6,441 research outputs found

    A specification language for Reo connectors

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    Recent approaches to component-based software engineering employ coordinating connectors to compose components into software systems. Reo is a model of component coordination, wherein complex connectors are constructed by composing various type

    Factors that influence adherence to exercise among patients attending a cardiac rehabilitation program

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    The aim of this study was to compare the factors of adherence to physical activity in subjects attending a cardiac rehabilitation program, and subjects who have withdrawal this same program using the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change. We conducted an observational, cross sectional type study, with a sample of 33 individuals (15 currently participating in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program and 18 who no more attended the same program), with the questionnaires being personally delivered or sent by mail. For data analysis, we used the computer program SPSS® version 16.0. The significance level was set at 0.05. There were no significant differences in the states of Change, Self-efficacy, Decisional Balance and Change Processes in both groups. We obtained a high Spearman correlation between States of Change and Self-efficacy (r2 = 0.778) and the Pros (r2 = 0.764) and Againsts (r2 = -0.744) in Decisional Balance. However, there were no significant evidence to affirm that States of Change and experiential processes of change (p = 0.465) andbehavioral (p = 0.300) had a correlation. A relationship was found, in terms of proportions between physical activity incorporated or not in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program and age (p = 0.003), occupation (p = 0.010) and the entity paying the costs of program (p = 0.027). It was concluded that perceived self-efficacy and Pros and Againsts of the Decisional Balance are related to adherence to physical activity. Results also point out that age, profession and the entity paying the costs of the program influences the dropout of Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs

    Malformação das omoplatas de um indivíduo feminino exumado da necrópole medieval / moderna do Largo Cândido dos Reis (Santarém, Portugal)

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Collective participation at the service of cultural heritage: user-generated content in Portuguese memory institutions

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    The 2030 Agenda, set at the 2015 UN Summit, sets out the Sustainable Development Goals covering economic, cultural, environmental and social development. These goals set out a plan for all countries to actively engage in making the world better. These are a set of 17 objectives that have a universal ambition, are integrated and indivisible and require a global partnership between public and private institutions, governments and civil society. Sustainable development is a fundamental and overarching goal on which people are based and their ability to aggregate into common and community goals. Around the heritage, regarding GLAM institutions, calls for the intervention of the people of the community in the virtual platforms, with the help of Web 2.0 that introduced new ways of relationship between the information services and their users (real and potential), paving the way for user-generated content. At the same time, the emergence and development of the citizen science movement has consolidated this trend of openness, availability of collections and unmediated liaison with citizens (users and non-users), contributing to the evolution of new ways of conceiving the representation of information. This trend is visible all over the GLAM sector, especially in the West, on various platforms (wikis, blogs, Flickr, websites, etc.) with very interesting results. The aim of this paper is to identify and map these trends in Portugal and to verify if they are (or not) in line with their foreign counterparts. It is concluded by the still incipient but growing trend in Portugal, which can be partly explained by the fact that the coordinating services of the GLAM areas do not take position or develop projects within the web 2.0

    The nuclear electric quadrupole moment of antimony from the molecular method

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    Relativistic Dirac-Coulomb (DC) Hartree-Fock calculations are employed to obtain the analytic electric field gradient (EFG) on the antimony nucleus in the SbN, SbP, SbF, and SbCl molecules. The electronic correlation contribution to the EFGs is included with the DC-CCSD(T) and DC-CCSD-T approaches, also in the four-component framework, using a finite-difference method. The total EFG results, along with the experimental nuclear quadrupole coupling constants from microwave spectroscopy, allow to derive the nuclear quadrupole moments o

    A coinductive calculus of binary trees

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    We study the set T_A of infinite binary trees with nodes labelled in a semiring A from a coalgebraic perspective. We present coinductive definition and proof principles based on the fact that T_A carries a final coalgebra structure. By viewing trees as formal power series, we develop a calculus where definitions are presented as behavioural differential equations. We present a general format for these equations that guarantees the existence and uniqueness of solutions. Although technically not very difficult, the resulting framework has surprisingly nice applications, which is illustrated by various concrete examples

    Language Constructs for Non-Well-Founded Computation

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    Recursive functions defined on a coalgebraic datatype C may not converge if there are cycles in the input, that is, if the input object is not well-founded. Even so, there is often a useful solution; for example, the free variables of an infinitary λ-term, or the expected running time of a finite-state probabilistic protocol. Theoretical models of recursion schemes have been well studied

    Cryopreservation of collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) semen using different freezing curves, straw sizes, and thawing rates

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    AbstractThe objective of this study was to verify the effect of different freezing curves, straw sizes, and thawing rates on the cryopreservation of collared peccary semen. Twelve ejaculates were obtained from captive adult males by electroejaculation, and evaluated for sperm motility, kinetic rating, viability, morphology, and functional membrane integrity. The ejaculates were diluted in a coconut water extender (ACP-116c) with egg yolk and glycerol, packaged into 0.25mL or 0.50mL plastic straws and cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen following a slow (−10°C/min) or a fast (−40°C/min) freezing curve. After one week, samples were thawed at 37°C/1min or 70°C/8s and evaluated as reported for fresh semen, and also for kinematic parameters (computerized analysis). A significant decrease in sperm motility and kinetic rating was observed after glycerol addition at 5°C and also after thawing for all the treatments (P<0.05). Regarding post-thaw semen variables, no differences were verified between freezing curves when the same straw size and thawing rate were taken as reference (P>0.05). In general, values for sperm characteristics found after thawing at 37°C were better preserved than at 70°C (P<0.05), both in the use of 0.25mL or 0.50mL straws, which were similar for semen packaging (P>0.05). The evaluation of the kinematic parameters of sperm motility confirmed these results at values varying from 20% to 30% motile sperm for the samples thawed at 37°C, and values fewer than 12% motile sperm for samples thawed at 70°C (P<0.05). In conclusion, we recommend the use of a fast freezing curve that reduces the time spent on the cryopreservation of collared peccary semen, which could be packaged both in 0.25mL or 0.50mL straws, but the thawing should be conducted at 37°C/1min

    Alterações do tecido muscular com o envelhecimento

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    Sarcopenia is characterized by a progressive generalized decrease of skeletal muscle mass, strength and function with aging. Recent- ly, the genetic determination has been associated with muscle mass and muscle strength in elderly. These two phenotypes of risk are the most commonly recognized and studied for sarcopenia, with heritability ranging from 30 to 85% for muscle strength and 45-90% for muscle mass. It is well known that the development and maintenance of muscle mass in early adulthood reduces the risk of developing sarcopenia and leads to a healthy aging. For that reason it seems important to identify which genetic factors interact with aging and in particular with the musculoskeletal response to exercise in such individuals. This review is designed to summarize the most important and representative studies about the possible association between certain genetic polymorphisms and muscle phenotypes in older populations. Also we will focuses on nutrition and some concerns associated with aging, including the role that exercise can have on reducing the negative effects of this phenomenon. Some results are inconsis- tent between studies and more replication studies underlying sarcopenia are needed, with larger samples and with different life cycles, particularly in the type and level of physical activity throughout life. In future we believe that further progress in understanding the ge- netic etiology and the metabolic pathways will provide valuable information on important biological mechanisms underlying the muscle physiology. This will enable better recognition of individuals at higher risk and the ability to more adequately address this debilitating condition.Sarcopenia é caracterizada por uma diminuição generalizada e progressiva da força, massa e função muscular com o envelhecimento. Recentemente, a determinação genética tem sido associada com a massa muscular e força muscular em idosos. Estes dois fenótipos de risco são os mais comumente reconhecidos e estudados em relação à sarcopenia, com hereditariedade variando de 30 a 85% para a força muscular e 45-90% para a massa muscular. É bem conhecido que o desenvolvimento e manutenção da massa muscular na idade adulta reduz o risco de desenvolver sarcopenia e conduz a um envelhecimento saudável. Por isso, é importante identificar quais os fatores genéticos que interagem com o envelhecimento e, em particular, com a resposta músculo-esquelética ao exercício. Esta revisão destina-se a resumir os estudos mais importantes e representativos sobre a possível associação entre determinados polimorfismos genéticos e fenótipos musculares nas populações mais velhas. Os aspetos nutricionais serão discutidos, incluindo o papel que o exercício pode ter sobre a redução dos efeitos negativos deste fenômeno. Alguns resultados são inconsistentes e desta forma é necessária uma maior replicação subjacente à sarcopenia, com amostras maiores e em diferentes ciclos da vida, especial- mente no tipo e nível de atividade física. No futuro, acreditamos que mais progressos na compreensão da etiologia genética e as vias metabólicas vai fornecer informações valiosas sobre importantes mecanismos biológicos envolvidos na fisiologia muscular. Isto irá permitir um melhor reconhecimento dos indivíduos com maior risco e uma maior capacidade de enfrentar adequadamente essa condição debilitante

    Alterações músculo-esqueléticas relacionadas com o envelhecimento: causas e consequências

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    O aumento da população idosa e a crescente procura de tratamentos mais adequados para aliviar a dor causada pelos fatores que caracterizam o envelhecimento, particularmente a instalação da sarcopenia, condição associada ao sedentarismo e em alguns casos a enfermidades como artrites e artrose, são responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de dores articulares que impossibilitam a prática de exercício físico, despoletando outros riscos como a osteoporose e perda da estabilidade postural que em conjunto aumentam o risco de quedas, lesões e fraturas associadas (Powers & Howley, 1997). Porém, a sua origem deverá ser igualmente interpretada muitas vezes como consequência das crescentes limitações do foro ortopédico. A inatividade conduz a um desuso do sistema músculo-esquelético e naturalmente a uma hipo-estimulação do tecido muscular conduzindo à atrofia do mesmo com diminuição da sua função (Tavares, C. 2003). Um exemplo categórico é o caso da osteoartrose do joelho, uma patologia articular crónica degenerativa, frequente em adultos e idosos que interfere na mobilidade e autonomia. A osteoartrose é caracterizada pela presença de dor e limitação funcional, consequência da formação de osteófitos e/ou alteração na integridade da cartilagem articular, que conduzem a uma perda gradual da força, diminuição da mobilidade e instabilidade articular. Frequentemente assistimos nos indivíduos com esta patologia a uma diminuição gradual nos seus níveis de atividade física, já que a imobilização da articulação contribui para diminuir o processo inflamatório na mesma, diminuindo também a dor. No entanto, a imobilização da articulação com artrose vai potenciar: a atrofia, o encurtamento de músculos e tendões, o surgimento de contracturas, a perda de massa óssea, o aumento do risco de fratura, a redução da mobilidade articular e a degeneração da cartilagem (Gordon, N., 1992). Assim, a inatividade física torna-se contraproducente, sendo a prescrição de exercício físico adequado uma forma de combater o avanço progressivo da doença. O fortalecimento da musculatura peri articular é fundamental para a obtenção do equilíbrio da articulação, controlando o impacto do pé sobre o solo durante a marcha, lubrificando a articulação e reduzindo os movimentos anormais entre as superfícies articulares o que ajuda a diminuir a degeneração da articulação (Roddy, E., W. Zhang, and M. Doherty, 2005). A manutenção do equilíbrio é um aspeto determinante na funcionalidade e autonomia estando relacionado como o sistema visual, somatosensorial e vestibular, com a força dos membros inferiores, nomeadamente os grupos musculares flexores e extensores das articulações do joelho e tibiotársica, que tendem a diminuir com a idade. Além disso, as alterações degenerativas dos discos intervertebrais, somados à diminuição da flexibilidade e da força das estruturas musculares e das posturas incorretas frequentes, conduzem a desalinhamentos nas curvaturas da coluna que por sua vez contribuem para a deterioração do equilíbrio, não só estático, como também dinâmico, e consequentemente do padrão de marcha. Neste contexto, a realização de atividade física é fundamental na prevenção de quedas e de fraturas associadas, tendo sido demonstrado por vários estudos que a participação em programas de exercício e o treino de tarefas especificamente orientadas para o sistema sensorial e a manutenção da estabilidade postural reduzem significativamente o número de quedas quando comparado a grupos de controlo, tanto em homens como em mulheres (Izquierdo et al., 2005; 2004). Em suma, o treino da força com intensidade moderada a elevada pode ser efetuado com elevada tolerância por parte de adultos e idosos, com resultados bastante satisfatórios em termos de adaptação morfológica e funcional, assim como também em termos de propriedades elétricas e contrácteis.