109 research outputs found

    Breakdown voltage modelling for leatherite paper dielectrics using fuzzy logic technique & estimating the lifetime using step-stress test

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    OBJECTIVE The real insulation systems are often heterogeneous and some times nonlinear. Quality of insulation is accessed in terms of break down strengths. Partial discharge caused in insulation system by local defects and the resultant overstressing caused by them ultimately lead to breakdown. So the estimation has to be done properly to save insulation from failure. The use of modern computers in bdv analysis has lead to the estimation based on fuzzy logic modeling. The mamdani fuzzy logic using triangular and trapezoidal mf used for the modeling. The bdv got from the modeling section is used to get the weibull parameters using MLE. The shape parameters are used for the life estimation of the dielectric. DESCRIPTION Fuzzy logic modeling is widely used in those fields where the boundary between having a property and not having it is not sharp. The construction of this model can be viewed as a process in which a collection of objects called variables and parameters of the model are related by some other objects called the operators of the model. In the present case it is tried to estimate the bdv of dielectrics depending upon various input conditions. The most important source of partial discharge and breakdown in dielectrics is the voids. Voids are produced due to process control errors at the time of production of most of the solid dielectrics. This is a gas discharged event. The test dielectric is taken as leatherite paper and the estimation is based on data experimentally generated in the laboratory using a CIGRE-2 electrode. The choice of test procedure to know the breakdown voltage of a typical insulation material on insulation system is determined by the test objective. Constant voltage tests provide reliable comprehensive data for the distribution function of the breakdown time but is very time consuming. An accelerated test with increase in voltage stress in discrete steps is quite often used for an electrical insulation study and is widely accepted by the insulation designers. With this method the stress at which the insulation breaks down and time to failure is taken as 6 observed variable The effect of void dimensions on the output is studied and implemented in MATLAB environment. The various steps in modeling include study of the range variation, grouping, rule list generation and simulation. Present system is a MISO system having three inputs (thickness of dielectric, depth and diameter of void) and one output (bdv). The min max algorithm is used as t-norm and s-norm operator. Coa is used for difuzzification. Programming approach is adopted for estimation. The surface plot is plotted to study the variation. Weibull probability has gained wide acceptance in the statistical treatment of time to electrical breakdown of solid dielectrics. It seems to fit experimental data well. MLE is used for parameter estimation. Confidence interval is chosen to get lower and upper limits of the parameters within which the estimation lie for a surety. Throughout the experiment the step stress test is considered. The inverse power law is applied to life estimation. From the slope of the graph the slope is to be found out and used for estimating the life. RESULTS In the mamdani fuzzy logic modeling using the triangular and trapezoidal mf the Mae is found out to be 1.4% and 1.324% respectively. The weibull parameters and life estimation values have close resemblance with the experimentally generated value. CONCLUSION Fuzzy logic provides an easier and a better computation technique based on the fuzzyness of rules. By accurately choosing the parameters and deciding the rule bases the error can be significantly reduced. The weibull parameter calculation using MLE and lifetime also found to be in good agreement. Thus the results indicates that the modeling can be well implemented for such kind of estimation

    Hepatobiliary Disorders in Celiac Disease: An Update

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    This communication reviews recent literature and summarizes hepatobiliary abnormalities that may complicate the clinical course of celiac disease. A wide spectrum of hepatobiliary diseases has been described, including asymptomatic elevations of liver enzyme levels, nonspecific hepatitis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and autoimmune and cholestatic liver disease. Moreover, in the majority of patients, liver enzyme levels will normalize on a gluten-free diet. In addition, celiac disease may be associated with rare hepatic complications, such as hepatic T-cell lymphoma. Because many celiac patients do not have overt gastrointestinal symptoms, a high index of suspicion is required. Simple methods of detecting celiac disease such as serum antibody tests help in the early identification of the disease, thus preventing serious complications of the disorder. The IgG DGP antibody test and IgA tTG antibody test used in combination are an excellent screening test for suspected cases of celiac disease

    Co-existence of gastric adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma: a rare entity

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    A mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma is a tumor composed of both adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma components, with each comprising  at least one-third of the lesion, as defined by the World Health Organization classification of neuroendocrine neoplasms in 2010.. A 67-years-old male was admitted to the hospital with symptoms suggesting gastric cancer. Histopathology examination from endoscopic biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma. Later partial gastrectomy specimen examination the lesion show presence of well differentiated adenocarcinoma along with neuro endocrine carcinoma.</p

    Variations in host genes encoding adhesion molecules and susceptibility to falciparum malaria in India

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Host adhesion molecules play a significant role in the pathogenesis of <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>malaria and changes in their structure or levels in individuals can influence the outcome of infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of SNPs of three adhesion molecule genes, <it>ICAM1</it>, <it>PECAM1 </it>and <it>CD36</it>, with severity of falciparum malaria in a malaria-endemic and a non-endemic region of India.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The frequency distribution of seven selected SNPs of <it>ICAM1</it>, <it>PECAM1 </it>and <it>CD36 </it>was determined in 552 individuals drawn from 24 populations across India. SNP-disease association was analysed in a case-control study format. Genotyping of the population panel was performed by Sequenom mass spectroscopy and patient/control samples were genotyped by SNaPshot method. Haplotypes and linkage disequilibrium (LD) plots were generated using PHASE and Haploview, respectively. Odds-ratio (OR) for risk assessment was estimated using EpiInfo™ version 3.4.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Association of the ICAM1 rs5498 (exon 6) G allele and the CD36 exon 1a A allele with increased risk of severe malaria was observed (severe versus control, OR = 1.91 and 2.66, P = 0.02 and 0.0012, respectively). The CD36 rs1334512 (-53) T allele as well as the TT genotype associated with protection from severe disease (severe versus control, TT versus GG, OR = 0.37, P = 0.004). Interestingly, a SNP of the <it>PECAM1 </it>gene (rs668, exon 3, C/G) with low minor allele frequency in populations of the endemic region compared to the non-endemic region exhibited differential association with disease in these regions; the G allele was a risk factor for malaria in the endemic region, but exhibited significant association with protection from disease in the non-endemic region.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data highlights the significance of variations in the <it>ICAM1</it>, <it>PECAM1 </it>and <it>CD36 </it>genes in the manifestation of falciparum malaria in India. The <it>PECAM1 </it>exon 3 SNP exhibits altered association with disease in the endemic and non-endemic region.</p

    Polymorphisms of TNF-enhancer and gene for FcγRIIa correlate with the severity of falciparum malaria in the ethnically diverse Indian population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Susceptibility/resistance to <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>malaria has been correlated with polymorphisms in more than 30 human genes with most association analyses having been carried out on patients from Africa and south-east Asia. The aim of this study was to examine the possible contribution of genetic variants in the <it>TNF </it>and <it>FCGR2A </it>genes in determining severity/resistance to <it>P. falciparum </it>malaria in Indian subjects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Allelic frequency distribution in populations across India was first determined by typing genetic variants of the <it>TNF </it>enhancer and the <it>FCGR2A </it>G/A SNP in 1871 individuals from 55 populations. Genotyping was carried out by DNA sequencing, single base extension (SNaPshot), and DNA mass array (Sequenom). Plasma TNF was determined by ELISA. Comparison of datasets was carried out by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. Haplotypes and LD plots were generated by PHASE and Haploview, respectively. Odds ratio (OR) for risk assessment was calculated using EpiInfo™ version 3.4.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A novel single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at position -76 was identified in the <it>TNF </it>enhancer along with other reported variants. Five <it>TNF </it>enhancer SNPs and the <it>FCGR2A </it>R131H (G/A) SNP were analyzed for association with severity of <it>P. falciparum </it>malaria in a malaria-endemic and a non-endemic region of India in a case-control study with ethnically-matched controls enrolled from both regions. <it>TNF </it>-1031C and -863A alleles as well as homozygotes for the TNF enhancer haplotype CACGG (-1031T>C, -863C>A, -857C>T, -308G>A, -238G>A) correlated with enhanced plasma TNF levels in both patients and controls. Significantly higher TNF levels were observed in patients with severe malaria. Minor alleles of -1031 and -863 SNPs were associated with increased susceptibility to severe malaria. The high-affinity IgG2 binding FcγRIIa AA (131H) genotype was significantly associated with protection from disease manifestation, with stronger association observed in the malaria non-endemic region. These results represent the first genetic analysis of the two immune regulatory molecules in the context of <it>P. falciparum </it>severity/resistance in the Indian population.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Association of specific <it>TNF </it>and <it>FCGR2A </it>SNPs with cytokine levels and disease severity/resistance was indicated in patients from areas with differential disease endemicity. The data emphasizes the need for addressing the contribution of human genetic factors in malaria in the context of disease epidemiology and population genetic substructure within India.</p

    Use of thiopurines in inflammatory bowel disease : an update

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), once considered a disease of the Western hemisphere, has emerged as a global disease. As the disease prevalence is on a steady rise, management of IBD has come under the spotlight. 5-Aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents and biologics are the backbone of treatment of IBD. With the advent of biologics and small molecules, the need for surgery and hospitalization has decreased. However, economic viability and acceptability is an important determinant of local prescription patterns. Nearly one-third of the patients in West receive biologics as the first/initial therapy. The scenario is different in developing countries where biologics are used only in a small proportion of patients with IBD. Increased risk of reactivation of tuberculosis and high cost of the therapy are limitations to their use. Thiopurines hence become critical for optimal management of patients with IBD in these regions. However, approximately one-third of patients are intolerant or develop adverse effects with their use. This has led to suboptimal use of thiopurines in clinical practice. This review article discusses the clinical aspects of thiopurine use in patients with IBD with the aim of optimizing their use to full therapeutic potential.Peer reviewe

    Synthesis and characterized of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes with acetophenone-5(3)-methylpyazole-3(5)-carbohydrazone

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    292-294Complexes of Co(II) and Ni(II) with acetohenone5(3)-methylpyrazole-3(5)-carbohydrazone (AMPCH) have been synthesised and characterised. These complexes have the general formula, M(AMPCH)2X2 . n H2O (M=Co/Ni; X=CI, Br, CIO4, BF4, NO3, ½ SO4; n = 0/1/2/4). Magnetic moment and electronic spectral data indicate that most of the complex species a e grossly octahedral except the halo (X = CI, Br) com lexes of Co(II), which possibly exist as a mixture of octahedral and tetrahedral species. The IR spectra indicate that the ligand acts as a neutral tridentate (NON) on and the counterion (X) retains its ionic character

    A Comprehensive Evaluation of Gridded L-, C-, and X-Band Microwave Soil Moisture Product over the CZO in the Central Ganga Plains, India

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    Recent developments in passive microwave remote sensing have provided an effective tool for monitoring global soil moisture (SM) observations on a spatiotemporal basis, filling the gap of uneven in-situ measurement distribution. In this paper, four passive microwave SM products from three bands (L, C, and X) are evaluated using in-situ observations, over a dry–wet cycle agricultural (mostly paddy/wheat cycle crops) critical zone observatory (CZO) in the Central Ganga basin, India. The L-band and C/X-band information from Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Passive Enhanced Level 3 (SMAP-L3) and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2), respectively, was selected for the evaluation. The AMSR2 SM products used here were derived using the Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM) algorithm. Spatially averaged observations from 20 in-situ distributed locations were initially calibrated with a single and continuous monitoring station to obtain long-term ground-based data. Furthermore, several statistical metrices along with the triple collocation (TC) error model were used to evaluate the overall accuracy and random error variance of the remote sensing products. The results indicated an overall superior performance of SMAP-L3 with a slight dry bias (−0.040 m3·m−3) and a correlation of 0.712 with in-situ observations. This also met the accuracy requirement (0.04 m3·m−3) during most seasons with a modest accuracy (0.059 m3·m−3) for the entire experimental period. Among the LPRM datasets, C1 and C2 products behaved similarly (R = 0.621) with a ubRMSE of 0.068 and 0.081, respectively. The X-band product showed a relatively poor performance compared to the other LPRM products. Seasonal performance analysis revealed a higher correlation for all the satellite SM products during monsoon season, indicating a strong seasonality of precipitation. The TC analysis indicated the lowest error variance (0.02 ± 0.003 m3·m−3) for the SMAP-L3. In the end, we introduced Spearman’s rank correlation to assess the dynamic response of SM observations to climatic and vegetation parameters