of acylcarnitines (ACs) are suggested as a marker of metabolism disorders. The aim of the present study was to clarify which tissues are responsible for changes in the AC pool in plasma. The concentrations of medium- and long-chain ACs were changing during the fed-fast cycle in rat heart, muscles and liver. After 60 min running exercise, AC content was increased in fasted mice muscles, but not in plasma or heart. After glucose bolus administration in fasted rats, the AC concentrations in plasma decreased after 30 min but then began to increase, while in the muscles and liver, the contents of medium- and long-chain ACs were unchanged or even increased. Only the heart showed a decrease in medium- and long-chain AC contents that was similar to that observed in plasma. In isolated rat heart, but not isolated-contracting mice muscles, the significant efflux of medium- and long-chain ACs was observed. The efflux was reduced by 40% after the addition of glucose and insulin to the perfusion solution. Overall, these results indicate that during fed-fast cycle shifting the heart determines the medium- and long-chain AC profile in plasma, due to a rapid response to the availability of circulating energy substrates.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Perceptions of quality across the maternal care continuum in the context of a health financing intervention: Evidence from a mixed methods study in rural Malawi

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    Background: In 2013, Malawi with its development partners introduced a Results-Based Financing for Maternal and Newborn Health (RBF4MNH) intervention to improve the quality of maternal and newborn health-care services. Financial incentives are awarded to health facilities conditional on their performance and to women for delivering in the health facility. We assessed the effect of the RBF4MNH on quality of care from women’s perspectives. Methods: We used a mixed-method prospective sequential controlled pre- and post-test design. We conducted 3060 structured client exit interviews, 36 in-depth interviews and 29 focus group discussions (FGDs) with women and 24 in-depth interviews with health service providers between 2013 and 2015. We used difference-in-differences regression models to measure the effect of the RBF4MNH on experiences and perceived quality of care. We used qualitative data to explore the matter more in depth. Results: We did not observe a statistically significant effect of the intervention on women’s perceptions of technical care, quality of amenities and interpersonal relations. However, in the qualitative interviews, most women reported improved health service provision as a result of the intervention. RBF4MNH increased the proportion of women reporting to have received medications/treatment during childbirth. Participants in interviews expressed that drugs, equipment and supplies were readily available due to the RBF4MNH. However, women also reported instances of neglect, disrespect and verbal abuse during the process of care. Providers attributed these negative instances to an increased workload resulting from an increased number of women seeking services at RBF4MNH facilities. Conclusion: Our qualitative findings suggest improvements in the availability of drugs and supplies due to RBF4MNH. Despite the intervention, challenges in the provision of quality care persisted, especially with regard to interpersonal relations. RBF interventions may need to consider including indicators that specifically target the provision of respectful maternity care as a means to foster providers’ positive attitudes towards women in labour. In parallel, governments should consider enhancing staff and infrastructural capacity before implementing RBF

    Laparoscopic fistula excision and omentoplasty for high rectovaginal fistulas: a prospective study of 40 patients

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    AIM: The aim of this study is to prospectively evaluate 40 patients with a high rectovaginal fistula treated by a laparoscopic fistula division and closure, followed by an omentoplasty. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty patients with a rectovaginal fistula, between the middle third of the rectum and the posterior vaginal fornix, resulting from different causes (IBD, iatrogenic and birth trauma) were treated by a laparoscopic excision of the fistula and insertion of an omentoplasty in the rectovaginal septum. The patients completed the gastrointestinal quality of life index questionnaire (GIQLI) and the Cleveland Clinic incontinence score (CCIS). All tests were performed at regular intervals after treatment. RESULTS: In 38 (95%) patients with a median age of 53 years (range 33-72), the surgical procedure was feasible. In two patients, the fistula was closed without an omentoplasty, and a diverting stoma was performed. The median follow-up was 28 months (range 10-35). Two patients (5%) developed a recurrent fistula. In one patient, the interposed omentum became necrotic and was successfully treated laparoscopically. In another patient, an abscess developed, which needed drainage procedures. The mean CCIS was 9 (range 7-10) before treatment and 10 (range 7-13) after treatment (p = 0.5 Wilcoxon). The median GIQLI score was 85 (range 34-129) before treatment and 120 (range75-142) after treatment (p = 0.0001, Wilcoxon). CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic fistula excision combined with omentoplasty is a good treatment modality with a high healing rate for high rectovaginal fistulas and an acceptable complication rate

    A realist evaluation of the management of a well- performing regional hospital in Ghana

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Realist evaluation offers an interesting approach to evaluation of interventions in complex settings, but has been little applied in health care. We report on a realist case study of a well performing hospital in Ghana and show how such a realist evaluation design can help to overcome the limited external validity of a traditional case study.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We developed a realist evaluation framework for hypothesis formulation, data collection, data analysis and synthesis of the findings. Focusing on the role of human resource management in hospital performance, we formulated our hypothesis around the high commitment management concept. Mixed methods were used in data collection, including individual and group interviews, observations and document reviews.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the human resource management approach (the actual intervention) included induction of new staff, training and personal development, good communication and information sharing, and decentralised decision-making. We identified 3 additional practices: ensuring optimal physical working conditions, access to top managers and managers' involvement on the work floor. Teamwork, recognition and trust emerged as key elements of the organisational climate. Interviewees reported high levels of organisational commitment. The analysis unearthed perceived organisational support and reciprocity as underlying mechanisms that link the management practices with commitment.</p> <p>Methodologically, we found that realist evaluation can be fruitfully used to develop detailed case studies that analyse how management interventions work and in which conditions. Analysing the links between intervention, mechanism and outcome increases the explaining power, while identification of essential context elements improves the usefulness of the findings for decision-makers in other settings (external validity). We also identified a number of practical difficulties and priorities for further methodological development.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case suggests that a well-balanced HRM bundle can stimulate organisational commitment of health workers. Such practices can be implemented even with narrow decision spaces. Realist evaluation provides an appropriate approach to increase the usefulness of case studies to managers and policymakers.</p

    Using targeted vouchers and health equity funds to improve access to skilled birth attendants for poor women: a case study in three rural health districts in Cambodia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In many developing countries, the maternal mortality ratio remains high with huge poor-rich inequalities. Programmes aimed at improving maternal health and preventing maternal mortality often fail to reach poor women. Vouchers in health and Health Equity Funds (HEFs) constitute a financial mechanism to improve access to priority health services for the poor. We assess their effectiveness in improving access to skilled birth attendants for poor women in three rural health districts in Cambodia and draw lessons for further improvement and scaling-up.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on utilisation of voucher and HEF schemes and on deliveries in public health facilities between 2006 and 2008 were extracted from the available database, reports and the routine health information system. Qualitative data were collected through focus group discussions and key informant interviews. We examined the trend of facility deliveries between 2006 and 2008 in the three health districts and compared this with the situation in other rural districts without voucher and HEF schemes. An operational analysis of the voucher scheme was carried out to assess its effectiveness at different stages of operation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Facility deliveries increased sharply from 16.3% of the expected number of births in 2006 to 44.9% in 2008 after the introduction of voucher and HEF schemes, not only for voucher and HEF beneficiaries, but also for self-paid deliveries. The increase was much more substantial than in comparable districts lacking voucher and HEF schemes. In 2008, voucher and HEF beneficiaries accounted for 40.6% of the expected number of births among the poor. We also outline several limitations of the voucher scheme.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Vouchers plus HEFs, if carefully designed and implemented, have a strong potential for reducing financial barriers and hence improving access to skilled birth attendants for poor women. To achieve their full potential, vouchers and HEFs require other interventions to ensure the supply of sufficient quality maternity services and to address other non-financial barriers to demand. If these conditions are met, voucher and HEF schemes can be further scaled up under close monitoring and evaluation.</p
