66 research outputs found

    Factors Related To The Actions Of Midwives In Providing Antenatal Care

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    Background: Midwives' actions under service standards are useful in applying the norms and performance levels needed to achieve the desired results. Midwives in providing antenatal care will have a significant impact on antenatal care services   Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. This study's population was 41 midwives who worked in the District of Kota Pinang, Labuhanbatu Selatan Regency (total sampling). The instrument used was a questionnaire about age, education, knowledge, attitudes, and midwives' actions in providing antenatal care. The bivariate analysis used exact fisher test and prevalent rate (PR).   Results: The exact fisher test results showed that the midwife's age (p = 0.192), education (p = 0.175), knowledge (p = 0.390) (PR = 2.311) were not related to the midwife's actions in antenatal care. The variable of midwife attitudes (p = 0.018) (PR = 5,500) was related to the actions of midwives in antenatal care.   Conclusion: A midwife who has a good attitude has a risk taking good actions than a midwife who has a bad attitude. It is hoped that the South Labuhanbatu Health Office will be more active in improving the skills of midwives in providing antenatal services with training on antenatal care.

    The Relationship of Smoking Hazard Message to Smoking Behavior in Students of North Sumatra State Islamic University

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    Cigarettes are still a problem in the world and in Indonesia. The policy of pictorial message on cigarette packaging is regulated in Permenkes No. 28 of 2013 concerning the inclusion of warnings and health information on tobacco product packaging. The purpose of this study is to determine the Effect of Cigarette Danger Messages on Cigarette Packs on Smoking Behavior of North Sumatra State Islamic University Students. This research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional research design. This research was conducted at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra. The research period began in January-August 2021. The population in this study was all male students of North Sumatra State Islamic University which amounted to 13,598 students. The sample in this study was as many as 400 respondents in male students of North Sumatra State Islamic University. The data analysis of this study is univariate analysis with descriptive and bivariate analysis with correlation test.  The results showed that there was an association between smoking message images causing oral cancer (p-value <0.001 r = -0.596), smoking message images causing lung cancer (p-value <0.001 r = -0.620), smoking message images causing throat cancer 1 (p-value <0.001 r = -0.536), smoking images causing lung and larynx cancer (p-value <0.001 r = -0.537) and smoking images causing laryngeal cancer (p-value <0.001 r = -0.621) smoking behavior  students of UIN North Sumatra. It is hoped that the Health Office and the Ministry of Health will review or update the images on cigarette packs with more effective ones to be enlarged in order to reduce the number of smokers in Indonesia. Keywords: Cigarette hazard message; Smoking behavior; Studen

    Dikat Teknik Pengembangan Media Promosi Kesehatan

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    Tindakan ibu nifas dalam mengkonsumsi kapsul vitamin A sangatlah penting.Periode masa nifas pada seorang ibu membuat ibu nifas harus memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin A untuk ibu nifas dan anaknya.Kekurangan vitamin A pada ibu nifas akan dapat mengakibatkan penurunan daya tahan tubuh baik pada ibu nifas maupun kepada bayi. Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan memiliki cakupan vitamin A sangat rendah jika dibandingkan dengan kabupaten lainnya di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Penelitian menggunakan jenis deskriptif dengan design crossectional. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 355 orang ibu nifas di Kecamatan Kotapinang dan sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 57 orang ibu nifas. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner berstruktur yang sudah dipersiapkan. Peneltian ini disajikan data distribusi dalam bentuk tabel frekuensi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden memiliki kategori tindakan sedang yaitu sebanyak 52 orang (91,2%), sedangkan selebihnya berada pada kategori tindakan buruk yaitu sebanyak 5 orang (8,8%). Seluruh responden atau sebanyak 57 orang (100% ) responden memiliki sikap dengan kategori sedang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden memiliki kategori pengetahuan sedang yaitu sebanyak 38 orang (66,7%) dan kategori pengetahuan baik yaitu sebanyak 19 orang (33,3%). Diharapkan agar petugas kesehatan Puskesmas di Kecamatan Kotapinang dan pemuka masyarakat turut berpartisipasi dalam memberikan informasi mengenai konsumsi kapsul Vitamin A kepada ibu nifas. Diharapkan kepada ibu nifas untuk mengkonsumsi kapsul Vitamin A segera setelah diberikan oleh petugas kesehatan (bidan) setelah melakukan kunjungan nifas.ABSTRACTThe behavior of postpartum mothers in consuming vitamin A capsules is very important, the postpartum period is a very important period for postpartum mothers and their babies. During the puerperium period a mother must have sufficient vitamin A to meet the needs of vitamin A for postpartum mothers and infants. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of postpartum mothers in consuming vitamin A capsules in the Kotapinang District of Labuhan Batu Selatan District. This type of research is cross-sectional research with purposive sampling technique. The study population was 355 people in post-partum mothers in the Kotapinang Subdistrict working area and 57 people in the study sample. Presentation of data using frequency distribution tables. The results showed that the predisposing factors for postpartum mothers included moderate knowledge categories as many as 24 people (42.1%), good attitude categories as many as 23 people (40.4%), for enabling factors for most health centers / health worker practices (midwives, doctor) too far from home that is as many as 43 respondents (75.4%). Reinforsing factors, namely health workers never explained / provided counseling about vitamin A capsules as many as 31 respondents (54.4%), families did not provide an explanation of taking vitamin A capsules as much as 46 respondents (80.7%). The act of postpartum mothers in consuming vitamin A capusl was at a low level of 24 people (42.1%). From the results of the study it was suggested that health workers participate in providing information about the consumption of vitamin A capsules for pregnant women and niifas mothers. The Labuhan Batu Selatan District Health Office is expected to supervise the distribution of vitamin A capsules as an effort to prevent less vitamin A for mothers and b

    Diktat Bahan Ajar Komunikasi Kesehatan

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    Buku Ajar Promosi Kesehatan

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    Manajemen Data SPSS (Statistical Package For The Social Sciences)

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    Diktat Bahan Ajar Sosial Budaya Kesehatan

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    Konsumsi Buah, Sayur Dan Ikan Berdasarkan Sosio Demografi Masyarakat Pesisir Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Gaya Hidup merupakan perilaku seseorang yang ditunjukkan dalam aktivitas, minat dan opini khususnya yang berkaitan dengan citra diri.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis gambaran gaya hidup  masyarakat pesisir Belawan I, Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis data dilakukan secara Deskriftif yaitu Tabulasi Silang (crosstab) dari program SPSS versi 21.0 dengan menggunakan desain penelitian Cross Sectional.Responden berjumlah 90 responden. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan karakteristik responden Laki-laki terbanyak sebesar 63,1% dengan rentang usia terbanyak pada usia 41-50 tahun sebesar 25,2%. Lalu pekerjaan tertinggi yang banyak mengonsumsi buah yaitu pekerjaan Pegawai Swasta sebesar 25.00%, Anggota keluarga yang banyak mengonsumsi buah yaitu pada jumlah anggota keluarga 2 dan 8 sebesar 33.33%, Serta tingginya tingkat pendidikan mengkonsumsi buah yaitu pada pendidikan SMA sebesar  44.44 %.Dengan penelitian ini diharapakan kepada masyarakat untuk menjaga pola makan, melakukan aktivitas fisik secara teratur