1,589 research outputs found

    Demand for Fuel and its Consequences for Indirect Taxation: A Microeconomic View

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    The author uses microeconomic theory, particularly demand theory, and econometrics to investigate the impact of proposed tax changes on the consumers. The effect of taxation can be investigated in two ways: the first possibility is to construct a multi-equation model able to analyze all taxes simultaneously. The second is to create a partial model for a specific tax, which would register subtler effects. The second approach is adopted here, with an exclusive focus on fuel-product excise taxes and their microeconomic impact. Two alternative approaches, instrumental variables and the Heckman two-step selection model, are used to estimate the demand function for fuel. The estimated demand function is then used toward a tax simulation and an investigation of the tax- -change effects on different segments of the population.consumer demand, excise taxes, tax simulation, nonparametric regression

    Labor supply after transition: evidence from the Czech Republic

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    We extend the scarce evidence on labor supply in post-transition countries by estimating the wage elasticity of labor force participation in the Czech Republic. Using the household income survey data of 2002, we find that a one-percent rise in the gross wage increases the probability of working by 0.16 and 0.02 percentage points for women and men, respectively. Taking into account the tax and benefit system, these semi-elasticities fall to 0.06 for women and 0.01 for men. We interpret the difference between the estimates from the two specifications as a summary measure of the welfare system disincentives. The estimated wage elasticities lie at the lower end of the range of values reported for mature market economies. This finding is consistent with the stylized fact that the labor supply in countries with high labor force participation rates, such as in the Czech Republic, tends to be less sensitive to wages. JEL Classification: J22, J31, P30Labor supply, Transition, welfare system

    Fiscal developments and financial stress: a threshold VAR analysis

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    We use a threshold VAR analysis to study whether the effects of fiscal policy on economic activity differ depending on financial market conditions. In particular, we investigate the possibility of a non-linear propagation of fiscal developments according to different financial market stress regimes. More specifically we employ a quarterly dataset, for the U.S., the U.K., Germany and Italy, for the period 1980:4-2009:4, encompassing macro, fiscal and financial variables. The results show that (i) the use of a nonlinear framework with regime switches is corroborated by nonlinearity tests; (ii) the responses of economic growth to a fiscal shock are mostly positive in both financial stress regimes; (iii) financial stress has a negative effect on output growth and worsens the fiscal position; (iv) the nonlinearity in the response of output growth to a fiscal shock is mainly associated with different behaviour across regimes; (v) the size of the fiscal multipliers is higher than average in the last crisis.fiscal policy, financial markets, threshold VAR

    Modern tools for power-factor correction.

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na základní pojmy kompenzace a jejich použití v průmyslu jak pro nízké, tak i pro vysoké napětí. Dále je teoreticky charakterizován rozbor průmyslových a distribučních sítí. V prací jsou uvedeny nejmodernější typy kompenzačních zařízení. Teoretická část popisuje a vysvětluje jednotlivé druhy kompenzace a účel použití jednotlivých kompenzací. Také jsou zde vysvětleny druhy řízení. V závěru práce je vzorový výpočet zaměřený na hrazenou kompenzaci pro centrální kompenzaci.Bachelor thesis focuses on basic concepts of compensation and their usage in industry for both low and high voltage. Then we characterized theoretical analysis of industrial and distribution networks. There are stated latest types of compensation devices. Theoretical part explains various types of compansation and their purpose for compensation. Various types of control are explained next. There is sample calculation focused on protected compensation for central compensation in the end of thesis.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikydobř

    Labor Supply after Transition: Evidence from the Czech Republic

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    We extend the scarce evidence on the labor supply in post-transition countries by estimating the wage elasticity of labor force participation in the Czech Republic. Using household income survey data, we find that a one-percent rise in the gross wage increases the probability of working by 0.16 and 0.02 percentage points for women and men, respectively. Taking into account the tax and benefit system, these semi-elasticities fall to 0.06 for women and 0.01 for men. We interpret the difference between the estimates from the two specifications as a summary measure of the welfare system disincentives. The estimated wage elasticities lie at the lower end of the range of values reported for mature market economies. This finding is consistent with the stylized fact that the labor supply in countries with high labor force participation rates, such as the Czech Republic, tends to be less sensitive to wages.labor supply, transition, welfare system

    Human Capital Mobility II

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    Migration from poorer to richer countries can produce a vicious circle from a gap in real wages through a gap in human capital causing a gap in productivity causing a gap in real wages again. This circle can be linked with another one (based on the effective wage theory) connecting the level of real wages to the prices of non-tradables. Lower wages impact through lower demand on lower prices of non-tradables. Having once lower prices of non-tradables and thus lower wages paid in the non-tradables sector, the real wages in the tradables sector and the general real wages as well are pulled to a lower level. Both circles influence the process of convergence of the Central and East European Countries (CEEC) to the European Union (EU). In this paper, we show different possibilities for the model specification of this basic mechanism, to cover different links between human capital migration to the real wage (equations 4a, b) and different possibilities for human capital formation in the old EU members (equations 5a-e). We show results of parameters’ estimation and some illustrations of model’s dynamics. In conclusions, we discuss where problems with parameters’ estimation may come from and show where farther changes in model’s specification could be done.human capital; mobility; estimation; dynamics

    Evalution of Transfection Methods for Transfection of COS-7 Cells

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    Cílem této práce je shrnout a v praxi ověřit možnosti transfekce buněk, které nabízí Ústav biomedicínckého inženýrství. Na COS-7 buněčné linii jsou porovnávány tyto transfekční reagenty: fosforečnan vápenatý, Fugene 6 a Fugene HD.The aim of this work is summarized potentialities of cells transfection in their practise, which offers the Department of biomedical engineering. On COS-7 cell line are compared to those transfection reagents: calcium phosphate, Fugen 6 and Fugen HD.

    A study of intercompany transport of material loaded on flat EURO pallets

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    Cílem této práce je vytvořit ucelený přehled manipulačních prostředků pro manipulaci s paletovými jednotkami. Práce obsahuje přehledné rozdělení nejpoužívanějších manipulačních prostředků pro manipulaci s EURO paletami, jejich popis a uplatnění, princip činnosti a konstrukci.The aim of the thesis is to create a compact view of manipulation means for handling with pallet units. This work contains a synoptic division of the most used manipulation means for handling with EURO pallets, theirs description and use, principle of work and construction.

    Face Detector For Android Platform

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá tématikou detekce obličejů na mobilních telefonech s operačním systémem Android. V rámci úvodu do problematiky jsou popsány některé algoritmy určené pro detekci vzorů v obraze, stejně jako různé techniky získávání příznaků. Jsou zde popsána specifika vývoje pro Android včetně popisu základních vývojových nástrojů. Po seznámení s architekturou SIMD jednotek je vypracován návrh aplikace, podle kterého je následně probíhá implementace. Nakonec jsou provedeny výkonnové testy, jejichž výsledky jsou shrnuty v závěru práce.This master's thesis deals with face detection on mobile phones with Android OS. The introduction describes some algorithms used for pattern detection from image, as well as various techniques of features extracting. After that Android platform development specifics, including basic description of development tools, are described. Architecture of SIMD is introduced in next part of this work. After acquiring basic knowleage analysis and implementation of final app are descrited. Performance tests are conducted whose results are summarized in the conclusion.

    Electrochemical and mathematical study of interactions of selenite with biologically active thiols

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    Proteiny s thiolovými skupinami interagují s ionty kovů v organismu. Udržují jejich homeostázu, účastní se buněčné signalizace, chrání buňku před účinky toxických kovů a detoxikují je. Tato práce je zaměřena na proteiny s thiolovými skupinami glutathionu a metalothioneinu a jejich účinky na selen. Metoda studia je elektrochemická.Proteins with thiol groups interact with metal ions in the human body. They maintain their homeostasis, participate in cell signaling, protect the cell against the effects of toxic metals and detoxify them. This work is focused on proteins with thiol groups glutathione and metallothionein and their effects on selenium. The method of study is electrochemical.