17 research outputs found

    Design of Integrated Warehouse Control Tower (WCT) Digitalization by the Internet of Things Architectures

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    The problem that often occurs in information systems, especially in the logistics process, is improper management because the machine is not connected to inventory control and not integrated with the operator, so it takes a long time to analyze errors in the logistics process. This study develops warehouse logistics control information to speed up and accurate inventory processes. This study designed the Warehouse Control Tower (WCT) as a strategic development based on Wireless Sensor Network that is connected to a warehouse system and integrated with a computer connected to the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system, AI (Artificial Intelligence) cameras, and barcodes. Value stream mapping is used to map the process flow of warehousing activities and information flow at the level of the total warehouse process flow. Overall, the results of the analysis using the value stream mapping method indicate that the process flow using RFID and Artificial intelligence is more efficient than before implementation

    Analysis of Service Delivery Improvement of Manufactured Products with Lean Method Management

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    This study aimed to determine the waste that occurs in activities from receiving to delivering of finished products that can result in delays in the delivery of audio to Japan. The waste identified is limited to activities in the finished goods warehouse. The problem that occurs is the delay in product delivery, because the product is not ready to be delivered so that it causes delays. The lean approach is used to reduce waste in the overall work process activities in the finished goods warehouse. Waste identification was performed through the 7 waste approach. Process Activity Mapping is one of the tools of VALSAT, and is looking for critical waste to find the root cause of waste. Delay can be minimized by making improvements to the layout of the warehouse and routine inspection of goods transporters. Companies should use lean to reduce the waste that occurs so there is no delay in the delivery of audio products


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran deskriptif mengenai perawatan mesin atau maintenance, meliputi Total Productive Maintenance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Overall Human Ineffectiveness dan Six Big Losses pada PT Ichikoh Indonesia. Permasalahan yang terjadi diperusahaan yaitu banyaknya jumlah part defect dikarenakan mesin sering breakdown. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara terstruktur dengan Manager Departement Molding Upstream 1 dan Departement Maintenance. Data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan evaluatif dari periode bulan April 2016 sampai Maret 2017. Dari hasil analisis ini PT Ichikoh Indonesia memiliki nilai efektifitas mesin yang masih dibawah standar JIPM (Japan Institude of Plant Maintenance) yaitu dengan nilai tertinggi pada bulan Februari 74%, sedangkan standar JIPM (Japan Institude of Plant Maintenance) adalah minimal sebesar 85% yang dihitung menggunakan metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Sedangkan untuk pengukuran tingkat ketidakefektifan kerja operator yang dianalisis menggunakan metode Overall Human Ineffectiveness mendapatkan nilai yang masih besar pada bulan May 2016 yaitu sebesar 17%. Faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya nilai efektifitas mesin dan tingkat ketidakefektifan kinerja operator adalah faktor Idling and Minor Stoppagges dengan nilai losses sebesar 54% yang sudah dianalisis menggunakan diagram pareto. Sesuai dengan diagram sebab-akibat (fishbone) didapat faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya Idling and Minor Stoppagges yang menjadi prioritas utama adalah a). faktor manusia yaitu masih kurang disiplin, sering terjadi kesalahan dalam perbaikan mesin, b). faktor material yaitu kesalahan spesifikasi material dan rendahnya perawatan bahan baku, c). faktor mesin yaitu mesin sering breakdown, kesalahan setup, d). faktor metode yaitu penjadwalan pengganti komponen yang belum efektif dan autonomous maintenance kurang berjalan dengan baik, e). faktor lingkungan yaitu kebersihan mesin kurang


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    This study aims to determine the comparison of order determination on camera lens components and the costs incurred between company policies and dynamic deterministic methods. This study uses dynamic deterministic methods, namely Wagner-Whitin Algorithm, Silver Meal, Least Unit Cost, Economic Part Period, Lot For Lot and Least Total Cost to determine the amount of costs incurred by the company each time the order on the camera lens component. Of all these dynamic deterministic methods, the most efficient is the Wagner-Whitin Algorithm method with an order frequency of 10 times the order and the cost incurred is Rp. 34,529,190. The Silver Meal method with the order frequency of 10 times the order and the cost incurred is Rp. 35,390,310. Least Unit Cost method with the order frequency of 10 times the order and the cost incurred is Rp. 35,234,830. The method of the Economic Part Period with an order frequency of 10 times the order and costs incurred in the amount of Rp. 35,390,310. Method Lot For Lot with the order frequency of 12 times the order and the cost incurred is Rp. 36,720,396. And the Least Total Cost with the order frequency of 10 times the order and the cost incurred is Rp. 35,390,310. In company policy, 12 orders are made at a cost of Rp. 36,720,396. So that the proposed improvement can be given is that the company is expected to use the Wagner-Whitin Algorithm method which has a minimum order frequency and cost


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    This research describes an electronic Kanban system development in order to replace conventional Kanban system. Many previous research conducted to optimize number of Kanban, however weaknesses still find when there is a change condition of production planning, therefore it must be re-optimization number of Kanban and it will takes time and costs. In current condition, the Company has implemented a manual Kanban system to support their  Just In Time production system, but unfortunately it still find problems during implementation due to the system implemented using paper and manual recording. In this research, the electronic Kanban system (e-Kanban) is develop based on computer vision which combined with production systems condition in currently. E-Kanban system is a method to replace manual Kanban irregularity. Based on result through a scenario Master Production Schedule (MPS), Electronic Kanban system can deliver information effciently and effectively with improve 54% compared with conventional systems and 32% compared with manual Kanban

    Analisis Prosedur Perawatan Mesin Motorizer Sedimen di PDAM Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor

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    This research have objective to determine the application of procedures, mismatches work processes and maintenance of machinery repair and analyze the causes of motor engine damage in the PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor City. The data used in this research are primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through observations and interviews to the parties concerned in the mechanical and electrical parts. Secondary data in the form of data SOP maintenance and repair machine from company. Descriptive, comprative, and evaluative methods are used to analyze the actual condition and working procedures of maintenance and repair of machinery and to compare between the results obtained from this research on the implementation of the maintenance work process and the repair of machines there are still stages that are not executed according to the procedure. Using the Fishbone Diagram method, the most dominant type of damage occurring in the motorizer engine is a burning roll with a contribution rate of 53.125%. Using Pareto Diagram, this analysis can provide information for the company to pay more attention to the maintenance and repair activities of the machine so that the work process activities in the mechanical and electrical section run well and smoothly


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    Leadership style is a style used by a leader to lead the organization by using existing resources within the organization to achieve organizational goals. Human resources are one of the resources that exist within the organization that can be utilized leader for the achievement of organizational goals. Employees are human resources that can be utilized by a leader in achieving organizational goals. It is important for a leader to be able to use an appropriate leadership style with the organization, in an effort to improve employee work motivation, which affects the performance of employees who support the achievement of organizational goals. In this study will be discussed about the performance of employees who are influenced by the style of leadership and work motivation. The results showed that employee performance is influenced by the level of work motivation and leadership style. In addition, the appropriate style of leader will affect the level of employee motivation, so it can significantly improve the performance of employees within an organization

    Managing Higher Education in Pandemic Era in the Challenge of Education Quality and Equity

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    The article is to examine several pieces of evidence from previous studies to understand higher education governance in the crisis-era related to the challenges of achieving equal distribution of education quality. Data collection involves searching for many published articles, including journals, books, magazines, and websites that discuss higher education governance issues regarding quality and opportunity. The data analysis involves a comprehensive evaluation data coding system, critical interpretation, and comprehensive and high decision making. The data search is done with the help of technology, especially online data sources using keywords such as the quality of higher education, equal opportunity. Based on the findings, explanations, and discussions, we can summarize that the governance of higher education in the crisis era faces various challenges related to equity and the achievement of high quality. When a crisis occurs, the changes are significant, and they cannot carry out various obligations and intellectual rights so that they ignore the quality and equity of higher education. Therefore, this study recommends that high fences be managed by emphasizing finding solutions to address the challenges of service quality and equity by following guidelines and regulations in force in many countries. It is hoped that this study will become an essential input to solve the challenges of higher education afflicted by various crises. Keywords: Education Quality and Equity, Managing Higher Education, Education in Pandemic Er

    Design Of MRP (Material Requirement Planning) Application Using Data Flow Diagram (DFD) System Approach And Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

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    The objective of this research is to design and build an information system for manufacturing processes that fits the requirements of small automotive component industrial enterprises. The waterfall method was used to construct this information system; this method is used to examine the object of research that will be carried out beginning with the background of the organizational structure and other items that may be utilized for the object of research. SWOT analysis is the first stage in analyzing the company's most pressing information system requirements. Analyze the system design DFD (Data Flow Diagram) is a type of analysis used in business management or inside organizations to systematically assist in the design of the information system to be designed. The ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) structure approach is required to examine the programming code required to develop a web-based information system. Following the company's primary requirements, particularly the MRP (Material Requirement Planning (MRP) system), which is included in the scope of activities. Material requirements for orders received are calculated by taking stock levels and reject ratios into account, as well as reports on incoming and outgoing items, Material Requirements, Requirements Production, Data Warehouse, and Delivery / Delivery. &nbsp