38 research outputs found


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    DELLA proteins are a subfamily of transcriptional regulators from the GRAS protein family. They act as growth repressors. Gibberellins (GA) promote growth by overcoming the DELLA-mediated growth restraint. A number of dominant mutations in highly conserved orthologous DELLA genes are known in various plant species. These mutations reduce plant height owing to production of more active forms of growth repressors. The aim of the current study is to estimate the genetic similarity of DELLA nucleotide and amino acid sequences stored in GenBank and to identify mutant and wild type alleles that encode DELLAs in modern Ukrainian winter bread wheat varieties. We have performed nucleotide and amino acid sequence search and alignment of the Rht-D1 wheat dwarfing gene and DELLA-encoding genes of other plant species with BLAST and MUSCLE software. A dendrogram illustrating phylogenetic relations among DELLA sequences of 35 plant species has been constructed using MEGA v5. In addition, PCR-based genotyping for the major wheat dwarfing genes Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 has been performed in wheat cultivars from different regions of Ukraine. It is shown that the mutant Rht-D1b allele is the commonest dwarfing allele among those tested in Ukrainian wheat cultivars (68 %), but its distribution over Ukraine is not random

    The pharmacogenetic prospects of cyp3a4 cytochrome polymorphism investigation with using bioinformation approaches

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    Для индивидуализации фармакотерапии важно учитывать особенности генотипа человека. CYP3A4 является важным для фармакологии, так как биотрансформирует около 50 % лечебных средств, поэтому изучение гена cyp3a4 представляет значительный интерес. Разработка технологии определения генного полиморфизма экспериментальным путем требует немалого объема времени и ресурсов. Довольно часто работы проводятся по подобранным ранее параметрам, что значительно суживает возможности исследований. С развитием биоинформатики указанный выше процесс может быть более эффективным. Исследован полиморфизм гена cyp3a4 in silico и подобраны параметры для дальнейшего изучения аллелей этого гена. Данные результаты позволят более эффективно решать задачи, поставленные перед фармакогенетикой.It is defined that gene polymorphisms influence on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodinamics of the majority of preparations. CYP3A4 is important for pharmacology, as it transforms about 50% of medical means. Thus, gene studying cyp3a4 represents considerable interest. Working out technology of definition of gene polymorphism experimentally occupies considerable volume of time and resources. Often enough works are conducted using the parametres obtained earlier that considerably narrows possibilities of researchers. With bioinformatic development the process specified above can be much more effective

    Practical Aspects of Clinical Manifestations, Pathogenesis and Therapy of Alcoholic Liver Disease and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Expert Opinion

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    Aim: to present the results of an expert discussion of modern aspects of the clinical manifestations, pathogenesis and treatment of alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).Key points. ALD and NAFLD are characterized by high prevalence and have a significant impact on public health. For the diagnosis of liver pathology, it is important to determine the stage of fibrosis and the severity of the exacerbation of the disease. In the treatment of ALD, it is recommended to achieve abstinence, proper nutrition, the appointment of B vitamins, drugs with cytoprotective activity. In severe hepatitis, corticosteroids may be prescribed. In the treatment of NAFLD, diet and lifestyle modification, weight loss, the use of insulin sensitizers, vitamin E, statins (in the presence of hyperlipidemia) and drugs with metabolic activity are effective.Currently, a point of view is being actively expressed about the synergism of the action of alcohol and the metabolic syndrome on the development of fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. The current international consensus recommends a change in the nomenclature of NAFLD and ALD and proposes the terms “metabolically associated steatotic liver disease” and “metabolically associated alcoholic liver disease”.Conclusion. The closeness of the clinical manifestations and pathogenesis of NAFLD and ALD justifies attention to drugs with metabolic activity, which are recommended by the Russian Gastroenterological Association and Russian Scientific Liver Society for the treatment of these diseases. The experts support the suggestion to quantify alcohol consumption in patients with NAFLD in order to change the management of patients, if necessary

    Патогенетическое значение нарушения нейромедиаторной передачи при черепно-мозговой травме

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    Проаналізовані дані сучасної літератури стосовно патогенетичної ролі окремих нейромедіаторних систем – системи збуджуючих амінокислот, моноамінергічних систем та ГАМК-ергічної системи - за умов травматичного ушкодження мозку, ЧМТ та післятравматичних ускладнень. Автори наголошують, що патогенез ЧМТ є ланцюговою реакцією, до якої залучені складні патобіохімічні, морфологічні, імунологічні та пероксидні реакції. Одним із провідних в патогенезі ЧМТ та розвитку її ускладнень є порушення з боку нейромедіаторних систем, урахування яких повинно стати підгрунтям для формування нових складових схем комплексної патогенетичної терапії ЧМТ. Модуляція активності ендогенної нейротрансмісії є вельми важливою з точки зору залучення до складу комплексної патогенетичної терапії сполук, які здатні спричиняти модулюючий вплив на активність певної нейромедіаторної системи з метою покращення післятравматичного стану за умов травматичного ушкодження мозку.Modern literature data have been analyzed taking into consideration certain neurotrasmitter systems – excitatory aminoacids, monoaminergic systems and GABA-ergic system – pathogenetic role in conditions of brain trauma and posttraumatic complications. Authors showed that BT represents chain reactions involved complex pathobiochemic, morphologic, immunologic and peroxide reactions. Neurotransmiter systems failure seems to be the prominent in BT pathogenesis. This should be taken into account in case of new BT complex pathogenetic therapy schemes performing. Endogenous neurotransmission modulation is important mechanism that has to be positive in finding the new compound that could modulate certain neurotransmitter systems for involvement into BT complex pathogenetic therapy.Проанализированы данные современной литературы о патогенетической роли некоторых нейромедиаторных систем – системы возбуждающих аминокислот, моноаминергических систем и ГАМК-ергической системы – в условиях травматического повреждения мозга, ЧМТ и посттравматических осложнений. Авторы показывают, что патогенез ЧМТ – это цепная реакция, в опосредовании которой принимают участие сложные патобиохимические, морфологические, иммунологические и пероксидные реакции. Одними из ведущих в патогенезе ЧМТ и развитии её осложнений являются нарушения со стороны нейромедиаторных систем, учет которых должен быть основой формирования новых составных схем комплексной патогенетической терапии ЧМТ. Модуляция активности эндогенной нейротрансмиссии крайне важен с точки зрения включения в состав комплексной патогенетической терапии веществ, способных модулировать активность определенных нейромедиаторных систем с целью улучшения посттравматического состояния в условиях травматического повреждения мозга

    Transposon based tagging: IRAP, REMAP, and iPBS

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    Retrotransposons are a major component of virtually all eukaryotic genomes, which makes them useful as molecular markers. Various molecular marker systems have been developed that exploit the ubiquitous nature of these genetic elements and their property of stable integration into dispersed chromosomal loci that are polymorphic within species. To detect polymorphisms for retrotransposon insertions, marker systems generally rely on PCR amplification between the retrotransposon termini and some component of flanking genomic DNA. The main methods of IRAP, REMAP, RBIP, and SSAP all detect the polymorphic sites at which the retrotransposon DNA is integrated into the genome. Marker systems exploiting these methods can be easily developed and are inexpensively deployed in the absence of extensive genome sequence data. Here, we describe protocols for the IRAP, REMAP and iPBS techniques, including methods for PCR amplification with a single primer or with two primers, agarose gel electrophoresis of the product using optimal electrophoresis buffers, we also describe iPBS techniques for the rapid isolation of retrotransposon termini and full-length elements.Peer reviewe

    Alcohol abuse and related disorders treatment of alcohol dependence

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    Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are the leading causes of worse health and increased mortality rates. Excessive alcohol consumption is the third leading cause of the global burden of diseases and a leading factor for lower lifespan and higher mortality. Alcohol abuse decreases working capacity and efficiency and requires the increased cost of the treatment of alcohol-induced disorders, which entails serious economic losses. The unfavorable medical and social consequences of excessive alcohol use determine the importance of effective treatment for alcoholism. The goals of rational pharmacotherapy of alcohol dependence are to enhance GABA neurotransmission, to suppress glutamate neurotransmission, to act on serotonin neurotransmission, to correct water-electrolyte balance, and to compensate for thiamine deficiency. Alcoholism treatment consists of two steps: 1) the prevention and treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and its complications (withdrawal convulsions and delirium alcoholicum); 2) antirecurrent (maintenance) therapy. Benzodiazepines are the drugs of choice in alleviating alcohol withdrawal and preventing its convulsive attacks and delirium alcoholicum. Diazepam and chlordiazepoxide are most commonly used for this purpose; the safer drugs oxazepam and lorazepam are given to the elderly and patients with severe liver lesions. Anticonvulsants having normothymic properties, such as carbamazepine, valproic acid, topiramate, and lamotrigine, are a definite alternative to benzodiazepines. The traditional Russian clinical practice (clearance detoxification) has not a scientific base or significant impact on alcohol withdrawal-related states in addicts. Relapse prevention and maintenance therapy for alcohol dependence are performed using disulfiram, acamprosate, and naltrexone; since 2013 the European Union member countries have been using, besides these agents, nalmefene that is being registered in Russia. Memantine and a number of other medications, including baclofen, gabapentin, pregabalin, ondansetron, modafinil, and aripiprazole, are able to decrease alcoholic needs and to alleviate the manifestations of alcohol dependence. The Russian narcological practice in using antipsychotics to suppress a craving for alcohol (as well as other psychoactive substances) contradicts the principles of evidence-based medicine and has no scientific base

    Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome

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    Wernicke’s encephalopathy and Korsakoff’s psychosis are the acute and chronic phases of Wernicke–Korsakov syndrome, a neurodegenerative process that is caused by thiamine deficiency and predominantly develops in persons with severe alcohol problems. In accordance with classical descriptions, Wernicke’s encephalopathy is manifested by a triad of the following major symptoms: ophthalmoplegia (or nystagmus), ataxia, and clouding of consciousness. The predominance of the subtle forms of Wernicke’s encephalopathy, which hinders its timely recognition and treatment, presents a serious problem. When left untreated, Wernicke’s encephalopathy is characterized by a high risk for a fatal outcomeand transition from acute reversible disorders to chronic irreversible cerebral structural changes associated with the occurrence of memory consolidation. The main manifestation of Korsakoff’s syndrome is the absence of or significant reduction in the ability to store new information with the relative preservation of other psychic functions. Effective care for patients with Wernicke’s encephalopathy and prevention of Korsakoff’s psychosis require that high-dose thiamine should be administered parenterally in good time. Alpha-lipoic acid along with thiamine is used in the treatment of polyneuropathy accompanied by Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. Untreated Wernicke’s encephalopathy is considered to lead to Korsakoff’s psychosis in above 80% of cases and to death in almost 15–20%. There is complete recovery from Korsakoff’s psychosis in approximately 20% of cases; with the lapse of time there may be a significant recovery of cognitive functions in 25% of cases


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    The (1B) 1R wheat-rye chromosome substitution and 1BL.1RS translocation have been identified in original introgression stocks using cytological and molecular marker analysis. The pairing between short arms of chromosomes 1BL.1RS and bread wheat chromosome 1B is observed at a very low frequency (in 0,2–0,3 % of pollen mother cells). The translocation stocks are resistant to leaf and stem rusts, and the substitution stocks are susceptible because of the different origins of the chromosomes 1R involved in the translocation or substitution. The Hg1 gene for glume hairiness, inherited from cv. Hostianum 237, has been detected in some introgression stocks. Several stocks show hairiness on the leaf upper surface, lower surface and leaf margin. The character, probably originating from Ae. tauschii, was inherited from the synthetic wheat T. timopheevii Zhuk./Aegilops tauschii Coss

    Досвід лікування новонароджених зі штучними кишковими норицями

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    The most often complications of intestinal stomas, methods of their prophylaxis and treatment was generalized according to results of analyses of treatment of 92 newborns with intestinal stomas in Odessa.На основании анализа результатов лечения 92 новорождённых с использованием кишечных стом в Одесской областной детской клинической больнице выявлены наиболее частые осложнения стомирования, обобщены меры профилактики данных осложнений и их лечения.На підставі аналізу результатів лікування 92 новонароджених з використанням кишкових стом в Одеський обласній дитячій клінічній лікарні виявлені найчастіші ускладнення стомування, узагальнені заходи профілактики цих ускладнень та їх лікування