1,402 research outputs found


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    Este trabalho se configura enquanto um estudo de caso sobre a relação existente entre a palmeira Attalea funifera Mar - espécie nativa e endêmica do Baixo Sul da Bahia popularmente conhecida como piaçava ou piaçaba- com a comunidade de Remanescentes do Quilombo Jatimane, localizada no município Nilo Peçanha. Nesta pesquisa, foi utilizado o método etnobotânico por entender a importância do mesmo como ciência etnológica que estuda a influência da vegetação na cultura, bem como a relação de reciprocidade construída entre o homem e as plantas. Ao realizar um estudo sobre o conhecimento etnobotânico da Palmeira Attalea funifera Mart., este trabalho identifica que as relações sociais  dos moradores da comunidade de Jatimane estão historicamente relacionadas com os recursos vegetais nativos, assim como a existência da divisão sexual do trabalho. A importância deste trabalho se dá, pois propõe a valorização dos povos tradicionais que praticam a agroecologia, por entender que a mesma é construída em uma relação de comunhão com a natureza e com os recursos naturais

    Ambivalent figurations of a possible childhood in the post abolition in Raiz de um negro brasileiro, by Oswaldo de Camargo

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    The paper aims to analyze in Raiz de um negro brasileiro: esboço autobiográfico (2015), by Oswaldo de Camargo, which connects childhood and old age through a narrator characterized by the awareness of the consequences of being black. This procedure ascribes complexity to the black experience by showing the differences that cross it and allows a new look at the post-abolition, discovering a possible, but ambivalent childhood, which difficulties the distinction between reinvention and subjection.O artigo tem por objetivo analisar em Raiz de um negro brasileiro: esboço autobiográfico (2015), de Oswaldo de Camargo, a articulação entre infância e velhice a partir de um narrador marcado pela consciência das consequências de ser negro. Esse procedimento confere complexidade à experiência negra ao evidenciar as diferenças que a atravessam e permite um outro olhar sobre o pós-abolição, descobrindo uma infância possível, mas ambivalente, que dificulta a distinção entre reinvenção e sujeição

    Profile of the patients serviced in a high complexity system

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A deficiência auditiva (DA) pode acarretar sérias consequências para o desenvolvimento de fala e aprendizagem. Um recurso para a reabilitação do deficiente auditivo é o AASI (Aparelho de Amplificação Sonora Individual). Medidas de informação a população e aos profissionais da saúde, e aprovação de legislação que garanta o acesso do deficiente auditivo ao acompanhamento para diagnóstico e intervenção precoces apresentam-se como medidas necessárias. Estes aspectos foram contemplados pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS) na publicação das Portarias GM nº 2.073, de 28 de setembro de 2004 e 587, de 07 de outubro de 2004. A Clínica de Fonoaudiologia do Curso de Fonoaudiologia da FOB/USP está credenciada à Portaria GM/MS nº 2073 de setembro de 2004. OBJETIVO: traçar o perfil do paciente atendido num sistema de alta complexidade com o objetivo de utilizar os resultados encontrados como ponto de partida para aquisição de AASI, planejamento de reabilitação auditiva e estruturação de grupos de acompanhamento para pacientes adaptados. MÉTODO: estudo retrospectivo. Análise dos prontuários de 185 pacientes regularmente matriculados no período de agosto de 2003 a agosto de 2009. Os dados levantados foram: gênero, idade, classificação social, procedência, tipo e grau da DA, etiologia da DA, e tipo de AASI indicado. RESULTADOS: houve prevalência de pacientes idosos de classe baixa, do gênero masculino, com perda auditiva sensorioneural, bilateral e de grau moderado. CONCLUSÃO: Predomínio da perda auditiva neurossensorial bilateral de grau moderado com maior índice de pacientes idosos com uso de tecnologia digital em maior proporção.INTRODUCTION: Hearing loss (HL) may cause severe consequences for the development of speech and learning. A resource of rehabilitation of the hearing impaired is the hearing aid (AASI). Information actions to the population and health professionals and approval of a law that assures the hearing impaired access to early diagnosis and intervention follow-up are seen as necessary measures. Such aspects have been contemplated by the Health Ministry (MS) in the publication of Administrative Rules GM no. 2.073, of September 28, 2004, and 587, of October 07, 2004. The Phonoaudiological Clinic of the Phonoaudiology Course of FOB/USP is certified by Administrative Rule GM/MS no. 2073, of September, 2004. OBJECTIVE: To draw the profile of the patient serviced in a high complexity system with the goal of using the results found as a starting-point for acquisition of hearing aid, planning of auditory rehabilitation and structuring of follow-up groups for fitted patients. METHOD: Retrospective study. Reports review of 185 patients regularly registered in the period from August 2003 through August 2009. The data researched included: sex, age, social class, precedence, HL type and degree, HL etiology and type of hearing aid indicated. RESULTS: There was a prevalence of male older low class patents with neurosensorial, bilateral and moderate level hearing loss. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of moderate level bilateral neurosensorial hearing loss with a higher index of older patients with the use of digital technology at a higher proportion

    Accidental Diagnosis of Isolated Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava After an Elective Central Venous Access Procedure for Chronic Hemodialysis: Clinical Implications and Precautions From a Case Report

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    Persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) is the most frequent thoracic venous anatomical variant in the general population. Isolated PLSVC, without formation of the right superior vena cava, is described in 10% of cases of PLSVC only. While it can be associated with congenital heart disease, arrhythmias, and premature death, adult patients with PLSVC are mostly asymptomatic, and the diagnosis is usually accidental. We present the case of a 72-year-old male with end-stage renal disease who was started on urgent hemodialysis through a temporary non-tunneled femoral central venous catheter (CVC) in the SLED (slow low-efficiency dialysis) modality and later remained dependent on hemodialysis. At this stage, placement of a tunneled CVC in the right internal jugular vein was necessary and fluoroscopy guidance was not available. There were no complications during the procedure, but postoperative conventional chest radiography revealed an inadequate positioning of the CVC tip in the left hemithorax, crossing the midline. Subsequently, the diagnosis of PLSVC was obtained by performing a thoracic angio-CT scan, confirming CVC tip positioning inside the PLSVC, and also excluded the presence of cardiac defects or additional anatomical variations of the great vessels of the thorax. Early evaluation for the creation of autologous vascular access was started under our care, and there were no mechanical or other complications associated with hemodialysis sessions during early follow-up after discharge.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este estudo visa analisar a percepção do racismo e do padrão estético contemporâneo midiático têm sobre a atuação e na subjetividade de docentes negras em instituição pública e privada no Distrito Federal. Como objetivos específicos: refletir sobre o racismo e o padrão estético contemporâneo midiático na sociedade brasileira; identificar o perfil e as formas utilizadas para superação da discriminação de gênero, raça e estética das docentes negras investigadas; bem como contribuir para incremento das ações afirmativas institucionais que promovam a inclusão dos docentes negros. O estudo é de natureza qualitativa. Utilizou-se observação direta, entrevista, aplicação de questionário e a Análise de Conteúdo (BARDIN, 2009). Foram pesquisadas 5(cinco) docentes negras em universidades, pública e privada, do Distrito Federal. A pesquisa realizada evidencia a permanência de discriminação e racismo na docência no ensino superior. Na percepção das docentes negras pesquisadas a imagem dos negros, principalmente das negras, predomina a posição de subalternidade na mídia; a identidade negra é considerada uma força, pois não se submetem ao padrão estético contemporâneo e valorizam a profissão docente universitária como uma conquista pessoal, profissional e social, especialmente por representarem uma expressiva minoria nas instituições em que trabalham

    Repercussões das Redes Sociais na Imagem Corporal de Seus Usuários: Revisão Integrativa

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    This integrative review of literature followed the PICO strategy to investigate the repercussions of the use of social networks on the body image of their users. PubMed, LILACS, PsycINFO and SciELO databases were included as well as articles published between January 2006 and February 2019. Thirty-three articles were analyzed, which compose the corpus of this review. The studies revealed that social networks have a predominantly negative repercussion on the body self-image of their users, increasing levels of body dissatisfaction, also having a negative impact on mood and self-esteem. Added to this, social networks influenced the body type that users would like to have, translated by the lean body profile, considered a model of beauty.Esta revisão integrativa da literatura seguiu a estratégia PICO para investigar as repercussões do uso das redes sociais na imagem corporal de seus usuários. Foram consultadas as bases PubMed, LILACS, PsycINFO e SciELO e incluídos artigos publicados entre janeiro de 2006 e fevereiro de 2019. Foram analisados 32 artigos na íntegra, que compuseram o corpus dessa revisão. Os estudos revelaram que as redes sociais repercutem predominantemente de forma negativa na autoimagem corporal de seus usuários, aumentando os níveis de insatisfação corporal e gerando impacto negativo no estado de humor e na autoestima. Somado a isso, as redes sociais influenciaram no tipo corporal que os usuários gostariam de ter traduzido pelo perfil corporal magro, considerado como modelo de beleza

    Chemical Modifications on Proteins Using Glutaraldehyde

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    In this work the effect of crosslinking the enzyme esperase (E.C. and the proteins bovine serum albumin and casein with the bifunctional compound glutaraldehyde on molecular mass increase was studied. Two common techniques for measuring molecular mass of proteins were used: SEC and SDS-PAGE. These techniques revealed that the proteins bovine albumin and casein, when subjected to chemical crosslinking with glutaraldehyde, volume fraction 0.25 %, increased their molecular mass by 20- and 40-fold, respectively. It was also observed that Mr increased proportionally to the increase of glutaraldehyde concentration in the solution, and that the addition of glutaraldehyde should be done slowly, in small amounts, in order to attain bigger protein aggregates. When the proteolytic enzyme esperase was subjected to glutaraldehyde, no increase in its Mr was achieved. Several assumptions can be made to explain these results, the most reasonable being the low amount of free lysine groups available for crosslinking. This study confirms that glutaraldehyde is not an adequate crosslinker for esperase

    Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis Modulation by the Membrane-Associated Progesterone Receptor Family Member Neudesin

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    Neudesin (Neuron-derived neurotrophic factor, NENF), a membrane-associated progesterone receptor family (MAPR) member, is a neuron secreted protein with neurotrophic properties during embryonic stages. However, its role in the adult brain is still poorly addressed. In this study we have used neudesin-null (Nenf-/-) mice and performed a characterization of the proliferation state of the adult neurogenic niches, the adult subventricular zone (SVZ) and the hippocampus subgranular zone (SGZ). Nenf-/- males did not presented any deficits in proliferation in the SVZ neither in vivo nor in vitro. On the other hand a decrease in cell proliferation in the SGZ was observed, as well as a decrease in the number of newborn neurons in the dentate gyrus (DG) that was accompanied by impaired context discrimination in a contextual fear conditioning (CFC) task. Since NENF neurotrophic action is suggested to occur via the formation of a progesterone stability complex for the activation of non-genomic cascade, we further evaluated progesterone metabolism in the absence of NENF. Interestingly, expression of progesterone catabolic rate-determining enzyme, 5-α-reductase was upregulated in the DG of Nenf-/-, together with a significant increase in the expression of the δGABAA receptor gene, involved in DG tonic inhibition. Taken together, these findings add in vivo evidence on the neurotrophic properties of NENF in the adult brain. Furthermore, the mechanism of action of NENF in this process might implicate neurosteroids modulation, at least in the DG.This work was funded by the Bial Foundation through Grant 217/12 (to JS), by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038, and by the project NORTE-01-0124-FEDER-000023, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through FEDERinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Renal Myxoma in a Feline

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    Background: Renal neoplasms are a rare condition in felines, with metastatic lymphoma presenting the highest incidence rate. Secondary renal neoplasms are more frequent (88%) than primary renal tumors, with primary mesenquimal renal neoplasms accounting for 22% of the cases and the incidence of benign tumors not exceeding 5%. Myxomas are neoplasms in undifferentiated mesenchymal cells with abundant reproduction of the myxoid matrix, with few few case reports about this type of neoplasm in the veterinary literature. This study reports the first case of renal myxoma in a young feline afflicted by granulomatous nephritis and diagnosed with FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis).Case: A 9-month-old, male, mixed breed feline, was admitted into the Veterinary Hospital maintained by the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Botucatu, Brazil, presenting symptoms such progressive weight loss and occasional episodes of emesis for one week, progressing to anorexia, hematochezia, vocalization, lack of coordination, spasms, anuria and inability to defecate. A physical examination revealed moderate dehydration, low temperatures (< 33ºC), dyspnea (36 mpm), slight hyperglycemia (187 mg/dL) and distension of the abdomen and of the urinary bladder. The hematological assay and the serum biochemistry assay revealed neutrophilic leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, anemia and slight uremia. In view of the severity of the neurologic signs and lack of response to the clinical treatment, the owner opted to euthanize the animal. The necropsy revealed diffused jaundice, with kidney injuries observed through the pale coloration of the tissue and irregular surface with multiple off-white small nodules distributed in a marked and diffuse way. The same injury pattern was observed markedly in the lungs and discretely in the spleen and liver. The material collected was fixed in a 10% formalin solution, and processed according to the routine technique (Hematoxylin & Eosin). The remaining samples were submitted to a histochemical analysis with the Alcian Blue and Masson’s Trichrome stains, in addition to an immunohistochemical expression test. The histopathological examination with H&E staining revealed multiple focuses of pyogranulomatous injuries in the kidneys, lungs, spleen, uvea and leptomeninges, corroborating the diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). In addition, there was a neoplastic proliferation of fusiform cells among an abundant myxoid matrix, evident in Alcian Blue staining. Normal renal tissue, such as glomeruli or tubules, were occasionally observed inside the neoplastic proliferation. Masson’s Trichrome technique was used to exclude the possibility of a fibroblastic origin. In addition, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed to confirm the diagnosis of myxoma using the Vimentin, pan-cytokeratin and p63 antibodies. Discussion: Kidney tumors are rare in veterinary medicine, but have an incidence rate four to five times greater in cats than in dogs. The veterinary literature describes myxomas located in joints, cardiac valves and ureter, but reports of myxomas afflicting the kidneys are more commons in human medicine. This tumor should be included in the differential diagnosis process for young cats with suspicions of renal neoplasms, however, to differentiate between neoplasms with a myxoid component in benign tumors. This is the first reported case of renal myxoma afflicting a young feline with feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) in the veterinary literature

    Atención plena, alimentación consciente y alimentación intuitiva en el abordaje del obesidad y de los trastornos alimentarios

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    Objetivo: desarrollar una revisión integrativa de la literatura sobre el papel de las intervenciones basadas en el mindfulness, mindful eating y alimentación intuitiva en el abordaje del sobrepeso / obesidad y de los trastornos alimentarios. Método: para esta revisión, se consultaron las basesde datos PubMed, PePSIC, PsycINFO, LILACS, IBECS, SciELO y BVS-Psi, y se incluyeron artículos publicados en los últimos 10 años. Después de analizar los estudios recuperados, 38 artículosconstituyeron el corpus final de la revisión. Resultados: los estudios han demostrado los beneficios las intervenciones basadas en el mindfulness, ME y alimentación intuitiva para el comportamientoalimentario y los aspectos emocionales y psicológicos de las personas con sobrepeso/obesidad y trastornos alimentarios, reduciendo la alimentación emocional, el comer basado en factores externos y en los episodios de binge eating; además de reducir los niveles de estrés, ansiedad y depresión. Para la pérdida de peso, los resultados son menos consistentes, dado que varios estudios no han encontrado diferencias para este parámetro con las intervenciones. Conclusiones: las intervenciones basadas en el mindfulness, mindful eating y alimentación intuitiva son prometedoras para el abordaje del sobrepeso/obesidad y de los trastornos alimentarios, especialmente con respecto al comportamiento alimentario y los aspectos psicoemocionales.Objective: to examine and summarize studies of mindfulness, mindful eating and intuitive eating in the approach of overweight / obesity and eating disorders. Method: for this integrative review, PubMed, PePSIC, PsycINFO, LILACS, IBECS, SciELO and BVS-Psi databases were consulted, andpublished articles published in the last 10 years. After analyzing the recovered studies, 38 articles made up the final review corpus. Results: the studies demonstrated the benefits of approaches centered on mindfulness, mindful eating and intuitive eating on eating behavior and on the emotional and psychological aspects of  verweight and eating disorders individuals, harmful or emotional, followed by external factors and compulsive eating; as well as levels of stress, anxiety and depression. For weight loss, the results are less consistent, since several studieshave found no difference for this parameter. Conclusions: as selected focused on mindfulness, mindful eating and intuitive eating are promising for addressing obesity and obesity and eating disorders, especially with regard to eating behavior and psycho-emotional aspects.Objetivo: realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura acerca do papel das intervenções baseadas em mindfulness, mindful eating e comer intuitivo na abordagem do sobrepeso e obesidade e dos transtornos alimentares. Método: para esta revisão foram consultadas as bases PubMed, PePSIC, PsycINFO, LILACS, IBECS, SciELO e BVSPsi, e incluídos artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos. Após o processo de análise dos estudos recuperados, 38artigos compuseram o corpus final da revisão. Resultados: os estudos demonstraram os benefícios das abordagens centradas no mindfulness, mindful eating e comer intuitivono comportamento alimentar e nos aspectos emocionais e psicológicos dos indivíduos com excesso de peso e transtorno alimentar, reduzindo o comer emocional, comer guiado porfatores externos, e episódios de binge eating; bem como reduzindo os níveis de estresse, ansiedade e depressão. Para a perda de peso, os resultados são menos consistentes, haja visto que diversos estudos não observaram diferença para este parâmetro. Conclusões: as intervenções centradas no mindfulness, mindful eating e comer intuitivo são promissoras para a abordagem do sobrepeso/obesidade e dos transtornos alimentares, especialmente no que tange ao comportamento alimentar e aos aspectos psicoemocionais