1,709 research outputs found

    Van Allen Probes, THEMIS, GOES, and Cluster Observations of EMIC waves, ULF pulsations, and an electron flux dropout

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    We examined an electron flux dropout during the 12-14 November 2012 geomagnetic storm using observations from seven spacecraft: the two Van Allen Probes, Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS)-A (P5), Cluster 2, and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) 13, 14, and 15. The electron fluxes for energies greater than 2.0 MeV observed by GOES 13, 14, and 15 at geosynchronous orbit and by the Van Allen Probes remained at or near instrumental background levels for more than 24 h from 12 to 14 November. For energies of 0.8 MeV, the GOES satellites observed two shorter intervals of reduced electron fluxes. The first interval of reduced 0.8 MeV electron fluxes on 12-13 November was associated with an interplanetary shock and a sudden impulse. Cluster, THEMIS, and GOES observed intense He+ electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves from just inside geosynchronous orbit out to the magnetopause across the dayside to the dusk flank. The second interval of reduced 0.8 MeV electron fluxes on 13-14 November was associated with a solar sector boundary crossing and development of a geomagnetic storm with Dst<100 nT. At the start of the recovery phase, both the 0.8 and 2.0 MeV electron fluxes finally returned to near prestorm values, possibly in response to strong ultralow frequency (ULF) waves observed by the Van Allen Probes near dawn. A combination of adiabatic effects, losses to the magnetopause, scattering by EMIC waves, and acceleration by ULF waves can explain the observed electron behavior

    What is the value of wild animal welfare for restoration ecology?

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    The restoration community continues to discuss what constitutes good environmental stewardship. One area of tension is the extent to which the wellbeing of wild animals should inform restoration efforts. We discuss three ways that the perspective of wild animal welfare can augment restoration ecology: strengthening people's relationship with nature, reinforcing biotic integrity, and reducing mechanistic uncertainty. The animal welfare movement elevates sentient animals as stakeholders and explores how environmental context directly impacts the wellbeing of individuals. Viewing wild animals through this lens may encourage people to think and act with empathy and altruism. Second, we incorporate animal welfare into the concept of biotic integrity for ecological and ethical reasons. Restoring ecosystem processes may enhance animal welfare, and vice versa. Alternatively, there may be a trade‐off between these factors, requiring local decision‐makers to prioritize between restoring ecosystem function and promoting individuals' wellbeing. We conclude by discussing how welfare can impact population recovery, thereby adding insights about mechanisms underpinning restoration objectives. Ultimately, restoration ecologists and proponents of wild animal welfare could enjoy a productive union

    Non-Redundant Spectral Dimensionality Reduction

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    Spectral dimensionality reduction algorithms are widely used in numerous domains, including for recognition, segmentation, tracking and visualization. However, despite their popularity, these algorithms suffer from a major limitation known as the "repeated Eigen-directions" phenomenon. That is, many of the embedding coordinates they produce typically capture the same direction along the data manifold. This leads to redundant and inefficient representations that do not reveal the true intrinsic dimensionality of the data. In this paper, we propose a general method for avoiding redundancy in spectral algorithms. Our approach relies on replacing the orthogonality constraints underlying those methods by unpredictability constraints. Specifically, we require that each embedding coordinate be unpredictable (in the statistical sense) from all previous ones. We prove that these constraints necessarily prevent redundancy, and provide a simple technique to incorporate them into existing methods. As we illustrate on challenging high-dimensional scenarios, our approach produces significantly more informative and compact representations, which improve visualization and classification tasks

    Ethics for an uninhabited planet

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    Some authors argue that we have a moral obligation to leave Mars the way it is, even if it does not harbour any life. This claim is usually based on an assumption that Mars has intrinsic value. The problem with this concept is that different authors use it differently. In this chapter, I investigate different ways in which an uninhabited Mars is said to have intrinsic value. First, I investigate whether the planet can have moral standing. I find that this is not a plausible assumption. I then investigate different combinations of objective value and end value. I find that there is no way we can know whether an uninhabited Mars has objective end value and even if it does, this does not seem to imply any moral obligations on us. I then investigate whether an uninhabited Mars can have subjective end value. I conclude that this is very plausible. I also investigate whether an uninhabited Mars can have objective instrumental value in relation to some other, non-Mars related end value. I find also this very plausible. It is also highly plausible, however, that spreading (human or other) life to a presently uninhabited Mars can also have subjective end value, as well as objective instrumental value. I mention shortly two ways of prioritising between these values: (1) The utilitarian method of counting the number of sentient beings who entertain each value and determining the strength of the values to them. (2) Finding a compromise that allows colonisation on parts of the planet while leaving other parts untouched. These methods should be seen as examples, not as an exhaustive list. Also, I do not take a definitive stand in favour of any of the two approaches, though it seems at least prima facie that the second approach may have a better chance of actually leading to a constructive result

    Взаємний зв'язок властивостей і структури плівкових чутливих елементів сенсорів магнітного поля

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    Дисертацію присвячено комплексним експериментальним дослідженням особливостей структурно-фазового стану та магнітних і магніторезистивних властивостей багатошарових плівкових систем на основі Co і Cu, Co і Cr, Fe і Cr та Fe і Cu як можливих матеріалів чутливих елементів сенсорів різного призначення. У роботі встановлено взаємозв’язок між товщиною магнітних шарів і немагнітних прошарків, орієнтацією зразка у зовнішньому магнітному полі, температурою термообробки та магнітними, магніторезистивними і магнітооптичними властивостями багатошарових плівкових систем із можливим спін-залежним розсіюванням електронів. Визначені величини магнітоопору, коерцитивної сили, коефіцієнта прямокутності й чутливості плівкової системи до магнітного поля досліджуваних плівкових систем як приладових структур для формування первинних перетворювачів. Установлена кореляція між структурно-фазовим станом, магнітними та магнітооптичними властивостями тришарових плівкових систем з різним типом розчинності компонент як функціональних елементів датчиків. Запропонована схематична конструкція АМР-датчика магнітного поля для тришарових плівкових систем із спін-залежним розсіюванням електронів. У результаті проведених досліджень впливу геометрії вимірювання, температури термообробки та загальної концентрації феромагнітної компоненти в системі на магнітні й магніторезистивні властивості визначені можливі області застосування плівкових систем на основі Co і Cu або Cr та Fe і Cu або Cr.Диссертация посвящена комплексным экспериментальным исследованиям особенностей структурно-фазового состояния, магнитных магниторезистивных свойств многослойных пленочных систем на основе Co и Cu, Co и Cr, Fe и Cr и Fe и Cu в качестве возможных материалов чувствительных элементов сенсоров различного назначения. В работе установлена взаимосвязь между толщиной магнитных слоев и немагнитных прослоек, ориентацией образца во внешнем магнитном поле, температурой термообработки и магнитными, магниторезистивными и магнитооптическими свойствами многослойных пленочных систем с возможным спин-зависимым рассеянием электронов. При исследовании магнитных свойств пленочных систем на основе Fe, Co, Cu или Cr получено, что для пленочных систем на основе Fe и Cu в форме кривых гистерезиса наблюдается определенный перегиб, свидетельствующий о послойном перемагничивании слоев Fe, в то время как для систем на основе Fe и Cr петля гистерезиса имеет форму, подобную однослойным пленкам Fe, что говорит о преобладании ферромагнитной связи в системе. В пленочных структурах на основе Co и Cr или Cu магнитные свойства системы главным образом определяются состоянием слоев Со, поэтому форма кривых гистерезиса для обеих систем схожа с формой кривых для однослойных пленок Со, а небольшие значения коэрцитивной силы свидетельствуют о реализации ферромагнитной связи в системе. Все четыре системы характеризуются достаточно высоким значением коэффициента прямоугольности, которое при смене ориентации образца от 0 до 90° несколько уменьшается для систем Fe/Cu/Fe и Fe/Cr/Fe и, наоборот, растет в системах на основе Co и Cr. Определены величины магнитосопротивления, коэрцитивной силы, коэффициента прямоугольности и чувствительности пленочной системы к магнитному полю исследуемых пленочных систем как приборных структур для формирования первичных преобразователей. Установлена корреляция между структурно-фазовым состоянием, магнитными и магнитооптическими свойствами трехслойных пленочных систем с разным типом растворимости компонент в качестве функциональных элементов датчиков. Предложена схематическая конструкция АМР-датчика магнитного поля для трехслойных пленочных систем со спин-зависимым рассеянием электронов. В результате проведенных исследований влияния геометрии измерения, температуры термообработки и общей концентрации ферромагнитной компоненты в системе на магниторезистивные свойства определены возможные области применения пленочных систем на основе Co и Cu или Cr и Fe и Cu или Cr.The thesіs іs dedіcаted to the complex experіmentаl reseаrch between the structurаl-phаse stаte, magnetic and magnetoresistance propertіes of multіlаyer fіlm systems bаsed on the Co аnd Cu, Co аnd Cr, Fe аnd Cr, аnd Fe аnd Cu, аs the potential mаterіаls for sensіtіve elements of sensors for dіfferent purposes. Іn thіs thesis wаs found the correlаtіon between the thіckness of the mаgnetіc аnd nonmаgnetіc lаyers, the orіentаtіon of the sаmple іn аn externаl mаgnetіc fіeld, temperаture of heаt treаtment аnd mаgnetіc, mаgnetoresіstіve аnd mаgneto-optіcаl propertіes іn multіlаyer fіlm systems wіth possіble spіn-dependent scаtterіng of electrons. The vаlues of mаgnetoresіstаnce, coercіvіty, squаreness fаctor аnd sensіtіvіty of fіlm system to a mаgnetіc fіeld in the studіed fіlm systems аs devіce structures for the formаtіon of prіmаry converters were defined. The correlаtіon between the structurаl-phаse stаte, mаgnetіc аnd mаgneto-optіcаl propertіes of three-lаyer fіlm systems wіth dіfferent types of component solubіlіty аs functіonаl elements sensors was established. The schemаtіc sturucture of АMR sensor for three-lаyer fіlm systems wіth spіn-dependent scаtterіng of electrons was purposed. The possіble аreаs of аpplіcаtіons wаs іdentіfіed on the bаsіs of studіes of the effect of geometry meаsurement temperаture heаt treаtment аnd the totаl concentrаtіon of ferromаgnetіc components іn the system on the magnetic and mаgnetoresіstіve propertіes of fіlm-systems bаsed on Co аnd Cu, or Cr аnd Fe, аnd Cu or Cr

    A Rydberg Quantum Simulator

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    Following Feynman and as elaborated on by Lloyd, a universal quantum simulator (QS) is a controlled quantum device which reproduces the dynamics of any other many particle quantum system with short range interactions. This dynamics can refer to both coherent Hamiltonian and dissipative open system evolution. We investigate how laser excited Rydberg atoms in large spacing optical or magnetic lattices can provide an efficient implementation of a universal QS for spin models involving (high order) n-body interactions. This includes the simulation of Hamiltonians of exotic spin models involving n-particle constraints such as the Kitaev toric code, color code, and lattice gauge theories with spin liquid phases. In addition, it provides the ingredients for dissipative preparation of entangled states based on engineering n-particle reservoir couplings. The key basic building blocks of our architecture are efficient and high-fidelity n-qubit entangling gates via auxiliary Rydberg atoms, including a possible dissipative time step via optical pumping. This allows to mimic the time evolution of the system by a sequence of fast, parallel and high-fidelity n-particle coherent and dissipative Rydberg gates.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    QTL analysis of measures of mouse home-cage activity using B6/MSM consomic strains

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    The activity of mice in their home cage is influenced greatly by the cycle of light and dark. In addition, home-cage activity shows remarkable time-dependent changes that result in a prominent temporal pattern. The wild-derived mouse strain MSM/Ms (MSM) exhibits higher total activity in the home cage than does C57BL/6 (B6), a commonly used laboratory strain. In addition, there is a clear strain difference in the temporal pattern of home-cage activity. This study aimed to clarify the genetic basis of strain differences in the temporal pattern of home-cage activity between MSM and B6. Through the comparison of temporal patterns of home-cage activity between B6 and MSM, the pattern can be classified into five temporal components: (1) resting phase, (2) anticipation phase, (3) 1st phase, (4) 2nd phase, and (5) 3rd phase. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in these temporal components, we used consomic strains established from crosses between B6 and MSM. Five consomic strains, for Chrs 2T (telomere), 3, 4, 13, and 14, showed significantly higher total activity than B6. In contrast, the consomic strains of Chrs 6C (centromere), 7T, 9, 11, and 15 were less active than B6. This indicates that multigenic factors regulate the total activity. Further analysis showed an impact of QTLs on the temporal components of home-cage activity. The present data showed that each temporal component was regulated by different combinations of multigenic factors, with some overlap. These temporal component-related QTLs are important to understand fully the genetic mechanisms that underlie home-cage activity

    The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire: psychometric properties, benchmarking data, and emerging research

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    BACKGROUND: There is widespread interest in measuring healthcare provider attitudes about issues relevant to patient safety (often called safety climate or safety culture). Here we report the psychometric properties, establish benchmarking data, and discuss emerging areas of research with the University of Texas Safety Attitudes Questionnaire. METHODS: Six cross-sectional surveys of health care providers (n = 10,843) in 203 clinical areas (including critical care units, operating rooms, inpatient settings, and ambulatory clinics) in three countries (USA, UK, New Zealand). Multilevel factor analyses yielded results at the clinical area level and the respondent nested within clinical area level. We report scale reliability, floor/ceiling effects, item factor loadings, inter-factor correlations, and percentage of respondents who agree with each item and scale. RESULTS: A six factor model of provider attitudes fit to the data at both the clinical area and respondent nested within clinical area levels. The factors were: Teamwork Climate, Safety Climate, Perceptions of Management, Job Satisfaction, Working Conditions, and Stress Recognition. Scale reliability was 0.9. Provider attitudes varied greatly both within and among organizations. Results are presented to allow benchmarking among organizations and emerging research is discussed. CONCLUSION: The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire demonstrated good psychometric properties. Healthcare organizations can use the survey to measure caregiver attitudes about six patient safety-related domains, to compare themselves with other organizations, to prompt interventions to improve safety attitudes and to measure the effectiveness of these interventions