Synthesis and characterized of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes with acetophenone-5(3)-methylpyazole-3(5)-carbohydrazone


292-294Complexes of Co(II) and Ni(II) with acetohenone5(3)-methylpyrazole-3(5)-carbohydrazone (AMPCH) have been synthesised and characterised. These complexes have the general formula, M(AMPCH)2X2 . n H2O (M=Co/Ni; X=CI, Br, CIO4, BF4, NO3, ½ SO4; n = 0/1/2/4). Magnetic moment and electronic spectral data indicate that most of the complex species a e grossly octahedral except the halo (X = CI, Br) com lexes of Co(II), which possibly exist as a mixture of octahedral and tetrahedral species. The IR spectra indicate that the ligand acts as a neutral tridentate (NON) on and the counterion (X) retains its ionic character

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