8,415 research outputs found

    O Crime de Furto a Residência: Caracterização e Prevenção pela Guarda Nacional Republicana

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    A presente investigação encontra-se subordinada ao tema “O Crime de Furto a Residência: Caracterização e Prevenção pela Guarda Nacional Republicana” e tem como objetivo geral identificar aspetos e medidas passíveis de serem melhorados e implementados pela Guarda Nacional Republicana no âmbito da prevenção do crime de Furto em Residência. Para atingir esse fim, procurou-se compreender a importância do Policiamento Orientado para a Comunidade na prevenção deste fenómeno criminal, identificar dificuldades sentidas pela Guarda respeitantes a essa atuação preventiva, bem como investigar práticas preventivas deste delito, que se adotam internacionalmente. Para além disso, pretendeu-se ainda apurar medidas suscetíveis de serem adotadas pelos cidadãos na prevenção do presente crime, com base nas perspetivas daqueles que o perpetram, isto é, os seus autores. Do ponto de vista metodológico, esta investigação assentou numa estratégia qualitativa e obedeceu preferencialmente ao método indutivo. As técnicas de recolha de dados traduziram-se na análise documental e na realização de entrevistas, sendo que as últimas se debruçaram sobre duas realidades opostas: um grupo constituído por oficiais da Guarda Nacional Republicana e outro composto por reclusos condenados a cumprir pena de prisão pela prática desta tipologia criminal. Deste modo, concluiu-se que, tendo como propósito aprimorar a sua atuação preventiva perante o crime de Furto em Residência, é importante que a Guarda Nacional Republicana direcione ainda mais o seu foco para o Policiamento Orientado para a Comunidade, refletindo-se num aumento de sensibilização e de celebração de mais parcerias com entidades externas, transpondo a responsabilidade exclusivamente policial para uma responsabilidade individual e social. Simultaneamente, é oportuno que a instituição implemente iniciativas de cariz internacional no seu seio, compatíveis com a sua realidade e sociedade portuguesa

    Characterization of middle-ear condition of Oporto daycare children up-to 3 years-old: A cross sectional study

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    Objective The aim of this study was to determine tympanometric values of children who attend Oporto daycare centers and further analyze any relations with host and environmental factors. Methods Cross sectional study in a randomly selected sample of 117 daycare children up-to 3-years old from Oporto. Tympanometric measures were collected. Results Children presented in left ear (LE) a mean peak pressure (PP) of −156.53 daPa and a mean compliance of 0.16 cm3. Right ear (RE) revealed a PP of −145.61 daPa and a compliance of 0.19 cm3. Normal tympanograms (type A) had a lower frequency than abnormal tympanograms (type B and type C). There was a positive association between age and compliance (LE: p = 0.016; RE: p = 0.013) and between the presence of rhinorrhea and PP (LE: p = 0.002; RE: p < 0.05). Abnormal tympanograms were more frequent in Spring (RE: p = 0.009), in younger children (LE: p = 0.03) and in children that had rhinorrhea (LE: p = 0.002; RE: p = 0.044). Healthy children had a mean PP of −125.19 daPa and a mean compliance of 0.21 cm3 in LE and a mean PP of −144.27 daPa and a mean compliance of 0.22 cm3 in RE. Conclusion Tympanometric measures presented in this paper may be applicable to Oporto daycare children up-to 3 years-old. Most of daycare children revealed abnormal tympanograms. Age, rhinorrhea and season influenced children's middle-ear condition

    Immediate effects of a rhino-pharyngeal clearance protocol in nasal obstruction and middle ear condition of children under 3 years of age with upper respiratory infections: A randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction and objectives Children up to 2 years old are at high risk of respiratory infections and nasal irrigation is often prescribed. Yet, to date there is no sufficient knowledge about its immediate effects on the nasopharynx and middle ear. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the effect of a rhino-pharyngeal clearance intervention protocol on nasal obstruction and middle ear condition in children under 3 years of age with URTI. Materials and methods Randomized controlled trial in a day-care centre of Porto, including 44 children randomized to Intervention Group (IG) and Control Group (CG). Nasal auscultation and tympanometry were performed at baseline (M0) as well as after the intervention (M1), which consisted of nasal irrigation (NaCl .9%) followed by a forced nasal inspiration in the IG, and after 30 min of normal activities, in the CG. Results In M1 there was a lower frequency of children classified as having an obstructed nasal sound in the IG when compared to the CG (IG = 33.3%; CG = 68.4%; p = 0.042). We also observed an improvement of mean peak pressure (PP) in the IG (Left ear: M0 = −124daPa; M1 = −92daPa; p = 0.022. Right ear: M0 = −102daPa; M1 = −77daPa; p = 0.021), which was not observed in the CG (Left ear: M0 = −105daPa; M1 = −115daPa; p = 0.485. Right ear: M0 = −105daPa; M1 = −131daPa; p = 0.105). There were no significant results concerning the compliance of the tympanic membrane. Conclusions The rhino-pharyngeal clearance improved the nasal obstruction and PP of the middle ear of children under 3 years of age with URTI.Introducción y objetivos Los niños corren un alto riesgo de infecciones respiratorias superiores (IRS) y con frecuencia se prescriben irrigaciones nasales. Hasta hoy no hay suficiente conocimiento sobre sus efectos inmediatos en la nasofaringe y el oído medio. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el efecto de un protocolo de intervención de limpieza nasal en la obstrucción y en el estado del oído medio de niños menores de 3 años con IRS. Material y métodos Ensayo controlado aleatorizado en una guardería de Oporto, incluidos 44 niños asignados al Grupo de intervención (IG) y al Grupo de control (CG). La auscultación nasal y la timpanometría se realizaron al inicio (M0) y después de la intervención (M1), que consistió en irrigación nasal (NaCl 0,9%) seguido de una inspiración nasal forzada en IG, y después de 30 min de actividades normales en CG. Resultados En M1 hubo una menor frecuencia de niños clasificados como con un sonido nasal obstruido en IG en comparación con CG (IG = 33,3%; CG = 68,4%; p = 0,042). También se observó una mejora de la presión máxima media (PP) en IG (oído izquierdo: M0 = −124 daPa; M1 = −92 daPa; p = 0,022; oído derecho: M0 = −102 daPa; M1 = −77 daPa; p = 0,021), que no se observó en CG (oído izquierdo: M0 = −105 daPa; M1 = −115 daPa; p = 0,485; oído derecho: M0 = −105 daPa; M1 = −131 daPa; p = 0,105). No hubo resultados significativos con respecto al cumplimiento de la membrana timpánica. Conclusiones La limpieza nasal mejoró la obstrucción y la PP del oído medio de niños menores de 3 años con IRS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Snapshots of the reaction coordinate of a thermophilic 2'-deoxyribonucleoside/ribonucleoside transferase

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    Funding: P.T. is funded by IBioIC (IBioIC 2020-2-1), and C.M.C. is funded by the Wellcome Trust (217078/Z/19/Z). C.M.C. and D.H. are funded by research grants from NuCana plc..Nucleosides are ubiquitous to life and are required for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and other molecules crucial for cell survival. Despite the notoriously difficult organic synthesis of nucleosides, 2′-deoxynucleoside analogues can interfere with natural DNA replication and repair and are successfully employed as anticancer, antiviral, and antimicrobial compounds. Nucleoside 2′-deoxyribosyltransferase (dNDT) enzymes catalyze transglycosylation via a covalent 2′-deoxyribosylated enzyme intermediate with retention of configuration, having applications in the biocatalytic synthesis of 2′-deoxynucleoside analogues in a single step. Here, we characterize the structure and function of a thermophilic dNDT, the protein from Chroococcidiopsis thermalis (CtNDT). We combined enzyme kinetics with structural and biophysical studies to dissect mechanistic features in the reaction coordinate, leading to product formation. Bell-shaped pH-rate profiles demonstrate activity in a broad pH range of 5.5–9.5, with two very distinct pKa values. A pronounced viscosity effect on the turnover rate indicates a diffusional step, likely product (nucleobase1) release, to be rate-limiting. Temperature studies revealed an extremely curved profile, suggesting a large negative activation heat capacity. We trapped a 2′-fluoro-2′-deoxyarabinosyl-enzyme intermediate by mass spectrometry and determined high-resolution structures of the protein in its unliganded, substrate-bound, ribosylated, 2′-difluoro-2′-deoxyribosylated, and in complex with probable transition-state analogues. We reveal key features underlying (2′-deoxy)ribonucleoside selection, as CtNDT can also use ribonucleosides as substrates, albeit with a lower efficiency. Ribonucleosides are the building blocks of RNA and other key intracellular metabolites participating in energy and metabolism, expanding the scope of use of CtNDT in biocatalysis.Peer reviewe

    Prior Exercise Reduces Fast-Start Duration and End-Spurt Magnitude during Cycling Time-Trial

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    We examined the pacing strategy and the magnitude of the end spurt during a 200-kJ cycling time trial performed 12–14 h after an exercise protocol designed to reduce muscle glycogen content. 9 physically-active men performed 5 familiarization sessions and 2 experimental 200-kJ time trials in either a control condition (CON) or after an exercise protocol performed the previous evening that was designed to induce muscle glycogen depletion (EP). Mean total time was faster and power output was higher in the CON than in the EP (P<0.01). A fast-start was maintained until the 50-kJ section in CON, but only the 25-kJ section for EP (P<0.05). The power outputs during the 50-, 150- and 200-kJ sections, and the magnitude of the end-spurt, were significantly higher for the CON than for the EP condition (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the rating of perceived exertion (overall feeling and feeling in legs) between conditions. In conclusion, a protocol designed to decrease muscle glycogen stores reduced the duration of the fast-start and the magnitude of the end spurt during a 200-kJ cycling time trial, impairing the overall performance


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    This study was carried out in the Sibinacocha lake watershed in the Peruvian Andes. In this region the long-term meteorological data are scarce and there are few studies of flow forecasts. Based on this evidence, in this study we present the monthly flow simulation, using statistical models and data-oriented model, with the purpose of evaluating the performance of these methodologies. The results of the comparative statistical analyses indicated that the data-oriented models, specifically the Recurrent Neural Networks, provided great improvements over the other models applied, specifically the ability to capture the minimum and maximum monthly flow, resulting in excellent statistical values (R2=0.85, d=0.96), thus suggesting this methodology as a possible application for flow forecasts

    Desafios do currículo multicultural na educação superior para indígenas

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    This article assesses how the Brazilian university is facing curriculum challenges to meet the demands of indigenous students in the face of the recently institutionalized access of indigenous peoples to higher education. It presents the trajectory of indigenous school education up to university in the early 2000s, after the changes promoted by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which recognized the indigenous' right to alterity. The central question raised is: is the higher education curriculum in line with the multicultural perspective? The article shows a portrait of the Brazilian situation, based on documentary research done in governmental and nongovernmental sites, and news portals. With theoretical discussions about what the multicultural curriculum is, the paper stresses that, due to the problems reported, the practice of affirmative actions to promote indigenous access to higher education has been limited to remedial multiculturalism. The paper also brings the results of a survey with indigenous students in one of the most popular courses at the Federal University of Pará, which has revealed contradictions and resignation: interviewees indicate that there is curricular ethnocentrism, but they say the training is satisfactory for the exercise of their professions. We discuss the phenomenon in light of the similarity with North American curricular multiculturalism. Results indicate that equal access to education is not achieved simply by equal access to a hegemonic curriculum. We suggest thinking curricula that consider the multiple identities and differences in our society, as well as how they are constantly produced and reproduced through power relations.O artigo avalia como a universidade brasileira está enfrentando os desafios curriculares para atender à demanda de alunos índios diante do recente acesso institucionalizado dos povos indígenas à educação superior. Apresenta-se a trajetória da educação escolar indígena até a universidade ocorrida nos primeiros anos da década de 2000, após as mudanças promovidas pela Constituição Federal de 1988, que reconheceu o direito indígena à alteridade. A questão central levantada é: o currículo da educação superior está em consonância com a perspectiva multicultural? Mostra-se um retrato da situação brasileira, desenhado a partir de pesquisa documental feita em sites governamentais e não governamentais, além de portais de notícia. Com discussões teóricas em torno do que é o currículo multicultural, destaca-se que, devido aos problemas relatados, a prática de ações afirmativas para promover o acesso de indígenas ao ensino superior tem-se limitado a um multiculturalismo reparador. Expõe-se também o resultado de pesquisa feita com discentes indígenas de um dos cursos mais procurados da Universidade Federal do Pará, que revelou contradições e resignação: os entrevistados apontam a existência de um etnocentrismo curricular, mas dizem que a formação é satisfatória para o exercício da profissão escolhida. Discute-se o fenômeno à luz da semelhança com o multiculturalismo curricular norte-americano. Os resultados indicam que a igualdade no acesso à educação não é obtida simplesmente pela igualdade de acesso a um currículo hegemônico. Sugere-se pensar currículos que considerem as múltiplas identidades e diferenças de nossa sociedade, bom como o modo como estas são produzidas e reproduzidas constantemente por meio das relações de poder


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    Objetivo: avaliar a associação da Lesão Renal Aguda com os desfechos clínicos dos pacientes em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva.Método: trata-se do recorte de dados de coorte com visão prospectiva, realizada em uma unidade intensiva privada na capital sergipana entre outubro de 2018 e julho de 2019. A amostra foi por conveniência e não probabilística. Os dados foram analisados com os testes de Kolmogorov-Sminorv; exato de Fisher e t-Student através do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.Resultados: participaram do estudo 100 pacientes, 29% apresentaram Lesão Renal Aguda, sendo 62,1% destes do sexo masculino e com 70±16 anos. Foi evidenciada associação da injúria com infecção (p=0,018), ventilação mecânica por mais de 48 horas (p=0,016), morte (p=0,010) e lesão por pressão (p=0,037).Conclusão: O estudo contribuirá para identificação precoce da lesão renal, promovendo auxílio no planejamento do plano para reduzir as complicações da doença.Objetivo: evaluar la asociación entre la Lesión Renal Aguda y los resultados clínicos de los pacientes en Unidad de Terapia Intensiva. Método: se hizo una selección de datos de cohorte con visión prospectiva que se realizó en una unidad intensiva particular en la capital de Sergipe entre octubre de 2018 y julio de 2019. La muestra se hizo porconveniencia y no probabilística. Se analizaron los datos con pruebas de Kolmogorov-Sminorv; exacto de Fisher y t-Student por medio del Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Resultados: 100 pacientes participaron del estudio: 29% presentaron Lesión Renal Aguda, siendo el 62,1% de estos del sexo masculino y edad de 70±16 años.Se evidenció asociación del agravio con infección (p=0,018), ventilación mecánica por más de 48 horas (p=0,016), muerte (p=0,010) y lesión por presión (p=0,037). Conclusión: El estudio ayudará en la identificación precoz de la lesión renal, contribuyendo al planeamiento para reducir las complicaciones de la enfermedad.Objective: to evaluate the association of Acute Kidney Injury with the clinical outcomes of patients in the Intensive Care Unit.Method: this is the clipping from a cohort study with a prospective view, carried out in a private intensive unit in the capital of Sergipe between October 2018 and July 2019. This was a convenience and non-probabilistic sample. The data were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests; Fisher’s exact test and t-Student through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.Results: a total of 100 patients participated in the study, 29% had acute kidney injury, 62.1% were male and aged 70 ± 16 years. We evidenced an association between injury and infection (p=0.018), mechanical ventilation for more than 48 hours (p=0.016), death (p=0.010) and pressure injury (p=0.037).Conclusion: The study will contribute to the early identification of kidney injury, promoting assistance with therapeutic planning to reduce the complications of the disease