640 research outputs found

    Astrometric telescope facility. Preliminary systems definition study. Volume 3: Cost estimate

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    The results of the Astrometric Telescope Facility (ATF) Preliminary System Definition Study conducted in the period between March and September 1986 are described. The main body of the report consists primarily of the charts presented at the study final review which was held at NASA Ames Research Center on July 30 and 31, 1986. The charts have been revised to reflect the results of that review. Explanations for the charts are provided on the adjoining pages where required. Note that charts which have been changed or added since the review are dated 10/1/86; unchanged charts carry the review date 7/30/86. In addition, a narrative summary is presented of the study results and two appendices. The first appendix is a copy of the ATF Characteristics and Requirements Document generated as part of the study. The second appendix shows the inputs to the Space Station Mission Requirements Data Base submitted in May 1986. The report is issued in three volumes. Volume 1 contains an executive summary of the ATF mission, strawman design, and study results. Volume 2 contains the detailed study information. Volume 3 has the ATF cost estimate, and will have limited distribution

    Empirically Derived Integrated Stellar Yields of Fe-Peak Elements

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    We present here the initial results of a new study of massive star yields of Fe-peak elements. We have compiled from the literature a database of carefully determined solar neighborhood stellar abundances of seven iron-peak elements, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni and then plotted [X/Fe] versus [Fe/H] to study the trends as functions of metallicity. Chemical evolution models were then employed to force a fit to the observed trends by adjusting the input massive star metallicity-sensitive yields of Kobayashi et al. Our results suggest that yields of Ti, V, and Co are generally larger as well as anticorrelated with metallicity, in contrast to the Kobayashi et al. predictions. We also find the yields of Cr and Mn to be generally smaller and directly correlated with metallicity compared to the theoretical results. Our results for Ni are consistent with theory, although our model suggests that all Ni yields should be scaled up slightly. The outcome of this exercise is the computation of a set of integrated yields, i.e., stellar yields weighted by a slightly flattened time-independent Salpeter initial mass function and integrated over stellar mass, for each of the above elements at several metallicity points spanned by the broad range of observations. These results are designed to be used as empirical constraints on future iron-peak yield predictions by stellar evolution modelers. Special attention is paid to the interesting behavior of [Cr/Co] with metallicity -- these two elements have opposite slopes -- as well as the indirect correlation of [Ti/Fe] with [Fe/H]. These particular trends, as well as those exhibited by the inferred integrated yields of all iron-peak elements with metallicity, are discussed in terms of both supernova nucleosynthesis and atomic physics.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures; Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Astrometric Telescope Facility preliminary systems definition study. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    The Astrometric Telescope Facility (ATF) is a spaceborne observatory proposed for use on the Space Station (SS) as an Initial Operating Capability (IOC) payload. The primary objective of the ATF will be the search for extrasolar planetary systems and a detailed investigation of any discovered systems. In addition, it will have the capability of conducting other astrophysics investigations; e.g., measuring precise distances and motions of stars within our galaxy. The purposes of the study were to: (1) define mission and system requirements; (2) define a strawman system concept for the facility at the Prephase A level; (3) define the need for additional trade studies or technology development; and (4) estimate program cost for the strawman concept. It has been assumed for the study that the ATF will be a SS payload, will use a SS-provided Coarse Pointing System (CPS), will meet SS constraints, and will make maximum use of existing flight qualified designs or designs to be qualified by the SS program for general SS use

    Ba & Eu Abundances in M15 giant stars

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    To investigate the Ba and Eu abundances for a sample of 63 giant stars in the globular cluster M15. This is the largest sample of M15 giants stars for which Ba abundances have been determined and, due to the target selection of the original research programme, the Ba abundances are complete along the red giant branch. Stellar parameters were taken from the previous key study and a microturbulence-surface gravity relation was determined for precise measurement of the Ba line at 6496.898 Angstroms, which has a high sensitivity to microturbulence. Element abundances for Ba, La, Eu, Ca, Ni and Fe were calculated using spectrum synthesis and equivalent widths techniques. A bimodal distribution in Ba, Eu and La abundances was found within the sample. The low Ba,Eu,La mode had mean abundances of =-2.41+/-0.16, =-1.80+/-0.08 and =-2.19+/-0.13 while the high Ba,Eu,La mode had mean abundances of =-2.00+/-0.16, =-1.65+/-0.13 and =-1.95+/-0.11. Both modes are indicative of a pollution scenario dominated by the r-process, hence contributions from explosive nucleosynthesis of massive stars. There may be evidence of further enhancement by another heavy element process and of potential anticorrelations in Na-O for both modes indicating a complex formation and evolution history for M15.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Astronomic Telescope Facility: Preliminary systems definition study report. Volume 2: Technical description

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    The Astrometric Telescope Facility (AFT) is to be an earth-orbiting facility designed specifically to measure the change in relative position of stars. The primary science investigation for the facility will be the search for planets and planetary systems outside the solar system. In addition the facility will support astrophysics investigations dealing with the location or motions of stars. The science objective and facility capabilities for astrophysics investigations are discussed

    Understanding the Kepler Reaction Wheels & Satellite

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    Following the loss of two reaction wheels four years into its mission, the Kepler team was faced with reinventing an operational approach to continue to deliver compelling science using an unanticipated suite of actuators. Spacecraft thrusters were not designed for accurate pointing control, yet with only two reaction wheels, only two axes could be actively controlled. With solar pressure as the only disturbing force, and recognizing the innate symmetry of the spacecraft, the K2 mission points the spacecraft in the orbital plane for three months at a time, placing the antennas 90 from the earth. Mapping the solar balance ridge 70 M km from Earth, with limited communications and a reduced staff presented a significant operational challenge

    Performance considerations for the astrometric telescope facility on the phase 1 space station

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    The Astrometric Telescope Facility (ATF) is an optical telescope facility of extreme astrometric precision whose principle scientific purpose is the detection and study of planetary systems about nearby stars. With the recent change in the space station program to two phases, the suitability of initial operations from the phase 1 station need to be evaluated. This paper presents the results of such an evaluation for the Astrometric Telescope Facility

    Europium, Samarium, and Neodymium Isotopic Fractions in Metal-Poor Stars

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    We have derived isotopic fractions of europium, samarium, and neodymium in two metal-poor giants with differing neutron-capture nucleosynthetic histories. These isotopic fractions were measured from new high resolution (R ~ 120,000), high signal-to-noise (S/N ~ 160-1000) spectra obtained with the 2dCoude spectrograph of McDonald Observatory's 2.7m Smith telescope. Synthetic spectra were generated using recent high-precision laboratory measurements of hyperfine and isotopic subcomponents of several transitions of these elements and matched quantitatively to the observed spectra. We interpret our isotopic fractions by the nucleosynthesis predictions of the stellar model, which reproduces s-process nucleosynthesis from the physical conditions expected in low-mass, thermally-pulsing stars on the AGB, and the classical method, which approximates s-process nucleosynthesis by a steady neutron flux impinging upon Fe-peak seed nuclei. Our Eu isotopic fraction in HD 175305 is consistent with an r-process origin by the classical method and is consistent with either an r- or an s-process origin by the stellar model. Our Sm isotopic fraction in HD 175305 suggests a predominantly r-process origin, and our Sm isotopic fraction in HD 196944 is consistent with an s-process origin. The Nd isotopic fractions, while consistent with either r-process or s-process origins, have very little ability to distinguish between any physical values for the isotopic fraction in either star. This study for the first time extends the n-capture origin of multiple rare earths in metal-poor stars from elemental abundances to the isotopic level, strengthening the r-process interpretation for HD 175305 and the s-process interpretation for HD196944.Comment: 40 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Full versions of tables 4 and 5 are available from the first author upon reques